Cancer is a Metabolic Disease: Dr. Paul Marik Explains How To Reduce Your Cancer Risk by 60% Or More

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Good quality fish oil supplements are molecularly distilled and do not contain mercury. Usually when people want to increase omega-3s, they are specifically trying to increase EPA and DHA so fish is the best source. If you want vegan sources there are great supplements for that (Barlean’s is one) or food sources (flax, chia, etc.) but the body only converts a tiny amount of that into EPA.

Have you seen improvement in the floaters?

Well … it’s very easy to say “improve your diet”, but in practice many people find that very difficult and even confusing. Blessings to Dr. Marik for his courage to keep pushing the envelope and getting this information out to people, but I do wish he would emphasize to have people work with an experienced functional medicine practitioner (there are some of us who actually do take insurance!). There’s lots of nuance that can be explored within his “simple” recommendations and of course everything should always be individualized (for example, high doses or melatonin or a ketogenic diet is definitely not be right for everyone).

I Love How These Great Doctors Are Pulling Back The Curtains!

Dr. Fung “The Cancer Code” does a great job. And he STARTED on Reversing Type II Diabetes… So you can’t imagine my JOY in listening to the opening…
Please find Dr. Seyfried who documents the effect of KETO on Cancer.
And then how Fasting shuts off the “new blood vessel growth” which REALLY stunts cancer. I using fasting… Because 1/2 of my family (3 of 6) have died from Cancer.
The other 2 have heart disease.
My confidence is high enough, that I cancelled my health insurance when they refused to cover my bloodwork for bad inflammation markers. Since I will NEVER follow their advice for Heart Disease, or for Cancer… And after that, IATRAGENIC death is the top killer.
I will save my money.
I will heal myself.
I am an engineer, but I feel like I am 5yrs ahead of most doctors! That’s sad!

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I don’t know if some cancers are the same as parasites, but many do seem to act in the same way - invasive and proliferating, affecting the microbiome, changing metabolism, etc. So maybe this is why anti-parasitic drugs (and also fasting) work so well for treating cancer. Same with Candida in my opinion. I have had great success with Donna Gates’ Body Ecology diet (no sugar, anti-inflammatory, etc.) for Candida in the past.

And I found this to add to the conversation…
A lot seems to always come back to glucose metabolism, doesn’t it? Cancer, Candida, and so many other ailments and issues.

Agreed about Dr. Fung and can’t say enough about how his work and insights have helped me. In my experience, fasting (and learning how to do that correctly for one’s own body) is key. I haven’t read The Cancer Code yet. It’s on my list.

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Yes. They are almost completely gone. I have had Natto as food on a trip to Japan. It has a slimy texture, but otherwise is fairly palatable. I like to ferment pickles, kraut, beer and such, but have not made my own Natto yet…

I believe Chia Seeds are very high in omega 3’s. I’m 99% sure, so check them out. I don’t take fish oil pills as I’m skeptical about them being fresh, and I definitely do not want to be taking rancid oils.