Censored Again by YouTube!

Put me on that as a data point. Just got another 6 month prescription of IVM.
“The rules are simple: they lie to us, we know they’re lying, they know we know they’re lying but they keep lying anyway, and we keep pretending to believe them.” Elena Gorkhova, A Mountain of Crumbs


My understanding is that when the powers that be impose digital currency, the tech companies will become the new bankers. To get there, they must beat back the resistance. Those exposing truth about the vaccine are the resistance.


You might check in to moving to a state that has prohibitions on vax mandates. Don’t be too nervous moving out of MA. There are a lot of us former Massholes out here in the rest of the country.

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I suspect you would have difficulty in obtaining this information. Releasing PHI for furthering the narrative/agenda is wide open. It would no doubt be considered a HIPAA violation if not part of the narrative. We live in perilous times.

Imagine the graph if the numbers of ivermectin and hydroxy purchased without a prescription were added to the count. Whoa :slight_smile:



Chris Martenson,
FYI, on Rumble, you channel name is “Videos”, not Peak Prosperity.


When it comes to your covid content, I was very happy at the beginning of it, but at some point you clearly turned a corner. For me, it became clear when you claimed that what later was identified as the rise in cases due to the new Alpha variant, was probably over-testing. It was, at best, a dangerous claim to make. If you were wrong, you were giving British people unwarranted confidence that there probably was no real rise in cases and they should not take any extra care, at a time when there were no vaccines. And as a Brit that forwarded your content to friends with a glowing endorsement when it started, I felt terrible when you turned around. I kept thinking that even though I could tell my friends I no longer trusted your content, I had no certainty about who else they forwarded it to back in the day, and I had no way of cancelling that.
After that, most of your covid content became unbalanced and one-sided. This is very obvious when comparing your content with Dr Campbell’s, who is the only channel I know in YouTube that is still providing balanced covid content.
I know we are living in difficult times and people are forced to make hard choices. You made yours. Now you are reaping the consequences of that choice. As a prepper, you should have been well aware that we were likely facing hard choices in the future. I accept that many, maybe the vast majority of us didn’t expect the current situation. It’s still no good excuse. A prepper is somebody who is ready to deal with whatever is thrown at them, even if what is thrown at them is unexpected. We have to ride the bike that we get, not the bike that we wish we had or the bike that we were promised.

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Here’s the source of that script chart…at least where I got it from:


My 16 year old unvaccinated daughter has had a very regular cycle since puberty.
The third week in July she traveled with my brother’s family and some of their friends, all of them vaccinated at least a month prior. She transitioned immediately to a 4 week program where she slept in tents with her peers, about 3/4 of whom were vaccinated. She got her period on time a around the end of the family vacation, but it was very light and brief. This was followed by another almost identical cycle, but only two weeks after the first one.
The next cycle was normal and on time relative to where she had been before things got weird.


Sorry, Maria that I am not conforming the data you wish to see. I follow what we have.
Along the way I change my opinion along with the data. What I will reject completely is your admonition that sharing data and uncertainties is dangerous. You see I trust my fellow humans to reach their own conclusions. Certainly a very unpopular stance with those who believe in their own abilities to discern, but worry about “other people.”
You see, I don’t condescend like that. I actually believe in people’s abilities and rights and even responsibilities to make up their own minds about things. If you personally feel misled, feel free to say so and tell me the impact. I’m not at all interested in hearing “I’m not worried about my own ability to parse your meanings, but other people could have been harmed.”
The truth is at the time I was writing about the alpha variant testing issues we had huge issues like CT’s of 40 being run. That was a colossal error and a health mistake by authorities. It prevented us from seeing where there were legit infections of concern. It lumped clinically irrelevant infections in with ones we really should have been tracking and tracing more carefully.
It was no not “an error” on my part to report on functional (CT>34) and actual false positives, that was reporting which was months ahead of the actual health authorities you seem to rely on so much. They screwed up. Months later they corrected it. Now they are saying the same things I said a loooOooong time ago.
My larger concern is simply this; we could all be more like Sweden and deal with Covid as the endemic, problematic but hardly society-ending scourge our politicians have turned it into.
It’s simply not that dangerous, especially for those with properly prepared immune systems and in otherwise reasonably good health.
Here’s the latest IFR chart from Ioaniddis of Stanford. The only burning question that results for me from this chart is why in God’s name are Canadians not torch-carrying angry over the fact that a 45-year-old in the medical juggernaut country of the Dominican Republic has a tenfold higher chance of surviving than a similar-aged person in Canada?
Is this not a crime of the first order?

Regardless, the statistics - that is the data - says to me that that this is simply not a viral scourge worth shutting down lives and businesses over. We should simply accept it and move on.



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I hadn’t talked to a particular friend since before covid began. I’m rarely on FB, but I did notice him making somewhat regular posts of material supporting the official narrative.
Yesterday I called him fully intending to get into covid, but planning to just catch up and wait for him to bring up the topic. We spent over an hour catching up before the he did that. He brought it up by mentioning he had seem some of my posts on ivermectin back in January. He asked me for my thoughts.
I calmly went through my perspective on prophylaxis, treatment and vaccination with him using a very measured and data driven approach. Topics included horse paste, fading vaccine immunity, risk by age and health status and more.
He told me that, not being a science minded person, he didn’t know whom to trust on the internet and so had gone with the mainstream approach. He also mentioned how he trusted my careful science and data drive approach. It was actually a wonderful conversation.


thc0655 notes that they (the PTB) have been acting more quickly than we can absorb. They hit us with one attack and before we can absorb what is happening, they hit us with another.
That is true and probably designed.
This assault hit us unawares. But we are no longer unaware. We now know we are under attack.
We have advantages. We have numbers, they don’t.
Moreover, they are delusional.
Biden hoped to get 70 per cent of the country vaccinated by the Fourth of July. He apparently thought the government would roll out the vaccines and people would flock to get jabbed.
The sheep flocked to get jabbed, but the smart money held back.
Biden was simply out of touch with the level of distrust that has developed over the past few decades. And that brings me to sand_puppy’s post. People are flocking, not to the “jab,” but to Ivermectin. To get people to take the “jab,” the PTB must compel them with “vaccine passports” - they must lock them out of life altogether. That is the level of coercion that it takes. But many people on their own are hunting down Ivermectin any way they possibly can.
Stop and think about that.
The PTB cranked up the propaganda machine up to maximum overdrive and still people don’t want the “jab,” they resist it - they want Ivermectin. And they want Ivermectin even though CNN, Newsweek and the rest of the whores are running scare headlines of the “serious side effects.” The don’t want the “jab” because people believe it is neither safe nor effective - no matter how many talking heads claim the contrary.
That tells you two things.
One, the Mighty Wurlitzer of disinformation is not as mighty as it seems.
Two, the distrust is far deeper than the PTB realizes - even farther than we realize. People would rather try their best to measure out horse paste than to trust Moderna or Pfizer.
Which bring me to fighting back.
We were caught unawares. We are no longer unaware.
And the Ivermectin prescription numbers show that we are far from alone.
That is important.
This site is great, but it can’t be the only site like this out there. We must search out and cross link to every beacon of freedom.
The Mighty Wurlitzer is on the ropes. It is time to deliver the knock out punch.
As Chris says, link this site everywhere, but also link all freedom loving sites here.


Yeah, I like to refer to (my fellow) Canadians as “Aggressively obedient” people. It’s not just that Canadians don’t understand why everyone can’t do as they are told, they actually get antsy when there is no one there to tell them.
The govt in Alberta is trying to “Pull a Sweden” saying the disease is endemic now and, hospital capacity not withstanding its time to get on with life. People here are outraged. “Where’s the leadership? Why are the authorities silent as the case counts rise? Won’t someone think of the children?”
I don’t see how they resist the chorus but I appreciate every sunny fall day this buys us.


John Campbell’s new video suggests that it’s becoming widely accepted that SARS-CoV2 will become endemic and that the vaccines aren’t doing enough to stop infections (although still work very well at preventing hospitalization). I would like to know if the R0 within the vaccinated is above 1 or below 1…if above, then I suspect that booster shots among the young and healthy will be abandoned and vaccine passports will fall away (because if the vaccine only prevents me from getting severely ill but not infected then it’s none of my business whether you’re vaccinated or not). If proven below 1 then there may be justification for mandatory vaccines in my opinion, depending on the duration of protection.
In either case, maybe just lay low for a while on YouTube vids so that you aren’t permanently banned? Shouldn’t take that long for them to cool it on the over-censorship. Their fear is probably of another quack to claim that vaccines cause autism (that study was retracted for lack of evidence yet a big percentage of the population still falsely believes that to be true…it’s easier to fool someone than convince them they’ve been fooled…), so is well intentioned but misdirected right now.
That said, a lot of the comments here suggest that they have decided against the vaccine no matter what the data says. I’d have expected Chris’s content to attract open minded individuals who are willing to change their mind as situations and information evolve…however there is a lot of baseless conspiracy theorists here that are militarily anti-vax no matter what the science or data says. No wonder Peak Prosperity has become associated with anti-vaxxers…too bad. Chris’s content is usually very data driven but the fans are anything but…


First of all, if you are looking for a world in which someone is never allowed to be in error, good luck.  There is no mortal I’ve ever been aware of who never erred.  Can you meet those impossible standards?  All total, I think Chris has an exemplary track record and I unhesitatingly continue to recommend him as one of the best sources, if not THE best source, on this entire mess.

Secondly, when you are constantly and unrelentingly being lying to, deceived, manipulated, propagandized, censored, etc., why in heaven’s name would you even want a “balanced” approach which gives voice to such people and their purposes.  The entire world is out of balance and the scales are heavily weighted in favor of those with ill intent.  A voice and position like Chris’s is a powerful force seeking to bring the world back into balance.  When you seem to have little apparent problem with an attempt to silence him, I find that deeply disturbing.  

I’d comment much more but have too much to do and not enough time to do it.  That being said, I find your criticism to be unduly harsh and judgemental and feeding into the tyranny that is gripping the globe.  That is all I will say on the matter. 


“He also mentioned how he trusted my careful science and data drive approach. It was actually a wonderful conversation.”
I think there are tons of people out there like this. Just because I don’t trust the official narrative at all doesn’t mean its easy to know what else to believe.
I always include the caveat “It’s hard to know what to do” when talking to anyone. Just on the weekend we talked to a woman who was glad so many were vaccinated and wasn’t sure why anyone would not want it unless conspiracy theory. A moment later she mentioned she was a big believer in terrain boosting things (not her exact words) but she was taking all kinds of supplements etc.
The key is to tell the people who are “wrong” but well meaning from those who are totally controlled by fear or simple laziness. The former group could become a key ally at any moment.
The later are only gonna pull you under with them when the moment of truth comes.

That said, a lot of the comments here suggest that they have decided against the vaccine no matter what the data says. I'd have expected Chris's content to attract open minded individuals who are willing to change their mind as situations and information evolve....however there is a lot of baseless conspiracy theorists here that are militarily anti-vax no matter what the science or data says. No wonder Peak Prosperity has become associated with anti-vaxxers....too bad. Chris's content is usually very data driven but the fans are anything but.....
Bill - that was rather disappointing coming from you. I understand it's hard to remain balanced in these times of Mass Hysteria/Psychosis so I have some sympathy. I am unaware of anybody here being "antivaxx" as you say. I am aware of many people here having a sense of nuance over the situation. It's becoming clearer by the day that creating vaccines around the spike protein was a mistake compounded by putting them in vectors that permitted an unknown amount of spike protein creation and then dislocation throughout the body. Bad strategy. The Pinto was simply not designed well and exploded when struck from behind. The Space Shuttles O-Rings were not meant to go below freezing. This is just life. You do things, you make mistakes, you learn and you move on. Other countries knew this months ago, but it was only yesterday that a Pfizer board member allowed that it was okay now to discuss natural immunity - something I have been harping on for months now. Someday soon it will similarly be okay to discuss vaccine injuries caused by these vaccines. The data is overwhelming. The injured number in the many hundreds of thousands. Most disappointingly, was seeing all the hate the pro-vaxx crowd levied against Eric Clapton. This isn't a random nut with a bad opinion. This is a musical legend who had a very terrible set of reactions to a vaccine that nobody even warned him about as a possibility. How is he not allowed to have a strong opinion about that? That'd be like telling the mother of a child grievously injured by a drunk driver that she really had best just shut up and keep her well-known anti-drinking thoughts to herself. At any rate, in a few months we'll all be talking far more openly about the actual true nature of the risks of these vaccines. They are simply the Pintos of our times. It's possible to be anti-Pinto without being anti-car. That's the sort of nuance I found missing from your comment. Also, painting with a broad brush to indict "this community" is not welcome here. Either bring screenshots, and be prepared to name names, or simply don't bother. Thanks in advance.

Listened today on one local radio a full blast against IVM.
The radio animator was interviewing a pharmacist. He was insisting this is a horse drug (Repeated many times). The pharmacist was more balanced (He mentioned the use of IVM for humans, not only horses; the necessity to have proper dose/weight; the need for more studies; etc.). Each time the pharmacist was not exactly in line with the official narrative, the animator was here to steer the interview back to the horse narrative.
Seems that more people in western provinces are asking for IVM. This is probably why I see this campaign.
Against vaccine… but for a horse drug to beat COVID? (In French).
The pharmacist cited this study: Ivermectin for preventing and treating COVID-19