Censored Again by YouTube!

I would like to know if the R0 within the vaccinated is above 1 or below 1.....if above, then I suspect that booster shots among the young and healthy will be abandoned and vaccine passports will fall away (because if the vaccine only prevents me from getting severely ill but not infected then it's none of my business whether you're vaccinated or not). If proven below 1 then there may be justification for mandatory vaccines in my opinion, depending on the duration of protection.
Dr. Robert Malone recently suggested the Delta R0 might be as high as 8 or 9, in line with the very contagious chickenpox. But even if it were below 1 (which would mean we wouldn't have to do anything for it to go away), for you to suggest there could be justification for mandatory vaccines ignores the horrific damage the vaccines have done, the lack of long term data, the abysmal mismanagement of the experimental vaccine process, and the development of very good alternative treatments (which would be far more likely to lower the R0 than the vaccine would). I'm still pissed you think *we're* the ones incapable of analyzing and considering new data. (Thank you, Chris, for stepping in and responding so much more eloquently.) Considering you appear to have so little handle on the data, and a mind already made up.

My apologies, I should have stated “I sense that” prior to making that statement appear as fact. I based that on questions or comments that I’ve seen raised for discussion that have been ignored or responded to with non-sequiturs and other conspiracy theories - similar to what I see with religiously “pro-vax” friends or online forums. I agree that I shouldn’t have spoken broadly about the entire community, however, and will respectfully not do that again.
I disagree with none of the stats or evidence that you just stated. When it comes to individual stories and VAERS injury reports, I do believe that an estimate of rate of injury rates in EXCESS of the general population on a risk adjusted basis is required before stating absolute numbers as fact…that would lead to a proper “checkmate” piece of data. I have posted here looking for advice on how to accomplish that as I’d love to take a stab myself but have not received a response. I still respect your intuition on the numbers if that’s not doable, however.
I’m not defending the religiously pro-vax and personally feel that Eric Clapton’s treatment was disgusting. Please do not lump me in with them - I don’t believe I have earned that.

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Mars in Leo, July 20 - September 5, 2021
Last month we talked about the transit of Venus and Mars in Leo. This month we will turn our attention to Mars again, but this time we’ll consider how Mars behaves with respect to fire and relative to its transit of Leo between July 20 and September 5, 2021.
Before we consider Mars’ fiery transit of Leo, which happens about every two years, let’s first look at the long-term context. First, the Sun’s position, at the time of the Vernal Equinox, is one way we can determine a type of dasha, or planetary period, for the world as a whole. In that scheme, right now, the Sun is currently precessing through Uttara Bhadrapada, a nakshatra symbolized by the legs of a funeral cot. Uttara Bhadrapada is one of two nakshatras called “The Scorching Pair”. That’s because the funeral cot, depicted in the symbol, is the bed that is used for the cremation ceremony in India. Sounds hot doesn’t it!
To add even more heat to the long-term weather forecast, the Sun is also precessing through Leo Navamsha in the Vernal Equinox Chart. This has been taking place since the early 1960s, starting very close to the year that scientists developed the mathematics that has allowed them to notice the rising temperature of the earth. The Sun will continue to move through Leo Navamsha for another 200 years. The Sun’s position in Leo Navamsha symbolizes an amplification of the heat element during this period. Added to the scorching influence caused by already being in Uttara Bhadrapada, this turns up the heat. It’s like the earth’s stove burner, which was previously turned up to medium, has now been turned up to high. I’m working up a sweat just writing about it.
Bringing this back to the current transit of Mars in Leo, Mars is the planet that symbolizes the fire element. When it passes through a fire sign, like Leo, heat goes up. If you take all of these things into account, it makes the period from July 20th to September 5th, extra hot. Since the world-heat-burner is already on high, we have a recipe for continued hot weather in the northern hemisphere, in the month of August.
We can extend this trend a bit by noting that the Sun, that big ball of fire in the center of the solar system, will join Mars in Leo on August 16th. Mars and the Sun will be in Leo together, with both of their fiery natures blazing red hot between August 16th and September 5th. Watch that period for a little extra heat related phenomenon. After Mars leaves Leo on the 5th, the Sun will continue on its own in Leo and leave on September 16th. But wait! They’re not done yet. Even though Mars and the Sun will both be out of Leo on September 16th, they will continue together in Virgo for another month. And any time Mars and the Sun are together, they hardly need an excuse, like being in a fire sign, in order to throw off sparks.
All this is simply to give astrological symbolism for what many of us have been experiencing as a very hot and dry summer. It is also a recipe for fires, and other incendiary events. It’s also a time when people can get “hot under the collar” and tempers can flare. For me, however, it is a recipe for a little time at the beach, a lake, or just sitting by a pool drinking iced tea. Yeah, I’m going with that. You know what they say, “If life hands you weather that’s like a hot lemon, make iced tea. —James Kelleher, https://jameskelleher.com


Chris, if that’s the type of ‘reporting’ you have to do to stay on YouTube, I hope you don’t change a thing. Your fact-based reporting has helped keep me sane in the last year and a half, and I really appreciate it! I’m sure we all do. :slight_smile:


Your username eludes to the late, great Bill Hicks, my favorite stand-up comedian.
He quite literally viewed reality as a massive existential conspiracy.
How ironic.

Smart people sound like crazy people to dumb people.
Some grapes are so sour that foxes will try to kill other animals that haven't convinced themselves of this fact_

If I thought that the vaccine “might conceivably help” but was “safe,” I would take it.
What would be the downside? None.
The problem is that there is no doubt but that the vaccines have serious safety issues which - not only are not being investigated but - are being covered up.
Meanwhile the vaccines are being made mandatory.
The only thing to do in those circumstances is to oppose the vaccines.


Yes, it was inappropriate to paint the entire community with that brush. I will look for the estimate that you just forwarded.
I did not say that they are justified, just that they may be. Of course the risks must be balanced against the reward…the risk being the potentially higher rates of vaccine injury that we are not allowed to talk about (yes, that concerns me). If that rate can be proven to be sufficiently high then it’s possible that even a 0 R0 is insufficient to justify them. I did see a piece of evidence suggesting that R0 dipped below 1 for the vaccinated following the booster but haven’t dug into the numbers yet. https://youtu.be/16dH5wuajlU
Edit:16 minute mark. Also, “insufficient to justify” is a very understated way of saying that this particular vaccine should be immediately banned if the danger level is proven to be above what has been suggested

There may be some who reject vaccines in spite of data, but the last few years have taught us all not to trust anything. It is becoming a sign of arrogance or delusion to think you can process the data well enough to tell fact from fiction, signal from propaganda. And if you don’t think you can, do you go on faith with an open ended and ever changing series of measures, vaccinations, and boosters?
As for conspiracies, well, there are real conspiracies, there are real special interests, regulatory capture is not some crazy idea. Apart from widely differing views on the prevalence of conspiracies there is the problem of language. One speaks about a virus learning or wanting to evade a vaccine when one means that the environment created by a vaccinated population selects for natural random mutations that do happen to evade the vaccine. Likewise, a moral panic, class animosity, or pandemic fear create conditions which encourage behaviour and measures that look very much like the result of a conspiracy.


I’m so angry, I feel like I need to take a step back from all news and developments for a few days or weeks. But then I worry I will fall too far behind on information, since things are developing rapidly right now. I can’t even keep up with the data every day as it is. That’s why I’m thankful for Chris.
I’m devastated by this move, even though we knew it was coming. Chris, thank you for staying committed, your persistence is encouraging to people like me, that want to give up and surrender.


Our medical providers in New Hampshire are desperate for qualified employees and I haven’t heard of any providers, except perhaps Dartmouth-Hitchcock who are requiring you to take an experimental biological agent as a condition of employment. (And at Dartmouth, I think they demand the notvaxx or regular testing). Furthermore, the state legislature just went from Democrat to Republican control in both houses AND voted to restrict the Governor’s emergency powers. I don’t think they will let him impose vaxx mandates or vaxx passports.
If you do come to NH, please don’t vote here like you did where you are now and recreate here the intolerable conditions you’re eager to get away from there. “Live free or die.”


Is there a chance to hear this just audio? I jumped through every hoop I could think of the get the video, but only got about 1 second of video followed by anywhere from 20 seconds of load to several minutes. It was difficult to even make out some of the words. I even ran the whole thing through while in the kitchen tackling all the garden produce in hopes that I could replay it all straight through later. Nope.
We’re on the lowest level of broadband available to be called broadband here. We border a “metropolitan area” so we’re actually beyond most of the state of Maine, and we don’t get much easily.

New Hampshire is a beautiful state. I used to backpack in the White Mountains.
I thought many times about moving there.
Too old now.


Medi for much more info google
drbeen novavax

Hi agnes - I’ll have the audio up for you in about 15 minutes, so be sure to refresh the page to find it :slight_smile:


I’ve read that up 40% of healthcare professionals have refused the vaccine. If that’s the case and cooler heads don’t prevail, I see loads of concierge health clinics, not taking health insurance, setting up shop across the country.


…that they will need a scapegoat when this house of cards of endless vax- booster- passports collapses under the sheer weight of the vax side effects and new variants and travel hassle for all. Our task is to not become that scapegoat.
As for passive Canadians, even sheep can balk. Canadians value their Charter rights (at least in theory). Also, “internment” of minorities is a very dirty concept in Canadian history. These I believe are themes to focus on. Another is to talk only of early treatment— use an anti-viral nasal spray, take Vit D etc. Common sense stuff that takes them out of their fear a bit and breaks the mind spell. People can put 2 and 2 together. And you are helping them to protect their health.


Reference is made to them as people, but I suspect given the huge volume of potential content they might choose to censor, that the front-line censors are software…algorithms. They catch spoken words in English best. Otherwise, why would this video spoken in Hebrew [with English subtitles] still be up? "
“95% of the severe patients are vaccinated - Dr Kobi Haviv Interview (Herzog Hospital, Jerusalem)”


Look, at a certain point a person has to make decision. I followed this all very closely for about a year, I heard literally lie after lie after lie from the mainstream…[ or at BEST wrong assertion after wrong assertion ]. No apologies are ever offered, no acknowledgment of their mistakes were ever made.
Bat soup? Come on.
lab leak a “debunked conspiracy theory”
2 weeks to flatten the curve?
HCQ? IVM? No treatments?
Herd immunity must be reached
Herd immunity doesnt exist
Oh now it exists again
90% effective vaccines
Masks dont work
Now they do and you should wear 2
I could go on and on and on. Its a national joke. There is no credibility coming out of the mainstream institutions. Im sorry, and its not a “conspiracy theory”. Its called having a brain. No offense, but in this ridiculous, incompetent, dishonest, clown show we are living through you have to be out of your freaking MIND to take their injection.
At this point Im not “following the data” anymore. Nobody is, because you dont know what data is legitimate and what is just more bullshit. I have seen enough to make the obvious, glaring, and stunningly self evident decision not to take the vax. I dont need to hear anymore, Ive heard enough…and for a .03% chance of death, its not really worth wasting any more mental energy on it. Ive got a life to live.
I also reject the moronic term “anti-vax” which the CNN crowd has been brain f-d into repeating [ like the term “conspiracy theory” for anything that goes against the lies they are spoon fed ] constantly. Ive had every vaccination ever recommended to me by my medical provider since BIRTH. Im not anti-vax, Im anti-stupidity.


I look forward to your weekly posts. Your research and data helps keep me anchored in this never ending fear porn storm. Thank you


Whitney (Post 53),
I downloaded “2021-08-31_chris-talks-censorship - Censored Again by YouTube.mp4” from Odysee using JDownloader. The file size is 629 MB and runs 8:19. Sometime ago I downloaded “Bad Faith Fauci (720p_30fps_H264-192kbit_AAC).mp4” That file size is 139 MB and runs 39:04.
Apparently the YouTube compression is superior to Odysee. Perhaps Odysee doesn’t compress your uploads. You might consider doing that prior to uploading them.