Censored Again by YouTube!

I watched Dr. Campbell very enthusiastically and now I understand what is going on.
He is a very compassionate human and thinks that the clot-shot is a vaccine. How would he feel if he discovered that he was a useful tool in a planetary depopulation program?
So he plows on.
There is something strange about the nameless “they” who are obviously controlling the message. They are compelled to brag about their misdeeds* to tell us beforehand exactly what they are going to do. Hence Billy Boy got up on the stage at a TED talks to talk gaily about depopulation and vaccines.
But know this well; Billy Gates is a tool. He is not bright enough to orchestrate the exercise.
Compare those who are doing this to certain types of ants that infiltrate and enslave other ant colonies. It’s what they Do. But like ants, they are simple minded creatures, unable to handle disruptions to their plans. Do not venerate Them.
References: Dr. David Jacobs and “Allies of Humanity.”
(Yes Gladys, Remote viewing is a thing.)
*like down’s syndrome Penelope who lives with us.


I agree with you. The harder they shove, the harder we will shove back. This is bs. We stand up now or wait for 1984 to come to be.


The easiest way to boil a frog is to slowly turn up the temp of the water, and that’s what’s been done in the US since the Reagan admin. One little step at a time. 2016 should have been our true wake up call when it was crystal clear Sanders was robbed of his chance at president - openly, blatantly, robbed. Nope, keep up the charade and throw peanuts to the faithful. Well here we are. At least in the 60’s we knew what we were coming together to fight. Now, who the hell knows? We are thrown at each other like rabid animals. We need to find that cause. We have got to find that link. I hope we do.

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Not just vaccinated females who still menstruate, but unvaccinated females in menopausal/post menopausal. There is something very wrong here and no one is looking into it. There are endless stories of older women having a period again, and many more of women whose cycles are crazy post vaccine. I’m hoping someone will take a look but considering the lie fest that is already in play, I highly doubt it. We’ll have to hope people like Chris, Dark Horse, FLCCC, these people help us all.


I have never, in my life, seen such a coordinated, world wide campaign against anything as I have seen against a simple little drug that could help millions. We all know the story is much bigger, but can you imagine the scope of this campaign when it goes all the way down to a radio interview?


“Our task is to not become that scapegoat.”
I think a lot about the term “grey man” (or woman as the case may be) these days.
We must realize by now that we have zero chance of convincing people of much of anything outside the official narrative. The machine is just too big.
When you think about everything we’ve been through over the last 18 months, going back into lockdowns, masking and being given 4-month boosters is only likely to wake a marginal few at best.
I think the rats-in-a-cage metaphor is apt for our future. Chris already told us what happens to the supine rats vs the “standing up” rats.
My goal is to be invisible first, then “standing up” (as evidenced by my general upbeat and helpful attitude: “Hey check out these Vitamin D studies! Even if it’s wrong, what’s our downside?”) .
If I’m always seen yammering on about Fauchi not being what he seems, people will put me in the “lying down and already in pain” category and we know where that leads…


Everyone can do this, so please do.
Question for Chris…did you mean to send the email Aug 28 to everyone, or just a few? Not sure if you saw the thread but some of us didn’t get it. As my paid membership was about to lapse I figured maybe that was why.


Now that I posted a link to this…is this true? Are there that many “breakthrough” cases as this doctor in Israel says? Is he in fact a renowned treating doctor in Israel?
Through the grapevine YouTube should have heard of this and taken it down, as censorship is what they do.


The mRNA and the J&J DNA injections are the exact same system and process as current crop GMO systems and they are failing in the exact same way.
We need to stand up and just say NO!


Whitney, I use HandBrake to reduce the file size of my videos before uploading them to YT, because it saves a lot of uploading time. I don’t know if it would help make your Odysse videos play back better, but it might be worth playing with. I had no problems viewing your video, but my internet connection is pretty fast.


I don’t believe the vaccines were a mistake, they were fully planned that way. I don’t think the mainstream media will ever cover the problems with the vaccines. I don’t think they’ll ever treat IVM fairly. The powers that be want the vaccine passports, the control over the population. The COVID fiasco isn’t about big pharma making a mistake, nor about their profits. It has to be much bigger than that.
You still can’t find a factual article about 9/11 in the major media and it’s been 20 years. Post anything on Facebook or Youtube about the physical impossibility of the towers falling into their own footprint at free-fall speed without the use of controlled demolition and it will be censored.
Don’t think the COVID plandemic will be any different.


Can you imagine a discussion between myself and Dr. Campbell?
“What do you think of the Mantid invasion and their plan to depopulate the planet, Dr. Campbell?”
The chasm is too wide to bridge. EDIT: I can understand him, but he cannot understand me.


This video doesn’t conflict with the official narrative. He never says the vaccine didn’t work, he says the effectiveness is fading. It supports the need for regular booster shots. People I know in Israel are starting to get the third shot. They don’t question the original decision to get the vaccine.


Interesting article in tonight’s Guardian newspaper reporting on a new study showing vax passports may have the opposite effect than that intended and actually make people less willing to get jabbed. Also a nuanced discussion about e.g. the vaccinated can still spread irk the so what purpose do the passports serve.
Sorry I can’t post links - using one finger typing on phone this week - can anyone else go and get the links?


As of today, about the third of the world population is jabbed with rich countries most vaccinated. Link, Link, Link,
Looks to me that the depopulation, if this is what is happening, will first affect countries where population is either shrinking, stable or very slowly growing. This is not the exact target I would choose: I would first start by remote, poor countries with high birth rates.
Many advantages: my local population stays intact and can still work for me; no need to import workers who have different cultural and religious backgrounds; better social stability.
Seems to me that the argument of depopulation is not so strong.
It is very hard to sift through all the noise we are bombarded with.


Well Maria, we are in difficult and emotional times. To be perfect is under this circumstances is nearby impossible. This is a fine line everyone, who is producing content on the internet to this matter, has to walk – including Chris.
Anyhow, it’s not my intention to go against constructive criticism… but it reminds me what one of my friend was always saying… The perfect is the enemy of the good enough. And sometimes I feel we, in the western world, have with our modern technology maneuvered us into some kind of excessive correct thinking, some perfectionist expectations that often blinds us seeing the fundamental thing.
Nevertheless, I fully support you on the point “…We have to ride the bike that we get, not the bike that we wish we had or the bike that we were promised.
And there is nothing better that would back up your saying then the interview with Dr Chetty today posted in another forum topic.
He (Dr Chetty) rode the only bike he got… and wow, look at his result! Actually with what he has done he has exposed the failed western approach on how to handle Covid. Show me a western hospital with a 4000:0 score.
Summa summarum, we should learn to manage the little imperfections - there is no blog in the world that is perfect - and lend our full support to such content that speaks for itself – for example the interview with Dr Chetty.


That’s a pretty high percentage of vaccinated people ending up in the hospital at the same time [as in no lasting protection at all from original vaccines]. Here in the U.S. they are still saying the original vaccine is keeping people out of the hospital, and that largely seems to be the case in my area based on local hospital statistics. I don’t think all local hospital systems are part of a large conspiracy to lie about what percentage of their current patients are vaccinated versus unvaccinated.

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Yes, the depopulation theory never sat right with me. If you wanted to kill off people, put something in their drinking water… Cheaper, easier and more effective.
Having said that, I am still at a loss for why the vaccines are pushed so hard. Money is a good excuse, but makes little sense in a world where money is being printed at will…


I think that the articles presented the argument that Israelis got vaccinated most early compared to other countries and thus encounter issues with vaccinations and the later virus variants before other places do. Up to four months the vaccines apparently work even against delta and new variants because the neutralizing antibodies (which merely bind/cover the virus) are fewer than the removing antibodies.
But as time goes on the neutralizing antibodies predominate, which actually help new variants escape removal (by binding/blocking recognition of spike protein surface by the other parts of the immune system), causing bigger problems in the vaccinated. I have not taken a deep dive on this but my impression is that the neutralizing antibodies bind to variants with weaker affinity (looser binding), which is enough to cover and protect new variants but there is no strong binding by other antibodies to identify and remove them. I would love someone to comment and tell me the real story since this phenomenon will determine a lot of sh$t hitting the fan over the next few years with new variants making passports stupid or requiring constant injections.
Thus the Israeli govt is freaking about the need to vaccinate everyone again before the people wake up to the complete lack of protection (because of passage of time after injection and due to new variants) and before people realize that they may actually be less well off from this escapade. Americans havent had enough time to go through this multi month phenomenon yet.
It will be highly interesting to see what happens next year after it has been many months since the vaccinations in the US. Hopefully this is all another conspiracy theory and we can forget about the need (or even absolute need) for one or more injections every year following the initial set.
I would love to be painted a conspiracy theorist about this and about fascism in America looking back 5 years from now. But my legal and scientific senses are tingling in a bad manner.

Everyone can do this, so please do. Question for Chris...did you mean to send the email Aug 28 to everyone, or just a few? Not sure if you saw the thread but some of us didn't get it. As my paid membership was about to lapse I figured maybe that was why.
That was supposed to go to everyone, of course! I have no idea why it didn't. We pay handsomely for the mailchimp service so I'd be disappointed to discover that we were being throttled by a pay-0for-play service. Not surprised. Just dissappointed.