Censored Again by YouTube!

I’m right there with ya.   I actually think that once you get to accepting that a “Great Reset” type program is being run, it’s also important to realize we can’t possibly know exactly how it goes down from here.

Mots’ recent post about the troops being called home from Afghanistan to subdue the population has haunted me all day.   Not because I think he has cracked the code, but because he could be right but also something even wilder than that could turn out to happen. 

This site has been way ahead of the times with its emphasis on resilience.  I keep thinking that whats being done with Biden is actually cruel to Biden himself (not that hes a sympathetic character IMO but still, hes a human being).

If you were going to dismantle the United States, having an utterly incapacited president would be a rather welcome circumstance, wouldn’t it?  

I bring this up because so many on the internet “just know” they are getting ready to install Harris which was the plan all along.  But there are other possibilities here.

Anyway, thanks to the last two weeks of media work all internet searches on Ivermectin will reveal that it was always a purpose made horse dewormer that is being made out to be a magic antiviral suitable for human use by the incompresensibly stupid.

In 1984 there is a scene where Winston is told that Big Brother can levitate if he wants to.  The point of the lie is to show Winston that he will believe this soon because he will be bnoken soon.


We are there.


It’s very clear that the only way were can have good and honest reporting is to actually support Chris and Peak Prosperity with hard earned dollars.
I know a lot of people feel the subscription should be cheaper. However, let’s keep in mind that there are NO (zero, zilch) ads on Peak Prosperity, and that half of the content is free for anyone.
Sure, the economics might be that if everyone subscribed, it could be $5 or $10 per month. But not everyone is. I’m glad I can afford to pay $30, so that others can get a lot of great, free content. You subscribe not only for yourself, but to allow others to find and learn from Chris.
For anyone that isn’t able to afford the full subscription - I recommend to get in touch with Peak Prosperity staff (e.g. Whitney), and ask if there are options to receive a reduced rate or a partial scholarship. I have no knowledge if that exists, but I know everyone at PP is a decent human being. Asking is free.


If I can take my human “oh my god! This will be horrendous!” Hat and put on my inquisitive hat…
When Israels population starts to die off from the third jab we’ll finally be able to get a rough logarithmic value for the adverse events rate.
We know the first shot has about a 1% AE ranging from very mild to a few deaths in older people. The second shot compounds to an even greater number to about 5%. With the death rates attributed to the jab standing fairly static, we have a starting point from where to measure the CFR of the booster and thus obtain the logarithmic value that will tell us how much each shot amplifies the effects of the previous ones. Israel is a good one to observe through the next few weeks.
I worry though, that a country like Israel who has nuclear weapons, having a vaccination rate in the 70’s might find itself cornered by the arab neighbors and unleash pre-emptive strikes on many of the worlds largest oil producers and the cascade of calamity that follows from that.


“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
I suspect that in this 4th turning we will start the transition from relying on top down centralized control to utilizing the emergent properties of distributed networks such that the tech will allow much more fluid discussions in the comments and the role of someone like Chris will become more of a mentor/coach/enabler rather than lecturer. Guiding/moderating the discussion, not all that different than what he does now. As any teacher knows you learn a lot more as an active participant rather than a passive listener and unless you have to defend your ideas you don’t see all the flaws, which is why we learn most from making mistakes, at least those we survive.
A decentralized platform like Odysee is a step in the right direction, but I think the work like that Difinity Foundation is doing with their internet computer, that makes platforms like Google obsolete, is hopefully where we are heading. Though I hear that Motoko is and easy language to learn, hopefully someone a bit younger can look into how feasible such a transition at some point is and what are the costs. Of course, updating the internet is no easy task and they have already made a few mistakes such as relying on traditional funding methods to raise capital which, at least temporarily, alienated some of the potential developer community. I’m still pretty confident the foundations for the transition will be laid down. Not that I think those powers will relinquish control easily nor those that have grown up with that structure will feel comfortable with the transition as the unknown is often scarier than a poorly functioning known, but a distributed network is so much more powerful and resilient than a centralized one such that I believe they will have to disconnect everyone to keep it from happening and that process may backfire on them as they are made of us.
Ok this quote may also apply:
“I am enthusiastic over humanity’s extraordinary and sometimes very timely ingenuity. If you are in a shipwreck and all the boats are gone, a piano top buoyant enough to keep you afloat that comes along makes a fortuitous life preserver. But this is not to say that the best way to design a life preserver is in the form of a piano top. I think that we are clinging to a great many piano tops in accepting yesterday’s fortuitous contrivings as constituting the only means for solving a given problem.”
Richard Buckminster Fuller


Are auto manufacturers too poor to hire lawyers and lobbyists just like Pharmaceutical companies?
Of cause not. So what is going on?
This is one more brick in my model. The aliens just aren’t interested in automobiles. But they Are interested in planetary depopulation and acquisition.
Counter arguments are welcome.

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The information Chris has imparted to us - and our access to each other- since Covid became a thing in Jan 2020 has been priceless.
Without this site many of us would have been jab statistics by now!
If Chris’ team create the mechanism I’ll happily sponsor a struggling PPer’s subscription for the next 12 months.


What would Monty Python do ?
They would have Fun with it, and simultaneously, to use the Colloquial version of the King’s & Queen’s English, rip Youtube a new body orifice.


I know this pisses you off more than anything else. Censorship is cowardice on the battlefield of ideas. But don’t worry too much about Youtube, or Google, or Microsoft for that matter.
Google has made it mandatory for all employees and contractors in their leased spaces to be vaccinated. No one without a vaccination card can enter. Your videos strike very near to the hearts of a lot of Google employees who had to make the very choice you got censored for. When vax deaths start, there won’t even be anyone at Youtube to man the censorship desk. The slgorithms will run on autopilot and eventually the system will fail and youtube will die.
This censorship provides you the opportunity to jump to other platforms where there is life still. Uncontrolled by a megolithic corporate machine pushing a unilateral narrative. Bitchute, odysee, rumble etc are at least going to survive in part which means your content survives. So when historians write the chapter on this moment in history, they can find a timestamped play by play from you about the progression of the virus, then the vaccine, then the tyranny and do on. The diaspora of critical ideas is being forced by this oppressive act. Don’t worry, it’s going to pay dividends.


I saw that Bret & heather did this for a bit, they do live videos on both, but temporarily cut yt videos short and linked people to follow on Odysee after reeling us in. Now they do both but only allow comments on Odysee. Hopefully the dust will settle and they’ll back off your channel. They talk freely about IVM etc now.


That is a really interesting chart that was posted. Could we talk more about why there are different fatality rates in different countries? I would love to hear your thoughts on this!


Thank you for considering the depopulation issue.
If my model is correct, and it is not humans running the depopulation exercise then we cannot anticipate their strategies; because they are not human. They don’t think like us.
But consider: the greatest threat to their plans would be our highly connected and (albeit moderate) intelligence and sophistication. From their point of view, they would be striking at the head of the snake. Get rid of Western Civilization and the rest will follow.
But my own understanding of Africa is that the Africans will squat back on their heels, and learn. They are not to be so lightly dismissed. This snake may have many heads. We certainly hope so.

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>>> Why can’t auto manufacturers get immunity from liability too?
In the US, just some “health industry” companies.
AND, firearms manufacturers.
“Child Safety Lock Act of 2005”
With a name like that, you know it’s Diabolical.
This is a Bush43 era law/ executive order that gave American firearms manufacturers total impunity from liability related to mass shootings etc.
They still have to answer for mal-functioning triggers etc.
America has some of the strangest product liability laws in the world.
The incentives created by these laws … My God.
It’s as if someone wants a fresh crop of bodies to show up at all the ER’s in all the big cities, to generate revenues.
Then give them all a batch of vaccines and you know some of them will be back, for more “medical care”. It’s like the old Give-Away-the Razor/ Make Money on the Razor-Blades approach … but … different.
If you look at a map of AR15 sales vs. time, there is a marked increase after 2005, when the “Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act” - the other name for the child Safety Lock act - was passed.
Pretty Kevorkian huh.

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I’m with Arthur Robey on this, except for the part about the aliens. Some time ago, even Chris himself pointed out what a great thing it would be for the Davos crowd, if they could somehow get rid of some high percentage of useless eaters on the planet.
Many coronavirus survivors report symptoms like extreme fatigue, shortness of breath and exhaustion with even minor physical exertion, brain fog and confusion. All of this seems to be related to capillary thrombosis. There’s no guarantee that this will get better over time: on the contrary, there could be cumulative damage to the heart and circulatory systems.
The spike protein in the vaccine seems to cause similar problems as long covid. Dr. Charles Hoffe found that 62% of his vaccinated patients had elevated D-dimer levels indicating blood clots. He predicted that the damage could be irreversible and could cause death within a few years.
Others have noted that the spike protein codon contains glycine zipper motifs similar to prions. Of course this is highly speculative. But if it turns out to be right, then everyone who has either had the virus or the vaccine will have their brains turn to mush over the next decade.
Blackeagle notes that it’s the wealthy people who are getting vaccinated. But people all over the planet are getting the coronavirus, especially with the super contagious delta variant. And besides, the vaccination program is still just getting started on a worldwide basis.
MrVan says it would be easier to just poison the drinking water. Really? Think this through… how would you poison everyone, all over the world, all at once? The coronavirus and the vaccine, as bioweapons, will prove all the more devastating if the fatalities occur over a period of many years to come.
Maybe Ivermectin will help… and maybe that’s why “they” are working so hard to suppress the information.


And what do you do with the unvaccinated?


I would contend that the more cars we build, wreck, and pile up the more raw materials the Aliens have available to them pre-extracted. Its expensive to mine for minerals, much easier to develop a primitive society with a primitive species and encourage them to build stuff, break it, then throw it away to be collected for use elsewhere. The depopulation calculus boils down to what do THEY need, How much is available, snd how much do we have. Then how much do we produce versus how much do we consume.
In these western nations we consume far more than we produce materially. I think we’ve reached a tipping point in our efficiency improvements from tech to where computer sciences and coding are not valuable to the Masters and our culture of white collar labor has outlived its usefullness.
Depopulation is a mere practicality that allows them to extract 300 years of mined minerals. They just need us out of the way is all.


I’m interested in that too. According to presumably-credible news reports, Australia has purchased 51 million doses but approval is delayed for various reasons, probably not until next year. Cynical me says that it won’t be approved until Pfizer and AZ have been paid out.
If Novavax really is (comparatively) free of side-effects, then it may be the way to go. This could also be a useful test of TPTB attitudes and agendas: if it really is any good AND people start asking for it AND showing willing to go along with the vax diktats, then what could a compassionate government do?
Perhaps say that the Pf and AZ contracts rule out competitors?

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Please expound on the value of Niacin briefly mentioned in one of your latest videos. research was mentioned and Chris said he is? stocking up/taking it? I can find lots of info on Zinc, Quercetin, IVM, NAC, elderberry etc, but Chris you mention Selenium a lot, (info/discussion please), and now about Niacin and/or Niacinimide. As a trusted source on these things, please let me(us!) know what is the benefits/research and what is the recommended dose/treatment etc… Thanks in advance.

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At the risk of sucking the oxygen out of this thread, it is my understanding that the Aliens will promise anything in order to get control of the planet. Peace? You’ve got it. Brother Lee Lurve? Absolutely.
They think that they are saving us from ourselves. Freedom is anathema to them; they don’t understand it and will try to rid it from the planet. Therefore they will support top down, dictatorial religions that they can control.
They do not see us as their equals; they see us as either useful or a nuisance to be got rid of. They are very afraid of our wanton rages and passions.
As we emerge into a very complicated and rich cosmos, we had better rid ourselves of our naivete, and work on our discernment; lest we become slaves like many planets before us.


All you need is about 1/2 a dozen well placed EMP explosions a few hundred miles above the Earth. How long would we survive?
Remember the 440 Nuclear Reactors that need attending to. Are these holding up their plans. Are Mantids like Cockroaches…Highly resistant to Radio Activity?


Show me a vaccine for Covid that works as efficiently and safely as MMR and I will be first in line.
I look forward to the time when we can discuss vaccine injuries from these vaccines openly and honestly - will that day ever come? I feel discouraged about it.
The fact we are using a single study (for Pfizer vaccine) with TWO months of data as authorization for an EUA and then 6 months of data with no control group as justification for a full FDA approval is truly mind-boggling. Now we are discussing boosters, which have exactly NO data and according to the CDC Director (her words) - will be given on “hope not data”.
If for some miraculous reason these vaccines were the safest and most efficacious vaccines ever made, it would not be for any other reason but chance, as regulatory processes were cut out in the process of making these. And if we don’t need extensive testing for THESE vaccines, why do we EVER need extensive testing for any new drug product? Why not cut these processes out completely?
This is truly an anti-science time, but I have found it impossible to discuss with folks in general. So for now, at least for me, it is “think with the few and speak with the many”.
Thank goodness for the few.
Here is a chart of the normal timeline for vaccine development/approval (for contrast):
Coronavirus china virus health healthcare who world health organization disease deaths pandemic epidemic worries concerns Health virus contagious contagion viruses diseases disease lab laboratory doctor health dr nurse medical medicine drugs vaccines vaccinations inoculations technology testing test medicinal biotechnology biotech biology chemistry physics microscope research influenza flu cold common cold bug risk symptomes respiratory china iran italy europe asia america south america north washing hands wash hands coughs sneezes spread spreading precaution precautions health warning covid 19 cov SARS 2019ncov wuhan sarscow wuhanpneumonia pneumonia outbreak patients unhealthy fatality mortality elderly old elder age serious death deathly deadly