Censored Again by YouTube!

Thank you Chris. and the PP team, for your steadfast diligence in delving through the evolving data and reporting on the myriad interconnected parts of this whole upheaval society is going through at present. I find it so life-giving to ponder questions about what is going on……and find it so dis-heartening to hear of absolute certainties that are stated by people in positions of power and authority.
You continue to talk up to common people’s intelligence, while the media and governance increasingly talks down to the public.
Times are oppressive, increasingly so, yet the human spirit cannot be muffled in its propensity to seek and thirst for the light and what makes sense. We must keep on keeping on, for as your guest Stephen Jenkinson posited many months ago “when our progeny ponder to ask- what did our forebears do when then lived in a time of ecological and societal disintegration and knew that our futures were at stake, did they cower and cave in? Or did they sacrifice their own comfort and security and fight with all their might so that future generations can live healthily on this earth, much on account of what those who truly loved them were willing to stand up for, to protect for them?”.
We must be careful, and mindful, in our personal relationship with the wider world. War making, even in our own minds, and as justifiable as it may feel, only serves to grate against the human spirit, it seems to me. But truth telling, compassion, common sense……and reaching out to engage, I think those are higher callings. We will continue to listen, as best we can, to our “better angels”, and keep on keeping on in the pursuit of justice and truth and transparency. And who knows, like the Berlin Wall suddenly coming down, my oh my how things can change in the blink of an eye, and the hundredth monkey tips the scales toward collective awakening!
So again, you are on the right track in heart, soul, and spirit, and our thanks knows no bounds.


Kinetic warfare does happen amongst very competitive civilizations with devastating consequences. It’s more like a suicide pact between two peoples.
And there are more than one operatives in this takeover. At the moment it is in their mutual interest to cooperate in the subsuming of the planet, but they could easily become rivals again if their interests diverged.
Their best interests are served by getting us mere humans to unknowingly serve them.
If we manage to repel this attempt these Aliens (who are descended from what can best be described as termites), they would resume their endeavours, just like termites do when you break open a termite mound. It’s what they Do.
We’ve got a steep learning curve before us.


“My larger concern is simply this; we could all be more like Sweden and deal with Covid as the endemic, problematic but hardly society-ending scourge our politicians have turned it into.”
With a 40% obesity rate and sky high rates of diabetes the U.S. is hardly Sweden. For those who are over 50 or 60, or overweight, the answer is to vaccinate and then work on taking off the weight.

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Before Chris complains that I’ve misquoted him, I hasten to admit that he never said anything about useless eaters. At least not in exactly those words.
About Goldrunner’s proposal that EMP weapons could be an alternative method for depopulation. From an alien’s perspective, given the presumption of radiation resistance, that would seem to be a foolproof method.
But human oligarchs would surely want to bring the population down in a more orderly fashion, with minimal damage to the planet, or to their own lifestyles. With EMP explosions, there’s too much risk that some remnant of submarine commanders would retaliate with enough thermonuclear weapons to destroy all major vacation resorts on the planet.


Chris - 99.9999999% of Canadians have no idea what’s really going on. Plus, like somebody above said, Canucks have had it way too good for too long and are totally passive (some use the word polite, but really, its passivity and submission to authority and addiction to conveniences and fear of interpersonal conflict). And, yah, those of us who are seeing your stuff can figure out for ourselves how to use and interpret it. Keep up the good work.


I also find the argument for depopulation hard to wrap my mind around. If the vaccines prove to kill people, aren’t they killing the wrong people? Wouldn’t ‘they’ prefer to kill off the compliant people who agreed to the vaccine, and not the free thinkers, researchers and dissidents that are willing to do something different to the crowd?

remember when they (the prez, CDC, Fauci, MSM) said "the only way out of the pandemic is to vaccinate everyone?"
"In the first week of classes, 304 undergraduates, 45 graduate students and 15 employees tested positive for COVID-19. All but eight of these individuals were vaccinated...."
"As of Aug. 30, Duke reported 98% of students and 92% of employees are fully vaccinated."

The famous ‘vaccines cause autism study’ never made the claim that vaccines cause autism. That rumor was spread by the media (specifically the media chain whose owner was directly connected to big pharma).

If the vaccines prove to kill people, aren't they killing the wrong people?
This objection was raised by my better half, Eo. The Aliens are not Gods. They are organisms the same as us. I imagine their astonishment when we elected Trump and when we say "No" to the vaccine. I am not saying that they are not prepared but, like all battles, careful plans do not survive the first punch in the face. Hence the hype and hysteria. Things are going awry for them. The ship is listing. Which means that, whatever we are doing, it is working. And that is one reason I praise Freya. She has prepared us well. She inculcated into our very souls that Freedom is our highest value. The Aliens would much rather we kneeled before a monolithic church that they could easily control from the top. I think that the original plan was to hand-pick the survivors. We have taken it upon ourselves to survive. But this battle is not won yet.

IMO, this message is so important, so clear-cut, and so powerful, that we need to amplify it, over and over, day after day…
Holocaust Survivors deliver a letter to EMA demanding end to ‘ungodly medical experiment on human kind’ immediately
14 minute video - highly recommended
Medisch, 25-08-2021, We for Humanity, Vaccins - Videowaarheid
Stop Holocaust - Viruswaarheid


I doubt that I am alone in thinking this, but the way the pandemic is being handled resembles how 911 was handled.
Whatever its origins and causes, 911 was used to re-arrange the world’s geopolitical furniture. Ditto the pandemic.
The public was polarised, the world was polarised. Recall Bush’s fatuous statement, “You’re either with us or against us.” No more nuanced opinions! Today’s public is being polarised into the jabbed and the unjabbed and the two camps set against each other.
A lot of covering-up took place after 911, but the media were left relatively free to investigate and publish analyses and opinions. Today a regime of censorship is in place, and the media have abandoned their investigative function for yellow journalism.
911 facilitated the restriction of civil liberties and amplified security systems and laws. Today the process is accelerating with surveillance technology intruding into yet more aspects of daily life.
911 trumpeted forth the existence of evil outsiders who hated us Westerners for no reason, and the only remedy was to wage war against them. Today we have an evil virus out of nowhere which will kill us by the millions if we don’t wage war against it. The ends justify the means.
And so on. Where is all this heading? Do TPTB know something we don’t? Or is what we are seeing an inept response to an accidental release?
I’m very dubious that we are seeing a scheme for the massive depopulation of the planet. As someone else wrote, why all these theatrics when it’d be so easy to lace the water with, say, LSD or something that would take a week to act and then do it quickly? Surely there’s substances in the weapons labs around the world that have those properties. At the moment (I’ll change my mind when more data comes in), I think it’s a grab for global government, which has been the goal of every empire since history began. That of course is a huge ambition and if I am correct in thinking this, the TPTB aren’t anywhere near as powerful as some think.
I wonder when the edifice will fall of its own weight and poor construction…


My first take on watching it on the TV, (Yes, I had one back then), was “Aliens”. And then “Hollywood bulshit” because the images were obviously production quality; unlike the amateur hand held smartphone images of blurry UFOs.
And then I ran through the usual layer-cake of lies over the next six months It eventually dawned upon me, (I’m very slow on the uptake), that this layer cake of lies technique was taught to us when I was a young man in C Sqn, SAS.
Dr. Judy Woods (Forensic Architect), put me on the right path back to my initial intuitive impression; “Aliens”. She showed how the towers turned into dust finer than talcum powder which blew away in the breeze. Point to a hominid weapon that can do that.
Dr. Woods, bless her beating heart, was unable to take the final step. She has recently brought to my attention that the reason that the towers were not defiantly re-created is that, to this day, the rusting of steel is accelerated at that location. (Youtube banned because her interview was with Redice. Poof, gone.)
That was the day the mighty MIC discovered the disadvantages of kinetic warfare against Them on the moon.

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I was on the Vancouver Canucks forum (ice hockey related) recently, and was amazed and shocked to see a wave of disgust at the updated Alberta approach to the virus. All sorts of vile insults were levelled at Albertans. “Don’t come to our province you disease-ridden rednecks” and worse. Obviously these people fail to see the irony in their words.
It’s also bizarre that people expect the government approach to remain unchanging and inflexible. Personally I would hope for quick adaptation according to the circumstances.


What is the updated approach in Alberta?

Well, I hate to say this, but all of the censorship happening along with the mass hysterical push towards vaccines and the fact that SARS CoV-2 seems to be absolutely engineered or altered In a lab, I am starting to go down the rabbit hole of information presented by Dr. David E Martin and Judy Mikovitz as presented in Plandemic, Plandemic 2, and David Martin’s testimony to the German Corona Inquiry Meeting. God help me, but after following you Chris since January 2020, seeing what you’ve been presenting and watching this all play out, I feel completely had by the CDC, Fauci, the WHO, and our government managers. At least we have your lead to follow Dr. Martenson. Thank you for standing up for truth based on data, logical deduction and observation. Integrity absolutely matters!


Spoke with a friend of mine - a doctor - in Asia. We talked about vaccines. His most interesting point: the concept of vaccinating using Sinovac (which on paper has less than 50% efficacy vs infection, but 70% vs severe disease - other friends in healthcare suggest anecdotally that the observed Sinovac efficacy-vs-infection among HCW is closer to 0%) may be that it simply provides a safer space for the at-risk people to obtain natural immunity. And - more interestingly - that people getting herd immunity through the process of “natural infection on top of mildly-effective vaccination” is actually the explicit strategy of the national healthcare system in country, although it is never stated as such publicly.
I ask him: “so why doesn’t the government just say this?” It sure would make everyone more relaxed about the breakthrough infections. Which seem to happen distressingly often.
Well - turns out, things are complicated.
Apparently, the government purchased Sinovac for $17/dose (which was list price) but the actual payment was $9/dose. Where did that $8/dose “discount” go? Well, things being what they are, they went into “someone’s” pocket. So trust in the government’s strategy among the public is basically at zero.
So - they have a faulty implementation, but an interesting strategy: “vaccination with a just-mildly effective non-sterilizing inactivated vaccine, which then reduces the risk of obtaining the much more protective and long-lasting natural immunity by a follow-on (breakthrough) infection by the virus itself.”
And - just perhaps - this is the actual strategy of the CCP w.r.t. its own population.
I’m coming to believe that the CCP has looked at what is happening in the West - the entitled Oligarchy of the West is taking the entire society down the path of destruction - and the CCP has decided: “this is not the outcome we want for ourselves.” So - they prohibit hedge funds from buying houses, limit kids from playing online video games, and - they provide mildly effective inactivated vaccines that serve as a platform to more safely get natural immunity from infection. Among many other things.
I haven’t turned into a fan of the CCP. But - I do find it curious how many of their recent strategic decisions actually make a great deal of sense - and how this is “sense” is missing from anything that’s happening in the West, which seems totally bent on self-destruction.


Per expat folks living in the region of SE Asia: BKK is China central and has always held the political reigns. Cash flow from TL to C well known. Last Pretty Little Thing PM Yinluck did a rice deal w C. Farmers lost their a-ss, warehouses of rice rotted, and the funds disappeared along with the manager back to C.
Regarding the double pricing query; the J-U-N- T-A and current head Poobah like the cash flow since tourism in TL is now ZERO. High season begins Oct. 1 and they’ve already pushed back that deadline again. They have however legalized growing pot and encouraged farmers to switch to this for the medicinal market. Local hospitals are establishing dispensaries. New tourism/trade idea?
J. guys have outlawed any gatherings and disperse the trouble makers with live a-m-m-o. Election overdue? Forgetaboutit. CV sham has enabled them to keep it locked down and silenced into perpetuity. Head Poobah AWOL with his 3 or 4th wife and 20+ harem in Merkel land. Takes a lot of jack to keep that afloat.

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Problem with Sinovac for expats is that the USA and EU do not recognize it as a “dose” of vaccine. Only good within certain Asian borders.
Per expat friends living in the region of SE Asia: BKK is China central and has always held the political reigns. Cash flow from TL to C well known. Couple of years ago, Pretty Little Thing PM Yinluck did a rice deal w C. Farmers lost their ass, warehouses of rice rotted, and the funds disappeared along with the manager back to C.
Regarding the double pricing query; the J-U-N- T-A and current head Poobah like the cash flow since tourism in TL is now ZERO. High season begins Oct. 1 and they’ve already pushed back that deadline again. They have however legalized growing pot and encouraged farmers to switch to this for the medicinal market. Local hospitals are establishing dispensaries. New tourism/trade idea?
Big guys have outlawed any gatherings and disperse the trouble makers with live a-m-m-o. Election overdue? Forgetaboutit. CV sham has enabled them to keep it locked down and silenced into perpetuity. Head Poobah AWOL with his 3 or 4th wife and 20+ harem live in Merkel land. Takes a lot of jack to keep that afloat.

Thank you David for pointing out what is happening in China. The govt there seems to be studiously avoiding the evils of the West, such as eliminating pooling of money into super rich hedge funds and other trolls that end up buying up politicians and controlling the country with their money, hindering an overemphasis on college admission test scores for future status of young people (prep schools were recently banned) and the vaccine. I have no idea of the details but the people there are adamant that the top guy in the government has stamped out much corruption and there is genuine good feelings about that as well as their upward movement into a middle class, which the govt seems to want to preserve and expand.
A recent book about the leader states that he has grand plans to convert China into a law based (vs ruler based) country. I am studying that and am concerned about a lack of ideals based philosophy and systems of determining truth. I note however that the patent system there is developing rapidly and at this point is probably superior to the US laws in terms of rewarding and protecting inventors. I wonder how they did that.
My impression has been that vaccination in China is not THE answer to covid as much as the tool of strict control of movement.
I intend to take the sinovac vaccine to see what it is like, in late Fall after I return there.

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What is the updated approach in Alberta?
The Alberta government has taken a relatively hands-off approach to managing the virus has it not? That was my understanding but I could be wrong. Don't live in Canada so I'm not immersed in Canadian news.