Censored Again by YouTube!

Hey Mike from Jersey,
I love this from your post: We must search out and cross link to every beacon of freedom.
You’re right that we aren’t alone in this fight! Wouldn’t it be something if everyone fighting on the side of good (vs. evil) could combine our unique skill sets (medical, prepper, financial, philosophical, technological, etc.) and become a well-rounded juggernaut against the forces that are trying to blind us?
I tried to post a new forum topic called “Searching and Linking to Every Beacon of Freedom” but it might have had too many links and it got marked as spam… I’m not sure if mods can reinstate it?
Anyways, I thought this was an excellent rallying post from Mike and just wanted to call it out :slight_smile: If anyone can help me with that putting up that new forum topic, please let me know!


About China, you wrote:

The govt there seems to be studiously avoiding the evils of the West, such as eliminating pooling of money into super rich hedge funds and other trolls that end up buying up politicians and controlling the country with their money, hindering an overemphasis on college admission test scores for future status of young people (prep schools were recently banned) and the vaccine. I have no idea of the details but the people there are adamant that the top guy in the government has stamped out much corruption and there is genuine good feelings about that as well as their upward movement into a middle class, which the govt seems to want to preserve and expand.
I am hearing the exact same thing from people I know in China. Davefairtex is apparently hearing that as well. Of course, any time a government (or any other entity) gets too much power it will eventually become corrupt. That is what has been happening in the West on a massive scale. At least for the time being, China understands that and understands that the result of that corruption is that the West is losing the support of its people on an equally massive scale. The Chinese are trying to avoid going down the same road. For the time being at least, China seems to understand these dynamics but the rulers in the West seem clueless about what is happening all around them.


  Thanks. I was sort of hoping that Chris would update his own cross links section with this in mind. I know that Chris and co., are redoing this site and there is a lot to do. And you can't do everything at once. But I really like the idea of alternative sites cross-linking to one another. That avoid Google-type censorship and would allow people to hop from one news source to another and avoid MSM propaganda platforms altogether. I forget who said it, but someone noted that you don't cause revolutionary change by attacking the status quo. You accomplish revolutionary change by providing a better alternative.

I found it strange this morning that the video was back on Youtube here in Costa Rica. It was the second on my suggested list to view. Hopefully, someone watched it and realized there was no inaccurate information in it. I wonder if it is viewable in the USA?


Hello Sand_Puppy! Love that chart! Quite a few county judges across the country are ordering hospitals to administer Ivermectin to loved ones in the ICU and intubated.
Anecdotal information on my end is conflicting. A few sources say the unvaccinated are filling up the hospitals and some say the vaccinated are filling up the hospitals. So far, two people I know who were vaxxed ended up with serious blood clots in the heart.
The chart gives me hope the center is holding.


I don’t do business with criminal felony offenders. Period. Big Pharma are all serial felony offenders, but get off the hook by paying billion dollar fines. It’s the cost of doing business.
And I’m a former vaxxer, which means I stopped “believing” in vaccines and started doing my own research after I realized my two unvaccinated children were never sick and did not have a pediatrician, while my two vaccinated children had miserable infancies/toddler years full of MD visits, ER visits, screaming sleepless nights, unexplained burned buttocks, medical interventions and hospital admission, and the list goes on.
So yeah, I say fuck big pharma; it’s a sick care industry.
Hells Bells, even the nefarious Wikipedia has this:
What cave did you just crawl out of?


It was clear to me when Ron Paul was robbed of Republican nominee in 2012. The party bosses pick the nominee, not the primary voters.


Eo found this link and I have watched one of the programs. These young people are inspirational.
Here is a free example.
The Coverup.

I have a few family members that have been roped in by the sea of misinformation being sequentially suggested by YouTube. They have been completely debilitated by these ridiculous flat earth, qanon, anti-vax, pizza shop stories.
What Chris does holds institutions accountable. Where I disagree with Chris is when he says that YouTube SHOULD allow flat earthers to post whatever they want because it’s a free country.
It was a free country, but communications technology has hacked our brains, and we are no longer capable of having that particular freedom. If the state of content distribution is not changed, we will literally destroy society.
We need to (gulp) regulate the flow of information. But we can’t do that until institutions have trust and credibility (which they may never again have).
The solution, should we choose to accept it, will be something distributed that confirms credibility and creates consensus around informed content creators. And yes, we need to shut down idiots that are posting nonsense from their basements.
it will be a sad day when I see Chris’s thoughtful informed content on sites like Rumble. It means we’ve lost.

I haven't turned into a fan of the CCP. But - I do find it curious how many of their recent strategic decisions actually make a great deal of sense
Yeah, like creating a pandemic in their lab in Wuhan, closing off travel into the rest of China while allowing travel from Wuhan to the rest of the world.  
Of course, any time a government (or any other entity) gets too much power it will eventually become corrupt. That is what has been happening in the West on a massive scale. At least for the time being, China understands that
Oh yeah, China understands limited government and individual liberty for sure. Thats why they have a social credit system that coerces obedience to the state and the people there cannot legally access the internet. China has its own internet where criticism, discussion, and disagreement with the communist regime is forbidden. You should also do some research into the attempted "pivot" of big tech companies to China, as they desperately attempt to court China, they have simultaneously adopted CCP style censorship and tactics. Purely coincidence I'm sure. And the social credit system they are trying to implement through a "vaxx pass" has absolutely nothing to do with China and the attempt to make global markets/cultures more palatable to the CCP in the hopes of merging our economies and gaining China's heretofore closed market-share. These problems all mirror China, all come directly from China, reflect the intent of oligarchs to merge with China but in no way reflect China's influence, or intent.  

Did you know that the Western Diet/Standard American Diet (SAD) profoundly disrupts the menstrual cycle of most if not all women on the diet?
You probably didn’t, because as sad as SAD is, eating an omnivore/highly processed food diet is the norm, so the disrupted menstrual cycle created by SAD is considered normal.

Poor Diet is Leading Cause of Death in America, Says New Study
There’s something to research down the road. Good nutrition advice is not censored on any platform I’m aware of. People scoff at it, but that’s just their food addictions fighting back.

It looks like the Aussie senate has made it legal for police to pour through your social media and online accounts to build their case against you. So we may see less of the members down under.
However! Take that as a sign of the governments concern. This is a defensive posture against their own people which means you have them on their heels. Keep fighting.

The solution, should we choose to accept it, will be something distributed that confirms credibility and creates consensus around informed content creators. And yes, we need to shut down idiots that are posting nonsense from their basements.
No, we shouldn't! Because no one should be trusted to make those censorship decisions for the rest of us. This is exactly what we need to rail against. You're promoting a Ministry of Truth and the burning of "books" (in their various current forms).

I agree with Kat43. Censorship is censorship. It is never good.
There have been times in human history when the “credible” positions and the “consensus” around them constituted total nonsense. We like to believe that we are more informed. We like to believe that we can discard certain positions, but I don’t buy that.
If we survive as a species, I am sure that future generations will look back at things we considered factual and laugh at our naïveté.
That being said, I know that unlimited free speech can be ugly. There are some sites that I won’t post, due to “troll infestation.” But I think that most people can see absurdity for absurdity and see emotional biases for just what they are.
Free speech may not always be pretty but is better than censorship.


“It was a free country, but communications technology has hacked our brains, and we are no longer capable of having that particular freedom”
And who are you to decide what freedoms we are allowed to have?
I once worked with a physician who held the belief that he, and others of his social class, were the only ones fit to rule “the masses” (how I hate that term) He envisioned a society based on Plato’s ideal state. When I mentioned that this society was based on near-universal slavery he just shrugged.
It really concerns me that so many people are willing to sign on to totalitarian impulses these days. Have you never read history?


Hi Chris,
I am not a big techie, but even I know that Mailchimp chose to cold-close multiple email accounts of those they disagree with, typically conservatives, leaving the clients without email access to their customers. They specifically added that power to their terms of service. Here is a link to a November 2020 article.
I would not think they would approve of your anti-narrative approach, and unless you specifically negotiated your terms of service, PP may be vulnerable. Hopefully you know more than me about this. Presumably you have copies of all the email addresses in case they shut you down.


Hi Tony - Thanks for alerting us to this, and it’s great to see your first post here!

Does anyone know how to download videos other people have put on you tube? Like most in this group, I’m pissed at the big tech and want to pull the plug on them, but there are a few videos I’d like to keep.
Any suggestions would be appreciated!
Thanks in advance!

Yes “officially” the provincial govt says its endemic now and we have to learn to live with it. No vaccine passports/mandates.
Edmonton (the political capital) is reintroducing its mask bylaw for public spaces and Calgary’s mayor has said the city will have to act, characterizing the provinces lack of leadership as baffling.
Alberta Health Services (they do what their name implies) has just announced full vaccination by Oct 1 or you are fired. And various visible businesses like the Calgary Flames have announced a proof of vaccination requirement to be allowed in to games.
So even if the province stays firm, it may not help much because “everyone” below them wants more restrictions back.

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They must have restored it since I was listening to it on my way to work this morning. Yay! Chock one up for free speech!

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