Censored Again by YouTube!

“The solution, should we choose to accept it, will be something distributed”
I think this is actually a very good point. A distributed system is always more resilient than a centralized one. peer2peer networks are famous for being hard to take down.
“that confirms credibility”
to some extent, yes. I wouldn’t want to be unknowingly talking to a bot /AI. Though I think at the moment this tech may not be at a high enough level as to be able to fully masquerade as a human.
“and creates consensus” Eh? consensus of who about what?
“around informed content creators.”
uhm, that is the point of communication - each of us has to decide for ourselves if the content we see/hear/read is informed or not. There is no point of outsourcing such activities.
“And yes, we need to shut down idiots that are posting nonsense from their basements.”
No, no, no, no, no! I’d much rather listen to occasional idiot or two than have censorship of any form. Besides, some of them are very talented at producing good visuals and being entertaining.
“it will be a sad day when I see Chris’s thoughtful informed content on sites like Rumble. It means we’ve lost.”
Why? Do you only shop at a glossy fancy supermarkets? Would you leave a farmers’ market if there is a homeless person panhandling nearby? Or if there is a guy telling you about second coming?
I enjoy occasional visit to a fancy store. But I love farmers’ markets too. If I have to go to Rumble, etc. to buy my apples, that’s fine by me.
Edit: I meant to say Rumble, not ramble


Hi Daniella,
there are several software programs allowing you to do just that. I use 4k Video downloader, but there are many more programs.
Here is a link with an overview (link). Good luck.

Firearm manufacturers are and always have been liable for bad products and/or design. The liability from misuse was eliminated via legislation. There was a coordinated attack with suing firearms manufacturers for every single alleged misuse. Lawsuits are expensive to defend, and with a very public coordinated attack, they were financially drowning in a sea of legal red ink. We generally can’t sue an automaker for a death caused by a drunk driver, just as we can’t sue a firearms manufacturer for misuse, or even proper use, of a firearm.
I’ve done some product liability work for automotive mfg as an expert witness. One suit really sticks in my mind. Woman was seriously injured in a rear end accident. They were suing the auto mfg and supplier for a product failure and causing her injury. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the product, and even worse, she was actually injured by her own briefcase. It was not viewed as a good defense to point out she was caused by her own actions, defense stayed with showing how the product did not fail, and her injuries were an unfortunate accident. I can’t even begin to add up the cost to the OEM to defend this, because it wasn’t cheap. If I had to guess, it was 250k+ just to defend this suit. My deposition alone was over 8 hours. IRC, there were six attorney’s in the room plus the TWO people recording the depo. All this over a non existent product failure. I produced almost a case of copied documents. If plaintiffs legal team did their job, they had multiple experts on their end review the docs I turned over. In the end, it didn’t matter, because the product never failed.

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Rumble is for videos about Adam Sandler drinking kids’ blood with Oprah in a cave under the capitol building.

alaz, links to the video “Vaccine Mandates are Here”:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjVFLzX6Q2s The video is now marked “private.”
Odysee: https://odysee.com/@Chris_Martenson:2/vaccine-mandates-are-here:e

DanielleW, I use two applications to download videos on the web.
JDownloader is more powerful, but requires some learning before you are comfortable with it.
You can find many others by doing a web search.


There are several free online video “download helper” websites that support saving YT videos. My own first choice that I’ve used for several years is a freely available open source program called “youtube-dl”. It’s available here : https://youtube-dl.org/ This is a command line program that has versions available for windows, mac, and linux. Advice on how to install and use it is here : https://www.wikihow.com/Use-Youtube‐dl


Many get Vaxxed because it is the “right thing to do for my fellow man.”
Somebody made the observation that our Altruistic propensity has been hijacked.
Now what Human, when contemplating some nefarious act thinks to himself. " I’ll use his altruistic propensity against him"?
Nope, that is not our Modus Operandi. We are much more likely to think, “I’ll hit him on the head with a lump of wood and run away.”
So who thinks like that? Aliens.


MA licenses NDs and for that reason you may be able to find one that is unvaxxed.

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One can have Empathy. Empathy is the prime attribute of a Predator.
The Chinese, (Finda’s folk), value stability above Freedom for a very good reason. Here Black Pigeon lays before us the reason for their edginess towards Abrahamic faiths.


Hi Macro2682,
Is there an unwritten code about Rumble somewhere? I see a wide variety of videos there. Haven’t seen Oprah yet.


The Conversation this morning started off with this:

Vaccine passports are coming. That’s clear. To encourage vaccination uptake and open up the economy, it’s the policy that has leapt ahead of options such as cash payments and lotteries to be endorsed by an overwhelming majority of the public, and now the federal government. Will there be opposition? Of course. But University of Queensland economist John Quiggin argues the protests won’t be as spectacular as in France and other European countries that have gone down this road. It’s all a matter of “framing”. In Australia, they’ll be introduced in the context of lockdowns, so they’ll be giving the unvaccinated freedoms back, rather than taking freedoms away from the unvaccinated. “Protesters might make some noise,” Quiggin concludes, “but in practice the biggest hurdle for vaccine passports will likely be the administrative failures that have plagued every aspect of Australia’s response.”
Don't you love the generosity of giving us back (some of) our freedoms? I think the only way this trajectory will change is if and when the adverse events really start coming in and piling up. Until then, I begin to wonder how long I will be able to go shopping. In France at least, judges in two areas have reinstated the right of the control group to buy food. Unbelievable that the Macron government (whom some nickname Micron) would even consider starving people into compliance. Had they not had enough of that sort of thing by the end of 1945? Be nice to think that this system is already starting to fray at the edges.

… over my network to Australia. The Internet is a complex beast.

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Rumble is for videos about Adam Sandler drinking kids’ blood with Oprah in a cave under the capitol building.
That's odd. I frequent Rumble and I have yet to hear of one "Adam Sandler". However there are 360 million odd Americans, so I suppose that he is a statistical inevitability, if not a disinformation agent to bring it into disrepute. Where do you go to get the Truth? I do not put it beyond the imagination of the See Eye Aye to sprinkle any alternative platform with Trolls.

I too am investigating alternatives to the Chimp. One good candidate so far is MailerLite who are based in Lithuania (advantageous from PP’s pov?). Very responsive tech support, good pricing.
Last time I looked ML couldn’t prefill an email form the way the Chimp can, which for my purposes is important (trialling JotForm for that, based in San Fran but development teams all in Turkey), but they do listen to customer requests. Maybe mine will bear fruit.

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You have a huge corner and we are here for you!

We need to (gulp) regulate the flow of information. But we can’t do that until institutions have trust and credibility (which they may never again have).
Absolutely not. Have you heard about Albert Einstein's schoolboy howler? He confused mathematical dimensions with physical ones and came up with his "Bent Nothingness" conjecture. And what about Sir Arthur Eddington who proclaimed, on seeing the atom bomb, that the sun was a nuclear fireball in the sky? He then retired indoors to his desk and refused to study the sun. (It's an electrical discharge of cosmic scale Birkland currents.) What else do we think we know fer sure but just ain't so? And you want to circumscribe "The Truth"? If knowledge is Power, what is that but a grab for Power? Count me amongst those implacably opposed to any censorship whatsoever. (If you are so foolish as to watch a beheading, well then you must suffer the nightmares.) History shows us that Kuhnian revolutions are a dime a dozen.

They’re just going to do it again and again, Chris. Stop patronising them. We can starve them out. We have to. Can you post links there to complete clips at Rumble, Odysee, BitChute? Take their business away from them, Chris.


Not only was I waiting for the latest YT video to pop up (which didn’t), but, after seeing your email & going to Odysee, I discovered that there were NO videos in my YouTube feed from you. Then, I realised that they had unsubscribed me from Peak Prosperity. First time that happened to me!
I would suggest merely using YouTube as a “signpost”, in the future, putting up very short videos stating that you have uploaded a new video that is too controversial to put on YouTube, and with directions to find it, in the description.