Censored Again by YouTube!

I’m with Arthur on censorship. Too much knowledge has been obtained by minds willing to think outside the established narrative.
No harm comes from ideas, only from the suppression of them.


Someone in their mom’s basement shouldn’t be allowed to make up a story about people living in the center of the earth and then share it with 30 million people. I’m not saying the bar has to be high. Just high enough to filter out the criminally misleading BS.

I come here for the truth. I pay Chris to dig through this stuff so I don’t have to. He is more qualified and can devote more time to it. No one source has the truth. The truth is a mosaic of data and incentives.

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Maybe I’m bashing Rumble inappropriately. I have a crazy aunt that sends me some bonkers garbage on Rumble.


I second that idea. Could I suggest that each time you make a new video on Rumble/Odysee or wherever, you make a short video on YouTube, merely stating that you have a new video out, which is too controversial to put on YouTube, and where to find said video. Just use YouTube as a signpost, basically.


“shouldn’t be allowed”
Ah, go away with your self-appointed censorship of others. You’re talking like the overlords.


The masses that still haven’t noticed the censorship and look / pay attention to alternatives can’t be saved anyway.


If every content provider who is being censored, and every viewer who is disgusted by youtube’s censorship simply left and went to an alternative platform…youtube would be sunk.
Leave, cancel your account, upload your content to other sites. Moreover, I dont understand making a choice between bitchute, rumble or odysee…use them ALL. There are lots of content creators I watch that upload everyday to all the platforms. Some use youtube to direct traffic to their channels on other sites. Thats how you fight censorship.


I hate to tell you this but YOU are supposed to be your own filter. If you think your information should be pre-masticated and tasted, the majority of what you get back will be regurgitated soundbites or complete shit.
I’d rather taste my information raw to see how it suits me and let me choose my own information diet.


Dr Martenson,
Are you worried about the Mu variant?

There is a new Variant, “Mu”
which has just been announced by the WHO.
We must all be afraid, our sweet liberty laid
on the graves of the Heroes we knew.
If Michael Crichton were still alive to write it, a perfect title for his book would be,
The Omega Variant
Maybe one of us more literate folks can take up the slack from Crichton’s unfortunate absence, and write it.
Feel totally free to steal my idea for a Best-Selling Book Title.
If he were here, he’d write it himself I am sure.
– Chuck




To each their own. I prefer to outsource. I obviously still read and do things myself. Even Oprah goes to to the grocery store once in a while.

Especially since its just audio should be much smaller.

If they do this, an entire decade of work – encompassing the Crash Course and all of my Covid and other market coverage – would be stricken and we’d lose access to our more than 400,000 subscribers. We’d have zero recourse. [...] Now, more than ever I am going to need your help. How the future turns out is up to all of us. You can help us by sharing our messages, especially as we migrate to another much less well-traveled platform besides YouTube. We’re going to have to rebuild our audiences all over again.
It's never too late to move to alt-tech, and you could've been moving into it in parallel for a while, by having a main one and posting backups to secondary ones. You can encourage the move at the beginning or end of every video and can give incentives like posting content earlier on alt-tech. Important to diversify because you don't know which might fall to the wayside. For instance, Bitchute has been having streaming trouble / are slow in upgrading to match demand. Here are some comments from Styx back in December 2019: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blPlahXCNyo Even if the apparent subscriber base is reduced to 10%, it's just a number, most of your subscribers are not watching or even receiving your new videos on Youtube anyway, some abandonded/forgot the account, some have so many subscriptions and the algorithm doesn't favor covid content in general... The part of your alt-tech subscribers that aren't active is very small, it reflects more real numbers in terms of degree of influence. Alt-tech has been the way forward since they started fully censoring in 2016. Post exclusive content on alt-tech and use the legacy platform primarily to give them the finger! ╭∩╮(︶︿︶)╭∩╮

I want to commend thc0655 once again for excellent analysis: “They” are able to keep ahead of “us” by repeatedly shocking “us.” Here’s a further level of refinement: It is especially hard to get out ahead of “their” planning when the sheer audacity of what “they’re” attempting is impossible for an ordinary person to wrap their head around. I know, as I’ve fought for over a year acknowledging the signs that the pandemic underway is a carefully scripted grab for totalitarian power. This isn’t a movie, folks!
I propose that the Peak Prosperity community focus its efforts on discerning where all this is going, to try to get out in front of it. Right now, the intentions of the elites are too murky to be able for us to plan anything. (Good arguments on this thread that this is not about depopulation–very helpful in advancing the understanding. What is clear is that they are fighting back incredibly hard–mariannorton #64.)
Perhaps there is something we can do, together, to jam the gears of the machine. [Free Speech Movement reference to Mario Savio’s famous 1964 speech.]
I heartily endorse mariannorton’s suggestion that we mercilessly mock TPTB, like Monty Python would do. Hopefully, we can have some fun in this deadly business… A fabulous example of this genre is The Juice Media. Their mockery of the Australian Government resulted in the Australian Parliament trying to outlaw satire. The comedic haul from that blunder was sidesplitting.


Highly recommend Vivek Ramaswamy’s Woke, Inc., in which he makes the case what YouTube, Wall Street, government, et.al. are engaging in is forced religion. Even the courts and DOJ are in on it, although Ramaswamy makes the case that the way out is also through our courts.
new member here and have watched a couple of the “part 2s,” and I am so relieved to discover what you really think is what I suspected (and what I believe). As far as our societal institutions go, we are through the looking glass.
Appreciate you pointing out the difference in Israel and it’s neighbors. Very useful.
cheers and good health to all.


I’d say it’s the globalist religion - fill the institutions with naive ‘useful idiots’ & ‘true believers’ (who think they’re on the side of angels) - then reap the rewards…



Don’t be anti anything - be pro-reason.