Cheatle Evades While More Troubling Questions Emerge About What Happened In "The Other Building"

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In today’s episode, I cover Cheatle’s ridiculously awful performance in from of Congress and tear it apart. When she wasn’t ducking question outright, she was giving false and incomplete answers. Of course, I am there with the receipts.

We can’t let this harpy re-write history to her incompetent and weaselly standards.

As well I discuss “the grey-suited man” who Senator Ron Johnson surfaced as possibly being an ATF agent. If you thought things were weird already, buckle up.

Further, The story about the “local” ESU sniper team that was in the two-story building is now a complete train wreck. I cover all the angles for that story as well.

Finally, the ever-shifting blame game is firmly centered on who exactly was in charge of what with every Leo body actively pointing at somebody else.

But that’s a side-show compared to answering the question “Who exactly was in that second-story building and what did they see?”

Even more pointedly, my audio evidence clearly points to shot #9 as being the only one that could possibly be from one of the local snipers.

All the other shots are accounted for except this one. We know the local ESU agent “took one shot.” That’s according to the Beaver County AG.

We can perfectly account for the ‘final’ sniper shot from across the fairground originating with the farther sniper team.

Which raises an observation and a really troubling series of questions. The observation is that if this was a shot by the ESU (and it is) it is only one shot. That means it had to be a ‘box shot.’ Only a shot to the head will stop someone guaranteed. If it were a body shot, there would have been others in that series.

But there wasn’t. There was only one.

Now for the troubling questions.

  1. Where was the shot taken from? The only place that makes sense is from that two-story building because we know they were already in there, the window was open, and that’s the only place where a close shot could be taken from an overwatch vantage point.
  2. So, how long had they had him in their sights? According to a local eyewitness, who is certain because they were trying to grab their attention in the minutes before the shooting about the ‘guy on the roof with a gun.’
  3. So why didn’t they engage Crooks before he shot?
  4. Why didn’t SS snipers engage Crooks before shots rang out?
  5. Who exactly was in that room at the time of the shooting?

Looked at one way, those in the room were in on it and they didn’t shoot Crooks before the shooting because that was the plan.

Looked at another way, perhaps they were being wildly derelict in their duty, perhaps being too drugged up to operate or notice or react in a normal fashion.

Or perhaps they were told ‘by someone’ that this was a training exercise and they didn’t realize what was happening until too late.

Or maybe they were the ones who took (or guarded the person who took) the first three shots and their job was to finish the patsy off.

It’s very difficult to see this favorably for them, but perhaps there’s a compelling explanation in there somewhere that a proper investigator could dig out.



The following is an interesting data point, to be considered in the investigation, and not a reaction to this particular video.

From Senator Josh Hawley, “Whistleblowers tell me law enforcement personnel were in fact STATIONED to the roof the day of the Trump rally, but abandoned it, citing the heat. They also say law enforcement were supposed to be patrolling the building, but opted to stay inside instead”


Do not call conspiracy everything this people calls a conspiracy;

Saturday morning, June 22, I was talking with a good friend I was in a Bible study with for many years. Her 29-30 year old nephew had just died (suddenly of heart attack). During the conversation we were talking about how we don’t always understand God’s ways. I mentioned Isaiah 55:8-9 (NIV) 8“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. 9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” She knew and appreciated my sharing the passage. After hanging up, I decided to go back and reread all of Isaiah 55 which is beautiful, inspirational poetry, and write in my prayer journal.

I was turning in my Bible to Isa 55 and stumbled on Isa 9:1-7 – the messianic prophecy verses often read during advent. During these days I pay special attention to 9:2 “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.” I turned the page and continued reading. In my journal I wrote: Isa 9:16 (NIV) “Those who guide this people mislead them, and those who are guided are led astray.” Then a small gust of wind turned the page back, and I read the second half of Isaiah chapter 8 (which sets up Isa 9:1-7). I copied the following verses in my journal (emphasis added):

Isa 8 (NIV)
12 “Do not call conspiracy everything this people calls a conspiracy;
do not fear what they fear, and do not dread it.
13 The Lord Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy,
he is the one you are to fear, he is the one you are to dread.

17 …I will put my trust in him.

Tonight, after listening to Chris’ analysis on Cheatle’s testimony, I did a quick search and found the following Newsweek article. This is not a random sample and I did cherry-picked the following excerpts (emphasis added). However, it wasn’t hard to find this content/point of view. I suspect that some variation on this will be the narrative the “experts”, “trusted authorities”, MSM and globalist will be pushing.

Republican Senator Floats Idea of ‘More Than One’ Donald Trump Shooter

“Senator Ron Johnson, a Wisconsin Republican, raised questions on Sunday about the possibility of there being “more than one” shooter involved in last week’s assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, referencing an unsubstantiated conspiracy theory.

…Since the shooting, conspiracy theories lacking substantial evidence, have circulated online. One theory suggests that Crooks wasn’t the sole shooter, but that there was a second gunman near the rally venue, with some claiming there was another person atop a water tower."

Before finally turning to Isaiah 55 in my Bible on 6/22, my last stop along the way was chapter 59. I read the first verses and then wrote this in my journal:

Isa 59 (NIV)
15 Truth is nowhere to be found,
and whoever shuns evil becomes a prey.

The Lord looked and was displeased
that there was no justice.

Thank you Chris for your bravery and relentless pursuit of the truth. I and many are praying for you and Evie. We all need to pray for the country. Blessings. T


Some out there possiblities

  1. The guy in the gray suit could be ATF or some government official but I think it is equally possible it is some YouTuber or author or one of their local friends who did this. Perhaps they just wanted to get the photos from the scene early for their own book/video/investigation. It doesn’t have to be a government spook.

  2. I have no doubt that this was arranged by the residents in the White House in Washington. It may goes as high as the President himself. This was a planned event to take down an opponent.

They probably had speeches written for the event.

I could imagine the President on TV claiming proudly, “we had President Trump assassinated as he was a threat to OUR DEMOCRACY. All Secret Service and local law enforcement have been personally pardoned and will be offered an award of the highest honor for their bravery in this event.”

His Wife, the First lady (puke), at a rally in nearby Pittsburg, could claim to her crowd of several dozen the same thing to a roar from the small crowd.

Kimberly Cheatle could be rewarded too for arranging this hit.

Instead it went bad. Nothing worked as planned. Crooks missed his shot. The USSS Sniper (or some professional sniper) in the room next to the ESU guys with his tripod and sniper rifle fired shots 4 to 8 from back in the room through the open window. It would explain the rapid grouping as well as the muffled echo sound which was close by in many of the sound footage from position 2 and 3 and partially from 1. Also there could be an echo from the back of building 6 as the bullet passed over that space between the buildings.

The ESU guy in the other room took his easy shot to remove Crooks from this world. He can’t speak now.

The whole thing stinks but it was planned. Holes were specifically made in the security plan to allow this to happen. People were positioned and it was arranged. Fortunately it failed spectacularly.

Joe has not been seen in a week. He might have died or possibly even offed himself. This is a big embarrassment and the legacy of a stolen election.

Are you all ready for President Kamala? Won’t be long for that to happen.


Did you account for the shot by one of the snipers above trump. I read he took a shot but missed. His shot would have been through the tree. Or he was shooting at someone else.


Some overall observations in the wake of the failed assassination:

  • It’s increasingly clear that this was not only planned but that the people behind it had no contingency plan

  • The panic in the Democratic party, including whatever the hell is going on with Biden, is likely a result of this failure and lack of contingency plan and indicates this plan probably went all the way to the top

  • Crooks was apparently a member of the Clairton Sportsmen’s Club, where DHS and a whole bunch of other official types train.

  • This time of troubles is far from over. There are still months left before the election, and I only see troubles ramping up from there

  • Netanyahu asking to meet with Trump in lieu of Biden or Harris sure is an interesting indicator of who’s really in charge

  • I’m seeing a large amount of “progressive” friends jump right on the Kamala train

  • Biden’s obviously forged resignation letter represents a palace coup, but by whom?

  • The Crowdstrike event looks like a setup for something much bigger. A computer expert friend suggests the bug was the most obvious mistake ever. Do $80-billion-dollar, politically-affiliated cybersecurity companies like that make super obvious mistakes?

  • Trump would be wise to offer the position of Attorney General to RFK Jr. They have a lot in common now and both know the enemy is in DC.

  • Peter Thiel’s money behind JD Vance spooks me. Palantir, one of Thiel’s babies, is where the CIA has outsourced its dissident identification list to.

  • The State of Missouri suing the State of New York over election interference smells like a constitutional crisis. The Supreme Court has ordered New York to respond by Wednesday

  • The next few months are going to be some of the most dangerous of our lives. I fully expect a major distraction or three.


Wow! At least she admitted to it happening. How on earth can there be oversight with people that don’t understand, follow or respect the rules and the spirit of the rules?


Completely agree. The present regime, with apparently no Commander in Chief knows that their times is rapidly expiring. They are going to consume each other. Solidarity is quickly going to disappear. Most of this administration needs to be thrown under the bus. There will be more and more palace intrigue. No figurehead seems to be in charge, right now. Joe might be dead, perhaps he even offed himself. Civil war within the upper echolons of this Government.

They will also do anything to prevent an election loss, perhaps even cancelling the election. A new war, expanded war, Anything is possible now.

Huge potential for disarray and disruption to our lives that we’ve never seen before.


Agree entirely. Not only are they at risk of losing their jobs, they’re at risk of losing their freedom or even their lives. If this attempted assassination does indeed involve high-level players, and it sure looks like it, then there will have to be trials for treason. Last I checked, the punishment for treason was death or at minimum 5 years in prison.

So, they have to go all out or risk losing their heads. This has happened before many times, but an excellent example of how badly this can turn out comes from the An Lushan rebellion from 755-763 AD, which killed millions and hugely weakened the Tang Dynasty, which never fully recovered.

Point is, when faced with death, people throw caution to the wind and do some wild things. A cornered and wounded animal is the most dangerous kind.


Looks like Crookes was the decoy, doesn’t it? It’s so cartoonish how many times Crookes was seen, and not just seen, but seen doing suspicious things, like using a range finder and climbing a roof, and maybe running a drone. It just reminds me of the imprint of the plane in the second tower, which reminds me of the Wiley E. Coyote imprints made in mountain tops.


Another reminder of 911 is the cleaning up the crime scene. Almost all the evidence from 911 got shipped off to China.

Makes me wonder how many more ‘normies’ are going to wake up and say, “Hey, that crime scene investigation doesn’t look like what I saw on TV.” Even if you hate Trump, you have to admit the crime scene was swept clean of clues, asap, without any reassuring photos, announcements/reports/notes, or lab tests shown to the public.


Chris & team, you must have seen the John Cullen analysis in conversation with Bret Weinstein. The compelling piece is the trajectory analysis, especially of the shots that impacted the people on the rear row of the bleachers on Trumps left. If not, please watch that ASAP.


I posted a breakdown of the encounter between Crooks and the buddy lifted local cop who peered over the roof edge. There’s actually video evidence of Crooks turning to his left and probably pointingng his rifle at the officer.
I can’t post a link to Gab?
That’s surprising. I guess I can’t share my info then. I’m @fwupow on Gab

Very interesting data point from Ron Johnson’s Preliminary findings pdf.

“6:05pm—AGR sniper 1 later communicates that Crooks is seen [was seen. (This could not be a current observation)] moving northeast “in the
direction of Sheetz” and that Crooks has a backpack. [Who made this observation and from what location?]”
The only way Crooks to walk in that direction would’ve been by walking through the buildings like a spirit being or by rounding the building complex at the South or North ends to get to the front where the entrances are, which lends creedence to the theory that he used a ladder to climb to the roof out front.
I made a diagram on Gab.


That’s already been debunked. That team couldn’t see through a tree. They had no idea where Crooks was. They were the North Barn team. It was the South Barn team that actually got a sightline on Crooks and it’s been reported that they had to reposition to get an unobstructed shot at him.

The Sniper in the video couldn’t see what was happening and then became convinced that he was being fired at and his reaction harmonizes with that report totally. It’s why he ducked his head and pulled his rifle and tripod back.


Yup, none of us will bet money on the FBI report not being an absolute insult to our intelligence.


I found John Cullen’s analysis very convincing. This is worth your time Chris…and I know how busy you must be. He mentions your audio analysis. He is convinced…at least two shooters.


I believe the SS counter-snipers atop the near barn could see Crooks on the roof, but possibly not well enough to take a kill shot, leaving that to the other counter-snipers behind them on the far barn. Here’s the theory: If the real professional sniper was in the two story building with the open window, he missed with shot #1, the counter-sniper atop the near barn then took a fake shot (#2) by suddenly aiming high over the area, followed by a second failed professional shot (#3), followed by 5 unprofessional shots by Crooks, followed by a professional counter-sniper kill shot.



It’s time to upgrade your security detail. You just got a shout out from Patrick Bet David on the PBD podcast 7/23.

I think you’ve hit critical mass.



First 3 shots from inside building. Volume of first shot taken further inside building, further away from window. Moved closer to window where second and third shot taken. Closer hesitated to fire then fired his rifle 5 times in Trump’s direction (try to find a voice yelling at Closer to fire maybe from window area); ninth shot fired was kill shot probably from window (has similarities to first three shots but not same as first three). Last shot from SS counter sniper (probably).

How long was the event on the schedule? How long did the groomer/handler(s) (cell phone ad data guy) have access/influence on Closer? Who originally decided on the site and who convinced the Trump org to pick that spot? Who did the site survey? Who determined who was responsible for each sector? Closer’s three foreign accounts info that went dark? Who destroyed one of the largest crrime scenes in history hours after the crime? If the EPA can arrest a farmer’s tractor for years because he plowed near what the farmer had no idea was a specie that might have become endangered in California, how can the stands, crane get broken down and removed? It took time to groom this kid. When did it start and is there more ways to find out other than cell phone ads?


Has anyone examined the relative timings of the shot sounds from the recordings?

Location 1 is 90 degrees away from the other locations. If the originating guns were not co-located, relative path lengths to the recording mikes will be different. Every 10 feet represents 10 milliseconds.

For example, suppose you took the first shot as your synchronisation point and then line up the recordings, how well does the second group (5 shots) align in the various recordings. If they all line up then all the shots came from a similar location (either all from Crooks or all from somewhere else). If they don’t line up, that would prove more than one gun in different locations…