Cheatle Evades While More Troubling Questions Emerge About What Happened In "The Other Building"

A bit of a resource re types of “Coups”, which may trigger some out of the box thinking in the quest for truth.


“… how many ways can we interpret…”

Regarding the shooting sequence - Occam’s razor.

A. Sleeve tattoo was in the room (not on the roof because it was very hot on that roof. All that military gear is expensive, heavy and hot - worse than a winter coat). As he opens the window in response to a radio call or panicked scream, he takes a few seconds and a step back to digest what he sees, then Crooks fires 3 shots.
B. Sleeve tattoo shoots 5 at center of mass from within the room; then, with his rifle steadied against the window frame and the muzzle outside, he makes a head shot.
C. Secret service fires from the far roof (with the unobstructed view).

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Bongino just reported during his 11:00 am live show (Rumble) that the reason that the LEO sniper teams did not engage Crooke until after he took shots was because they were confused given the fact that there were supposed to be local LEO’s on that roof. It was not due to restrictive rules of engagement.


Cheatle is gone. But she bought them precious time to get their story together, which was the point.


That doesn’t explain why the snipers and other security agents inside the second floor building didn’t take Crooks out before he got off his 5 shots. He was right in front of them, and within earshot of all the people nearby screaming about a gunman on the roof, impossible not to have seen him.


I agree.

Let’s agree that potential shot location one is Crooks location on the roof and potential shot location two is the 2nd floor window overlooking Crooks location. Now draw line 1 connecting these two points and line2 perpendicular to the first and intersecting the first line half way between the two possible shooting locations. Gunshot sounds (as opposed to the bullet snap) from both potential shooter locations will arrive at line two with the same delay as line 2 is equidistant from both locations. The same sounds will arrive anywhere on line one with the maximum possible difference in delay. The phone audio west of AGR from near the tree is close to line 2 while the phone audio near the fence is close to line 1. I estimate, based on use of the ruler tool on Google Earth that there should be a 0.15 to 0.02 [edit from 0.02 to 0.03] relative shift in the timing differences between shots from the fence location vs. the western tree location. Audio sources that are closer to either line 2 or line 1will increase the difference to 0.04 to 0.05 seconds, depending on exactly what window the shot was fired from and how far back in the room the shooter was.


Just a theory: They were on their phones, or talking, or something like that. Distraction is a possibility.


When 7 or 8 or 9 oddities and coincidences all line up during analysis of an attempted assassination, it’s no longer a coincidence; it’s a plan.


Agreed Appleseed… as with many revelations that are getting confirmed… the point in Josh Hawley’s letter, and as reported on earlier by Bongino, brings up more questions than it answers. It only answers the question of why the snipers posted to the far side of Trump seemed confused.

What was going on in that building? Who was in it? What local agency was assigned that post? Who is the tattoo sleeve guy seen through the second floor window?


I think I read somewhere that there were allegedly 3 snipers in there, presumably in different windows, but without spotters due to staffing shortages. I can’t see how all three were distracted for at least 3-4 minutes while Crooks was crawling on the roof, people below were pointing at him and screaming, and they had spotted and photographed Crooks earlier on the ground near is roof location acting suspiciously including using a range finder.

The other story that they weren’t sure if he was friendly doesn’t hold water either as he was clearly a very young man in simple plain clothes and their team was both the very team that spotted, photograped and reported him minutes to an hour earlier and the team that stood down from the roof to move inside due to “the heat”. How did the SS sniper teams on the barn roofs deal with “the heat”?


You know, she could have dispelled a LOT of the ‘conspiracy theories’ by answering simple questions like ‘how many shell casings were on the roof’ for example.

It was almost like she was trying to fuel speculation. Most likely simple ass-covering of someone vastly out of their depth, though.

Anyway, just heard she resigned. Time to get whoever takes over the job, back up in front of that committee for answers.

Biggest surprise of the hearing for me was the relatively non-partisan stance of the Democrats. I guess they realise out of self interest that having a culture develop of politicians being mysteriously offed would probably be bad for them, long term.


Certainly. Just thinking of any possible alternatives. But I land definitively on the “it was a setup” side as noted above.


Is there any video evidence that they were, indeed, on the roof before they abandoned it “due to the heat”?


None of it makes sense and the stories keep changing. I’m happy to try to poke holes in the setup story and steelman against it but am coming up short. Cheatle resigning after the crime scene had been cleaned up and she took the grilling from Congress is a cherry on top.


I can’t believe she wasn’t heavily coached by someone high up on how to answer questions at the hearing. She was also likely out of her depth and came across as very anxious and unbelievable, but I think she said more or less what they coached her on which must have been "deflect, redirect, defer (to the FBI) and, if that fails, vaguely answer a different and perhaps loosely related “approved” question).


I have yet to see any, and today is the first I’ve heard the “abandoned due to the heat” story. Sounds like wet spaghetti thrown against the wall to see what sticks.


Not that I know of. What I did just hear listening to Poso being interviewed by Tucker yesterday is that the secret service DID NOT attend the “sync” meeting, or morning security team meeting, with local teams, the morning of July 13. It sounds like everything that could be done to create confusion and a shield of (semi)plausible deniability that day happened (hmmmmm… reminds me of the NORAD exercises that just happened to be taking place on 9/11).

Discussed at the 40:00 minute mark. Tucker Carlson on X: “The assassination failed, so they took out Biden. Jack Posobiec on how America changed forever in eight days. (1:00) Reacting to Joe Biden Dropping Out of the Race (17:25) Kamala Harris (28:01) Female Leadership (33:12) Trump Shooting Timeline (1:01:48) What Was the Shooter’s” / X (


One more thing to ponder: why were communications siloed? Cheatle said communications were siloed and NOT recorded. Why on both counts?


My personal theory is this: the first 3 shots (that caused victims) were shot by a “second shooter” from the same direction where Crooks was positioned. The series of 5 shots were Crooks’ but bcs he was a really bad shooter (kicked out from his school gun club), he didn’t hit anyone. Then the counter sniper(s) executed him. By that time the “second shooter” is already far away (after he missed THE target, he tried to get out instead of staying to try again)


Wow everybody talks about Chris’s work… John Cullen, PBD, Brett Wainstein, I think Redacted as well… This is not gonna be swept under rug…!!