Cheatle Evades While More Troubling Questions Emerge About What Happened In "The Other Building"

I wish that we could get a bunch of high-quality pictures of the carbine found near Thomas. I found news stories that claim that the rifle was a DPMS AR-15. Palmetto State Armory now owns them.

I have purchased many stripped receivers from Palmetto State Armory. Their products are what I call a “good value” because they are both cheap and are of high quality. I own many stripped lower receivers from them and use the Aero Precision enhanced upper to make an upper the way I want it to be.

Do not listen to the garbage nonsense of people saying that Thomas’s rifle was a bottom tier build. The is zero play between an upper and the lower for both my many AR-15 and my PA-10 build. They have also never given me any grief at the range.

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It was your video of Jerry that prompted my question. My (ignorant) assumptions are:
a) Crooks couldn’t have fired the first 3 shots because they were too close together for that kind of weapon, unless you are as good as Jerry, and you don’t experience any visible recoil.

b) The next 5 shots were (obviously) fired from a semi-automatic, which Crooks didn’t have.

Since I have never fired any kind of weapon, and only know about snipers from Jack Reacher novels, I was hoping to get some expert opinion to confirm or dismiss my theories.

Cheatle’s refusal to say how many brass casings were found on the roof probably means they only found 3, or possibly 5, but certainly not all 8. If it was 8 they would be telling us loudly.


Was there new evidence about Crook’s weapon ? It looked like and was assumed to be an AR-15. That’s a semi-automatic.

At the firing rates we saw, none of these shots were fired by a pump/lever action rifle, except possibly the SS sniper shot.

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This is a video where the reporter says the quiet part out loud. Take a look let me know what you think.

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Thanks for the insight. Much appreciated.

In my feeling, shots 5-8 were taken by 2 snipers, that’s why the gap between shoots are so close, Croocks didnt have semi automatic weapon and had not sufficient experience to be able to shoot so quick, that’s the fact

What’s your source on that ?

It sounds like you are confusing semi-automatic with automatic.

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Sorry I mean he didnt have automatic gun and I was wondering knowing the world record of continuos shoots shots recently, how come he was able to shoot so quick using AR-15? Does everyone who is using AR-15 is able to give few shots so quick?

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Indeed, it’s a mystery how Crooks could have shot so fast and still got so close on target.

That’s why one of the plausible hypothesis is that Crooks never fired a single shot. Chris shows supporting evidence in one of his videos.

Edit: added clarification

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I know the temperature of the barrel will increase with the energy it absorbs from each shot (during the amount of time in question; no cool off period), and that the heat will cause the barrel to expand. What im not definite on is exactly how much friction is removed from the bullet, exactly how much faster the bullet would travel, and exactly how much the sound would change (both time between shot and sound travel, as well as db of the sonic boom). I’m sure it’s minuscule, but the variance we are hearing in the first 8 shots is nothing like the suppressed 9th shot. And it’s being evaluated pretty closely (I mean, it’s Chris doing it… :grin:)

As far as the rate of fire… I understand the rate of fire is rapid, but frankly, I can shoot an AR that rapidly… Would claim much accuracy, but we haven’t traced all the bullets yet.

And I don’t know how much playing ‘first person shooter’ games could help train your muscle memory for pulling the trigger of a real gun, but it’s not nothing. Just something to consider.

And just one other side note I haven’t heard talked about… There is a big difference in adrenaline between shooting plates/paper, than shooting at a living creature. I haven’t shot at people, but I’ve shot a fair share of animals. I’ll never forget my first turkey. It was about a 40 yard shot with a bow that I’d practiced many times. Could split arrows at that range and always keep them in a 1.5” group. Missed the turkey COMPLETELY. I couldn’t believe it, but was all nerves. That said, who knows what nervous system suppressants he was on…

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Probably harvested from Crooks’ last trip to the local gun club?

Just saying that even that wouldn’t satisfy me at this stage as planting the proper brass to match is rookie-level scene alteration.


Chris, full movie which you have mentioned was maniputed by ABC news released, I hope it helps, as you can see FBI agent and others were already there so enough time to maniupate with evidences, and really strange that they could react so quick by arranging ladder , SS agent around that place:

In case video would be deleted i have saved from YT


And I can hear office shells counting… He count only 5 shells on that part of video, that’s really wird…

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(a) A non experienced person can easily shoot the 1st three shots in the cadence, with at least some accuracy.

(b) most AR’s are semi auto, and while I haven’t timed it, it’s easy enough to meet that cadence, but unless you’re Jerry, there is zero accuracy in shot placement.


Virtually no difference. There’s more variation in case size, bullet size, amount of powder that will cause more differences in velocity. If you want to talk about long range, think multiple thousands of feet, then heat begins to effect the barrel as the heat impacts the natural frequency of the barrel… but it’s less about bullet velocity, and more about the wave form the barrel undergoes when when it’s shot cold vs hot.

It dawned on me with the whole issue of separate frequencies. My cheap Baufong radio allows me to actively listen to two frequencies and transmit on one. I can flip from transmitting on frequency A & B with the simple push of one button.

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The key here is to estimate the time interval between the groups of shot sounds (3 shots and 5 shots) recorded at each camera location (especially camera locations 1 and 2 which are 90 degrees apart re the putative origin of the shots). If the intervals differ, that is strong evidence against the origins of the groups being colocated. And then, further analysis is warranted.

From the the discrepancy in the group intervals, one can come up with a lower bound on the distance between the guns. I think I can come up with a formula for that lower bound estimate.

As a rough guide: suppose Crooks shot the first group from his roof, and someone else shot the second group from the window, some 40 feet away. Suppose that the interval at location 1 (which is roughly perpendicular to the line between the locations) records an interval between the group starts of 1.25 seconds (1250 mS), then location 2 would record an interval about 40 mS shorter (i.e. 1.21 seconds), because the window location is closer to him by 40 feet.

You should be able to read off the interval between shot group starts in most decent audio editors, to within 5mS. Thus even two shooters at different windows ought to be discernible. And what if the time difference is, say, 10mS? That would be consistent with 2 shooters at different windows.

Anyway, I will see if I can come up with a lower bound formula tomorrow.

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That’s a brilliant video Jamai. Well done. It’s a more complete version of the roof-top body cam taken from a Beaver County ESU/SWAT member (in khaki uniform) shortly after the shooting though the blurring-out area of Crooks body was heavy handed and I believe excessive as if to mostly exclude the casings. A FOIA request for the fully uncensored version is critical and may be subsequently needed for criminal investigation of the FBI or SS. I am not a US citizen. How would this be requested?

Like you mentioned, there was already what I believe was an FBI officer on the roof (suit and tie) when the ESU/SWAT members arrived. There were also black uniformed SS agents already there. Really it would be desirable to know the names of those there first as evidence may have been tampered with.

That other staff had their cameras off is inexcusable given the situation. Were staff ordered to turn off body cameras? This question has to be asked (eg via Congress) and is a potential point of vulnerability as what senior staff say may differ from subordinates. It does not make any sense.

As has already been noted by you and others, only 5 casings were mentioned by the man with the body cam on the roof next to Crooks. What spatial spread might be expected for these casings when they land? Would these roll down the roof or be tightly clustered next to the roof apex as suggested by ESU member’s pointing? This raises other questions about the origin of the five shots regardless of the short interval between them.

Congressional questioning of the SS officers about the number of casings, roof-top photographs, body camera feed and tampering of evidence is a no brainer.

While it’s necessary to make assumptions about bullet speed for triangulation, the time difference between the sonic crack and the ballistic report for different locations may help locate the origin of the shots. While the speed of sound is a less variable figure, upper and lower bounds for average bullet speed might allow estimating bounds for an area within which the shooters were located using multiple microphone feeds. The most reliable information is probably for the first 3 shots but it would be very interesting if the first three shots could be localised to the two story building now there are suggestions 5 casings were next to Crook’s body. Is this what you meant by your post Dave? If there are some estimates of bullet speed, I’m also happy to do the math if it helps but this may have already been done by Chris.

I took some still photographs from the video of the roof top where the SWAT officer was pointing. While he counted 5 casings I can’t see any brass at all. This is strange.

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Was I hearing things when near the end of that vid a officer on the roof counter 8 shell casings?