Cheatle Evades While More Troubling Questions Emerge About What Happened In "The Other Building"

I think that a fully-automatic weapon on burst mode would shoot much faster.


A full-auto M16 has a rate of fire over 700 rpm. See attached vid.


I kind of get the feeling we’re at a point in this whole sh!t show where we can properly ask Chris to please take 48 hours off duty to relax. I’m not paid/unpaid opposition or a troll. :wink:


I whole heartily agree, he needs to chill.

The mare is settled,


In the Fox news body camera that was just put out the secret service asked the snipers in camo “is the guy in the photo that was walking around, is the guy laying here on the roof the same guy?”, Then he asks “was the guy on the motorcycle the guy we have in custody?” Lastly he asks “did they guy in the van survive?”.

Mind blown, this means that they had three people in question and possibly two deceased?

This is bringing up more questions than answers.

Bodycam captures Thomas Crooks’ death following Trump shooting


FBI director states the shooter
fired at least 8 shots because 8 cartridges were recovered from the rooftop.

Now they are setting their story in concrete, 1 lone shooter.
( id still say alleged shooter Crooks as video evidence shows on the first shot there wasn’t any recoil. And audio evidence shows that there was more than 1 shooter .


Sad, but not unexpected. Pathetic really


So here FBI director Wray said the shooter on the roof drone was recovered in his car.
Where was his car? At the rally? Or at home?

But the SS sniper Greg in the 2 storey buding took pics of the shooter coming off from his bicycle & loitering around near him to be able to take Crooks pic. Pic of Crooks then was distributed to others in security.

I think there are 2 similar looking patsy at the rally. To gaslight everyone.


I watched that. A lot about what happened apart from what he said about the shots, he is very vague about. But he knows everything about the flight path of the drone.


Yup. And Wray said there’s no pics or video of the day of the rally found from the drone.



The FBI Director doesn’t know if he had a scoped rifle? Really? WTF?


Just wait until they try to convince us that he flew on the roof by means of the drone :rofl:

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The problem here is none of the audio analysis lines up with Watertower. Also we have no ballistic evidence such as wounds progressing down through

I’ve been back and forth over this angle, but it stumped me today. Back at it tomorrow…any help you can provide?


He couldn’t say anything else other than 8 though could he?

Well I put up the video Of Jerry Freakin’ Miculek firing off a string of 5 in 0.55 seconds, but he’s got a professional-grade trigger with finely tuned (and very light) breakpoints.

But, sure, maybe the kid cranked off 5 in 0.77 seconds while getting them all downrange effectively, especially taking out Comparatore with the thrid shot of that 5-shot string.

Yeah. Maybe. Sure. Right.


Is the key to this Trump’s position?, where he was standing, facing and his head position when he was shot?

Is it possible that the sound variations in the first eight shots are just relative to the temperature of the barrel? But it makes sense to me that the first shot sounds noticeably different than two cause it was the cold bore shot. Sound will go up as the barrel warms up (and the bullet speed increases because the barrel has started expanding). Then two and three would sound similar cause they were fired so close together without much temp change in the barrel. Then some time passes and he takes five more shots quickly because during that time, it registered that he missed. The he takes the five shots quickly (almost like ‘spray and pray’). They all sound different than 1-3 because they were taken long enough after for the bore to increase more. Then 5-8 sound the same cause they are taken so close together (barrel doesn’t change much between rapid fire shots.

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Chris you are like a (friendly) bulldog who just won’t let go of the bad guy who got caught —- I so appreciate your tenacity and integrity, thank you x1000 for all your hard work on this important issue!


It would be nice if someone with a similar gun shot in a similar sequence, starting from a cold gun and recording the result from a similar distance and angle. That recording could tell us how much barrel temperature affects things, like the report/speed and tone.

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