Cheatle Evades While More Troubling Questions Emerge About What Happened In "The Other Building"

OK, I could swear that shot 1 is slightly different to shots 2 & 3. My thinking is two shooters in that general location, based on shiny hair and scruffy hair descriptions of Crooks.

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I was trying to listen to that as well. I assumed the “van” was the Ambulance and the death they were referring to was Comperatore.

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I carefully went through the Grassley roof top video to see if there was any brass next to Crooks. Admittedly the coverage wasn’t complete but I didn’t see any casings anywhere. Crook’s body and the blood trail down to the gutter were still there and the rifle was several meters from his body. If photos are provided later of casings on the rooftop it would be good to try to compare with this video. That Cheatle refused to answer basic questions regarding the number of shell casings on the roof (though she claimed to know) is extremely suspicious. If she were innocent there was no reason to conceal this information.


Hi Chris, I just had a couple random observations I wanted to share with you. I’m a former police officer who has fired tens of thousands of rounds through various weapons, mainly AR-15. On your latest video from 16 hours ago involving Cheatle lying to congress, at the 21:07 mark I hear what distinctly sounds like a round being chambered. I haven’t heard anyone else make mention of this and was wondering if you could isolate the sound to see what you think. Also I find it odd that before the first round was fired, President Trumps last words would have been, " If you wanna see something really sad, take a look at what happened." Again I’m sure there’s nothing to it but I just found it odd as well. Thank you for your hard work and dedication in finding the truth that We The People deserve.


We need to start making it a firing offense w/ loss of pension if your body camera is off during a time it would be appropriate.

It is not acceptable to have a government that wants the exclusive right to use gun violence to also control whether or not their cameras are on.


I agree I start with suspicion when body cameras aren’t turned on. However, your harsh prescription might go too far. And why does it only apply to police? Do you know the agency’s policies about when the BWC has to be turned on? I seriously doubt it has to be on after the action is over, the officer is not interacting with public or at a crime scene waiting for investigators to arrive or finish. And when shooting unexpectedly breaks out near an officer and he has to respond, might we allow for a little human frailty if the officer forgets to turn on the BWC?

Why don’t we legislate and demand that some other professionals wear BWC’s? Doctors and nurses who account for 100,000 - 200,000 unnecessary US deaths per year? Politicians (with the sound turned off)? Cabinet secretaries and agency executives? FBI, USSS, ATF? Federal Reserve Chairman and Presidents?


Good point, sir.

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@thc0655 I think if you have legal cover to not go to jail for the same action a normal person might otherwise go to jail for doing, you must have a camera on proving that our decision to give you that legal protection is correct.

I guess my statement was an expression of exasperation at how we’ve somehow allowed ourselves to trust the untrustworthy and just accept that they have undeserved legal protection. The fact that there are some good actors in those professions does nothing to dissuade me from believing we (as a society) need to demand a higher level of transparency.

Cheatle and her handling of July 13 epitomizes this in every way.

To be clear, I’m open to having a remediation process which isn’t jail for mistakes, but to just lie your way out just isn’t something I’m willing to accept as normal, anymore.


The number of casings found was stated as 8 at the Homeland Security testimony (aprox. 1:37:42).


Well, but how does this “occam” for you ?

Crooks was a miserable shot, but got three shots very close to Trump.

And then the highly trained snipers needed to take 4-6 shots to take Crooks out.



That’s not a mistake, it’s standard operating procedure.


yeah but they just talked about 1 citizen dead and 3 wounded… so that would likely rule them out…

the agent also said “vehicle” and the officer corrected them with “van” ? who would say vehicle for ambulance? is that military or police jargon… like “meat wagon”? I dont have noise cancelling software might make it clearer… they could have been talking about an event the day before as well… just found it an interesting anomaly


What was the reason why they sounded differently? The first three definitely sounds like AR-15, the next 5 (6?) sounds like it was from an entirely different location. Nothing is adding up, I want to see the firing pin indentation of those 8 casings.


Meanwhile, the Kamala PAC just raised $250 million in 24-hours.

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you mean the FED printed $250 million and gave it to blackrock to funnel through clueless donors thru Act Blue?


I agree - I don’t think you can hear the “snap” of the actual bullet (and, it would have to be supersonic) unless the bullet was flying by your head. The “snap” comes from the bullet breaking the sound barrier. There should be some combat veterans out there that could answer that for us. It may be what everybody is referring to as the “snap” of the bullets heard in the videos is simply an echo of the shot that has rebounded back from some adjacent building.

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I was attempting to set aside the sound data until it gets sorted out and I am confident that Chris will get to the bottom of it in short order. Given the complexity of a network of metal buildings that reflect sound, multiple microphones, and some theoretical understanding of the properties of sound I can well imagine the firehose of data that Chris and team are analyzing to discover the truth.

Having completed basic PA law enforcement training and training/requalification over a period of 5 years and having observed the law enforcement mindset from the inside, I opined as to something simple that may explain a possible sequence of events. It cracks me up that I came up with the “it’s too hot to go outside theory” independently (albeit, I have since seen that many others expressed that thought prior to my comment).

I have been following this daily, and it strikes me that “someone” fired a 5? shot string, and unless I missed it, it is not publicly known where those bullets landed. If Crooks had fired those shots at Trump (or the crowd) with even a modicum of aiming, I expect there would have been injured people everywhere … assuming live rounds.

Though the 2nd assassin theory appears to be viable based on the current interpretation of the sound data, I am eagerly anticipating Chris’ completed analysis.

Here’s an interesting aside that I saw this morning - Biden’s resignation was AI generated.


Has anybody yet seen the bodycam footage from the responding officers that was just released (due to a remarkable effort by Senator Grassley)? You have to couple that with the testimony of the FBI Director at the investigative hearing this morning. The FBI director, in his opening remarks, said there were eight shell casing found at the site. How convenient that he would “drill down” on release of that information. But anybody who’s ever fired a right-handed AR15 knows the spent shell casings are launched from the gun’s receiver - out a distance of 6’-8’. And if the shooter is lying down on a standing seam metal roof (like that on the AGR building) - all the shell casings would be within eight feet of the right side of the shooter, as the standing seams on the roof would trap the spent casings. Well, you know where the officers with the body cam were standing - about 6’-8’ from the shooter on his right side. They are standing right in the middle of their evidence - if there was any. I absolutely can’t believe these responding officers would compromise the crime scene in the manner they apparently did! And, why doesn’t the body cam video show any evidence markers? Because maybe there wasn’t any evidence to mark!


A bullet snap can be heard everywhere beyond a cone with a point at the gun muzzle and an angle defined by the point where the bullet’s relative speed toward the listener is equal to the speed of sound. Let’s call this the muzzle cone. A similar cone originating at the point of bullet impact defines the distance beyond which the snap cannot be heard. Let’s call this the impact cone. People or microphones that are off to the side of the gun or not very far in front of it, but far enough from the bullet’s trajectory, do not hear the snap. The same is true for those beyond the point of impact, and not very far from what the bullet’s trajectory would have been without an impact. All other people, microphones within hearing distance do hear the snap.

The delay in hearing the report relative to the snap is zero along the surface of the muzzle cone. The delay increases downrange and reaches a maximum at the impact cone. The delay also varies in a more complex way as one moves further from the bullet trajectory. In general, the delay decreases as one moves further from the bullet trajectory.


For the five shots that are tightly grouped could an explanation for them simply be that they are from an automatic weapon? I’m not a gun person so not sure if that is the right term.

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