Cheatle Evades While More Troubling Questions Emerge About What Happened In "The Other Building"

Unfortunately it’s such a short clip that there is no context on when he turned. It could also have been when he was first getting into position in the roof. If only there was a longer unedited version. Somebody must have it.


Yes, I believe the first 3 rifle shots were made with the exact same type of weapon, but not the exact same weapon, because shots 1 & 3 came from the professional sniper in the second floor building - through the open window, while shot 2 came from the SS counter-sniper on top of the near barn. Both professional shooters were probably using 300 Win mag sniper rifles, one firing two shots toward Trump, the other firing one shot away from Trump. That’s the way I connect the dots - a theory compatible with the available videos and graphically displayed audios. Please watch the video.


Ding-Ding! Yes, this. Though I have no first-hand knowledge of how they usually roll, I strongly expect that this is how they usually roll.


What if there was only supposed to be one shooter? (not Crooks) I mean, how does a professional miss, unless he was hurried because there was a second, unplanned, shooter taking aim. If Crooks gets off a shot that misses first, then his chance at Trump is gone. What if the miracle is the second shooter, lol.

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My takeaways from that video:

  1. The roof is only very barely sloped (confirmation)
  2. The ground is curved down toward the building (like a hill a short distance away from the building) such that from a short distance away you can pretty easily see what’s on the roof.
  3. A person can likely get into the roof without a ladder by climbing into the AC, a low intermediate roof, And then the top of the roof.

Yes, but it was 6 PM. The sun was getting low in the west and the roof faced gently to the south. I’m sure it was still hot, but not midday hot.

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It’s hard to tell who shot when. The FBI took over the investigation so we’re probably screwed unless it wasn’t the US Deep State and the FBI actually wants to do a legit investigation and make a legit report. We could sort this out if we know how many shell casings were found near Crooks, in the upper room and on or around the SS CS barns as well as swabbing everybody’s gun for gun powder residue and recreating gun positions and bullet trajectories. That work needed to be done right away. It’s too late now that everything has been broken down and carted away.


The channel can quickly become an unintelligible cacophony of chatter if everyone shares a common channel.

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JUST IN: Bodycam footage released by Senator Chuck Grassley from the Trump Pennsylvania rally on July 13th.

The video was obtained from the Beaver County Emergency Services Unit.

In the footage, the men were discussing how they had noticed Thomas Crooks earlier before the incident unfolded.

note they focus on the 1st conversation of snipers taking pictures of him but if you listen careful at the end at the side conversation at minute 2:56 sounds like police officer in background states- “that was the one that was in the vehicle” other agent ?'s- " in the van? did he survive?" ’

WTF? what one? what van? survive what?


Of course it can, but we’re talking about professionals here, not some teenage paintball team. They should all know down to their bones not to clutter up the emergency interop channel.

Except of course, they didn’t even have coms up to the level of the average teenage paintball team. Among many other skill sets, evidently.


Watching Cheatle’s interrogation was a bit like Covid all over again, especially when Walensky would say, “I don’t have that data” in response to how many CDC employees had gotten the shots.

And re: Crooks, maybe someone already commented in that video showing him on the building’s perimeter walking around (in one of Chris’s other videos), there is no weapon or ladder on him.


This is interesting as well. If the numbers I looked up are correct, Cheatle took a $400,000 cut in pay to go from Pepsi to the ss. She should make around $184,300 per year and 1.25 million at Pepsi. Why did she take that job?


I happened to be glancing at another video that shows that same A/C from a top down perspective. It is a bit further back from the breezeway than this angle suggests.


From Fox News. New video.
Video link:


How convenient that someone calls out water tower clear in that footage release that is 1 hour after the shooting, while there are no cars or people visible near the water tower. Deliberate insertion of false narrative IMO. Now we need to examine all aspects of that video. Is the time real? 7:15pm and long shadows seems consistent. Is the gun the same as in the shooting videos? Is body location, blood splatter and gun position consistent with shooting videos. Shooters in 2nd story would have had 1st access to scene and could of inserted evidence.


We need a separate list of all the convenient mistakes that needed to be made in order for Crooks to get and stay on that roof. It’s a long list…

No body cams on
SS failed to attend the morning coordination meeting
The roof team wasn’t on the roof.
SS short staffed due to Jill Biden event
and on, and on, and on.


Check out the video clip here around the 4:30 mark


No Oregon democrat who hate Trump will admit anything except they hate Trump.


There are two faint sounds that are likely gunshots between the main sequences that are audible in some of the recordings. That is consistent with the 3/4 shooter theory with additional shooters from tree line/water tower using suppressed weapons targeting the snipers, (what I’m calling John Cullens bullet zero) The snipers flinched and repostition towards new threat.The rapidfire sequence is two weapons. One of those shots was 800ft away, consistent with water tower. 9th shot counterfire rumoured to have taken out water tower sniper. 10th delayed shot confirmed to hit Crooks (crowd reaction). Presumably the 2nd story shooters reached body 1st and planted evidence. So we should double check roof position/ gun types ect. Also could Crooks hair change be a result of being photographed on prior day (which we know occured) Need to check shadows ect.


I do not think B. can be true as we hear the crack and report of those shots at the microphone near the podium. We would only hear the report if the shots didn’t pass near the podium.

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