Cheatle Evades While More Troubling Questions Emerge About What Happened In "The Other Building"

Looking forward to the theories on where each bullet went and where they came from. Do we have a map of where each wounded person was? I am very curious about where shots 4-8 went. Unless I’m mistaken after the initial 3 shots, Trump goes down and is dog piled by the SS. So what is the shooter(s) shooting at with shots 4-8, and where did the bullets go? AFAIK no SS agent was hit, nor was anybody close to Trump.


Chris discusses exactly that in his latest video. I’m going to summarise but please watch that.

We have recordings from multiple people at multiple different locations corroborating the sound differences, and also a phone camera in recording mode doesn’t use the narrow field microphone it uses for phone calls, it uses a wide angle, and so turning around has minimal impact on loud noises like this anyway. It does not account for these differences in sounds.


Is anyone familiar with a sniper detection device called the Boomerang. Delveloped by BBN. I believe they were out of Cambridge Ma. And also believe they were bought up by Ratheon, but could be wrong about that. Anyway Darpa wanted it developed. Started the project under another name in 1997. Then changed it in 2003. It is a microphone array that lets military know where the bullets are coming from. I would imagine that would be useful for secret service too. And 20 plus years later I would imagine that technology has improved vastly.

Boomerang (countermeasure) - Wikipedia

Of note in the description is well suited to urban environments with slopes.


Thanks, I get that the near vs omni distinction is made, but a person running with a microphone in a busy space introduces a lot of potential confounds.

We have the video from the stationary mics, so why not exclusively use that rather than the audio from the mobile ones?


She’s been working for the Biden White House. Her number one job qualification most likely was being able to NOT see what is right in front of her. How many times do you think SS staff had to look the other way while the first family engaged in embarrassing/illegal activities? Hunter’s drugs and Cornpop’s prescription meds, for starters.


Because we want to compare how the difference in sound behaves from as many angles as possible to also figure out where the sounds might be coming from based on bullet trajectories, velocities, etc. So far, all microphones have picked up the discrepancies between what seems to be three separate weapons, regardless of the mics being stationary, moving, professional (media and Trump’s podium mic) or consumer grade (phones).

If all of them pick it up, with so much variation in other factors, then we can be as sure as possible at this point that it’s not an artifact of some of the mics. But all of this has been explained by Chris already :slight_smile:

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Having been on police details like this and supervised many more I can tell you “retreating from the roof because it was too hot” is a very plausible scenario. I’m not saying it happened just that it would be quite ordinary if it did. But the next issue is, Who was supervising that local/state police detail and why did s/he not order them back onto the roof and rotate them every 30 minutes because of the heat? And, “Why didn’t a USSS supervisor or SAIC not check on their people on their assigned posts to make sure they were all in place at least once 15 minutes before Trump was scheduled to take the podium? And, Why wasn’t police radio chatter alone not enough to delay Trump taking the podium?

Re: radio communications I’ve never been on a detail with the USSS in which they and local police were on the same frequency. The only way they could communicate with each other was by going through the local command post to relay messages. That’s clunky but works fine AS LONG AS NOTHING HAPPENS. In this case it was a major contributor to this incident not being prevented. Make me the SAIC and I could solve that in 3 minutes without having the local hicks clutter up the USSS’s precious radio frequency.


So again back to the malice or incompetence bit. Having been on metal roofs in July I know damn sure it gets hot so understand that point. But I can’t for the life of me understand how comfort can override security of a former president. Back to Occam’s Razor: Too many coincidences, not an accident.


probably could, but it’s more of what is referred to as spray and pray. Literally zero control of shot placement. Binary trigger would help increase the speed with some level of control. Binary trigger is one of the “mods” BATF has “ruled” as being illegal. Pull the trigger, shot is fired, let off the trigger, shot is fired. I would highly doubt that rifle had a binary trigger.

you can be fast, you can be accurate, but outside of a limited number of people, you can’t be both. I’m extremely accurate, even with serious vision issues, but I’m slow.

It takes a lot of training to be able to accurately fire rapidly. Gun changes can help to improve rapid accurate firing, but it’s more training than anything else.


The audio analysis needs to include frequency manipulation to take out unnecessary noise such as screaming and whatever so that the timing of the supersonic crack of the bullet can be compared to the muzzle blast that emanates from the end of the gun barrel. Removing yelling and screaming etc will expose this better.

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I don’t even know WTF she is doing. I survived in corporate world. If I came into a fact finding meeting not knowing anything, I’d be out on the street in literally a few minutes. The questions that were asked, she should be fully and completely briefed on, is management 101. I’ll agree there were certain questions she shouldn’t answer for security reasons, but not answering not any questions!!! I would expect that behavior out of a 1st year out of college employee. Not someone responsible for thousands of employees. In corporate world, an issue that would get VP level attention, you have literally 24 hours to know everything that has happened and FACTUALLY report what is known. 2x daily management meetings is pretty typical.


Lets see where she lands in 6 months. Will she get the “Good Lieutenant” treatment or the “Under bus” treatment?


There exists an entire document put out by the US Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency on inter-agency “bottom of the barrel, will work for sure if it all drops in the pot” interoperability for radio operations:

(note for USSS: see page 29, and Baofengs are $18.50 on Amazon; just sayin’)

Couldn’t the various agencies involved come up with a few code words and a handful of commercial radios to fill this gap? Unencrypted FM has many shortcomings, but when seconds matter it is far better than passing notes through a command post.

The level of incompetence (or worse) seen so far surrounding this entire incident has been just staggering. We can add “ignorance of and/or refusal to follow standard, established Federal inter-agency operating procedures” to the pile.


It’s time to upgrade your security detail… Yes


More images of the site Matthew Everhard video


this just came out body camera video of the roof


For those interested in checking it out, the Patrick Bet-David (PBD) podcast @singlespeak is talking about is at

The initial shout out to Chris from Patrick Bet-David is at 3:23.
The substantive coverage of Chris’s audio analysis starts at 25:40.
Wow! What @singlespeak said!!


Chris probably already knows it is Gavin de Becker and Associates.


See? Even you could come up with a quick, simple, cheap solution! The primary problem is that the USSS is so ELITE they have virtually no use for mere police. Sure the local yokels are ok to direct traffic and guard doors but the real job of protection is for the elite. Mere police could never play a critical role in protecting a dignitary.


The media story that “local law enforcement” was tasked with being posted on the roof of the building makes sense. It would have been a simple enough task to just stand on the roof and make sure no one tries to use it as a sniper perch. A task like that would need no specialized skills. Just stand on the roof and make sure no one joins you with a gun. No need to pay a fancy, schmantsy, special agent when a cheap local cop will do. But cops will be cops. It was a hot day and a mindless task. Sitting in the building would be much more comfortable. I wonder if the “hoister” and the “hoistee” in the cop story were the two who were supposed to be the roof sitters. They might have been comfortably sitting inside the building when news came over the radio that there was a sniper on the roof. Or, maybe they heard the shooter crawling of the roof from inside. Definitely, an “oh, sh** moment” for them so they ran outside to peek over the edge of the roof and see if there was really a sniper on the roof. The hoistee would have seen the shooter, panicked, lost balance and fell on the ground on top of his buddy, explaining the injury.
The story about the sniper turning his gun on them was probably total fiction designed to make them look like heros. After all, with the snipers looking at the roof of the one story building from the second floor window of the neighboring building, who needed them? They probably never intended to post on the roof, which would explain why one had to hoist the other up to peek over the edge. If they intended to post on the roof that day, one would have brought a ladder.
If this story is true, however, then how would Crooks know that the roof would be unguarded? Did he, or his parents, know one of the cops hired to post the roof? Or were these two cops bragging about their easy gig the night before in a local hangout and Crooks just overheard? Seems likely that Crooks was doing most of the planning during the morning of the rally. Maybe he only saw the opportunity the night before.