Chloroquine: A Promising Coronavirus Treatment?

Wow, a total of 75 people have died from Covid in South Korea. That means how many have had it and recovered with supportive care? Typically, viral infections get only supportive care and medications like Tamiflu are only rarely used due to ineffectiveness. Chloroquine may work but it has it’s side effects. If all we focus on is fear and data that is suspect, we will and are giving away our freedoms to a group know to be pathological liars. It won’t be long till we are living in a country like China, no privacy(already there), no right to self protection(getting there), no freedom of the press(about 90%) there. It won’t be long when we come to our border and it will say, welcome to Merika

Congressional members have always done insider trading. It used to be argued that you couldn’t say it was illegal for them, because naturally they were the first to get information that could affect stocks and it wasn’t their fault that they had this information! Back in 2012 they passed the STOCK Act to ostensibly stop this practice, but I have read in several places (sorry, can’t remember where now) that they have ways of getting around the act, and that the act was too weak to really stop them. So once they are in Congress, they get rich through insider trading and building up their campaign chests, which they are allowed to take with them when they retire!

My brother, an ER doc, just sent to me this latest letter from that it is not yet clear if blood pressure drugs of certain kinds are bad or good relative to COVID 19, because in second paragraph they note that there have been some upsides to these, so for now you need to keep taking them. see below:
HFSA/ACC/AHA statement addresses concerns re: using RAAS antagonists in COVID-19
Patients with underlying cardiovascular diseases appear to have an increased risk for adverse outcomes with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Although the clinical manifestations of COVID-19 are dominated by respiratory symptoms, some patients also may have severe cardiovascular damage. Angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptors have been shown to be the entry point into human cells for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. In a few experimental studies with animal models, both angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) have been shown to upregulate ACE2 expression in the heart. Though these have not been shown in human studies, or in the setting of COVID-19, such potential upregulation of ACE2 by ACE inhibitors or ARBs has resulted in a speculation of potential increased risk for COVID-19 infection in patients with background treatment of these medications.
ACE2 is a homolog of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE). ACE2 negatively regulates the renin angiotensin system by converting Angiotensin II to vasodilatory Angiotensin 1-7, diminishing and opposing the vasoconstrictor effect of angiotensin II. ACE2, ACE, angiotensin II and other renin angiotensin aldosterone system (RAAS) system interactions are quite complex, and at times, paradoxical. Furthermore, tissue expression of ACE2 differ in heart, kidneys and lungs of healthy patients, cardiovascular disease patients, and coronavirus-infected patients, and its role in the setting of COVID-19 infection in patients with cardiovascular disease is unclear. Furthermore, in experimental studies, both ACE inhibitors and ARBs have been shown to reduce severe lung injury in certain viral pneumonias, and it has been speculated that these agents could be beneficial in COVID-19.
Currently there are no experimental or clinical data demonstrating beneficial or adverse outcomes with background use of ACE inhibitors, ARBs or other RAAS antagonists in COVID-19 or among COVID-19 patients with a history of cardiovascular disease treated with such agents. The HFSA, ACC, and AHA recommend continuation of RAAS antagonists for those patients who are currently prescribed such agents for indications for which these agents are known to be beneficial, such as heart failure, hypertension, or ischemic heart disease. In the event patients with cardiovascular disease are diagnosed with COVID-19, individualized treatment decisions should be made according to each patient’s hemodynamic status and clinical presentation. Therefore, be advised not to add or remove any RAAS-related treatments, beyond actions based on standard clinical practice.
These theoretical concerns and findings of cardiovascular involvement with COVID-19 deserve much more detailed research, and quickly. As further research and developments related to this issue evolve, we will update these recommendations as needed.

Most people don’t realize that Warren Buffet’s father was a Congressman and so young Warren was privy to an abundance of insider information.
Insider information is the reason why US Senators have the documented distinction of being some of the most successful “investors”.
Yet the American public continues to re-elect these very same people.

This story has been out in the media since January. You didn’t need anyone to warn you. It was very obvious this could spread and become pandemic. Now is not the time to blame…now is the time to focus on solutions and helping those in need. This site does that.

I have absolutely no problem with informed people taking the rational actions, required to limit loss and harm to themselves.
Anyone, such as myself, who alerted to the advent of the Coronavirus, just as soon as it manifested in late December (December 1st being first case reported, with a November dated initial infection), could very quickly determine the probable course of this pathogen by mid January. Especially, if one possessed biological warfare expertise and knowledge of viral pathogens (again, such as myself.)
Indeed, I am also an ex-member of the United States Intelligence Community, with the same, or possibly higher, clearance as Mr. Burr. Within the Community, I served in its internal decontamination team, with world wide duties. I became familiar with all known biological pathogens, natural and engineered, as well as all Chemical and Radiological, sheltering and decontamination requirements.
Without even having any source of classified information about Coronavirus, and relying completely upon public information, and broadcast media…I knew weeks in advance exactly where coronavirus was going to progress, that is was not going to be contained, how many were going to become infected and about how many were going to die.
Remember, the Community is the most informed organization on Earth. We know exactly what did happen…and is currently happening…in China, N.Korea, Iran…and everywhere else we wish to know about. The Community is the repository for all human knowledge, all the classified information, including all our scientific advancements and capabilities…all human technologies. But, we are not elected, and since the National Security Act, we are not actually controlled by our elected government. We are a world unto ourselves, without checks of any kind.
If knowledge is power, the Community has all the power.
Since a rational person, with unclassified information, could easily realize how the stock market, and the world economy, was going to be affected by the coronavirus…and the coming, obvious, pandemic…WHY WAIT FOR THE STUPID SHEEP TO WAKE UP BEFORE GETTING OUT OF THE MARKET?
One’s official statements are NOT FREE of official control and official policy. I have NO PROBLEM between an official government statement…and any statements made, which are NOT official. No laws were broken and this is NOT a case of insider information…as it was ALL PUBLICLY AVAILABLE…and OBVIOUS.
Anyone, with a lick of sense, would have dumped the market…or acted to position their assets…WAY ahead of the drones.
Selling before the expected fall…is just the rational thing to do. I did it, too.

Knowing the stock market was going to be impacted by coronavirus, and taking rational action to prevent loss…is quite different, than possessing secret information regarding exactly, which specific company’s stock was going to increase explosively, and buying it all up…prior to any public information being available.
People will ALWAYS complain about the UNFAIR advantage, REASON provides the rational. Reason allows anyone to see farther down the tracks to see the train coming down them, before others…even those playing on the tracks.
“There is a TRAIN COMING!” You may shout at people, who amazingly seem unaware of the approaching danger.
“What train?” Some of those on the tracks may ask. “I do not see any train.”
“It’s RIGHT THERE!” You exclaim, pointing down the tracks. “Can’t you see the SMOKE?”
“Smoke? What smoke? What are you talking about?”
"You’re out of your mind! Go away! We are having fun here…and don’t need your idiotic, fun spoiling, attention grabbing theatrics, to ruin it for us!
—You know the rest…

Well I’m not a former IC member with fancy credentials, but in my post - I forget exactly when it was, but perhaps a week or two before the actual plunge date - I said I was buying puts for the first time in probably 8 years. Once I did the math, it became pretty obvious when things would blow up. One might even say I extended my put duration out too far - I had June puts, when April or May would have done just fine.
Back then, the VIX was somewhere around 15. It peaked mid 80s.
I mean, this is all technical stuff, but - I didn’t only dodge the fall, I actually made money from it. And if I hadn’t sold off all through the plunge, I’d have made about twice as much, maybe more. It was just too stressful to watch all that volatility day in and day out. I’m used to maybe a 2% change in value per day. 20% change (both up, and down) is super stressful.
Did anyone ask me about this? A few did. One asked me about shorting shale. (My goodness, he’s probably horribly rich. He hasn’t said a peep about his trade. I just shorted financials & tech.) One frequent poster, JAG, we talked about this extensively. He bought VIX calls. He did…well. Better than I did. He’s now recovering from his ordeal.
Burr just had someone else do the math for him, and he reacted. Any of us could have done the same math. I did. I have “engineering” training, but the math was high school math, if that.
All you really had to do was a) pay attention, b) do some simple math, c) believe what it signifies, and then d) take action. c) is often the hardest part. Recency bias is amazingly strong. It felt totally surreal when I bought all those puts.
Anyhow. My two cents.

You should have bodily picked them up and lifted them off the tracks despite them kicking and screaming and hitting you on the head, demanding to be released. Otherwise, you’ll be accused of lacking compassion and caring. And then afterwards, you’ll be required to entertain them since they can’t play on the tracks for a while. And don’t you dare try to teach them how to entertain themselves. You’ll make their brains hurt and be accused of cruelty. Eventually, they’ll even accuse you of causing the train to come that spoiled their fun. How insensitive of you! Of course, the next day, they’ll go right back to playing on the same tracks and even have their children play on the same tracks with them. After all, it’s their right.

Ision, given your qualifications, I wonder if you would proffer an opinion - not that it really matters at this point. From my perspective, there is a lot of smoke suggesting that this virus is/was engineered. The finding of exact match HIV RNA snippets, first published by Indian researchers, later affirmed by China. The location of the first cluster, near China’s highest level bio-research lab. Chinese-National researchers in working in Canada transporting Corona virus samples back to Wuhan, and ultimately getting ejected from Canada for doing so…
So, Engineered: Yes or No?
Accidental or purposeful release?
The accidental vs purposeful question is kind of tricky. Having been released one way or another in Wuhan, there is an immediate and very obvious connection to China’s bioweapons research lab there. But, were you to be making a purposeful release that you wanted to make look like an accidental release (at worst) then you would actually want to do it in Wuhan.
Stay healthy, Jim

Not according to Wikipedia (which I presume on this topic is trustworthy). Please check facts and data before posting them.

Two issues with the whole “it’s a CIA plot” storyline.

  1. The CIA leaks like a sieve. The number of moles discovered within that organization are legendary. Go read about it. I’m sure the Chinese have our fine IC community well penetrated, just like they have dozens of former congressmen and senators on their payroll, not to mention researchers, CEOs, and so on.
  2. This would be an act of war. China would, without a doubt, find out about it (see #1, above). They would respond. This would lead to war. Period.
    Given all the above, what sane person would authorize such a mission? Its just crazy talk. Never mind the whole blowback we are experiencing right now.
    Zero chance we did this.
    That said, I do think there are people within the community that are taking advantage of China’s mis-steps to further the “decoupling” agenda. An agenda which I am in full support of, and have been for some time once I realized the CCP was installing little bits of hardware on motherboards to create backdoors into every US server that was Made In China.

I support decoupling as well… we in the US, and any country that is concerned about it’s sovereign health, should be, “deglobalizing” to the extent possible. We allowed the Corporate CEO’s to profit way too much off of supply chain globalization, to our own detriment.
I do though believe there is a globalist deep state that is presently at war with Trump and white hats in our military. I am hoping that the white hats use this pandemic to their, and my, advantage in terms or restoring the rule of law in the US. This is not a political statement… just a statement of fact.
People don’t have to like Trump, but they should all understand that this is our chance to save the Republic. If anyone thinks this is hyperbole, you are just ignorant - I’m sorry to say. Don’t though take if from me… take it from Sidney Powell, a National GEM;

One more thing. Thanks for the post on Stamets and his mushrooms. I read about him a few years back, but never acted. After reading your post (and the linked patent, just fascinating stuff) I ran out and got myself “a fair amount” of his mushroom powder.
I think I didn’t understand before the concept behind why mushrooms are such good anti-virals. If I understand correctly - mushrooms are exposed to everything given where they grow, and if they weren’t so strong a life form, they would have died out long ago.
The tests that CDC ran on mushrooms vs the various virus forms was really interesting. I didn’t go down the rabbit hole too deeply, but they seemed quite effective in vitro. And the fact that the - I forget what they’re called, the lower bits, have different action and effectiveness than the fruiting body both makes sense, and is super interesting too.
The net-net is that this Stamets fellow is a really smart guy.
The only issue for me is if their potency gets through my digestive tract and into my system. But that’s above my pay grade.
I need 100 million bucks. Then I’d do clinical trials on all this stuff.

Ision, If what you say is true, it’s just this type organization that needs to be disbanded. No oversight; No elected officials; No accountability. You’re so-called Community has blood on it’s hands. A lot of Blood. Considering that you’re oh-so-powerful-Community is made up of living entities that have the four built-in defects: subject to illusion, imperfect senses, prone to commit mistakes, and propensity to cheat, AND have insatiable lust for profit, adoration, and distinction, I think you’re over-estimating yourselves.
When a “Community” has no oversight, an unlimited budget, the “goods” on every single worker in the Swamp and is not accountable to the voters, the result is along the lines of unlimited absolute power, followed by absolute corruption which is pretty much where we are at in the story.
Since Iran, circa 1954+/- it’s been the same CIA oldy-moldy play book over and over and over again, with the exception of adding drug running to the long list of criminal activities since Iran.
Ision, Mr. Community Man, go float yourself and take the evil activities with you.

Yeah, I went through a similar awakening regarding the mushrooms kind of in real time here on the website. It’s not that I didn’t appreciate the fact that pharmaceuticals is largely a racket, with efficacy of drugs often overblown, and side effects often suppressed or at least under-reported. It’s not like I didn’t already realize that natural supplements, which could not themselves (note that Stamets patents are for methods of preparation) be patented, were not going to get support for Gold-standard studies of efficacy. But, still, I had not put adequate energy into better exploring the world of natural supplements and their range of efficacy before Covid-19 came along. Stay healthy, Jim
Edit: The wispy lower bits are mycelium : )

Thaks for the link - this is the crucial point. CFR is wildly overstated due to lack of testing in most countries. I will add your testing numbers to my article.

Consider this. Mr. Ision states his ideas and opinions in a matter-of-fact way without emotion or condescension. I rather like knowing the way things are even when bleak. I find Mr. Ision to have a unique perspective where he understands the high level organization, the motives that drive them and their relationship to we working folk.
I agree that, at least in my opinion, there is often a lack of compassion and empathy for people and a tolerance of the status quo around here. Thats why its important for those of us with emotions to stick around.?
And lastly we are missing something.

  • Actors with the virus
  • Tests - we have them, now you see them - now you don’t. Who has them, who doesn’t?
  • Oh look, Senators with the virus
  • OMG - someone said !$&@&!!
  • Look st supplements, medicine
  • Look at the numbers
Over There
  • Renewing the Patriot Act
  • Trillion $ bailout
  • Countries dropping the $
  • Continuing or strengthening sanctions during a Pandemic
  • Blame for the virus origins
  • Other important activities we are missing?
So what are we missing? But wait, no, no don’t look over there, look, look, new numbers. ??      

Hi Chris et al,
Been a PP member for a long time now. I greatly appreciate what you guys do and the info you provide. I have watched all of your daily videos since the beginning of this Covid mess. Been following since the start. I am having issues with the whole self quarantine approach. We could all stay self quarantined for 30 days but unless the entire World does the same exact thing it is moot. Someone will catch it and we will have to start all over again. It will be an endless loop. How do you ever achieve herd immunity (HI) with the approach being advocated. How will we ever get back to a semblance of normality until HI is achieved. I think that Karl Denninger makes some very potent points about this I have not heard you speak about this which I find unusual. Perhaps you did and somehow I missed it. Cheers, Jeff