Chloroquine: A Promising Coronavirus Treatment?

I think we have to respect the platform and its purpose. Peakprosperity has managed to avoid be deplatformed and has reached millions with advanced heads up on how to personally perform risk assessment and mitigation.
If we run down the rabbit trail of what we are missing either PP will get deplatformed or the new arrivals will find the information lacks context and salience to their current knowledge and questions.
That said, very valid questions which might be better explored on other platforms.
Ref: Brandon Smith

Some folks insist on diving into the shallow end. Perhaps their role is to provide an example or entertainment. For fulfilling their mission I wish them a speedy reincarnation into a wiser life.
Rules for walking the tracks: 1) Look behind you every 100 steps. 2) When you get to a trestle, run.
Rules for the beach: 1) Never turn your back on the sea. 2) Don’t climb on the logs.

I have come to the opposite conclusion as you. Italy is running six tests per positive result. In comparison South Korea and German are running over twenty tests per positive result and Singapore over 100. The only rate of testing I have seen worse than Italy’s was Wuhan at the height of the crisis there where they were running 1.5 tests per positive result.
When 1 in 6 tests are coming back positive and you’re only testing a tiny fraction (<0.1%) of the population, you are missing the overwhelming majority of cases.
Italy’s data is worthless.
What is crystal clear to me is that the more testing a country does the lower the CFR. Singapore is doing the best job of testing as far as I can tell. They are running 100 tests per positive result and they have 385 cases and zero fatalities.

Fair enough. Good point. Been here about 10 years and my sense is there is a rabbit in the room, named Harvey. No one wants to discuss Harvey because his fangs are sharp and he smells bad. So we discuss the whether, virus, sports and socially acceptable topics in the media. But some of us think Harvey is either dead or quite dangerous. In any case, I think I will take precautions to protect myself from Harvey. (See Henry Fonda and his invisible white rabbit named Harvey) a 1060’s movie.
Will look for answers elsewhere.

Normally, for most, viruses have a definable pattern and course of death. not to say people dont have more severe or additional symptoms. But even those that do have a great varying degree of illness, usually have a very high fatality rate, like smallpox. Usually something that acts like the flu, limits itself to a standard course , though some people progress and resolve quicker than others. The flu itself can cause death because the body’s systems or immune systems are compromised, or you just are unlucky enough to get a secondary infection along the way like bacterial pneumonia. Its something that just doesn’t kill you for no reason. Either you are compromised, or you get a secondary infection like pneumonia.
This is entirely different. It definitely able to kill a person with a normal course of lung destruction in healthy individuals. There are 92 years old that have survived it and 35 year old doctors that have succumb to lung destruction. The questions is if this can take this action in some individuals , and the cause and course of destruction is the same for old and immune deficient as healthy , what the heck is going on?
How and why do some people have mild and others or have severe “lung destruction” even if they survive? I really put little difference between severe and death, as the same damage is taking place, just one manages to survive long enough to out-last the virus with supportive care.
You could theorize that perhaps there is vitamin deficiency, like cellular zinc, or Vitamin D , or B1 that have had some roll in cytokine storm. One thing, I think the medical profession is getting lost on is the cytokine storm causing deaths in healthy young people. Though , I think this is possible, its a very very rare minority of the people dying where in H1N1 this was the primary cause of death in young. It is not in the coronavirus. I think we should dismiss this. It does happen but its the primary route of death here. So, this brings us back to the question and I have surmised a couple of theories.
I am going to discount the elderly and infirm population in this question, as it could just be simple compromised immunity that comes with age. I would like to use the Italian population for the major question here. Yes they have a more aged population than that of the US. But I did note healthcare workers “healthy and normally able” getting very sick “severe” illness and death. And I also noted that this blew through an entire large italian family in the USA wasting half the clan. So, the question now becomes that in italy they have a very high CFR. Is this from a genetic issue or are we dealing with an overwhelmed medical or is something were the strain there is virulent? or are we seeing a vitamin deficiency linked to a diet ? Although, one would think that the Mediterranean diet is the healthiest in the world it may actually cause an issue with one enzyme or nutrient? Or are we dealing with genetic deficiency like how people of darker skin produce less vitamin D? I think these are really good questions. There is something unusual at play. And just to say this kills the old , we are missing something. The same to say its cytokine storm in the young. Why do some people get mild illness and why some such massive lung damage? Regardless of age or health status.
My theory is this has to be acting as dual action virus. Meaning its a virus that follows one action and then its a virus that follows a second action. If successful, you are toast. Sort of like a cellular chess match. What kind of virus would work this way. Well HIV for one. I do not think HIV is a natural virus , I believe it was engineered. I actually think we are looking at the same thing here. This thing was engineered to try to take down the defenses and get a foothold… and then do its damage.
What is the difference between ethnic cultures and young healthy that determines whether you live or die? First, I do believe there is something in the Italian medical system being overwhelmed that accounts for the high mortality rates. As well as the aging population. When we see young healthy doctors dying , can this be , because they are likely to vaccinate a lot? leaving them less likely able to defend against something novel as the studies suggest? is this family, just a coincidence that they are italian? and dying and not have anything to do with ethnicity? I would think people of the same family have the same views about vaccinating… Perhaps they got the flu vaccine every year - even if was the same as the previous// I know my stepfather was one to the vaccine every year - regardless of what was going around. My Mother on the other hand never got it nor would she… So, I personally would like to see a Vaccine history on the dead… That is one thing I would be chasing right now. and with a lot of questions raised here… Some can be easily answered … this is the one that troubles me. And there has to be some logic why one dies here or becomes severe… and I do no think its just a vitamin deficiency… It would have to be something really critical and blinding. I can really theorize a lot of reason why people can have issues , but none that would give a unified 20% of the infected challenged. when you consider all age groups and health status’ that are effected. The only unified theory , I find is people may have wrecked their immune systems with vaccines , to the point they are sluggish and respond like the elderly… any thoughts would be appreciated?

AK said,

Renewing the Patriot Act
There is of course what I will call the, "X-22 report" perspective on this. If you are not familiar with Dave and the X-22 report, you might want to listen to some of his stuff on Youtube. His interpretation of this particular event, for instance, is that the good guys.. the white hats.. are now using things like FISA against the bad guys. Or, as Dave says, "FISA works both ways". Indeed, this is pretty logical if you think about it. I can't tell you for a fact that it's true.. but Dave's perspective has kept me sane through events like Trump's use of cruise missiles to punish Syria for their use of chlorine gas (a cover for sending cruise missiles in to destroy CIA/Deepstate black sites in Syria). See how that works? Now, It may be that I am being played by the ultimate psyop, meant just for the conspiracy-minded like me.. or it may be the truth. I think it's the truth, and more than that, I really, really hope and wish and pray that it's the truth. Stay healthy, Jim

I undestand the Singapore model. And what you are actually deducing there is they have just 385 cases and exceptional surveillance with a fatality rate of zero , you have reduced it to something rather benign like the flu.
Well, We know this is not so. There is clear evidence that this disease causes a lot of people to get severe lung involvement with a lot of destruction And it kills healthy people. A benign illness cannot work like this. What is more likely going on singapore is that they are doing incredible surveillance , thereby controlling cases - and keeping an extremely low threshold of medical burden. And as I have said before, if you have access to great medical care - the fatality rate here could be held to zero. Which is what I believe is going on singapore. If you conclude that this is just flu and many many more people have it ( than diagnosed ) - that is why so many are dying, I think you will be sadly disappointed at the end of the game.

This is a conundrum and one I would like to see us put our heads together on;

Some can be easily answered .. this is the one that troubles me. And there has to be some logic why one dies here or becomes severe.. and I do no think its just a vitamin deficiency.. It would have to be something reallycritical and blinding.
One thing that keeps nagging at me is sleep status. Ever since Dr. S mentioned the benefits of adequate sleep on immune status in one of his early MedCram corona virus videos, I have been paying much more attention to it. I treat my own sleep as being just as important as my supplements, if not more so. So, this brings up the other side of the coin.. when we see a middle-aged Doctor losing his battle against Covid in Wuhan, knowing that he was probably horrifically sleep deprived as he worked long hour while the virus made it's way down into his lungs.. are we to be surprised that it became so entrenched that he lost his battle? From what I read, the 50 yr old lawyer in Westchester County, NY who is just coming out of a medically induced coma, had been working a case when he came down with corona virus. Each of these is of course anecdotal, and I am not saying it's this simple, but I think this is one of the variables that plays into younger folks getting infected. To be more specific, my view is that a healthy immune system will beat this back before it gets well seated in the lungs.. and if you are sleep deprived, you may not have a well functioning immune system.
Indeed, sleep affects various immune parameters, is associated with a reduced infection risk, and can improve infection outcome and vaccination responses.

The Sleep-Immune Crosstalk in Health and Disease
So here is my pitch for this factor: This disease challenges our native immunity in a way that few others do... it starts in the upper respiratory system, and if not stopped there by one's native immune system, it works it's way down to the lungs where is does it's damage. The time frame over which this unfolds is fairly unprecedented - were it normal flu a person would quickly be bedridden.. but because this monster of a virus can seemingly keep brewing, "asymptomatically", a person can be walking around with it, partying like it's 1999, or just working long hours, as normal. If this virus is allowed to take ahold of your lungs, then you may end of dead or, as with the lawyer, on a ventilator. I think sleep status is a factor which overlays age-related immune decline.

Dear Chris,
I am afraid that your comments on Spain referring to the “fallas” in Valencia were provided by somebody not living in Spain inventing the story about hundreds of thousands in the street etc.
WHY? simpel, because these festivities were CANCELLED and did NOT took place in 2020.
It must be very difficult to check sources. Therefore all the best and keep up the magnificent work.
Warm regards

I think sleep is a promising avenue to follow. I also wonder about gut health. And, this is way out in left field–The Standard American Diet consists mainly of corn, wheat,and soy in various guises. They are all high in arginine and low in lysine. Some people take lysine to prevent cold sores–herpes simplex. Just some random thoughts.

It was Jimmy Stewart, not Henry Fonda, who starred in Harvey. We have a particular fondness for Jimmy Stewart in this area because he starred in Anatomy of a Murder which was filmed right here in our town. Although Jimmy played a lovable character in the movie, he was also delusional.
In the two years prior to you being here, Harvey was discussed at length and relegated to the basement with occasional attempts by him to poke his head up through the trap door. If you go peek down there (if the basement still exists), you may still find him.
On the subject of emotion, I think you may confuse the absence of expression of emotion or muted expression of emotion in a particular context, especially more extreme emotion, with the absence of emotion felt internally. A good poker player or a good soldier or a good Community person like Ision has learned control of their emotions when expressing them would serve no purpose or be a drain of energy or reveal something that shouldn’t be revealed or decrease the effectiveness and efficiency of their function in a particular circumstance. On the other hand, that same person may go home to his or her loved ones and demonstrate the warm emotions, including compassion and empathy, that are appropriate in that context and serve to restore their humanity when they may have had to previously operate in a context where humanity was a scarce commodity.
Unlike a child that is compelled to wiggle and squirm and can’t sit still and be quiet, an adult with a mature nervous system should be able to be still and quiet when needed. An emotionally mature adult can regulate their emotions such that the emotions become a servant rather than a master. Our prisons, for example, are filled with the opposite; people with low impulse control and unbridled emotions. That and, frequently (but not always), low cognitive intelligence brings them there as well.
There is more on the point of using controlled emotions to one’s benefit rather than simply blowing off steam to no one’s benefit, including that of the steam blower’s. Anger, for example, is a negative emotion and negative emotions are always based on fear. Putting oneself into a negative emotional state repeatedly and especially allowing oneself to languish in that state for prolonged periods has proven adverse effects upon one’s physical and mental health. Righteous anger on the other hand, converted into action, like Jesus entering the temple and overturning the tables of the money changers, has its role in a well defined moment in time and space and is not long lasting. But sanctimonious anger, which is long lasting and expressed over and over again, becomes tiresome to those who have to witness it (especially when it is not accompanied by actions designed to correct the circumstance provoking it) and ultimately reflects poorly on the one expressing it and harms that person as well.
The high level Russian Systema practitioners can stay calm and centered and in control of their emotions to deal with high stress and high threat situations but once those situations are addressed and pass, they can revert to being warm, friendly, kind, caring, compassionate human beings. Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of aikido, was another example of that kind of person. That’s a mastery of emotion that we can all aspire to, myself included. It’s interesting that the very best came to that high level of functioning not only through their Systema training but by the practice of their strong Russian Christian orthodox faith, with the two melding to produce exemplary human beings. And Ueshiba had his revelation through meditation and prayer.
In a related vein, Bruce Lee put another spin on it from the Eastern perspective of achieving excellence with the appropriate use of emotion.
You (there’s that word again) are a person of passionate emotions and that will most likely not change to any great extent at this stage of your life nor should it since we are each unique as individuals for a purpose and your passionate emotions do serve a role of sorts. But learning to temper your emotions somewhat would probably be of benefit in achieving emotional balance just like opening up their heart and feeling emotions more would benefit someone who suppresses (rather than regulates) emotions and lives exclusively in their head and not at all in their heart. But if you expect others to be like you and condemn them or hold them in lower regard because they aren’t and they don’t match your emotional pitch, you will find, if you’re being truly honest in your investigation of the subject, that your premise is a faulty one and it will affect your ability to experience joy that can exist regardless of life circumstances.

Yes gut health is a huge part of the immune system - SigA is largest immuno-component in the body. And it is well found that probiotics and the gut biome is vital to human immunity and health.
As for corn. Its a trigger for my coldsores. most people talk about nuts etc… nuts do not affect me at all. But a bag of corn chips. every saturday(football) for a month… and I am done…

Wonder if the Varicella vaccine is offering some protection to those younger than 25? It didn’t become available till 1995 so most people over 25 would not have received it unless they had never had chickenpox as a kid… Also, one of the severe complications from chickenpox can be pneumonia.

Yes, as with the gut health, sleep is vital to immunity. In fact, the two work together. We know lack of sleep will cause in increase in cortisol… Immuno-enhancing on short-term but immuno-suppressing on medium to long-term. Specifically, there is an inverse relation of cortisol to sIgA. So, as cortisol rises, secretory immunoglobulin A decreases. They have now found receptors for bacteria in sIgA. My guess is its a sort of lattice for the good-guy bacterias in the gut. So, high-stress, high-refined sugar diet, no sleep, tanks your gut health… and ultimately your total health.

What if it is simpler than that? What if the difference in severity is very much about viral load? That would explain why young doctors and nurses working in the emergency room could get a very bad case of this illness, especially if they were taking care of critically ill covid-19 patients that were coughing violently.

Well I see you can’t pass up an opportunity to point out where I am wrong. Jimmy Stewart not Henry Fonda. Well bully for you. Two points for you!
And you have analyzed my posts and character and found them and me lacking. Well its a dam good thing you don’t know me in person so you could write a book on my imperfections, shortcomings and idiosyncrasies. Lol, I am a work in progress. And I don’t give a shit what your analysis is.
One good thing about me - I have never been depressed, I just get mad. Yep, my husband adores me and says “I am afraid of no man and only one woman”. Lol again.
So now that you got that lecture out of your system. Put a sock in it?
Gotta go Chris is on.

This was explored by Chris a week or two ago. Basically, its about the amount of initial innoculant that you receive. So if you start off with 2 billion vs 30 and go into exponential growth… Your body, would have less time to try to mount a defense before the virus machinery is in place. This would very easily explain a high mortality in clinical workers. But, I would expect to see a consistently higher mortality rate of those workers infected and severe illness. So its definitely something to investigate as well. These numbers would exist.

I know this will be hard for a lot of people. How they heck are you supposed to cut your hair guys? Anyone doing their own? I started about 8 years ago… Haven’t looked backed. Its not hard if you have been watching while you get a haircut. Of course its easier to have someone else in the family to do it if they know how. My brother and I tried it on each other when college… came out fine. So it was not hard to make the leap for me. You will need some half-decent barber sheers.

Every day I make sure I have yogurt with acidophilus in it, if I eat any bread at all it’s gluten-free, and hardly ever ever soy. I look at ingredient lists forwheat and especially soy, and many times have put something back on the shelf if I see any form of soy in it. I know I feel a whole lot better without gluten, soy, and as little corn syrup, etc as possible. (No sodas either.)
Over twenty years ago I read “Dangerous Grains” after “Paleo Diet”. After reading the book about grains, I got so freaked out I was able to go cold turkey, no more cookies, cakes, pies, bread, etc for me, was eating paleo and grass-fed meats as well. I dropped 20 pounds in 3 months and I wasn’t that overweight to begin with, and I have been at the same weight I was when I was in high school a few decades ago. I remember something to the effect that gluten was so addictive and known as “comfort food” because it was one ingredient or molecule, something I just don’t remember the word right now, away from opiates. What??!!!
A few months later I happened to read an article in the “Alternative Medicine” magazine (I think they drank the Kool-Aid sometime ago though) about the pros and cons of soy. Lots of anti-nutrients in soy, and I eventually found a book “The Whole Soy Story: the Dark Side of America’s Favorite Health Food” by Kaayla Daniel. Geez…
From Amazon “A groundbreaking expose that tells the truth about soy that scientists know but that the soy industry has tried to suppress. Soy is not a health food, does not prevent disease and has not even been proven safe. Epidemiological, clinical and laboratory studies link soy to malnutrition, digestive problems, thyroid dysfunction, cognitive decline, reproductive disorders, even heart disease and cancer.”