Chloroquine: A Promising Coronavirus Treatment?

You have a nice day too. We’re all works in progress. You conflated personality with character again. I think your character is probably fine but your personality appears a bit volatile and rather easily angered and offended. I appreciate your sense of humor though, something which helps in these times. Your husband adores you but he’s afraid of you, lol? I wouldn’t touch that one with a 10 foot pole.

A long time ago, I answered this question…shortly after reviewing the published genome of this pathogen.
I saw the virus had been modified with specific, long-chain, nucleotide sequence, splices…which simply do not happen naturally. Not at all.
So, I knew the virus had been artificially manipulated. And, from the added sequences, deliberately enhanced.
Now, why would this be? It is not irrational to create such enhanced pathogens to use in vaccine, or serum, development. Too, it is not irrational for biological pathogens to be enhanced for weapon development…or in response to such a weapon…for study.
I believe this particular pathogen is not the unique product of Chinese efforts, but part of the smuggled pathogens their agents were successful in stealing from the Canadian L4 Lab…where they worked, until thrown out of the country.
Since the Wuhan Bio Lab has a known history of accidents, and pathogen leaks…at least four events…it is quite possible some lab tech carried the pathogen out of the lab totally accidentally…possibly deciding to go to the nearby marketplace to buy something to cook for dinner…and contaminated others.
The particular Chinese lab in question, which works with bat vectors and pathogens…is very close to this marketplace, which we were told was where this virus originated. Despite Case Zero, reported December 1st, having no association with the market at all.
I believe, due to all observed actions taken, the Chinese knew very quickly what had happened and knew enough about the pathogen to spring to action, well beyond what ignorance demanded. I knew, they knew, what the pathogen was. And, they knew…for a fact…the United States was NOT attacking them.
Remember, our Intelligence Community observed the actions of the Chinese, were also familiar with the pathogen, which was quickly identified…and monitored events closely.
From this point on…the fog of operations obscure the flow of cause and effect. But, such incidents offer opportunities to every faction interested.
If the crap is flying…the least one can do is attempt to advance government goals, while putting on a good show.
Stolen pathogen. Inept Chinese Technician. People die and economies fall.
That is my opinion.

Hmm - I keep trying to submit a comment but it’s not taking.
Short version is

  • not saying same as seasonal flu
  • more infectious so more people get it in a shorter period of time
  • people who require critical care need more care for a longer period of time
  • CFR at least as high as 'flu - and perhaps as much as 5x higher, but not 10+ x higher.
    Combine those things and you can easily get 10x the load on a hospitals which produces exactly what you are seeing in Italy.
    Younger people don’t get it much though. In US 163 died and only 11 deaths younger than 60 (only one under 50) and we know over half of those were already ill - and the others may well have been to - we just don’t know. In Italy average age of deaths is 81, and almost all deaths over 60.

Being a functioning sociopath, I figure it is better to not commit assault upon the dumb driven cattle, who may never see the train…even as it passes, even if the wind it makes blows off their hats.
Let Evolution do its job. I feel guilty for attempting to deprive it of its fun…by yelling a warning in the first place.

Hello everyone, I have been trying to share my story with everyone and I’m being censored everywhere, There is a curtual data to share that migh save million people’s lives. I used Oxygenised Diet (NO MEAT) Only drinking eggs and reducing digestions to a minimum TO SAVE ENERGY. Combined with Breathing Exercises to slow hearth rate and control body temperature by bringing oxygen from outside in big amounts.
Background: I live in Uk, 28 Years OLD Male, Great condition 60kg, Been practicing Breating and Fasting for 1 year and one meal a day diet Eggs,Fish ,Juicing.
Please watch the Video before reading the progression of sickness to understand that the amount of virus you catch will dictate how severe is going to be.
12 - 13 March
Started feeling cold than usual while working. No Fever
This is how it Starts !!!
Day 1 Sat 14 March
5 pm Feever started
10pm Throat felt infected and pulsing ball of heat.(Now looking at the data I know I got infected with large amount of virus)
10-11 Started on fluids tea, Vitamin C, and warming legs + head . (Got the fever out, I shouldn’t had)
No Temperature.
Withing 5 Hours I lost my voice.
Throuat inflammation went into the lungs down .
Big hit at the chest almost paralysing my lungs for 10 sec in cicles.(What happens is because of high amount of virus contracted, too much is hitting the lungs too early, so the lungs just shut down no oxygen and the hearth is saying we need more blood to pump (I’m assuming people are imploding, especially if they take iboprofen , cofee …)
With the Breathing exercise (It is really spiritual) people learn to relax and slow their hearth rate while lacking oxygen but their blood is oxyginised
No Cough
Shortness of breath has begun with huge inflamation ches + throat Hot
Staying up almost into the next day. just sleep 2,3 hours.
Day 2 15 March Sunday
Starting Self Isolation,
Strenghtening body with Vitamins D,C,Zinc
Morning Breathing ,5 eggs raw(drink), Orange, avacado or banana + carrot + lemon (Its all about oxygen and saving energy(no digestion) for the battle)
If males have preserved their semen for 4-7 days prior to illness , that energy will be utilized for the battle as well(this all has huge biblical significance)
Later in day Maybe tuna but just continue on tea ,water, fruits do not overload the system(By doing this I believe your body is able to absorb oxygen a lot quicker from enviroment prior to meat satanic diet )
Been Practicing breathing 4 times a day
Day 3 16 March
Productive Cough is trying to get out (Posture Change might be needed)
Notes: Anything antiflammatory is not helpting, since the body has to naturally overcome and win.
Ramped up Oranges and liquides at night, Eating after 6 is wrong because digestion is using a lot of energy, at night is where you fight this.
Night time is the fight, I could not sleep for 2 h and then turned on my belly and started having 1h sleeping intervals with sweating every time.
Oxygen Improved
Been Practicing Breathing 4 times a day
Ended up with 6 Hours of productive sleep. GOOD
Day 4 17 March
Felling better ,.Started taking additional vit D pills.
Breathing Exercise is crutual by doing it you learn how to direct the immune system at a body point not overreacting and heating the body. Basically you become a futuion reactor , self sustained.
Day 5 March 18.
Feeling better but the body has taken a hit and there is pain at the back , front and generally feeling the damage.
Lungs function perfectly… because of breathing exercises . There is less oxygen in my body and I still feel lack of energy.
Started having more food , less vitamins and more SLEEP.
Breathing exercises CRUTIAL !!!
Day 6 ARCH 19.
First Night I had 10 Hours SLEEP, i feel rested but very uncoordinated(Probably because long rest).
Going through breakfast, I went for walk 30 min. Still need recovery but a lot better. Lung pain and back pain almost dissapeared.
Day 7 March 20.
NOTHING TO REPORT , ONLY BODY FEELS A BIT WEAK BUT I WILL WAIT FEW MORE DAYS BEFORE Trusting my immunity and get exposed to society(Obviously wearing PPE against High Anoculumb)

I have wondered that myself. It is not discussed other than in Chris’s video a couple of days ago. Makes perfect sense.

I have been meaning to post on this one too, especially since one of my truth seeking guru’s, Dr. William Davis of “WheatBelly” fame, recently posted on this topic as it relates to Covid.
As background, I read the Wheatbelly book some years ago and completely quit Wheat, cold turkey. I have never turned back… In my early 50’s I had increasing joint problems, a malady for which I have a strong family history. Within a few months of quitting, my joint inflammation problems COMPLETELY resolved - they were gone, and it was very clear why; I had taken away the agent that was causing my own immune system to attack my joints.
I used to just laugh at the TV when advertisements for drugs like Humira came on… the idea of taking a pill that would down-regulate my immune system so that I could keep eating a substance that didn’t have a long history in the human diet anyway was, well, absurd to me. Yeah, I know… I liked Pizza and Bagels too. Now though it’s not even funny in the face of Covid-19

HUMIRA is a medicine called a tumor necrosis factor (TNF) blocker. HUMIRA targets and blocks TNF-alpha. ... Because TNF blockers, including HUMIRA, affect the immune system, they can lower the ability to fight infections and may cause other serious side effects.
In any event, Dr. Davis was not a one-trick truth seeker... aside from taking on the entire food/pharma/FDA complexes, he eventually turned his sights on gut health too. In this regard he brought to light a series of MIT studies using a particular strain of beneficial bacteria called L-Reuteri. These data demonstrate that host immune responses to environmental microbes significantly impact and inhibit cancer progression in distal tissues such as mammary glands, even in genetically susceptible mice. This leads us to conclude that consuming fermentative microbes such as L. reuteri may offer a tractable public health approach to help counteract the accumulated dietary and genetic carcinogenic events integral in the Westernized diet and lifestyle.
Anyway, for the last year I have been buying the prescribed strain of L-Reuteri and making my own yogurt from it. Details for all of this can be found in the blogs on the Wheatbelly website. Here is the latest Blog post concerning gut health, this strain of L-Reuteri, and immunity; .....Reverse age-related thymic involution Lactobacillus reuteri reverses age-related atrophy of the thymus in experimental models. The thymus (sitting just in front of the heart in the anterior mediastinum) is the seat of much of the immune response, especially that involving T-lymphocytes. Starting at age 18, the thymus begins to atrophy such that, by age 70, it is a tiny fragment of its former self, a phenomenon accompanied by increased susceptibility to infections like flu, pneumococcal pneumonia, and sepsis. Even though this phenomenon has not yet been formally corroborated in humans, nearly every other observation made in mice with L. reuteri (or exogenous oxytocin) has held true in humans in formal clinical trials: preservation of bone density, accelerated healing, increased oxytocin, reduction of appetite, weight loss, etc. It is therefore likely that reversal of thymic involution and thereby restoration of youthful immune potential occurs, also. The collection of benefits of consuming the super-duper high amplified bacterial counts of L. reuteri add up to a substantial age-reversing effect, all in the form of a thick, rich, and delicious “yogurt.”

We hear that the Death Rate (Current Fatality Rate-CFR) from the Coronavirus outbreak is somewhere in the vicinity of 3% globally, but do many people really think about how these numbers are calculated and how accurate they are? On the Worldometers site they question this -
“At present, it is tempting to estimate the case fatality rate by dividing the number of known deaths by the number of confirmed cases. The resulting number, however, does not represent the true case fatality rate and might be off by orders of magnitude […]”
This is exactly how the WHO calculate the Current Fatality Rate.
Alternative calculation methods suggested at Worldometers come up with rates as high as 29% - quite alarming, and also probably not very accurate.
Also, in this Reuters article Why COVID-19 ‘death rates’ are not what they seem

“In an unfolding epidemic, it can be misleading to look at the naïve estimate of deaths so far divided by cases so far,” said Christl Donnelly, a disease specialist at Oxford University and Imperial College London. “This is due to the delay from the time it takes for individuals to progress from being diagnosed as cases to dying.”
“With COVID-19 - the infection caused by the new coronavirus - the time between onset of disease and death is fairly significant, at around two to three weeks or more. So the sum involved would need to compare the number of deaths at a given point with the actual case numbers from some weeks beforehand.”
So, if we do the math, firstly, as the WHO does -
Current Deaths /Current Cases (March 20) : 9,840 / 234,073 = CFR 4.2%
But, if we go back to 14 days earlier, we get -
Current Deaths /Current Cases (March 6) : 9,840 / 98,192 = CFR 10.0%
And again, with figures from three weeks earlier -
Current Deaths/ Current Cases (Feb 28) : 9,840 / 83,652 = CFR 11.8%
So, it is more probable that the real CFR rates are up to 3 times higher than generally accepted. These are just the averages of course, and of even more concern is the fact that the elderly (I am early 70’s) have a 3 or 4 times higher chance of dying than the average.
Whatever the real rates are, I’m sure we won’t be able to work that out until the pandemic is finally over, but in the meantime I am very sceptical of the figures that are generally published.

I see what you are saying, though , the few that are young, we cannot explain - that is troubling. What you are really missing, is , not deaths , but serious illness. I know of way more than 11 cases involving “young and healthy” needed vents and ICU treatment. This group , crowd, is likely still to pull through… So, I am really concerned with this group when there will not be enough vents, or unable to get supportive treatment… and those that pull through - are young enough… that it will leave them too severely impaired or disabled to work.

I think it’s time for a new thread. This one is beginning to smell like burned hair.

Looking at the table of cases, there are many countries that have hundreds of reported cases but no reported deaths and, often, very few serious cases. This seems improbable. Does anyone have information on this?

I see what you are saying too - and I think it would be reasonable to look at data for people requiring critical care too with the proviso that we apply the same math to allow for undertesting of mild and asymtpomatic cases.
Here’s the best data I’ve been able to find, which is from the US where we know we have a severe under-testing problem:
The data is as follows
Age ICU (as % of test ) Adjusted for undertesting (my estimate)
20-44 2%-4.2% 0.1% - 0.7%
45-54 5.4%-10.4% 0.3%-1.7%
55-64 4.7%-11.2% 0.2%-1.9%
Again my guess is that the actual numbers will fall towards the lower end of this range. So yes the numbers are higher than the fatality rates - but they are still potentially pretty low. I’d really like to see this data for countries we know are testing more thoroughly though - Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, Germany etc.

Listen at the 2 minute mark:
I suggested awhile back that we have an interview with this guy. It would be amazing if we could control our immune systems like this. We can’t say “Breathe mother%#$%#$” like he does when we post on Peak Prosperity though. Check this out:

The countries which are doing more testing see a much lower CFR because (a) they are finding more of the mild cases, and (b) they are containing the virus much better through contact tracing and isolation etc. so they are able to stay on top of the problem.
The countries which don’t test all that much end up with raging epidemics which in turn means that they get swamped and can’t spend any time trying to find mild cases so they end up mostly testing just the folks that show up in hospital seriously ill. Surprise, surprise - a very much greater proportion of folks who are selected by the very fact that they are ill enough to go to hospital in the first place end up dying.
When the swine 'flu was getting started it also exhibited very high CFRs (as much as 500x greater than the actual fatality rate) because the people who ended up dying were tested at disporportionate rates to those who scarcely became ill at all.
Even just the regular seasonal 'flu has a CFR of 10% using the method being used to claim CFRs of 2 or 3 % for COVID-19. About 220,000 people get positive test results for regular influenza each year and 10% of them go on to die.
These numbers are horseshit if you’ll excuse my French.
That doesn’t mean that this virus isn’t enough of a problem to swamp hospital departments and kill a significant number of people. And it seems to be very infectious so a lot of people could end up getting it which makes it dangerous in and of itself. But it’s not killing 3% of people or even 1%. I’d be amazed if it’s even killing 0.5% of people.
And the avergae age of people who are dying is over 80, with 2/3 of them already being seriously ill already.

From the Systema HQ Toronto of Vladimir Vasiliev:

Here is an excerpt from Vladimir Vasiliev’s Russian System Guidebook, the chapter “Introduction to the Russian Health System”:
Strengthening the Body with Water This involves pouring a bucket of cold water over your body twice a day. While I don't require this of my students, I will stress it to those who are open-minded to it. As a result, many have caught on to its benefits.…It's a simple procedure. You just fill up a large bucket with icy cold water, as cold as you can get it from the tap and pour it over yourself. Ideally, this should be done every day. You can start pouring from the chest and onto the face and top of the head. This procedure both stimulates and strengthens the body's central nervous system and overall immune system. Here's how it works: The body reacts to the cold water by very rapidly increasing its core body temperature. It's much as if you were running a fever except that the rise in temperature is immediate and only lasts less than a second. It's almost like having a mini-explosion take place inside of you. Your body temperature rises to nearly 42.2 degrees Celsius (that's nearly 108 degrees Fahrenheit). It feels like a pleasant warmth and surge of energy inside right after the dowsing. Meanwhile, this explosion of warmth will kill off most bacteria and viruses. Indeed, 40 degrees Celsius is deadly for most viruses and bacteria and this procedure raises body temperature the extra 2 degrees Celsius (and nearly 4 Fahrenheit) above that! …Think of it this way. Cold is the most powerful stimulant in our metabolism. Nothing makes the body work faster than cold. It is the best way to mobilize our body's reserves to pull together and fight weakness. Pouring cold water over your head and body causes your central nervous system to call upon each part of your organism to work better and direct more energy to weaker areas. This procedure has become very popular with my students. They find that it not only aids overall health but also leads to a better, more energetic performance in the gym.”
The Systema practitioners also practice specialized breathing techniques similar to the Tummo techniques used by Wim Hof and also to Taoist breathing techniques.
sounds like the main concern is very long term usage…

Yes its obvious this is a much bigger concern the older you get. But, those numbers are still very troubling. And it has such a strict correlation to an age curve. Usually, with the flu - you are old and infirm or not… This takes more of everyone is aged and infirm, but how much.

Sax, we can control our immune system. Meditation has shown to have influence over this. Just do people take the time and energy to focus like this? But its a thought. definitely something to throw into the mix.

Nope, the article is still bad, recommending antibiotics like azithromycin for corona is a bad call, at least until there are published papers and trials on the subject to make sure. It would be easy to run a clinical trial right now on it, and until a paper comes out a website shouldn’t be handing out medical advice. COPD isn’t covid-19.
Possibly by inducing RIG-I like helicases clinically relevant concentrations of azithromycin concentration-dependently increased expression of type I and III interferons in COPD but not healthy bronchial epithelial cells. The stimulant effects of azithromycin were also transiently pronounced in un-infected COPD epithelium. Our data indicate that azithromycin-exposed COPD epithelium was primed to over-express the helicases and interferons when infected by rhinovirus. Azithromycin also reduced viral load. We suggest that azithromycin-induced epithelial interferon expression may contribute to the prophylactic effect of this drug in reducing exacerbations of COPD.!po=0.641026