Chloroquine: A Promising Coronavirus Treatment?

Malaria had been eradicated from India for a decade and staged a comeback during year 1971. Since 1971, several avtars of fever afflicted India. Viral fever, Dengue fever, Chikungunya - all began as killers. With time we learnt how to coexist with those diseases. Corona Virus showed up during recent months. That engulfed the entire World. The world would soon learn how to coexist with Corona Virus.
Since year 1971, Chloroquine has been my default drug in fever cases. Viral fever, Dengue fever, Chikungunya - all political entities responded to Chloroquine. By simple mathemathics, there can be two possibilities :-

  1. New avtars of fever during consecutive years were new variants of malaria.
  2. Chloroquine known as antimalarial, may be nonspecific fever drug, effective also against Viral fever, Dengue fever, Chikungunya, and now Corona Virus.
    Chloroquine is a harmless drug with single dose required in endemic population and 5 tablet (double strength) course required elsewhere.
    Immunity boosters in routine and Chloroquine at first fever sign may be a magic mantra to make the World Corona free. Atovaquone-proguanil should also be tried in place of Chloroquine.
    Dr K Chaudhry
    FIRST Author of Jaypee Brothers

@Chris, as miraohio says, my friend in Spain commented re Charles N’s comments: “so full of bull it is laughable! We were informed in February of the death in Malaga. Las Fallas in Valencia was cancelled weeks ago and all religious processions (Easter and others) have been cancelled. As for papers being censored I have never heard of such rot! With friends in publishing here I can tell you that is totally false. Sometimes people love to make conspiracies out of everything and make themselves an authority. I actually laughed out loud at some of his wild inaccuracies! Take it with a pinch of salt! The equivalent to the ABC here and a couple of commercial channels have devoted special extended programmes to the virus… interviewing specialists and experts from around the world. Open and transparent hardly the censored reporting the video refers to?!”

Woke up this morning to see Chris on Fox news.
I did not see the whole segment, hope to see it posted here.
I am encouraged to see that Chris is in the mainstream media.
People are listening and are awake.
Chris and Adam–thank you for all of your efforts and sacrifices over the years.

Chris it would be very helpful to have the relevant links included at the bottom of each video. Please try to include them. Chloroquine sounds like it might be a good tool in our arsenal against Covid-19. But what is the appropriate dose? How often do you take it? Where do you get it? Thanks in advance for your help.

Chris included a video from a doctor researching viral loads & level of infection in one of his videos, it made a lot of sense.

I know most states have spoken about shortages of tests and only those acutely ill will be tested. – I have confirmed this is the case – additionally I have confirmed that the situations is multiple fold worse than what is actually reported in the numbers. It is consistent with reports from some healthcare workers – that are reporting dozens in not hundreds of cases per hospital – with all vents – and beds at capacity. We are already at overwhelmed capacity. this does not reflect the reported US numbers – why should we trust anyone else’s numbers
Just got an update, there will be no more testing - just assume you have it if you are sick. Hospitals are at capacity. Not reporting because it would just cause panic.

I think you should consider the opposite. They’re not going to continue testing because it would reveal that the hysteria is utter nonsense.
Only testing acute cases will allow them to continue to pretend that the CFR is really high, and that only a tiny percentage of folks have yet been infected and that there is a huge disaster waiting to happen when everyone else gets sick.
In reality testing huge numbers of people would reveal the enormous number of people who are infected without serious consequences and allow us to see that the danger is far smaller than is currently being foghorned all over the media - even the alt media.

My younger daughter has celiac disease, my older daughter is very gluten sensitive–me? I battled IBS for years until my baby daughter was diagnosed and ‘made me’ give up gluten. Hard to do, I was an excellent bread maker. And I was definitely addicted.
Isn’t it funny that leaky gut was laughed at for years, but gut permeability can now be a thing? When this pandemic is over, it would be interesting to find out how many of the serious and critical patients also had an autoimmune disorder.

When you say "Those numbers are still very troubling. " - I’m not sure they are.
Let’s say there are 200 million people under 46 in the US, and 100 million are going to get coronavirus. If the testing is undercounting by a factor of 20 (and it may very well be more than that - swine flu overcounted by a factor of as much as 500 at this point in that outbreak - ) then the actual ICU admission rate is 0.1% so we would need 100,000 ICU beds total for patients in this age range over the entire outbreak. We could probably handle all of them in the same week! It’s also likely true that undercounting is higher in this age group than older age groups as they even less likely to have any symptoms at all so I probably should have applied a higher multiplier the base confirmed test result to ICU admission ratio. It’s entirely possible we will get through the whole outbreak with 50,000 or fewer people under 45 admitted to the ICU. Numbers appear to be a little bit higher for people between 50 and 60 - this seems to be the age group that is potentially affected at a more serious rate than regular seasonal 'flu - but even there the data is not clear.

I have also lost weight on a Paleo diet. Note that Paleo also nearly eliminates sugar from food choices. It is interesting that fried foods have become popular world wide. According to webmd,
corn oil is the most popular fryer oil. I have asked around my local restaurants and found that soy shortening is used most often by locally owned shops, likely because it is cheaper. The ‘shortening’ monicker, meaning it’s solid at room temperature, is very high in partially saturated fat, and is rarely found in natural foods. If the self isolation mandates lasts for several months and more people go back to cooking at home, I wonder if it might manifest unintended health benefits?

I always said if they are going to test - it should be random community level testing… if you are short on tests - not the sick people. You know the people who are dying and seeking treatment and serious ill. Why test them? So , yes what you say makes sense - and there is a way to account for that with the method of what i would be testing as described.
Never the less , I think you will be sorely disappointed if you continue to take this as trivial as the flu. Its a lot better to take this as serious . and have it found to not be later. never the less , our hospitals are capacity. That does not happen with the flu. Not that we could burden a second flu either. But if your healthcare workers are sick, and over-worked. and infection is running rampant, infirm vulnerable people in the hospital will fall like flies… Its a lose , lose… You cant make this nothing… nor should you.

I try not to put too much into the numbers as accurate for anything. However, we can try to compare them among the data given - basically compare one-set to another set. But we can’t assume they are correct… but its more likely if one set is off , the other is off -and hopefully by the same magnitude… so its sort of relative evaluation of the numbers not an absolute

I’m not saying this is the same as normal flu, although I’m not ruling it out either.
What I am saying is that it may well be more serious than normal 'flu. BUT it is most definitely not a biblical plague, nor is it even the Spanish 'flu. It’s not going to kill tens of millions worldwide.
I don’t disagree that taking some measures might be sensible - but the measures now being implemented have the potential to devastate our economy. Ask an elderly person if they’d rather take a probably smallish risk with the flu, or avoid that risk but find their pension has vanished? My mother is over eighty. She is perfectly content to die. She doesn’t want to die of course, but she is at peace with the idea. She’d much rather die than be left penniless and be a burden on her children.
What about all the people who own or work in small businesses who will not have a livelihood in two or three weeks. The measures we are taking out of irrational fear are going to ruin huge numbers of people. Some forecasts are now calling for a 12% fall in global GDP. If this occurs, it will cause an order of magnitude more fatalities and suffering than the virus would if we did nothing at all (and I’m not suggesting we do nothing).
I’m also saying that I becoming increasingly suspicious that the fear is being deliberately overblown and the people doing it do not have our best interest at heart.
We should not be alarmed, and we should take sensible measures. But ceasing all economic activity is dangerous folly.

So the Kushners own stock in health care? So do a million other Americans. Let’s skip the politics. That time is OVER!
Move on to doing something useful for self or others. Add the positive here or information pertinent to the virus, please. I am concerned about reports of the many very sick UPS, Fed Ex workers delivering packages to us home bound folks.

In my perusings of ingredients list in order to avoid soy, I have noticed it is in an insane high amount of foods nowadays and in foods I would never have expected to be present in in the first place. The obsession for soy helps to cause so much global deforestation, especially in Brazil. In order to plant more and more soy crops, they burn or flatten the trees. Which contributes to pollution, loss of species and diversity, and climate change since the trees are no longer carbon sinks and all that carbon gets released into the atmosphere… Collectively we have lost our ability to work with nature rather than destroy it (after all we are part of it no matter how much we try to avoid that…), practice critical thinking, especially long-term thinking and the Precautionary Principle.
As far as testing, and the lack of tests available we don’t know, how many people really are infected. But, since the healthcare systems are already overwhelmed and to the degree that they are (lack of beds, ICU, respirators, gloves, masks, the amount of time spent on a respirator, etc…), with even health care workers getting infected and dying, I wouldn’t think this is the “normal yearly” flu. So, we don’t know just how bad it is, or not, and probably won’t know for awhile, but how about we practice some Precautionary Principle rather than trying to minimize and disregard the possible severity of this virus?

Overview of planned or ongoing studies of drugs for the treatment of COVID-19
COVID-19 Drug Therapy – Potential Options
And this study:
Medicines used in respiratory diseases only seen in children

I am only 54 and not afraid to die. I would be taking this in stride as is my 80 year old mother… She has raised children and raised grandchildren… all is good for her. she can go in peice. I cannot , I have children, very young children. If i did not have children , I would not care, I d say open it all up , let the chips fall where they may for 50 plus. But please look at this story of Tia, with husband, children and she is young… and she almost died , and did not fit the testing criteria… and would not be counted…

Just scanning the discussion here re susceptibility… My 25% Sicilian Italian husband has MTHFR mutation, our children have symptoms of the same mutation. I wonder if there is a genetic component to the Italian CFR and genetics. Incidentally, since my husband has been home 3 weeks now he is now on my kids’ diet which is essentially paleo minus corn, dairy (no grains, dairy, soy, corn or gluten no fortified foods d/t MTHFR). He has lost 5lbs and his “pain” which was stated as inflammation type pain have disappeared. Maybe genetics +diet inflammation + the right vitamins is the thing. I have also started hubs on high dose d3, C and he is eating more nutritious stuff in general. He is not getting more sleep. Just thought I would add this little case study.
May not be relevant at all but MTHFR mutation has become much more prevalent, I found this out after my twins and later son, all had lip ties and tongue ties, the most severe too. Very complex but may have something to do with the over inflammatory response or rather the lack of correct inflammation response some people seem to have. Interested to look into MTHFR mutation and cytokine expression or changes.