Chloroquine: A Promising Coronavirus Treatment?

Sorry - should have been clearer about what I was saying above.
“First this table that you are using is not associated with study that was done by the CDC/ reported cases… I am not sure where that came from but it was no part of that article or research i posted.”
This is your article in the NY Times:
This is the study itself linked from the Times:
Read the study until you come to this bit: “Among 508 (12%) patients known to have been hospitalized, 9% were aged ≥85 years, 36% were aged 65–84 years, 17% were aged 55–64 years, 18% were 45–54 years, and 20% were aged 20–44 years. Less than 1% of hospitalizations were among persons aged ≤19 years (Figure 2). The percentage of persons hospitalized increased with age, from 2%–3% among persons aged ≤19 years, to ≥31% among adults aged ≥85 years”. Immmediately following that paragraph there is a link to “Table”. Click on it and you will get the data. Or you can just scroll right down to the bottom of the study after the References and see it there.
“But the numbers there as you are using are meaningless garbage. The percent per age group that are symptomatic – is useless… if you test me today… and i test positive… but do not develop symptoms for a week or longer … i was listed as asymptomatic… you mean asymptomatic at time of test… its garbage has no value at all.”
I wasn’t making a point about symptomatic vs asymptomatic. My argument was as follows:

  1. The NY Times article claims young people have quite a high likelihood of getting infected based on a study of ~4,000 US patients who were tested. In order to support this claim hey show data with two specific characteristics
    (i) a large number of young people with positive test results, and a smaller number of older people with psoitive test results
    (ii) a very low percentage of young people who tested positive requiring ICU treatment, and a higher percentage of older people requiring ICU treatment.
    As a consequence of (i), the total number of young people requiring admission to the ICU is rather closer to the total number of older people requiring admission to the ICU than might otherwise have been expected.
    So if the conclusion is to hold true going forwards then you have to accept that that result (more young people becoming infected than old people) is valid. I don’t think it is valid, and is very likely to be the result of some bias in the way the tests were adminsistered. As evidence for my view here I am showing two studies.
  2. From China, with many more patients (and where they didn’t throw half of the patients out because the age wasn’t available). This study shows older people getting the disease more than younger people.
  3. From the Diamond Princess where we know the data wasn’t skewed because everyone was tested. When you say:
    “One other thing here… Is you fail to miss that there is a very high aging population that cruises… I doubt anyone will argue that this is not the 20 something cup of tea compared to the 55 over crowd. so that chart showing many more sick older folk , means maybe there are a lot more older folk on the ship. – really garbage data again.”
    Yes of course many more old people became infected because there were more old people. However the data shows not only that there more old people as an absolute number - but that old people became infected at a greater rate. So you can see that a total of 28 people aged 20-29 became infected out of 347 people in that age group on board. 28/347 is 8%. For 60-69 year olds, 177/923 became infected or 19%. All the other age groups are in that table too.
    “You are basically saying, Is this is a benign disease for almost all young people – in fact its asymptomatic is most – and most never even get a symptom. And its dependably really affects “old people” over sixty, with definite course and death in most. with very few exceptions… with no real explanation of anything in between – like its such a small tiny percent its not worthy of any implication.”
    No I’m not saying that at all. I’m saying
    (i) This disease is between 1x and 5x as virulent as seasonal 'flu (NOT 20-40x as many have been suggesting).
    (ii) It is largely harmless (although perhaps still more dangerous than regular 'flu) for people under 50, and not especially worrying to people 50-60 who are otherwise in good health and don’t smoke.
    (iii) It is more dangerous for people over 60, and especially over 70 - but still much less dangerous than is being suggested. Fatality is probably around 1-2% for over 70s.
    (iv) Nevertheless it is extremely infectious and many more people will get it than get the seasonal 'flu.
    (v) People who do develop serious symptoms seem to require protracted hospital care.
    (vi) as a consequence of (iv) and (v) it still has the capacity to overwhelm our hospitals which is not a good outcome for anyone
    (vii) However as a consequence of (i) and (iii)
  • the cost of this disease in terms of death and suffering will be 10-20x less than it would be if you believed CFR were 2%-4%.
  • our hospitals will be signifcantly less overwhelmed than otherwise
  • the disease will run its course and the epidemic over in a shorter period
  • the benefit of reducing the disease burden is lower than if the disease were much more dangerous, and we should think very hard about whether the cost we are about to impose will truly result in less suffering or more.
    Hopefully that’s clearer.

FYI, The Swedish ICU register lists obesity as a risk factor.
(Source: )

Thanks to both of you for the discussion. I am amazed by the amount of time and effort you’ve both put into this discussion. I got something out of it, but I might suggest that in the end it just doesn’t matter. I mean, if you are right RebelYell, then what should I (or you) do differently in the next 3 days, 3 weeks, or 3 months? Compared to what I should do if nordicjack is (more) right? I mean, we’re going to know in a few months what this thing really is, and at this point the only thing we can do is comply with local government mandates and suggestions, keep ourselves safe and healthy, and wait for the whole thing to resolve – one way or another. So, while I’ve been fascinated by the discussion, I am focused on What Can I Do Today, mainly. Thanks again, however, for your efforts. Be well.

*Apologies for text aberrations. Having technical difficulties.
While it is true many experience a “benign” course of illness the first infection, especially those under 18 yo., it doesn’t mean it is without residual problems. Many recovered have COPD like lung damage on CT scans. There are report of 16yos (girl, boy) on vents in Italy. There are also a preliminary study that show the virus has a preference for both kidney and testicular tissue. There is concern about future male sterility. We know a first infection predisposes you for a second, much more acute episode.
We do not know how SARSCov2 may behave when a second outbreak occurs. Spanish Flu was much worse on the 2nd of the 3 waves with the majority of dead between 20-40yos. They literally went from OK to grey and dead in 24 hours. What could cause such a decline?
The well documented cytokine storm and subsequent nearly immediate heart failure and possible DIC- disseminating intravascular coagulation. Ebola and plague victims died of lung hemorrhaging and cardiovascular collapse. Remember that Ebola, Anthrax, Bubonic Plague all share commonalities of pathogenesis through hijacking the protease furin. It peels off the virus’ protein cloaking coat to allow it to attach. Anything that inhibits this process is beneficial. Selenium in solution has been proven to inhibit furin. The SARSCov2 virus attaches at ACE 2 receptors. Should they take the rogue pathway of immune response, the total organ shutdown centered around the lungs is rapid.
During the 1993 Ebola Zaire outbreak, a Chinese Dr. Hou successfully treated 80 patients with high dose oral selenium. He theorized the virus created a selenoprotein which rapidly depleted all cellular stores.
Keshan Disease, Selenium Deficiency, and the Selenoproteome

  • New England Journal of Medicine 370(18):1756-1760. Investigation of a muscle disease in animals and a cluster of cases of cardiomyopathy in a region of China led to the elucidation of a central role for selenoproteins in human health.
In animals, low selenium is well known to cause white muscle disease and a variety of hemorrhagic conditions. Keshan's disease, a selenium induced cardiomyopathy, is found primarily in China, a country whose soil is depleted of this trace mineral. Keshan's oddly shows seasonal fluctuations so a decline of infections during the summer may be related to, but not caused by the season, temperature, etc. Since selenium is essential for proper thyroid function, thyroid deficits caused by weather patterns may make someone the susceptible host not only for contagion, but also succumb to an already borderline selenium deficiency. Areas of the USA like Michigan are selenium deficit. *The largest category of prescribed drug in the USA are the thyroid replacement meds. Selenium deficiency increases the pathology of influenza virus infection Melinda Beck, et. al See all authors 27 April 2001.
Could this explain the long prodromal period before people show symptoms after infection?
“Influenza‐infected Se‐deficient mice had an overexpression of mRNA for chemokines later in infection when compared with the Se‐adequate mice. The increases in RANTES, MIP‐1β, MIP‐ 1α, MIP‐2, IP‐10, and MCP‐1 all suggest that the inflammatory response was up‐regulated in these mice. The continuing inflammation noted in the Se‐deficient animals at a time when the pathology was resolving in the Se‐adequate mice suggests that the overexpression of the pro‐ inflammatory chemokines contributed to the continued influx of inflammatory cells in the lungs.
Could this be why SARSCov2 specifically destroys the lungs?
"Thus, the increased lung pathology in the Se‐deficient animals may be due to an excess activation of NF‐ΚB (due to the influenza virus infection itself and to the increased oxidative stress due to a lack of GSH‐Px activity), which in turn up‐regulates the expression of chemokines. These overexpressed chemokines induce an influx of inflammatory cells to the infected lung tissues."

Is there any way we can start a sub-thread for Rebel Yell titled “A Thousand Reasons I don’t believe Chris” : (Forward by DesoGames) ?

“I mean, if you are right RebelYell, then what should I (or you) do differently in the next 3 days, 3 weeks, or 3 months?”
Phone up your local council, your schoolboard, your state rep and your governor. And demand wider testing. And not to destroy your community, bankrupt your neighbors and start the next Great Depression. That would be a start.
Why aren’t we testing? First of all it was because we bungled the test kits. Now it’s because it’s too late? It’s not too late - we absolutely must test so we can understand what’s happening. Anyone who doesn’t want widespread testing at this point wants to keep you in the dark, or has been manipulated by someone who wants to keep you in the dark. Challenge it - demand better data.
And when you see all the bailouts and special payments and emergency measures, watch who is getting rich and see with a clearer eye what is happening.

Fair enough - I’ll take the hint :-).
But it’s not about disagreeing with Chris for the sake of disagreeing with Chris. Your eye is being focused on the wrong ball. It’s stuff like this you need to watch:
Think they’ll take that off the books once it’s passed? It’ll be the Patriot Act all over again.

I really didnt want to feel I needed defend a position here. Of course we collaborate on ideas and share information. hopefully in a productive manner.
But on to Mjvoet, fiasco in the making. Part of what this thread was really about. Is I think that only testing those that present the sickest is wrong… Those should be clinically diagnosed and treated. We should not waste valuable test kits on these people. What is needed is community level surveillance, what we are doing is hospital level surveillance that is not needed and dumb… So, this would be numbers we need to see the spread… the hospital stuff can be extrapolated from that.

I once wrote an article for a local newspaper about bioweapons during the Congressional anthrax scare. Learned a great deal. According to the experts, the perfect weapon has high transmissibility, serious morbidity, and high mortality. Ideally, it would be airborne with a likelihood of becoming endemic thus crippling a society economically and disrupting all food production. SARSCov2 seems to fit those criteria. It is “the gift that keeps on giving.”
What I am most dismayed about is the disjointed response by major health officials with governmental agencies. CDC has one and only one job- to protect the American public from known and new, emerging diseases. They have failed miserably. People should be fired. “How could we have prepared for this?” they whine…well, setting up screening/ quarantine of all passengers from China and other outbreak areas in Dec/Jan would have been helpful. That is their failure, not anyone else’s. The current advice to “not wear a mask” directly contradicts their own document about droplet and airborne precautions which specifically references SARS precautions like healthy people wearing a mask if within 6-10 feet of an infected person’s room. CDC’s 2009 H1N1 flu response was equally abysmal.
Please review their performance during O’s reign over the 2014 Dallas Ebola debacle. A patient traveled by plane to the USA after leaving a high outbreak area, and wound up contaminating people in Dallas including his nurse. Unprotected deputies entered and left his apartment. Infection control measures even within the hospital were a joke as evidenced by accumulating trash piles in an adjacent room. CDC then OK’d his infected, febrile nurse to fly domestically to see her family
They didn’t bungle it due to “lack of funding” then, but sheer stupidity and avarice. BTW, during this time a contract was awarded to a San Francisco based company Metabiota to “manage the outbreak.” Although founded by rock-star virologist Ethan Wolfe, the company was more hype than action. WHO fired them. Funny this, they were tied to Google funding and worked with Tulane University. Tulane heavily courts Chinese students, and has even opened their law school to them since 2013.
Dr. Messionner of CDC according to her profile has been in public service positions since 1995 and associated with CDC since at least 2001. Surely as the head of respiratory diseases, she should know something about potential pandemics. Dr.Fauci of NIH has been in “public service for 50 years.” Again, with this record, how can you be unaware of such an outbreak?
Since Dr. Fauci is a huge HRC supporter, and Dr. Messionner is Atty. Rod Rosenstein’s sister, I’m sure partisan politics couldn’t possibly be involved.
Read an interesting book years ago from the DC Holocaust museum," Racial Hygiene: Medicine Under The Nazis" by Robert Proctor. He clearly demonstrated how the medical profession was used not only to shape the public’s perception, but craft laws to make inhumane acts acceptable. Know where they began? Assisted suicide/euthanasia for the terminally ill. A seemingly humane answer to suffering. Sound familiar?
They filled the 40% physician vacancy left by removing Jews and used home grown party members as the new MDs. One got a free education and a good job for allegiance. This indoctrination was excellent as killing bus loads of Downs children with carbon monoxide was good for the state and didn’t conflict with their professional ethics.
Here is an example of politically driven ideology guiding the actions of medical personnel to what many consider an extreme. Sadly, makes me wonder about the current state of affairs.

Chris expressed a lot of hope at the end of this update (almost made it sound like his last update!) but I don’t think there is much evidence that humans can become the first species to willingly change its characteristic behaviour. However, if we are in for a drastic change in our societies, I guess some may become “better” than others but the most successful will probably propagate eventually. Just which type of society that will be is anyone’s guess, but there is no guarantee that it will start off benign.

This is where that theory comes from some drs in china looking at case statistics. Chris at 25 minute mark mentioned in podcast, he was not sure where concern over ibuprofen came from in relation to COVID-19

Human pathogenic coronaviruses (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus [SARS-CoV] and SARS-CoV-2) bind to their target cells through angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), which is expressed by epithelial cells of the lung, intestine, kidney, and blood vessels. The expression of ACE2 is substantially increased in patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, who are treated with ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II type-I receptor blockers (ARBs). Hypertension is also treated with ACE inhibitors and ARBs, which results in an upregulation of ACE2 ACE2 can also be increased by thiazolidinediones and ibuprofen This is two seemingly credible dr's in austraila discussing their perspective on ACE/ARBS On the theory of blood pressure medicines, further research is needed, it is interesting to look at people on blood pressure medicines as people age.  

Must Watch.

I sent this PDF to our kids this morning. I think it answers your questions. I got a pretty quick email in response from our youngest daughter gently reaming me out for promoting “hysteria”. So don’t you go hysterical on me. I can’t handle any more guilt. :slight_smile:
Not really, most of our kids haven’t paid attention to me in years. Par for the course, I think.

I haven’t read all the comments on this thread so my apologies if its already been talked about. Just watching Adam’s podcast on Lockdown Survival and he talked about Vitamin A as helpful against the virus. I just read a paper from Chris Masterjohn (PhD) and he said if you are taking extra Vitamin A you should stop until the danger has past as it increases the ACE2 receptor that the Virus attaches. His paper is $10 but its well worth it.

drbrucedale - I don’t think you can get these here if you are a US resident. I tried to check out and couldn’t ?? the bank page wouldn’t even come up.

WATCH THIS CHRIS OR ADAM!. i’m an Australian and this is “a national press club” interview with “experts” in epidemiology etc and in particular at around the 36 minute mark where 2-3 of these experts say masks don’t matter: all i can say is Wow!. thanks for your material which overwhelming supports mask usage

The Fed already printed trillions. Now the government gets to have a turn. More trillions will be handed out to crooked shysters. When the government prints money, they don’t create any wealth - they are just moving the wealth around. So the only actual winner from all the bailouts will be whoever gets the most. Hint - it won’t be you or me. We might get $1,000 if we’re lucky. Get yourself a lobbyist though and hand out some bribes and you could get $1 million, or $1 billion, or $1 trillion.
To the crooks in Washington (both parties) this is not a tragedy, it’s an opportunity. And they will take the opportunity to steal as much as they can.

The report attributed to James Todaro, MD, and claiming to be done “in consulstation with Stanford University School of Medicine” is a hoax.
Stanford unequivocally denies any part in it. “Stanford Medicine was not involved in a widely circulating Google document or research paper suggesting that chloroquine is a potential treatment for COVID-19. Claims that we were involved are false. Please refer to this site for accurate information about COVID-19, and please consult a physician before taking any sort of prescription medication.” (
Further, James Todaro, MD, is primarily a bitcoin promoter, not an epedemiologist or infectious diseases expert. Todaro’s Tweet comaining he had Didie Raoult’s permission to publish the work of Raoul, was taken down by Twitter. The first place Todaro’s article was published, in Google docs, was taken down by Google.
There are other links to use of Chloroquine in China and South Korea as a treatment for Coronavirus, but the article getitng all the attnetion is clearly bogus.

Hi Mipharm:
I am a resident of Michigan. I have ordered lots of medicines from River Pharmacy in Canada over the years.
It is very easy and smooth. They use your bank routing information via Genie to pay electronically with a check. If you are a US resident you can use this Canadian site. US residents cannot use the UnitedPharmacies site, if I understand correctly. (I have never used them.)
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