Chloroquine: A Promising Coronavirus Treatment?

Story of two Nigerian deaths due to use of chloroquine:
On another thread (can’t find it now), someone (sandpuppy??) explained that chloroquine is counter-indicated for individuals with certain conditions. (In other words, it could be dangerous for those people to use it.)
Just be careful out there!

I totally agree we should be testing, testing, testing. This absolutely has been bungled, but I’m afraid at this point that the exponential curve of infection will outpace our ability to field accurate tests. (So you go to war with the # of tests you have, not the # of tests you wish you had…) Heads should roll for this, for sure.
So, yes, everyone should give their government representatives the what-for about the lack tests, if for no other reason than to ensure this problem doesn’t happen again (for the next pandemic).
Another thing (while I’m at it): Tell your representatives to stop with the “mask-shaming”, telling everyone they shouldn’t wear a mask – because (they say) we’re taking it away from some healthcare worker who could use it. Really? If I prevent the spread of the disease by correctly using one mask (and re-using it, by the way), how many masks can I save the HCWs from needing to use to treat the cases that don’t occur? Another way to say this: If we could have magically given every person in the country a mask two weeks ago, and forced them to use it (properly), how many fewer new cases would be presenting now? The mask-shaming is hogwash. (My wife and I are seriously thinking about how to hide our real masks under some home-made “masks”.)

The company said in a statement that it is focused on processing previously approved requests, and that it is developing a new system that it says will allow patients to get the drug in a similar timeframe to what it would have taken to work through the requests it has received. It will make exceptions for pregnant women and children under 18 years of age with confirmed Covid-19 and “severe manifestations” of the disease.
Remdesivir is being studied in five large clinical trials, two of which could read out results in early April. Up until now, Gilead has made it possible for patients who want the drug to get it through a process called “compassionate use.” To date, the company said, it has provided emergency access to several hundred patients in the United States, Europe, and Japan. The company said in its statement that “enrollment in clinical trials is the primary way to access remdesivir to generate critical data that inform the appropriate use of this investigational medicine.”

I find I am not the only person in the store with a mask anymore. I think this shaming will fade into the background… not like I care in the least. My wife gets all rattled by the idea that people are looking at us or talking about us… but again, that’s up to you to care or not.

anoculum. is there such a word? i cant find it on google

Dutch human tests phase started with Chloroquine as inhalor. If succeeded it will get approved within about 3 months. Researchers said when taken orally the stuff is not really effective, it needs input directly in the lungs by inhalation

Well, don’t worry about what people think about your wearing a mask, they probably can’t recognise you, if you did

Can you reference your source please? Thanks.

There is no evidence if it is the ARB itself or the cause/reason for taking the ARB that increases the risk so significantly. We know that hypertension and Diabetes is a problem regardless of ARB intake. Taking no ARBs would even enhance hypertension. Correlation isn’t always proof of a direct causal relation.
Even if you consider the Angiotensin metabolic mechanism behind, I don’t see ARBs as a problem. The real risk from Angiotensins derives from a dysbalance of Angiotensin 1, 2, and 1-7. In most chronic inflammatory diseases such as Diabetes 2, it’s a low Angiotensin 1-7/Angiotensin 2 ratio that mediates the subsequent problems (such as Aldosterone-mediated hypertension). The low ratio derives from a low activity/expression of ACE2 enzymes (it might sound confusing that ACE2 transforms Angiotensin 1-7 from 2). Angiotensin 2 is transformed from ACE enzymes. Depending on the agent, it’s either the ACE enzyme or a precursing metabolite that is inhibited. The medication should be dosed in such a way that ACE and ACE2 activity keep the whole metabolism in balance. The virus will reduce ACE2 expression (similar to Diabetes 2 or smoking). That means Angiotensin 2/1-7 ratio will increase (there are other inefficient pathways luckily that will try to compensate this in a limited manner). And now let’s imagine that the ARB treatment is stopped. The Angiotensin 2/1-7 ratio will increase even further.

Germany’s numbers seem out of whack with other countries’ numbers. An apparent death rate of about 0.3% (using the simple calculation) and only 2 serious unresolved cases seems absurd, compared to other countries. I’ve heard some speculation as to why this is but it’s just speculation to date.
However, using Chris’s calculation of number of deaths over number of resolved cases, the ratio is 25%. With so many unresolved cases (98.5% of cases), I guess it’s more of a “watch this space”.

a dutch senator who is also active member in the health research dept of the Universaty of Amsterdam told this on TV. I will post the Youtube link later, however it is in Dutch language.

I know you are not so keen on how serious this … but soon you will understand, via someone you know… sadly.

"If we don't get more ventilators in the next 10 days people will die who don't have to die," said Mayor Bill de Blasio, as the nation's most populous city saw COVID-19 cases top 9,600 and deaths climbed to 63.
I think we havent cracked anything.. its going to start to get ugly .. and we cant stop it even with lockdown

I am not sure what post you are referring to, but in the context of this virus the correct word is probably “inoculum” and refers to the initial dose of the virus you get in your body…how many virus particles per pound of body weight would be a typical way of expressing this number.

Comparing different countries data, and even US East vs West Coast data, causes one to scratch their head. We saw from Sandpuppy earlier that the East Coast version of Covid-19 is starting to sound more like Italy than, shall we say, South Korea.
As well, where I sit, about 200 miles South of Seattle, in the Southern border of WA in Clark County, the stat’s being generated in the county thus far are actually kind of promising given the fact that we are already all but shut down;

From the local paper, The Columbian, today; A Sunday morning update from Clark County Public Health shows a 10th local person has been confirmed to be suffering from COVID-19, the novel coronavirus. The patient is a man in his 70s who has had contact with one of the nine other confirmed local cases. He has been quarantined, and is recovering at home. So far, 10 people locally have been confirmed to have the virus. Three have died. In addition, another 219 local tests have returned negative for COVID-19, Although the number appears to be very low, health authorities believe that many more people are suffering from the disease, but have not been able to be tested due to the high volume of requests.
So, quite a few negative tests. Is the problem high false negatives? No doubt there are infected folks out there spreading it around.. but still.. it feels like maybe we are going to get ahead of it locally. There are no reports of any young folks requiring hospitalization for Covid-19 here. So what is going on? Does the East Coast literally have a different, dominant strain that is more virulent to the young? You may recall that my home state, WA, had maybe the first known cluster in Kirkland, near Seattle, so it's not like we didn't have a head start.

Yes, that is correct. You can overdose on any medicine, thinking that if 1X is good, then 5x is five times as good. Nope!! The dosages I gave were those referenced in the Chinese study. Hopefully people will use their heads and the best information they can find. In an ideal world and “normal” times, we could go to our local doctor and have him/her prescribe the right dosage for us. These are not normal times and this is not an ideal world. Still, try to see your doctor if you can…but that might end up being difficult or impossible under our current conditions. We will have to do the best we can and see how things unfold/unravel from here.

I am not a doctor, but the Chinese study I referenced appear to administer the chloroquine orally…and certainly the antibiotic would be taken orally. The blood circulates right up to the surface of lung tissue, so I don’t understand why a blood-born anti-malarial wouldn’t reach the virus in the lungs.

I was speaking with my wife and we have come to a conclusion about several things not adding up that do not make sense with this virus. First, I think this does have a CFR of 15-18% ( per francis boyle ) The serious case rate is between 18-28%… and studies the best we have and from china have confirmed this. Also, though many people seemed to disregard a lot of the studies coming from china early on - I believe all of them have proved to be consistent with findings with other countries now - or soon will be.
But for me , it got me thinking - perhaps this is really a bioweapon that was leaked. It is very very odd in its ability to kill and who. The kid thing is such an odd anomaly, that it cant really be over-looked. There are only two things that possibly make sense here. One, there is an ADE effect at play. People who are older are more likely to have been sensitized to another or similar virus that will cause the ADE actions where is this is less likely or at able to cause the effect when you are very young. The only other possible way to explain this is troubling. Perhaps this is actually a bioweapon, and there is a vaccine for it. Something that the Big Pharma has been sneaked into the Vaccines and the kids in the last 20 years have received.
The later would have some significant implications. The one thing that would make this more reasonable than lets say the ADE effect, is that we know the more vaccinating you do, the less able your body is capable of mounting a proper response to a “novel” virus. This has been proven time and time and study-after-study. So it would make no sense that kids are unaffected by a novel virus that can kill a middle age person without even causing a single child to die. I have a hard time with this … We do know kids and young people have stronger immune systems - but not when you are under 5 years… So, its not like no kids have died 5-19 . its no kids… So… that is my block that says heck this is not just immune system weak… that causes this thing to kill. It has to be ADE or some protective thing in Vaccines… However, kids get very few vaccines the first year… so, why are these kids not impacted. if we are talking 2-5 its different. But , I am struggling with this… I think the answer to why people are dying, lies in who are dying…

If these numbers are even close to accurate - something is going on in Germany far outside of genetics. I know personally via my wife’s research as a nutritionist, that Germany is very progressive , probably the most progressive in the world, in common use of nutrition/herbal supplementation for disease. I wonder if there is something commonly prescribed for cold or flu that is protective.

My grandson is well under a year old and has had several already but my daughter has had them spread out to avoid the risk of autism or other potential adverse effects. Her doctor is good about this but other doctors want the kids to have even more and my daughter vetoed some of them.

Its being reported that this could be early symptom useful in isolating before people are symptomatic. Germany seems to have the highest percent reporting this - again, with the mildest cases.