Chris & Evie LIVE: Trump Indictment + National Divorce

How To Diffuse A Situation

Good question Evie–how do you handle conflict and how can you diffuse a situation?
My first question would be “why do you feel that way?”. Then I would try to find some common ground and move from there into finding a solution. I would apologize and ask for forgiveness if I’d done something wrong. If not, I would try to ask questions to help the person see how I arrived at my conclusion.


A Divorce…

How would we divide the federal military? Well and all the federal enforcement agencies? I’m not opposed, hell not after the past 3 years, but how do you do it in a productive manor?

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And, um, who gets the nukes?

Hopefully no one. Realistically, that is part of the divorce proceedings. Who will care is just as important as who gets them, and who will get to develop and what rules will govern the nukes moving forward is just as important.

Will the world not only America get a say is what I keep thinking?

Is National Divorce Just More Divide And Conquer?

Simple question: do the social engineers that are apparently trying to destroy the US want this?


What do we do about the CCP funded “Police Departments” sprinkled throughout our current major metropolitan areas is another question? and how the hell have they front run this situation should be another?

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Sound In The Live Air

Both of you are coming our loud and clear. No problems


Chris You’re On A Target List

In case you didn’t already know - this was published today by Igor Chudov, and your name is on this list of people targeted… Was reading this while listening to you.


Transhumanism Agenda

Everyone else notice how the insult has changed from homophobic to transphobic? I think that is intentional. I think that transsexual will become trans-human. I think young people are being groomed to be guinea pigs for trans humanism medical research. If they are willing to surgically change their sex, it’s not a huge leap to get a neural implant. Another WEF goal.


They Won’t Allow An Amicable Resolution

No. Divorce is not an option for them. They hate us and want us crushed, punished for not being whatever they are in the moment.
Like in the (somewhat cheesy) movie, I think it’s called “Fourth of July”? When they ask a captured alien what they wanted from us, his response was “die”.
The last thing the woke mob want is a peaceful solution.
Every consession will be met with more demands, and the demands will mean that we conform to their worldview.
“Divorcing” would take that control away from them. And it is absolutely about control–to the point of world dominion, about changing everyone everywhere–I mean, LGBT flags in Kabul?
They’re useful idiots, certainly, and they’re having too much success–presumably because they are well funded and supported by whomever is using them.
It is like the Bolshevic revolution. If you are a person who has accumulated any substance, or if you have inherited any substance, and if you seem to have values that do not mesh with theirs, you will be targeted as a Kulak and eliminated–unless we pull off a Hail Mary in the next very few years.
We will, somehow, I think, but only because of some cryptic Scripture verses that are open to interpretation.
But the divorce ain’t happening. So it’s critical that informed people be involved as much as possible.
Borrowing someone else’s illustration, if one were to make a pie chart that took in the whole history of the human experience, and if you colored “tyranny” in red and “liberty” in blue, the tiny, razor thin blue sliver would make clear what an anomaly we have enjoyed living in. Just sayin.
“The two wings of the Great Eagle” of Revelation 12:14 seem most likely to be a nation. Only the US can be called The Great Eagle. I choose to think that means that the American Right and the American Left will unite to perform a final rescue mission in a very hostile world. There are a lot of good and sensible people on both sides who will repudiate the toxic crap the wokesters are pushing.
God save this country.
Best wishes to all.


Thanks. Looks like a relatively harmless catfishing expedition to which I am completely immune being a happily betrothed, non-lonely fellow.

Like in the (somewhat cheesy) movie, I think it’s called “Fourth of July”? When they ask a captured alien what they wanted from us, his response was “die”.
Independence Day (1996), one of my favorite popcorn-munchers! Thanks for pulling that quote up. And yeah, I agree, this totally fits.

Cpdp 2018: The Internet Of (vulnerable) Bodies.

I consider it an essential starting point for a necessary conversation.
Often a marriage does not begin the long road to recovery until one partner threatens to leave.
That sharpens the focus of the other…


Doug Casey has a great take on this. Check out his YouTube channel. It over a year old, but to surmise it would look like the USSR when it collapsed.

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Being that contemptuous when people are trying to come up with a possible solution to coexisting might just bring us to The Great Domestic Violence.


A trans individual shoots a bunch of Christians and Biden says:
“Transgender Americans shape our Nation’s soul.”
I definitely think there’s more to it than the obvious medial industrial complex racket.


Ok… pop corny, not cheesy!