Chris & Evie LIVE: Trump Indictment + National Divorce

At a rally for trans people in Nashville, the crowd was encouraged to hold up seven fingers, to connote seven victims, the 3 students, the three staff and the shooter.
In their deranged view, the shooter was a victim too. Usually we reserve that sort of compassion in these situations until possibly many years later when we find out what kind of a crappy set of parents a mass shooter might have had.
But this soon? Never. Itā€™s a gross display.


My history professor claimed that she was in college before she learned that Damn and yankees were two separate words. ļ»æ?ļ»æ

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Profoundly Disturbing Observations That Ring True

The ideas that we have several damaged generations, divisive media and political systems exacerbating issues across the board, and no clear way to correct these problems ā€“ well then, itā€™s more into the category of a predicament. A national divorce certainly is one possible outcome, and I fear things may turn out even worse. With everything else going on ā€“ energy, environment, economy ā€“ with these endemic psych problems itā€™s as if what was already shaping up to be a dumpster fire of a decade just got hit with a gasoline tanker truck.
Just to throw in one more to worry about, some AI researchers are saying The Singularity is just around the corner: But thatā€™s a topic for another day.


Not A Millennial!

As someone born in 1982, I am very opposed to being lumped into the "millennial " category. I am the oldest of 3, siblings born in '84 and '94. The youngest 100% fits the millennial characteristics, despite our best efforts to raise her as we were.
My brother and I were complete latch key kids. Working since we were maybe 10 years old, helping contribute and support our family. Both siblings are military, I am a LEO.
Our society is so very backwards now. I am so saddened by the lack of responsibility individualā€™s hold for their actions.
As a cop, I get infuriated by the lack of consequences our courts disseminate. Repeate offenders in an out of the system.
Lack of personal responsibility. Lack of willingness to work for what one has.


I feel bad for those who could succumb to catfishing. Literally thinking about the situation for 10 seconds, with logic, would make any man shut that downā€¦

agreed. Iā€™m watching a friend of mine go through this same thing. I donā€™t know if theyā€™ll actually get divorced, they have always seemed right for the other, but my friend needed a wake-up call that he needed to stop acting like such a tool.


Itā€™s OK, thereā€™s a lot of overlap around those definition years. Grace Slick was born in 1939 and John Lennon in 1940, and I defy anyone to categorize them into the Silent Generation.

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Oh man, popcorn with that yellow-orange cheese dust all over it. And a Coke. Good memories. Itā€™d probably put me in the grave if I had a theater-sized helping of it now.

Could you elaborate why that is your conclusion?

Oh That Map Is Horrible!

60% of the land mass (at least!) of Minnesota is deep red! I do not want to be within the boundaries of that nasty leftover country. My neighbors and I want to be within the core red country. Yes, I live in Minnesota.


you bet they do. you canā€™t destroy the US from the outside, but our libertine society has always been our soft underbelly.

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Look to how things went down at the end of the Soviet Union. There are a million details, but in the end there was (largely) a tacit agreement to minimize bloodshed. Yes, there was a very hungry decade ahead for most of the former Soviet republics, but the fact that things came apart so peacefully is nothing short of miraculous.


Again, look to how the Soviet Union unwound. Even with all the strife and border conflicts, at least to date nothingā€™s gone nuclear. Yet.

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Often a marriage does not begin the long road to recovery until one partner threatens to leave.
Yes, this exactly. Perhaps when faced with the prospect of a national breakup, we can regain the relatively loose federalism that was sold to the individual states during the ratification debates. I don't hold much hope for this outcome however. The numerous centralizing factions are positively evangelical about their various crusades for the betterment of their unenlightened fellow citizens in fly-over country. The concepts of "live and let live, you do you over there, leave me alone" seem lost on them. As much as we might wish for and offer these options, I fear that they will not agree to either loose federalism or even a peaceful breakup.

Where are the adults in the US ?
Mostly on the wrong side of the grass, I reckon. Or getting thereā€¦Aloha, Steve


Moral Relativismā€¦

Thanks Chris & Evie!
Very timely discussion about some of the issues we are encountering lately, but the general framing Iā€™d like to highlight (moral relativism) has been going on for about 100 years! Iā€™m speaking particularly of your discussion in the section about ā€œDumb to Dangerousā€ around the 47 minute mark.
Iā€™m not sure if you have read, what for me, is a masterpiece of modern history which remains valid to this day, The book is ā€œModern Timesā€ by the late Paul Johnson, and I would highly recommend it to anyone interested in the historic cum philosophic timeline of the 20th century, and especially as it relates to totalitarianism. It also, for me, was much more explanatory of the roots of totalitarianism than Hannah Arendtā€™s work on the subject, and is much more easily understood. Itā€™s a history of the 20th century from around WWI through to the early 80ā€™s when he wrote it.
Time and again, from the first page where he laid out the premise wherein Einsteinā€™s work on relativity in physics, somehow got picked up by the intelligencia of the 20ā€™s to form the philosophical premise which is much as the passage you read from Professor Lynn, that is: moral relativismā€¦

" students were often unwilling to make judgments of any kind. Partly this was because they had an intense fear of offending anyone, but in addition, they professed to believe that everything is relative and therefore wrong to judge, completely unaware of the fact that this itself is a judgment you should not judge. Thatā€™s a judgment, David. They also saw no inconsistencies in espousing relativism..."
Throughout "Modern Times" Mr. Johnson returns to this "moral relativism" theme/framing and, to me, it made a lot of sense when trying to understand the the calamities which followed, and are continuing to this day, on steroids! Without an objective morality, anything goes, wrong think flourishes, and countless millions of lives can be extinguished at the whim of any petty dictator/cabal of the day.

And the strange thing is, missed in the photos, is that several of the trans advocates did show seven fingers, but they were on just one hand.



Is there some unspoken collusion between the gerontocracy/baby boomers and the indoctrinated ā€œdigital nativeā€ newer generations, to skip a generation by excluding the troublesome Gen X from the seats of power? In other words, does it fall on those of us in Gen X to save the world? If so, how long do we have left?


Head outside, get your fingernails dirty, listen to the wind, smile at the sun. Always works.


This is the way.