Chris & Evie LIVE: Trump Indictment + National Divorce

Thoughts On Covid Vaccines In Our Food Supply

I’ve been reading about trying to push vaccinations through our eggs. Been following some info about our meat. If they add the COVID vaccine to the required shots for USDA approval independent beef farmers will be virtually forced to comply. Would love to hear your thoughts on this and suggestions for how we can push back. I’m worried we will all have this shit in our bodies with or without our consent in the near future if we don’t expose TPTB fast on this.


I have run into a couple of people like that in my life. You are correct. They are absolutely toxic. Eliminate contact with them.
If they genuinely wanted help, it would be a different story. But they don’t want help. They can’t even see that there is something wrong with them. They are just vampires who drain the lifeblood out of others.
Put bluntly, their affliction is not my problem.


Christianity and Judaeo-Christian values have to be eliminated for them to bring on their New World Order.


I’ve been casually following this as well. I’m hoping for information on a temperature that would kill remnants of the shot. Not a huge fun of well done meat, but if that’s what it takes, I would do.


I guess women’s sports is going to get a lot more interesting: trans-woman v. trans-human (bionic) woman.


There is no clarification of new governance in the separated nation. No thought about how it will provide for the common defense, infrastructure, adjudicate disputes within its borders and across the new national border. No discussion of current US Federal land and assets within the new “nation “ and how to secure title to those properties and at what cost. Most of the land based ICBM sites are within the new “Nation” as are strategic military bases. But third leg of nuclear deterrence rests on submarine bases in the legacy USA making all current geopolitical positions null. No thought of which international agreements would bifurcate or sever (would the new nation be a NATO member, or bound by treaties of the current USA?
none of the practical realities are contemplated or discussed. Just “we are angry about the dual Justice system, and utter corruption of all arms of the federal bureaucracy. Wahhh. Wahhh. Wahh. Seems like a childish reaction uselessly diverting attention.
Idle threats of divorce, seen purely as a bluff (which this is), is likely ineffective as a means for reconciliation. Instead it may provoke the asshole partner of the pair to increase their intensity to get the whiner under control.
Let this distraction wither from lack of attention and get back to focus on either fixing the problem or preparing to survive the coming tyrannical catastrophe.

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Starting A New Definition.

As I watched AOC boldly call the woman who filed the ethic complaint a super transphobic person and walk away, it is becoming obvious that the left can’t deal with anything without pulling out the bag of phobics and labeling those that would challenge their immature & illogical position/ideas. I have started replying to those type people as being integriphobic (fear of facing or dealing with a person of integrity). It is massively fun to watch them try and figure out what it means.


No. The world gets no say in our nukes. Both parties to the divorce get a say.

We should boot them from the country. If they won’t shut them down on their own we start locking people up.

True. Dealing with someone with that type of mental illness is hard on everyone. It is possible to still love someone but never want to be in the same state with them. Having a narcissistic mentally ill relative is like that.


If there is ever to be traction for this idea, the states/territories moving toward divorce should convene a new national congress of current elected representatives (current State Governor’s?) to address, and list grievances for redress with the current federal government. In due time with those grievances ignored or exacerbated, the popular movement may foment prompting a new Declaration of Independence signed by those elected leaders, an act of real insurrection and treason punishable by death. Then civil war ensues. This is not a future of hope I wish to pursue.

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How many times have I heard an abusive husband say, “If I can’t have her, no one can,” followed by one or more gunshots?! They crave control more than anything, and won’t let us go peacefully.


True. There is no international body to do it. People in the US also would not take kindly to UN or other “world police” interference.

May our ability to maintain our nukes in working order decline more quickly than our sanity/competence in refraining from pushing the button inappropriately.


Laughter is another good coping mechanism. My brother and sister-in-law love to watch an old sitcom, Malcolm in the Middle, because it just makes them laugh out loud. I do the same when I visit them and we watch an episode or two. I can’t tell you how good it feels to just laugh out loud, and be in a “lighter place” for a while!

What I Do

What I like to do in conflict. I put it on myself…So if someone said something hurtful …I think so what have I done that was hurtful. So it kind of changes your mind…Most of the time it is a misunderstanding…

Link Between Childhood Vaccines And Transgenderism?

What you said in this webinar about the rise in autism (which is linked to childhood vaccines) followed by your comment about the rise in transgenderism, made me wonder if there is also a link between childhood vaccinations and transgenderism? Not to mention the recent substack by Jessica Rose about estrogen-mimicing molecules causing havoc in people’s systems. One really does have to wonder what’s “in the water”. I also think that these things culturally shocking/divisive things things are being artificially amplified by AI, so as to make the population easier to control.


I thought the same thing Derek.

Hi Yagasjai:
That’s really interesting. I don’t know what is in the medical literature, not that it really matters because these are questions doctors are afraid to ask or have answered, but in the common understanding there is a link between autism and transgenderism, as well as with narcissism and sexual addiction. I’ll probably be shellacked for saying that, but I’ll say it anyway, because I think it is true. I used to think anti-vaxxers (for childhood vaccines) were conspiracy theorists. This is before I became a conspiracy theorist. Or as I call myself, a conspiracy realist.
Further, a lot of “transgenderism” is just sexual fetish. Dylan Mulvaney is an autogynephilic transvestite, and maybe a pedophile. He gets off on imaging himself as, not a woman, but a little girl. He explains it away by saying he is experiencing his girlhood, but it is obviously much deeper and darker than that. That shop teacher with the 80 pound breasts with dark areole and pronounced nipples, miniskirt and blond wig…that is not about wanting to be a woman, it’s a fetish to dress that way in front of adolescent males.
If a man wants to dress up as a woman, it is a free country, wear what you want. But every rational adult has noticed that there are no men who want to dress up as someone wearing Mom jeans: hair in a scrunchie, in the unglamorous outfits you’d wear to take a colicky baby to the pediatrician, dab of baby vomit fetchingly smeared on your left shoulder. It is never that female attire. It is always men dressing like prostitutes or…even worse… teen or pre-teen girls. That is fetish, pure and simple.


Good lord, that is like the essay question from hell. “Assume that life on earth evolved according to completely different rules of evolution than those we currently understand. Explain the major changes these caused over the last 50 million years, and how we are affected now, with particular emphasis on the impact on beer-making and the English parliamentary system.”