Chris & Evie LIVE: Trump Indictment + National Divorce

Is there any way we can get notification of JUST these real-time items without signing up for spam. Can we just get email and text about these?


Yep, Mommy Dearest. Itā€™s heart-breaking to look back on the damage her triangulation caused. She disgusts me, but due to her, I can smell one a mile away


Gardening, voodoo dolls, chocolate, playing with the kids, staring at Biden on TV through the tines of a fork, pretending he is in jail, bubble baths, gallows humor, praying, de-mothing my pantry, and knowing that while the wheels of justice grind slowly, they grind exceedingly fine.


Makes Me Wonderā€¦

ā€¦ if Tucker is an incognito member here at PP and getting some ideas? Or if like minds just think alike? Have a lookā€¦


Narcissists existed before computer technology. But the computer is exaggerating it. I remember the beginning of FB regarding their algorithms. This is what happens 10 years later!

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Divorce is the end of cohabitation and full separation of existence, not coexistence. The dissolution of sacred bonds in the political arena is civil war. Is that really what you want to explore? If so use plain language and refrain from creating new terms that mask the true intent. The ā€œGreat Divorceā€ is in fact civil war. If that is your path to improving the situation just speak plainly.

Mind Hand Connection

Having assisted a child with sensory processing issues, and a client with Autism spectrum disorder, and a quadriplegic client I am 1000% confident movement of the body can help re-train the brain and integrate brain and body co-operation to improve function of both areas.
One of the brain half integration exercises the OT had us do was sideward figure of 8ā€™s, with both hands, one hand at a time, from the top of the 8 down to the middle. Around and around and around. Itā€™s easy with one hand, and requires much more concentration with the non-dominant hand. Try it! You can do it in the air like a pointer, or on a whiteboard - and see the unco-ordination.
This OT also explained that psychologists have discovered information is taken in much better by the brain, and able to be recalled and considered more thoroughly if it is handwritten, rather than if it is typed.
I know writing is slow, but think this is what gives the brain time to consider intellectually what is being written, while the body movement imprints the information onto memory. Just my hypothesis.
Writing also requires clearer thought so you do not end up with a page of scrub outs, whereas the delete button on a keyboard allows any amount of drivel to spout forth and be magically and effortlessly erased.
Perhaps there is an OT among us who can elaborate more succinctly.
Postscript - Thereā€™s a dire shortage of OTā€™s here. Which is why we no longer see one. I considered becoming an OT but covid nipped that in the bud as now you have to be jabbed for all the placements.

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I live in Michigan. Unfortunately control rests in Detroit, Lansing, Ann Arbor, and a few others but it does not represent many, many Michiganders. It still begs the questions about where to live, particularly if one has family they want to be fairly close to geographically. A national divorce will not personally settle the problems for meā€¦

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What Would Jesus Do?

ā€œDo not think that I came to send peace upon earth: I came not to send peace, but the sword. For I came to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a manā€™s enemies shall be they of his own household.ā€ Matthew 10:34
Funny how people conveniently forget this passage. Jesus was no smiley-faced wuss.


Even A Felony Conviction Would Not Prevent Trump From Running

According to Robert Barnes, even a person in prison for a felony conviction is not barred by that from running for president of the USA.
In other words, they are hoping that a felony conviction would damage Trumpā€™s campaign in public opinion. So far the indictment looks like a backfire on that score.

How To Raise An Adult

My husband and I are Gen X and have a son whoā€™s 18 now. I got a recommendation when he was around 16 for a book by Julie Lythcott-Haims called How to Raise an Adult, which is about the authorā€™s experience of being the dean of freshman at an Ivy League school. What an eye opener that book was! She describes young people utterly unable to function away from their helicopter parents, and the parents unwilling to let go. I have to say itā€™s a pretty grim account of the dysfunctional/codependent relationships these ā€œsuccessfulā€ and ā€œhigh achievingā€ families have. Iā€™m both sad and pissed off that these are the kids my kid has as peers. (He doesnā€™t relate to them, so theyā€™ll just be kinda coexisting in the same world) For anyone interested in a view of how we got to this place, this book might be interesting.

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The nukes are the only guaranty for us to live a long lives after the divorce. I want half of the Ohio Class submarine fleet with full complement of Trident 2 missiles in them.

Do something you enjoy. It doesnā€™t matter what.

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Concur. Itā€™s one of my guidelines for a sweet life:
Do things you enjoy with people you care about.

You are correct, Chris, and that is assuming two adult parties who still have some love for each other. What I see are two major groups that literally hate one another and would extinguish the other group if they could get away with it. I donā€™t see any of this ending well. Maybe itā€™s my early life experiences talking but I donā€™t see this ending with two adult parties talking it out and agreeing to separate amicably. I would recommend you look up Dr. Drew Miller, COL USAF Ret. of Fortitude Ranch and his forecasts for America. I have purchased a membership for myself and my loved ones and given up on the ridiculous idea of becoming a full time prepper, farmer, canned, rancher, etc, etc, itā€™s just not feasible for me or 95% of the population. As Dr. Miller points out, even if you are able to develop all those skills, acquire property with water, raise animals, develop some shooting skills, etc (all of which take time, money, and know how) you will still run into the problem of defending it. You canā€™t stay up 24/7 and over a short period of time, skilled people will form together to take what you have built. They arenā€™t just going to let their children die to starvation or dehydration. (By the way, Dr. Miller is a Harvard educated PhD who did his doctoral thesis on survivable field fortifications in the event of a nuclear attack. Heā€™s no slouch in this area.) I believe the answer is for like minded people to come together now and create sustainable, defendable communities. For me, as someone who hates prepping but has military skills, Fortitude Ranch was the answer. Dr. Miller has told me that at this point, they can not build fast enough to keep up with demand. He is now franchising new locations for people who can obtain the funding. I could setup a meeting for you if you are interested. This wasnā€™t the point of my reply, but I guess thatā€™s where it went. Iā€™m not trying to make money off this, trying to get the word out to people who have access to that kind of capital. Please donā€™t block me from the site, just delete if you donā€™t feel this is appropriate. - Irish :shamrock:

There is no peaceful resolution to any of this, sadly. Neither side will accept the results of the 2024 elections.