Chris + Evie LIVE

Junk Silver

I bet someone started calling the “old money that no longer had any value”, junk. The paper dollars were the “new money” and THEY were valuable. It was a brainwashing to make not want to use it anymore. And there are a whole bunch of people who don’t think it’s worth using, and even more people who don’t know what it is!
At my market, (Ithaca Farmers Market, NYS) I always say I’ll take paper dollars, digits, silver and gold coins. One day a Cornell student asked me if I’d take a gold coin for some bars of soap. I said I would. She pulled 3 Sacagawea brass $1.00 coins out of her pocket and held them out to me. $3.00 for a $20.00 purchase. I said where is the gold coin? She said here they are. I said have you ever seen a real gold coin? These are brass and worth $1.00 each. I’ll take them, but they are not gold. This girl’s parents had been mis educated and passed the mis information on to her. A Cornell U student. The long arm of Goldman Sacs and Bank of NY Mellon.


The Sports Topic

The men who took the hormone therapy to transfer their bodies to be women, are a psychological scam on everyone. The people who took the drugs are now in a reality that is different than people who did not take the drugs to alter their bodies into this undefined gender. A gender that needs a lot of words to classify as something important. I know men who now think of themselves as women and are afraid to walk home alone at night. Total demoralization.
But the women who think they are the victims of unfairness are also being duped into being victims. Instead of being strong women, they are tricked into being weak. Everyone in this story is being tricked from being strong into being weak.
This is another case of weakening the population. In my opinion…


Our cities are heading more and more towards anarchy every day, along with many countries in the world. Venezuela has been there for a long time. South Africa gets crazier every day, with their electrical grid on the verge of collapse, hours of darkness every day, food shortages, and terrible violence. If you want to see what a country in collapse looks like, and what some of us think our cities will look like, watch the first 45 minutes of this video on South Africa. TPTB in the US are dividing us in every way possible: along racial lines, religious lines, rich vs poor, pro vs anti-abortion, Dems vs Republicans, left versus right, trans “women” against women, women against men, the young against the old, and so on, ad infinitum.
My gut tells me 2-3 years of anarchy. For what that is worth.


There Is A Plan

The plan is controlling the food supply to control the population numbers in the name of “health”.


I was almost in tears watching that video. What happened to freedom of speech. How on earth can we as a race be ok in the end? Appalling

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Junk Silver As Currency

excellent idea to use junk silver as local currency. Wish I had thought of that years ago!
I’m wondering if cutting silver maples into 1/4 or 1/8 (pieces of 8) could be a substitute. Unlike junk silver, you still have the challenge of unfamiliarity and distrust by the average community member. Is there a quick silver test to get through the first few months until people get used to it?

New Website

Really liking the new website! So far it feels more intuitive and easy to navigate. Great job!
question: my avatar doesn’t seem to appear on my comments and I can’t find the place that manages your profile. Mr Mecton didn’t seem to have a quick answer to this.

I don’t even have an avatar on this side of the site…(forums being the other).
It’s being looked at and will be fixed soon I hope.
And thanks! Me too. Loving the new site. :slight_smile:

Note Popup Problem

How do I get rid of the note floaty thing? I can’t mouse over to the x to close it, I can’t seem to drag it off somewhere else.
And: added an image, deleted it, now I can’t add another

Here is the image

Is there a quick silver test to get through the first few months until people get used to it?
Here are my top five in increasing order of difficulty for the average person. 1 - I use an app like Bullion Test which is really quite good. The downside is if you happen to have a non-standard-sized or uncommon silver coin or medallion. It works by listening for the sound fingerprint of a pinged coin with a known specific diameter and thickness. You just balance the coin on your finger, give it a rap with a pen, let it ring and the app gives you an audiogram and a pass-fail assessment. 2- Magnet Test: Silver is not magnetic, so if the coin or medallion is attracted to a magnet, it is not real silver. Good for quickly scanning a large pile of coinage. But not very robust as there are many shiny and non-magnetic metals. 3- Ice Test: Place a few ice cubes on top of the coin or medallion. Real silver has high thermal conductivity and will quickly melt the ice. If the ice does not melt quickly, it may indicate that the coin or medallion is not made of real silver. This is good for bars and other large, or odd-shaped silver. 4 - Acid Test: You can purchase a silver acid test kit online or at a jewelry store. This test involves applying a drop of acid to a small scratch on the coin or medallion. The acid will react differently depending on the metal content, and you can determine if it is real silver or not. In the acid test, a drop of acid is applied to a small scratch on the surface of the silver coin or medallion. The acid will react with the metal and change color, indicating the purity of the silver. If the acid turns a creamy color, the silver is at least 90% pure. If it turns a dark color, it is likely less than 90% pure. If the acid has no reaction, the coin or medallion is likely made of a metal other than silver. The acid used in the test is usually nitric acid, which is a strong acid that can cause burns and damage to clothing and skin. It is important to handle the acid with care and follow the instructions on the testing kit carefully. Additionally, it is best to perform this test in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling any fumes. 5 - Density Test: Real silver has a specific density of 10.49 g/cm3. You can measure the weight and volume of the coin or medallion and calculate its density. If it is close to 10.49 g/cm3, it may indicate that it is real silver. This involves careful measurements to pull off.

Speaking of people who don’t know what junk silver is, this past Christmas I gave each family member an old silver dollar. (They cost $30 each at the time). One of my family members, upon opening the gift, said to me, What is this? They really did not know what they were looking at. It was a wonderful teaching moment.


Alternate Currency.

Been interested in it myself and have seen the topic lightly dealt with a few times. Would appreciate a knowledgeable group getting together and discussing strategies for a local currency after SHTF. Being the remnant, we need to have some of these things thought out a bit. James Howard Kunstler with the world made by hand series would be a good panelist.

Why There Is No Plan

check out Doug Voght from the Diehold Foundation Series 4, Part 6F, What the Government has Decided to do and where they will be build the caves. - YouTube

Some Comments

On energy:-
As far as energy shortfall goes, if there is not enough energy for everyone, then there are only 2 solutions.

  1. Create more energy.
  2. Reduce the amount of energy needed by reducing demand.
    As the former currently seems unlikely, that would suggest the latter option - either a drop in our current living standards, or a drop in our population… or both.
    On kids:-
    My 20 year old son told me that his former high school (a PUBLIC school in suburban Sydney, Australia) is introducing a ‘device ban’ for all students during school hours. He told me they may even be setting up a firewall AND a cell phone blocker within the school. I’m not sure of the details or how true this is as he was told by a friend who still attends, but I thought it was interesting. Could be good.
    Gad Saad wrote a really book back in 2020 called ‘The Parasitic Mind: How Infectious Ideas Are Killing Common Sense.’ It expands on a lot of the ideas you and Evie were positing in your talk here.
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I was just thinking the other day about the home phones from the 1970’s no electric power used, no batteries, and cheap parts. I wonder how much power would be saved if everyone used them?

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Hi @danelarsen - great website. Something fishy about the max width in mobile view, though. The window and all content is cropped/cut on the right side.

“home phones from the 1970’s” had about 30V open circuit power and that’s why they were independent of power lines.
Their biggest problem was water getting into the lines and shorting circuits, loose wires and more.

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One might consider the idea of “scrip”. There is an interesting entry on Wikipedia about scrip and about a few famous one like Ithaca “Hours”.
There is another one not listed there but called “Leaps” which is used at Earthaven Ecovillage in North Carolina. Generally, scrip is a bartering device or IOU.

Alternative Currency

Pre ‘65 us silver coins