Chris + Evie LIVE

A Cultural Difference



Whats the deal with the advertisements, I just sat through a 3 minute ad on toe fungus when I clicked to watch the replay of this live event.


Children And Their Response To Danger

When my daughter was 3 years old, we were at the little beach/wading area on the Whetstone Brook in Brattleboro, VT. It’s at a sharp bend in the brook and there is a pool with very little current that is waist deep for me. My daughter was in water that was about waist deep for her. She took a step back and went under in the deeper water. I ran in, scooped her up and gently walked her to shore without making a big deal of it.
Years later, she told me that she had sweet memories of that moment. She felt safe, totally sure that I would do exactly what I did do. In the few seconds it took for me to get to her, she just admired the underwater beauty and the bubbles from the little rapid just upstream. That could have been a traumatic moment for her and left her afraid of water. Instead she thrived as a swimmer when she started lessons the next year.

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Saving Knowledge

The current insanity will pass. I think the regression of society to prioritizing needs and leaving this nonsense behind is inevitable. We just have to patiently wait for the mass hysteria to go away.
Neil’s dramatic fall into dogma scares me. It shows me the importance of preserving some of our hard earned collective knowledge.
I am most concerned with preserving the crown jewels of our collective knowledge. Many of our ancient creations have not survived to modernity. The great fire at the library in Alexandria is one such example of a tragic loss of knowledge. There are also examples of Europe destroying books during the dark ages that survived to modernity because of the ancient Persians preserving the works in their libraries.
I would like to preserve stuff if possible. I wish that I could make durable copies of manuscripts that contained a wide range of basic math, science, literature, music and some history.
What literature would you like to see preserved? This is extremely subjective. I would want to include Farnham’s Freehold (this seems relevant), Animal Farm, The US Constitution, and The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. Music would be difficult to save. Perhaps music would have sheet music. We could identify notes and tie it to objects in nature with a reliable resonance frequency to show what the notes sound like.
Mathematics would need to be kept simple. Calculus I might be a stretch. I would at least include the important numbers such of e, Pi, and phi. These important numbers would include the derivations of how they are obtained.
Science would include a basic overall view of what we know. Newtonian physics would be fairly easy. I want to include quantum mechanics of the H atom and nothing beyond that. This would have to include the periodic table for all elements with an atomic number of 1 to 92. We could easily include atomic numbers 93 through 103 in italics to show that these are likely not going to be found in nature. I would want to include a chart of the nuclides but this would take up too much space. Including spectroscopy would be a must with a lot of Cecilia Payne’s publications from “Stellar Atmospheres”.
Chemistry would need a large section as well. I think covering bio-chemistry and the basic patterns in how chemical bonds are made would be important. Knowing the difference between a pi (covalent bond) and an ionic bond is important.
We have to include astronomy. This is where I am greatly conflicted. Part of me says that we must only include items that are easily observed with an un-aided human eye. I think including the Jovian moons to this would be acceptable considering how easy it would be to make a telescope. The other part of me would also include things that can only be observed by sensitive instruments (Gravity Waves). Gravity waves would only mention their existence and maybe a illustration of how an interferometer works. I would also include a basic drawing of a galaxy and stellar objects such as blackholes and neutron stars. Tie this in with how stars work and change over time depending on their mass.
I think the most important item to include would the dangers of bio-engineering. The dangers of gain of function research must be included!
I want to hear other people’s opinions on this. What knowledge would you preserve if given the chance?

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Question About ‘collectible’ Vs ‘investment’ Bullion

Is it true that collectibles aka numismatics ? - the difference is vague; for instance, is an AU or BU Morgan '20s dollar NOT GRADED a ‘collectible’? Or is it only a collectible when it is in a plastic graded case?
Some experts are saying that if there were a gold ‘buyback’ (psyop word), bullion would be monetarily remunerated at whatever spot price US gov declares Example: US Gold Buffalo FV $50 USD - could it be confiscated in exchange for fifty us paper/digital dollars?
Once it’s out of circulation, does that mean the edition? Or the year?
Thanks… Hard to find trusted sources on this, and i have been paying several months at the top tier here, so i don’t feel it is too much of an ask…

hopefully an oversight as the new web format is rolling out

I am experiencing this same issue.

Martin Prechtel

Hi Chris and Evie,
My daughter, who turns 30 next week is a student at Martin’s school, Bolad’s Kitchen. She is in the Tule Pond class. Sadly, she very recently received a letter from Martin, sharing that has suffered both a stroke and heart attack.
His report is that he is doing well and has a wonderful care team, but his school is going to be canceled for the next year because of the impact on his health.
I’m pretty sure he took the shots. My daughter did, as is certain he did as well, as did many of her Tule Pond friends. No wisdom or guidance came from him to his students thru Covid around the madness of it all, so he was dooped and probably still is, based on some of the other writings that have come from him. I prayed he would be the voice of reason for my daughter (and his students) around getting vaxxed, since my voice was not. But no words from him ever came.
My feeing about Matin has been he some beautiful wisdom to share… and, I also feel much ego in his words. (especially spoken words) This has kept me at arms length from his teachings. Post roll out and two years on as a hugely influential man in my daughters life? Now two arms length.

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A Formula For Parents To Ensure You Kids Trust You And Can Be Free

Parenting is such an interesting job. We are experiencing the over support side of parenting that I think is a result of rebelling against a period of over challenging parenting prior. In my experience as a parent and in the professional world, these patterns are typically not the intent but an overcorrection. As a result, we seek a new pattern that is more balanced and sustainable. It is possible and but comes with the responsibility of studying what are children need more than just what we want them to have. In the quest for resilience here, we are raising our kids with land and outside time. It can have a calming influence but alone isn’t enough. If we don’t understand the choices that lead to this seesaw of over support and then over challenge, we will continue to see what we are seeing today. Rebellion is natural but without vision leads to lots of noise and often chaos for the sake of resisting.
Evie, I’d love to chat more with you more about how to incorporate what you were talking about the support tribe for parenting into this new website. (J)

Strategic Oil Reserve Depleted?

This has been confusing me to no end. Is it just me? In a real world, what govt would ever let this info out? It just makes we wonder, what is really going on here? Is there something I’m not understanding? Are we falling for a trick?

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I would also like to say along with the others how much I like Evie and how insightful she is. She is a breath of fresh air!


Lol Awesome

I can totally relate to what Chris said on the “SAFE!” after the kids wipes out on the ground. Hilarious, and I’ve done similar to my (and other) kids to head off the crying storm before it starts.
It is always curious to watch children that are overprotected/babied after the stun passes from the fall/hit/whatever. There is that moment of decision ("Am I hurt or not?) and the dead give away they have helicopter parents of the child looking, however briefly, to see if they will have the audience they seek for their upcoming waterworks. Even better is the further back perspective of seeing other parents, grandparents, etc., tactically ignore the useless crying, then the kids realizes nobody gives a crap, dries it up and runs off to continue playing before he misses something important (like actual playtime with other kids).
Every now and then my children will recall times when I would say to them “Are you done crying yet? There is only so much time before we have to go…”
SFSU student “protest” in the hallway: What you guys are saying is correct, expulsion or suspension should be in order otherwise no lessons will come from this other than added security for ingress and egress is needed. There is a way to get your message across and there is a way that just reveals you don’t have anything worthwhile to contribute other than going ape-shit in a confined space. It is no mistake that things occurred where and how they did. I’ve seen the writing/planning and encouragement of that behavior over the years for political protests. It’s all right in the same camp with the videos of “protests” that wait for the cameras to roll before people start acting up.
Evie, I’m digging the skills display of knitting while handling all the Livestream! Awesome.

I believe no harm could come to anyone by spending time reading and watching the videos regarding these three people;
Milton Friedman
Thomas Sowell
Walter E. Williams

Wow, I’m sad to hear about Martín (and students) suffering from the impacts of the spike.
The wave of impacts are building all over the place…


Great show.
Have you seen a paper put out UK Fires a research study called ‘Absolute Zero by 2050’.
It states if they go ahead with with drawl of fosil fuels then there will be no planes and no ships in 2050, they are nuts

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