Chris & Evie LIVE!

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Once there are a certain number of broken people (whether that be from generations of dysfunctional families or the increase in childhood conditions and prescriptions of mind bending drugs or anything else), can society bounce back from that?
ie when there are lots of unproductive people dependent on state money and other people to intervene every so often
I wonder what we are going to see as increasing numbers of “drugged for life” kids leave school and the supervision of their parents and go out into the world. I think we are seeing some of this and I think it’s only going one way.
Given we can’t devote masses of skilled people to each broken person - and would it help anyway or are many too far gone? - and that this will be increasingly the case as the % of broken people rises - is this another one of these trends that will break our current system?
Anyone got any thoughts?


A Interesting Elaboration On Outer-directedness Vs Inner-directedness

I absolutely loved this livestream. Enough that on this rare occasion, I’m actually posting in the public section of PeakProsperity, LOL.
I can elaborate further on the “liberal”/woke mob’s penchant for directing their feelings of love and empathy outwards towards humanity as a whole rather than towards friends, family, nation and community. Academy of Ideas did a very interesting video where the subject was explored.
What Would Nietzsche Think of 21st Century Society?

One of the weapons the mob makes frequent use is virtue signalling. One says or does something which appears altruistic, solely for the sake of gaining a moral pedestal upon which one feels justified to attack and censor anyone who holds different values or ideas. In other words, through virtue signalling one hides a streak of malice behind outward displays of compassion. Albert Camus, who was highly influenced by Nietzsche’s writings, observed that: “
humanitarian feelings are always accompanied by misanthropy [hatred of mankind]. Humanity is loved in general in order to avoid loving anybody in particular.” (Albert Camus, Just Assassins) If Nietzsche were alive today he would have likened modern virtue signalers to the hypocritical Pharisees of the Bible: “They do not practice what they preach”, the book of Matthew wrote of them. Their outward displays of virtue camouflage their desires for revenge. Virtue signalling, Nietzsche would say, is the will to power of the weak. Or as he explained:

   â€œâ€Šhow ready they themselves are at bottom to make one pay; how they crave to be hangmen. There is among them an abundance of the vengeful disguised as judges, who constantly bear the word “justice” in their mouths like poisonous spittle, always with pursed lips, always ready to spit upon all who are not discontented but go their own way in good spirits
The will of the weak to represent some form of superiority, their instinct for devious paths to tyranny over the healthy – where can it not be discovered, this will to power of the weakest!”
   Nietzsche, On the Genealogy of Morality
I've even observed the same psychology in myself. I'll used to fantasize about utopia and a new age of brotherhood between men. Yet my own personal life was devoid of these same noble sentiments towards real flesh-and-blood people. I remember Jordan Peterson quoting Carl Jung: “Modern man can't see God because he doesn't look low enough.” Modern man is always looking out and beyond, never seeking his answers within himself or his fellow human beings. Also, regarding Nietzsche's quote from above:
"There is among them an abundance of the vengeful disguised as judges, who constantly bear the word “justice” in their mouths like poisonous spittle, always with pursed lips, always ready to spit upon all who are not discontented but go their own way in good spirits"
I've observed something about the far left. There is a motto which far-leftists - particularly the leaders among them - live by:
"For our friends, everything. For our enemies, the law."
The law, always applied lopsidedly and in bad faith, is a weapon in their hands to persecute their enemies. The most recent example is the persecution of Trump with bogus charges; all the while, Hunter Biden - who was caught on camera doing lewd sex acts with underage girls, and who is provably involved in corrupt dealings with Ukraine and China - gets off scot-free.

Evolution Over The Last 5000 Years

Excellent speech. However, I must pick a bone with the idea that we haven’t evolved over the last 5000 years.


Hi Chris,
I am a Dutch guy living in France

I would like to hear your vision on the future of the euro.

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Well, we’ve certainly achieved “critical mass” of people who display psychopathic, sociopathic, and/or toxic narcissism traits in positions of leadership.
I don’t think there’s any way to fix that unless they all left somehow.
Say, if we implemented a lottery-based system of putting people in positions of power, and did away with the voting structures.
That might work.


Thank you. That just came to me as I was trying to figure out why I am so put off by the faux-moralizing, selective outrage crowd.
Shox has deepened that line of inquiry in his awesome comment above.


Excellent comment. Thank you. I can now advance this line of thinking
and, as expected, it’s a well-worn trail.
A rule of life is that by the time I’ve thought of something, other people already have and it’s now my job to go off and find out what they did with the concept first.
But I like stumbling there myself first
it creates a better mental landing pad for the concepts than if I simply read it first. Then these ideas can really settle in faster and more completely. Just how my brain is wired, I guess.


Fractal Cauliflower

I have grown the fractal cauliflower before, I got the seeds from Baker Creek and it is called Romanesco and is an heirloom ?. So you could definitely add this to your garden this year Chris and Evie! ?


In general I agree. But I recognize that this could be a very uncharitable approach, for there are those who do not like themselves very much and have trouble facing that truth. Yet they externalize, and so do unto others as they do unto themselves.


Is It Long Covid Or Is It Herpes?

I have battled HSV-1 (the cause of cold sore) for two decades. My doctor says I have a gene that disables my ability to put the herpes virus into dormancy.
My symptoms read like a long-Covid litany: fatigue, POTS, brain fog, hot flashes, hair loss, bloating.
These were under control under my doctor’s protocol, but each time I got Covid, they flared up again and have never completely quite gone away. I was never vaccinated.
Now, I am searching for the “magical” addition to my protocol that will keep me feeling normal. I hope FLCCC is doing the same?


I Noticed This With My Woke Daughter

I asked my daughter this question a few weeks ago, “Why do you put such massive energy into supporting your causes on social media, but no energy into showing care and concern for people who are close to you?”
She could not answer me.
I posted a video that addresses this just yesterday:


Genuine Convictions Vs Parroting Propaganda

Now whether or not the “mainstream externally focused” average (usually
 Gen Z) liberal bears genuine conviction for what they state they believe; would have to be born out by statistical studies. (Personally, I believe there is degrees of genuine conviction in that population, because that is par and parcel to developmental psychology. All young people are idealistic in some form or another. It comes with the territory of age. I think this has something to do with life experience and neurological development.)
As far as the globalist elites though; I don’t for a minute believe any of their toted ideologies are of genuine conviction. And you know how I know this? Because they are more concerned about self than anyone else. They seek to use the ideologically immature to propagate their own agenda for solely their own benefit and in the end, they don’t even care about their ideologically immature “foot soldiers”.
You’ve heard of “fake news”; well this is “fake morality”.
These elites don’t believe a word that comes out of their own mouths.
They are thoroughly corrupt and morally evil!


Though I don’t agree with everything Nietzche says; I always find philosophers of past history interesting. Conglomerations of multiple philosophies are the stones that often compose the roads we currently walk on.
“There’s nothing new under the sun”. Solomon


It’s All Related

Doctors killing patients? This confirms what I already suspected as to one of the reasons they don’t want family members present. But what Chris describes is not only murder, it is torture. And for what crime? This story needs to get out.
If that guy was in his mother’s womb at 8 months, Cortez would not even flinch. And if you want to talk about racism, it is well-known since the days of Margaret Sanger, that abortion is a form of racial genocide.


I watched the video. All I can say is “Wow Wow & Wow!”
My cousin’s 2 daughters will not speak to him simply because he is a religious conservative. They will not engage him in discourse, they just stopped speaking to him and won’t let him see his grandchildren. So
you are not alone. My own son continually criticizes me, he got 3 Covid shots and I beg God that he will not be harmed. I still make him listen to my arguments, whether or not he likes it. But of course, we have to choose our battles so we don’t completely turn them away.
You went on a litany of the attributes of evil, which make me think of St. Paul’s famous soliloquy on love, the antithesis

“Charity is patient, is kind: charity envieth not, dealeth not perversely; is not puffed up. Is not ambitious, seeketh not her own, is not provoked to anger, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth with the truth;  Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.  Charity never falleth away
And now there remain faith, hope, and charity, these three: but the greatest of these is charity.”
1 Corinthians, 13


Rock Collecting

Evie, I also like rocks and have one hell of a rock collection. I can send you some Keokuk geodes and maybe some local fossils that I have collected if you want.

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Problem Identification Versus Problem Solving

Hi Chris and Evie,
The comments by AOC and Axelrod are focused on identifying the problem, they get you mad, you vote for them.
It is not that they could not solve the many problems of the country, it is they decide not to because then they would no longer have the power,
Another distinction is people who know how to take care of themselves and those who rely solely on others.
One more thing about AOC voting record. 100% pro abortion even up to moment of birth.
But trust me
 every life matters

Keep up the good work


Inner Wisdom V Outer Compassion 2 Winged Flight

Buddhist insights and practices recognised this psychological balance ages ago in their metaphor of two winged flight vs one wing flapping about.
Sadly we now see polarisation intruding into our most reflective philosophy and cognitive science itself because we are that one winged, as in universalist anti human critical campaign against all inner wisdom practices in intellectual web as divisive and mentalist in
I still dream of Snowden and Vervaeke collaborating in complexity science and distributed cognition not bifurcating science for two winged flight: outer compassion and inner wisdom.

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Outer folk have concrete forms to their advantage vs subtleties of our investigations beyond reductionist science of inner world but IMHO inner wisdom folk have actuality as inner outer reality to their advantage. Brittle controlled hallucinations vs attuning to actuality perhaps.
Is AI outwardly compassionate or inwardly wise? Is it hallucinatory or attuned/aligned?
How can we expect super intelligence reared in a lab not a loving family to be wise and not super hallucinatory?
We might already be human AIs with polarisation of machine and human and of head and heart.