Chris & Evie LIVE!

The intelligence community unfortunately dont seek universal wisdom - their name is appropriately “intelligence” not “wisdom” - instead their campaign against “divisiveness” in favour of universalism is morphing into a campaign to suppress and “divide” - divide wisdom practice itself. Go figure. Are we all not already in a super hallucinatory universal anti human AGI?

Show Me The Law

Hi Anyone,
Can anyone point me to the actual law that states a person can’t yell fire in a movie theater, crowded or not, if there is no fire? What federal, state or local law specifically says this? Thank you.

Travel Advisories For Traveling To Dangerous Destinations

Hi All,
The U.S. regularly advises U.S. persons not to travel to unstable or hotspot countries to avoid putting themselves in danger. Well, today a whole bunch of countries have issued travel advisories to NOT travel to the U.S. because of the 2 per day (on average) mass-shootings so far this year that occur here. The advisories suggest that if travel to the U.S. is necessary to be very vigilant and to be ready for anything…because a traveler might not return home alive. Thank you.


Deaths Caused By Medical Error Vs. Personal Accidental Overdoses

Hello All,
In May 2016, the British Medical Journal (BMJ) published an article with the headline: Medical error—the third leading cause of death in the U.S. The article estimated that as many as 250,000 deaths per year in the United States were caused by medical error. That’s more than twice as many as drug overdoses. Thank you.


Four Sudden Deaths So Far In My Personal World

Hi All,
I have had 2 friends found dead in their homes, lying on their couches: One last year in September and one this year in April. I had 2 other friends suddenly die after their normal exercise routine that resulted in medical emergencies from which they did not recover: One in February and one in April. All 4 were otherwise seemingly very healthy. All 4 got the shots. Sad but very unfortunately true. Thank you.


Order In The World

It is because there is order and patterns in the world that the sciences can be studied and we can understand why things happen as they do.

There isn’t such a law.

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Moral Heat Map

I am thinking about the survival value of the two moral frameworks, with conservatives loving the tribe vs liberals loving all humanity. In a time of plenty and abundance there is no downside that I can see in loving all humanity. And people of high moral standards and great ability can spark enlightenments in such times. But during times of trouble, war and famine, people who are tribally oriented have a clear survival advantage.
For example, if you live in a rural, agrarian community, chances are excellent that you and your neighbors are conservative. Now suppose that you, Lars Larson, live on Larson Lane, in Larsonville, Minnesota. Your family has lived in the community 150 years, since Grandpa Larson bought the homestead. Not only do you know everyone and they you, but you are related to most of the town, especially since the three Larson brothers married the three Olson sisters back at the turn of the last century. You may be your own first cousin. But in any case, your relatives are everywhere, and if there is trouble, or you need a sofa, or a hundred bucks, or firewood, and especially if you need advice, you can count on help from dozens of people. (And probably even when you don’t need advice, you get plenty anyway. Yes, this is based on my family and I’ve changed the names. But please don’t worry…no actual Larsons were harmed in the making of this example.)
In contrast, suppose you are liberal and live in a large city. Your imediate family has lived in the city for 20 years, but the extended family is spread across the country and is not especially close. You have met your cousins a few times. Your family prides itself on its support of philanthropy and the arts, and helps fund an animal rescue program in Afghanistan.
When the economy crashes or the asteroid hits, my guess is that being a Larson confers a clear survival advantage. And I think this would hold true even in an urban environment. The survival blogger Selco survived urban Bosnia with most of his extended family (and two ARs and some pistols) by banding together, pooling resources, dividing tasks and having each other’s backs. Because at the end of the day, all humanity is not coming to rescue you, but your family might.
I can more clearly see why many revolutions begin by attacking the kulaks (land-owning farmers), privatizing the farms, eliminating the Dutch farmers, and the Canadian truckers, and other groups of freedom loving people who have real jobs producing real things. These people are the bedrock of any society and are a force that must be reconed with, and subdued or co-opted before the purges and pogroms begin in earnest.


Which Chatgpt?

Hi Chris! You mentioned you have been using Chat GPT a lot. Are you using the free openai version or a paid version? Thanks!

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Thank you for sharing your insights. The question you asked your daughter resonates with me. I’ve observed the same behavior not just in others but in myself too. I’ve been searching for answers to explain this new phenomenon. I posted a comment earlier on the subject and I will probably post some additions because I’ve dug up more on the subject.
What you said towards the end - about how people need to look within rather than look without and disingenuously impose their will on others - also resonates with me. I think Carl Jung put it very well:

"Every individual needs revolution, inner division, overthrow of the existing order, and renewal, but not by forcing them upon his neighbors under the hypocritical cloak of Christian love or the sense of social responsibility or any of the other beautiful euphemisms for unconscious urges to personal power. Individual self-reflection, return of the individual to the ground of human nature, to his own deepest being with its individual and social destiny - here is the beginning of a cure for the blindness which reigns at the present hour."
- Carl Jung, Two Essays on Analytical Psychology

The Road To Hell…

When it comes to universalists, I am not concerned about their malignancy, but their good intentions. No individual who has even the slightest doubt about the benevolence of their actions will drive as zealously as the one who believes in the moral purity of their intent.
Here’s a little self test:
Watch the film, ‘Inglorious Basterds’. I’ve only watched the Tarantino version. So, this is the one I’m referring to. Go to the theatre scene near the end of the film. Look at how Hitler and all the ranking Nazis are watching a film about Allied soldiers being killed in a brutal fashion. Pay attention to their facial expressions. How amused, how entertained they are. Laughing and having a good time. And then, moments later, they are being killed themselves, also in a brutal fashion. What was your facial expression? Did you have a good time? Was it OK, because this time the right people got killed?
To be clear, I’m not aiming to make a historical point, but an ethical one. How far am I willing to go when I’m the righteous one?
Another thought that occurred to me when watching the livecast is that we’re missing the individualist vs communitarian dimension. Who is more important, the individual or the community? When looking at events through this lens, I see some contradictions. Messaging about Mr. Neely’s death, tragic is it is, are focused on the individual – as was the case with George Floyd. Here, we’re being told, that each individual matters. When commenting on other events, however, the same opinion leaders are taking the exact opposite position. Vaccines: It’s not about you [and your medical decisions], but the community. Climate change: We all need to do our part. Ukraine: We all stand with Ukraine [and if you don’t then you’re a Russian stooge].
This leads me to believe that those commentators are either ignorant of these contradictions or opportunists who exploit the individual to make the communitarian message more relatable.
Pick one and stick to it.


Because the faux-moralizing people are all talk and no action. They are superficial doing things as mere virtue signaling but actually not doing a damn thing to improve anything. Fuck people who want to steal my hard earned money to “help society” when you can’t get them off their asses to physically do anything that actually benefits anyone but themselves. I have seen more true selfless behavior in hard working blue collar “deplorables” than I have ever seen among the “educated blue haired pseudo intellectuals”. When the SHTF you will find me hanging with the blue collared folks despite my education. They are my friends and coworkers. Look and see who your volunteer energency service workers are, mostly blue collar. Who reaponded to help hurricane victims, the cajun navy was not filled with teachers and lawyers. It was filled with factory workers, mechanics and plumbers.
I have also noticed this at work when collecting for the local foodbank or toyr for tots. Hourly guys generally are way more likely to give than salaried. The i ly salaried who tend to give are the known “conservatives”.

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Moral Allocation Heatmaps Got Me Thinking

First, at least in a practical sense, let’s leave out those things in the outer circles over which we have essentially no influence and which, for the most part, don’t influence us. This includes everything in circle 13-16 that is not here on earth and doesn’t travel to earth.
Now, I’ll say that I was struck by Chris’s comment that most people who focus on the outer circles have little connection to the practical and to nature. I would add that this is true to a lesser extent of many/most people with high affinity to the inner circles. I would say this is the key to understanding our predicament.
Now I’m going to speak from my decidedly nonacademic and probably somewhat idealized view of traditional cultures, who for the most part didn’t (and some still don’t) suffer from disconnection from nature. I would argue that their affinities are more balance between the inner and outer rings with strong social bonds within their communities, and to the larger ecosystem (non-human life and non-living things). Depending on their level of organization (and perhaps current living conditions in terms of abundance or lack thereof), they had/have perhaps less affinity for those humans outside of their political system, be it organized at the community level or at a larger scale.
Next, I’m going to argue that within the inner rings that involve humans, flexibility in affinities is the most adaptive approach. Some times call for broader affinities and some for much more narrow (i.e. drawing boundaries). The outer rings much less negotiable and require a consistent positive affinity in order to preserve the community of life that supports current and future generations. In traditional cultures, living with continuous direct immersion in and direct dependence on this community of life kept these affinities strong.
But even this wasn’t sufficient, hence the transmission of acquired wisdom and accompanying stories, regular cermonies and activities that created ecstatic connections (dance, etc.) to maintain the community’s priorities. Of course, these elements were also important in maintaining social cohesion.
I won’t get into current conditions, but I think we can all see how this intricate system of maintaining humans in reasonable balance with each other and the larger community of life has been mostly destroyed with some of us working around the edges trying to recreate it.

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2 per day? I’m skeptical. I have done a lot of research on this and I can say definitively, that many of these events have numerous anomalies that are inconsistent and inexplicable. I say this at the risk of trashing my reputation (that I care very much about) here. There is clearly some agenda, which is multi-faceted in nature and ultimately gets into esoteric and metaphysical material, as many things we discuss here do.
Look up Sophia Smallstorm, Sandy Hook. She did an amazing presentation on this, if you can still find it. At any rate, this constant barrage of trauma is toxic and we must protect ourselves and our children from it. I certainly am not going to live in fear, but continue to work on helping to create a parallel culture.

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I think any shooting of 2 or more people including those that are part of the explosion in urban violence are included. There are certainly not nearly that many randomly targeted mass shootings.

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Hi Walberga,
Please excuse me. I got the almost 2 per day average from a guy on a radio program. He said the numbers but I wasn’t able to write them down at the time. After further review, from Wikipedia the number is 1.46 per day through May 7th.
I don’t know the source from where the radio guy obtained his numbers. Needless to say it is not good regardless. My point being that the U.S. is now garnering travel advisories from other countries. Who would have thought that the U.S. would become considered too dangerous to which to travel? Thank you.

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Hi Helix2,
Thanks for providing the answer. I thought so.
Hi Chris,
Please take note. Thank you.

Heat Map Is Classic Image Of Dissociation

This heat map immediately brought the psychological and psychiatric aspect of my undergrad and medical training, as well as the time spent reading Jungian works. It is a perfect image of dissociation, which is a defense mechanism. If you break it down the word means disconnected from sociation. “The word “social” is of Latin origin, derived from the word socii (“allies”)”. In other words, a person dissociated out of their own center and having no allies. Trauma dissociates a person out of his or her own perceptual center to the periphery which is disconnected from the other parts of that person’s reality, making him or her incapable of truly experiencing communion as it were with another being. It is an escape strategy turned pathological. Real relationships with allies are experienced from the center of our integrated being.
Dissociative disorders: "Dissociative disorders (DDs) are conditions that involve disruptions or breakdowns of memory, awareness, identity, or perception. People with dissociative disorders use dissociation as a defense mechanism, pathologically and involuntarily to protect themselves from overwhelming or stressful experiences.
The core take home message in this for me is that in terms of problem solving, a person consciously centered in his or her own heart and mind/body, aware/engaged with the world from that place, is a more effective problem solver. We all know how the dissociated stressed out and traumatized mind loses a large percentage of its rational processing capacity. So dissociated minds can’t see rational solutions and need the comfort of top down, outside to inside authoritarian control to believe in order and justice in the world.

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FYI this is a expansion to some extent of what Evie said about “spiritual bypassing” when she was younger.

sorry there should be an end quotation after “stressful experiences” above.

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