Chris & Evie LIVE!

Hello Again Helix2,
Here’s another one. Places of business open to the general public that have a sign on the wall, “We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone” or something similar, is totally illegal. They don’t have that right unless the person/customer poses a physical threat.
I have always known this but I never had to be worried about it until the plandemic. Business establishments tried to stop me from going into their business without a mask on. They could not legally keep me out and I’d tell them that. A mask is a medical device and a store clerk is not legally allowed to prescribe me a medical devise since they are not medical doctors. I had a sheet of paper with the actual laws on them and after awhile I was no longer accosted at the places I frequented because I was “That Guy That Won’t Were a Mask” is back again. I would ask for their names if I had to and I would say I could sue them and their company for violating my rights.
I was surprised by how little my fellow Americans understood law or even know the laws that protect them (I’m not even a lawyer), like Civil Rights Title VII. All over the country the people allowed the Executive Branch (president, governors, mayors etc) to make laws. Laws are made by the Legislative Branch. The illegal measures known as “mandates” were in violation of our rights and were simply not legal because they were from the executive branch.
Mandates come from the Judicial Branch. Our Constitutional Rights (if you’re a National) and our Civil Rights (if you’re a citizen) are not suspended in an emergency, real or not. That’s when we need the laws that protect us the most, against the potential tyranny that can happen during an emergency when the powers that be want to grab even more power. And during the plandemic we did experience power grabs and medical tyranny.
The rock band The Who have a song, “Won’t Get Fooled Again”. Maybe some of you know that song. Well, unless the American People learn about the laws that protect their inalienable, God given rights then they will be fooled again. Thank you.

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Thank you, friends.
Yes it really is something what has happened to my country. I was thinking someone should start a “Back to the 70’s” movement, not that everything was perfect then…I mean “Afternoon Delight” was a hit, the fashion was horrible, olive green appliances and the list goes on. But I do yearn for the simpler, more authentic life and that I think is the goal with parallel societies.
BTW, I don’t believe anything from Wikipedia. I doubt the violence here is all that much worse than anywhere else, in general, if you average it. And I do wonder how much data out there is actually true, but I guess you gotta go by something. You can’t just despair of truth, you have to try, like Chris does. I do believe if you seek truth, it will come to you.

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Future Topics

Please do an analysis of which Oil, Coal, Natural Gas, etc. companies to invest in assuming that you’re right that the Shit Hits in 2025 when US Shale Oil peaks. Please include non-US listed companies. Thank you.

Future Topics 2

Please do another Humdinger analysis of the implications of Warren Buffet’s recent statement at the Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting (and the IMF’s coterminous declaration) that international economic growth is basically over. What bodes in a Perfect Storm of permanent declining corporate profits in the context of the mountain of debt?
Thank you.

Future Topics 3

Maybe invite an “Expert” on to discuss the potential implications and ramifications of modeling AI on the Human Brain? Does this mean that AI may adopt human mental pathologies, such as Schizophrenia, which is actually very common?
You mentioned “Fractals”, which is extremely interesting. Is the structure of the human brain based also on “Fractals”, like a cauliflower and a tree (Peak Prosperity logo)? If so, then the structure of AI is also likely to mirror “Fractals” regardless of what the foolish human control freaks intend? (You can’t Fool “Mutha Naycha”?). Thank you

Very, very well put. People today are especially a pain in the rear because they are so full of delusions, falsehoods and misapprehensions about reality. I am finding it very difficult to find common ground, and more often than not the friendship or association falls apart or else we just keep the interaction superficial.
Sometimes I get carried away with feelings of love for humanity, and have to remind myself that it is a false love. True down-to-earth love can and should only ever be conditional, contingent upon people holding themselves to high standards of intelligence, virtue, morality and conduct. One shouldn’t love the ugly as much as the beautiful, nor the ignoble as much as the virtuous, nor the base as much as the noble, nor falsehood as much as truth.

So true.

Helpful perspective

Shox, our language is hampered in that we only have one word for love. I love ice cream, I love my spouse. The Greeks had multiple words, like Philia - brotherly love, or Eros - erotic love. Agape, which is the kind of love we are called to - is hard to translate but it si something like caring about the welfare of the other person. Wanting the best for the other for their sake. When it comes to those people who are doing such awful things, we should not accept the wrong that they do, but can try to sincerely hope they have a change of heart, for their sake as well as everyone else’s. I know this is not easy.

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When I was a child, we lived through an attempted coup d’etat. I was about 12 years old. My dad said: “You cannot reason with a zealot”. I never forgot it.

This is the original meaning of the word, Charity, and it is different from what we commonly think of as “love”.

We use the paid version when needed. Hope this helps!

While You Were Online, A Soical Midea Riot Broke Out In Union Sq. Nyc.

Out earlier I felt a weird energy in the air. Won’t bother with insane behaviors from young teens on bikes on the avenue. I just returned from three weeks in Western CT to have helicopters hovering over my apt, Turns out a “social media” riot broke out in Union Sq.
My wife went out for groceries and called to say there’s Riot cops everywhere.
This might be just enough to force me to attend the Honey Badger for protection training.
I just don’t have a car (life long city rat) would have to rent.
Analysis of this incident is a object lesson on how easily mass chaos can happen.
Maybe Maine is far enough away? but we are definitely moving out soon as possible, some how, some way.

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