Chris Martenson is Back!

WOW. got 75% of my garden in today, my water collection system done and CM is back. It’s like Christmas in May…
The studio looks SHARP!!

Stoked that you’re back and really looking forward to what’s next at PP!

  • Ken
InterPlanetary File System
The InterPlanetary File System is a protocol and peer-to-peer network for storing and sharing data in a distributed file system. IPFS uses content-addressing to uniquely identify each file in a global namespace connecting all computing devices.Wikipedia
Original author(s):Juan Benet and Protocol Labs
Developer(s):Protocol Labs
Written in:Protocol implementations: Go (reference implementation), JavaScript, C, Python, Client libraries: Go, Java, JavaScript, Python, Scala, Haskell, Swift, Common Lisp, Rust, Ruby, PHP, C#, Erlang

Great to see you back on the site and to hear that PP is now 100% your baby. I love you and Adam both as family and will continue supporting both of your sites in the years to come. To echo some earlier comments, getting your take on the vaccine would be quite useful (and hearing your thoughts on whether taking the vaccine makes any sense if you have already had COVID with minimal effects, especially with Ivermectin). Also liked Dave Fairtex’s comments on researching this cancel culture and looking for non-censorable alternatives to current centralized social media platforms. Can’t wait to see what PP does in the years ahead as it truly looks like unprecedented times ahead and rational thought is needed now more than ever. See you at the Polyface Farm event.

So glad to have you back, Dr. Chris!! While I’ve always had a healthy dose of skepticism and wariness, last year I really started feeling a sense of unease and disillusionment with everything (our gov’t, health care system, agencies, MSM, corporations, etc.) that all was not what it seemed or that I always thought (probably naively) that it was. I discovered your videos early on … around the end Jan. or early February and paid close attention. I’ll tell you my family was not without toilet paper when the store shelves were empty and it was a headline story a couple months later. :smiley:
You’ve been right about so many things and helped me make sense of them … PCR test, HCQ, the I-medicine, etc. I take hydroxychloroquine for rheumatoid arthritis so I was especially interested in that story last spring and now IVMTN. The suppression of that data has completely shattered my faith in institutions. Dr. Kory is really a rock star in fighting that uphill battle and I follow the FLCCC very closely now. Anyway, I digress. I don’t post much but I’ve enjoyed reading other like-minded individuals posts here in your absence but it’s so glad to have you back. I hope to remain part of the tribe. It’s so difficult to share thoughts with anyone these days aside from my mom and spouse for fear of confrontation, ridicule or censorship. I fear for the future but do harbor some hope.

Welcome back sir. That’s one monkey off your back. Good vibes to losing those other pesky simians!
Subscription renewed.
Kind regards,

Welcome home!
I will not apologize for my skepticism about your return or even your being alive. We were all watching over you during the frightening moments of your disappearance, but I wanted to blatantly express that we were eyeballs. We still are. Eyeballs are the best form of security, according to Jane Jacobs, and I myself can’t think of anything better. We were watching everyday. We still are.
So, go for it. Thanks for all your strength.

Chris, so glad you are back. Since your disappearance its been hard to crunch all the data on my own. There is so much dis&misinformation out there from all angles. Look forward to seeing your viewpoint again.
Everyday I look up at the sky, I think about whats happened, and how so many people reacted, and what they believe. I wonder what is going on, what I can do, where I can go. I dont sense anything good in our future, and I am looking for those shining light in the darkness.
Thank you

Glad to see you bought the dotcrypto domain for PP, at least, I hope it was Dr. M. A decentralized domain may be very important in the future.

This is a new and exciting time for all of us but it’s got to be a HUGE moment for you. Ive been waiting for this to up my membership to premium. I want to support what you are doing every way I can.

Looking forward to your thoughts and insight into so many different areas. Hopefully in time we’ll be able to put the scamdemic behind us.

I almost unsubscribed until I knew that you were on your own. I’m back!

I’m just so happy. Didn’t realize how much this place meant to me until it seemed like it was lipping away. So glad Chris is back. Can’t wait for the new adventures. Looking forward to seeing some of you at Polyface.

I’m in the middle of reading “Resurrecting the Mysterious” by that great remote viewer, Ingo Swann. He points out that there are at least three modes of consciousness.

  • Reason. (responsible for 200 million deaths. Which reminds me of Persig's "Church of Reason")
  • Emotion and
  • Intuition
I'm going to have to stop using the statement "Incredulity is not an argument." Only when all three are used harmoniously can one claim to be a neophyte, but at least the distant peaks are visible. Two other books come highly recommended. "The Dharma Manifesto" and our own Oera Linda which I shall quote off the top of my head
Freya places our feet upon the path and the Great Wheel, that is Time must do the rest; for it is the desire of the Wr-alda that we be free to experience the results of wise and foolish decisions; that we may become wise and help each other.
(Drat. The batteries are getting low. it is going to be difficult to post this. I catch rainwater for the nickel-iron batteries. For all their faults they are nearly indestructible.) I wouldn't be posting this if I did not think it important. I shall use this moment that the Wr-alda has given me to further elucidate. Dr. Dutton, Evolutionary psychologist, holds that this period of indiscriminate survival (brought about by oil), is going to reverse as hard times re-introduce themselves; and the upward march of our gain-of-function intelligence will resume. (You didn't think that us organisms became miraculously intelligent by natural selection, did you?) However Dr. Dutton is unaware of the work of Historian (Ret.) Dr. David Jacobs and his exploration of alien hubrids. (Spelling correct). "Walking among us." Nor of the implications of the SAFIRE experiment. (17 times more energy out than in. Once the correct model of the suns prodigious output was obtained, creating energy turns out to be surprisingly easy)

It is a pleasure indeed to see your latest post and know that you are back Dr. Martenson. Thank you sincerely for continuing to do what you do.

Here in south central Wisconsin it’s time to plant the seeds and transplant the seedlings, some of which are 24” tall and starting to flower indoors under LEDs.
Add in the return of Dr. Chris and this weekend is looking up a bit more every minute.
Glad to have you back, sir.
EDIT - site ideas:

  • Topics of the week banner so we can read up before you post
  • trading post for members - just a thought for seeds, tools, whatever we may wish to “keep in the family”
  • regional identity of willing members disclosed somehow - I would like to meet some members nearby this summer
  • Bulletin board for physical meet ups. I would love to host some local members on my new property off the Mississippi River for a camp out once my well is dug.
  • have some PP members on a video for discussions and chat. Mots, DF and THC would be a good start. Radio and solar guy, numbers guy and a security guy. Possibly covered ground already, but a one on one with any of the three or others would be interesting.

+1 for Chris directing his message towards those likely to listen while leaving the rest to their own devices.
One thing I learned during the housing bubble (05/06) was that most people would rather get poor along with everyone else than succeed on their own. Like Covid it was a time of seeing things I never would have believed if someone else had just tried to explain it to me.
There were people in Miami trying to convince their “genius investor” friends that things were out of control. You remember the data: No one with job like cop, teacher or nurse can afford a home in the City limits so how can you run a civilization and that sort of thing. Even if they could finally break through, the genius investor would say, “If its as bad as you say, the government will have no choice but to bail us out.”
I didn’t think people would prove this impervious to the data when they believed their lives were at stake but here we are. Their lives probably aren’t at stake but they believe it and look at the mental effort they expend.
I genuinely believe we who live in the West are “somewhere else” now. It’s not Nazi Germany but its not The West as we knew it either. I just want actionable information to help me navigate in this new place. I can come up with ways to be miserable about it all on my own so I don’t need help with that. I need the lateral thinking, the positive outlook. The optionality.
Quick story:
When I was dating my wife I proudly showed her some gold coins and she said, “Thats great but in my country (Soviet breakaway republic) I remember people pulling out Gold and getting US Dollars sent in from relatives abroad.
Those people ate better for a while, but the real winners were the ones who realized that things were never going back to the way they were and started living accordingly. The real losers were the ones who sat on their hands waiting for the Russians to come back or for their own country to do communism for the locals.”
That advice was smarter than anything I have read from anyone to be honest. I try to remember it every day.

Like dreinmund, I didn’t truly realize how much I was waiting for your return, Chris. I’ve been keeping myself pretty busy so could forget that my daily fix of sanity was absent but now I feel nearly euphoric at the prospect of new beginnings. I definitely want to be a part of it and support the effort. Also continue to want to establish some non-virtual connections if possible.mLooking again at Polyface if I can talk my DH into it. Thanks, Chris, for being you and providing this gathering place.?

Reach for your favourite mind-numbing drug; be it hooch, hash or Valium, before you watch this video.
Without it, I am not personally responsible for your emotional health. (I got half way and retreated before evil. I just don’t have the stomach for it.)
A “Chris Martenson” is mentioned.

the topic I would most likely see a deep dive into is ENERGY
guests I would like to see:

  1. Art Berman
  2. Michael Saylor
  3. Steve St Angelo
  4. Lynn Aldon
  5. Rick Rule
  6. David Morgan
  7. Max Keiser
  8. Justin Huhn
    I would love to talk to these guests about there thoughts on Energy in the future and be challenged in an open conversation about anything your research disagrees with. I think an open conversation or healthy “debate” would lead to some great critical thinking.
    Also how the current state of energy has influence on your “savings” , portfolio, and allocation to the 8 forms of capital.