Chris Martenson is Back!

Great to see you back … and you front. :slight_smile:
PP has indeed spent some time in the doldrums, but the wind is blowing again. I had been watching things quieten down and to be honest was expecting it to fade away — and yet our stalwart members maintained a high level of discussion. At the same time I have been very glad of Raúl at The Automatic Earth who has been sending some truly pertinent and revealing material our way. He filled the gap to an extent.
I second what Pappy suggested: some way for members living in proximity to identify one another and be able to meet and greet. In Canberra I know of only one other PPer, apart from my wife. Are we really that scarce, here in the nation’s capital?
I feel the same way as wotthecurtains: there is a new spirit in the (glorious) West and I don’t like it at all. We are in a time of transition. Not sure what we are transitioning TO, but it does not feel good. In Oz I feel a sense of urgency, desperation and ruthlessness among TPTB. Almost as though they know something is coming and need to prepare for it. We the people need to be herded into some Promised Land, only They have no real idea what and where it is.
The motto of one branch of my family tree is “Spero Meliora”, “I hope for better things.” Yep, sure do. And not just hoping, but working.

Well, I’m one more. :slight_smile: We might even know each other, I have hung around with quite a few sustainability/peak oil groups over the years. Perhaps we should go old skool and hang out near the big bugs bunny memorial near the lake?

Chris, great to see you back! Been following you since 2011 and knew it was just a matter of time until we all saw you again.

Troubling yet interesting times.
There is definitely a movement of “captivity” in play.
When you see that job openings are on the rise, yet Universal Income has people preferring to stay at home - what sort of future is that?
Plus the so called information that we get: lots of intelligent people predicting inflation, and others - equally intelligent - predictig deflation.
Great to hear that you are back Chris.
Please accept by my nature that I may refute some of things you say - that is what freedom of speach is all about. Dialogue!!
We have been denied dialogue for far too long - let your site be a source of Dialogue.
A bientôt
French Connexion
PS Perhaps a logic primer would be good for everyone re: objective thinking.

Yes, please - closed captioning would be useful. We can “listen” to videos without waking our spouses or children.

Great way to start the day! With great news!!

Oh my gosh, in a world constantly diminishing by the rapacious jaws of oblivion nipping at our heels, lets turn and face the beast, shine our brilliance toward the jackals, and come to recognize that as sentient beings we all contain both the shadow and the light, capable of devouring but just as capable of feeding. Reciprocity, give and take, feeding and eating…time to give back to this World so neglected, hungry, and nearly forgotten. Cultural amnesia caused by the over domestication of the soul is modernity’s present condition. Our indigenous souls, still alive deep within our individual memories-like seeds waiting in dormancy for the right time and set of conditions to sprout forth-know we are capable of peaceful coexistence…if we do the work in living within the web, rather than as a non participating outsider who has forgotten our place in things, our place within the great big flourishing world.

Thank you Chris for all you’ve been doing, thank you brothers and sisters on this site for keeping the fires tended in his temporary absence!

So glad, that for me, the time is finally right to subscribe and financially support Peask Prosperity. Ive been with you all the way, though have taken more than Ive given. I’m humbly grateful, like a dormant seed, to recognize the time is now…to grow, to flourish, and to employ my native authenticity in more fully participating in help making this world live, this website, and this amazing community.

Wife and are heading down a crystal clear river today, coursing through Vermont countryside, and connecting with the beauty and peace of this precious life.

It’s a good time to be alive!

Hi Chris, I have been watching since COVID started and you are clearly smart and a brilliant communicator. The Wealthion team are great too but you have a very important message. Look forward to more. Keep it positive though!- things will be OK.

I never knew I could feel this happy to see the return of another human I have never met. The tangle of intellectual dishonesty leads to absolute isolation of the honest. Thank you for everything you do. Thank you for creating this space and having the courage to continue forward. Thank you for allowing me to let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. Welcome back!

Yay! So nice to gave you back! Your information has been an asset for me and my family, for over a year! Welcome back!!!

Hi Chris, welcome back - I’m another who found this site from your fine You Tube videos through the early pandemic. The following link is from those early days and speaks of the difficulties of protecting against a virus caught through the respiratory system. Do you think this had/has been considered enough with the current crop of vaccines (along with mutations of a virus of course)? It’s looking like they’re not working as well as expected in India, Seychelles and Maldives but this doesn’t include the mRNA vaccines. Link here:

We have been supporting Dr. Kory while you were away.

It’s Christmas in May, it’s hard to convey how happy this makes me! I found you due to your covid videos and have high regard for the way you present and communicate information and ideas. The world has gone mad; “Truth” as Lies, “Lies” as Truth. It seems as if there is nowhere to turn, every source is spin…what have we become as humans? Count me as one of your latest subscribers where I hope to find a tribe of truly critical and independent thinkers. WELCOME BACK!!

Welcome back Chris! This is my first time logging back into my PP account in quite sometime. I’m looking forward to seeing your new content and will likely be subscribing real soon.

This is the only site I check daily! I am so glad your back!!

Jay, that article is almost a year old. The dominant narrative from both the ABC and the Murdoch Press now is that the vaccines offered by Pfizer and AZ and even J&J have been proven to be safe and effective.
My concern is of course that one or more of these vaccines may turn out to be another thalidomide — safe for pregnant women until it wasn’t. It took 4 to 5 years, thousands of mutated children and an immense amount of public pressure to take it off the market. This was in 1961 or 1962, depending on which country was involved. I remember it well. I don’t know if today’s medicos are taught about it. If they’re not, then this sad experience is one more wasted example of the need for rigorous clinical trials.

Very, very well done Chris. Back in Jan/Feb when the saga began to unfold about the ‘demise of PP’ my spidey senses told me that silencing Chris Martenson was simply not going to happen.
I’m glad you have been able to wrestle back the ownership of PP. One day I look forward to that backstory. Meanwhile, my spidey senses are saying “this is now and we are very very short on time to prepare.”
We are embarking on a new period of ‘the next 10 years’ and it’s going to be a doozy IMHO. I’m so glad to have been working the problem over that period. My community has made a lot of progress. Connecting with like minded folks here is a huge help!
Given what I see coming, preparations to date will not even be close to what will be needed. That is ok, there is something very satisfying in doing what you can with the various resources we have available. Measurements become somewhat arbitrary.
Mother Nature bats last and she is pissed! Rightfully so. Really looking forward to the next chapter. Your field looks great btw.
Cheers to you, Evie and your new staff.

Welcome back, nice to see the universe gaining realignment.

Yeah, I’m aware what’s being sold and how old the article is. However I’m not so sure any of the current crop of vaccine developers particularly thought of longer term respiratory tract issues regards immune protection in the rush to get to production. That question mark may well stand, along with ADE etc as discussed here (link has also been posted elsewhere on a PP comment - that’s where I got this from):

I’m ok, but my feeling is that there are too many variables for an ordinary person to process at once, alongside getting on with their life and household & family tasks. Masks, social bubbles, who can hug, who can sleepover. Variants, is it airborne, which vax to get (none for me), how to visit with family abroad when 1 dies. It’s like kids on a sugar high, or adults after the 6th cup of coffee - a calming influence is needed.
Good to have you back.

So good to have you back. I was cancelling my subscription as I found the investment focus uninteresting. Now I renewed, hoping to get more of the unique honest information you provided throughout covid. Welcome back!!