Chris Martenson is Back!

Welcome back. You’re coverage of Covid-19 has been valuable. Having “The China Study” close to the top of you’re recommended reading list literally changed my lifestyle and health.

I’m still interested in the top two causes of death in the US. Spidey senses don’t work so well on those. I’m not singling Chris out here. Everyone wants to pretend that the top leading causes of death are things we have little personal control over.

I have followed Chris on and off since the Crash Course started, that helped me form a plan and get to where I am which isn’t the perfect place but is an improvement on where I was. I turned back to him when the pandemic hit and was not disappointed, now I am so pleased that PP will continue in his control that I have subscribed, a big thing for me as I don’t have much money. I am concerned though that it seems payments are still going to Whitney Peak?

You were my #1 source of trustworthy, evidence-based info in this current chaos… before anyone else, usually. There are other great sources out there (Corbett, Kennedy, Unz et al), but you are special… you have the ‘proof’ (REAL science) for what you present. (I posted FB links : )
I hope you’ll address the curent elements of the Reset, the REAL vaccine stories, HCQ, IVM, and the newcomers which are making the vaccine totally unnecessary… for us, but apparently critically essential to Someone…etc. I know you cannot put the spotlight on major players/instigators in the NWO, but I can figure that out myself : ) Also… I know you’ll be addressing the most ingenious and efficient methods for raising our own food (got my crazy Italian hens last spring), i.e., mealworms, red worms, soldier flies, etc - most efficient for which climates, small landholdings etc. … and energy… etc.
You were/are irreplaceable. I also hope you can help with effective ways to help enlighten the sad ‘normies’. I’ved considered discretely distributing ‘info sheets’ in parking lots, etc … what info is most psychologically effective in planting the seeds, cracking the MSM campaign, etc.?
(PS - how is that ‘interesting’ couple who apparently had recurrent C 19? )
Thanks again… you are a gift!

Hi Chris, You are the Scout. Eagerly look forward to your videos. Speaking of Scout - you may need to check out Julia Galef’s book “The Scout Mindset”.

I’m also glad you and Adam seem to have been able to sort things out so well in a way that works for you both. I’ve enjoyed the different angles you each have brought to the site over the years.
You are so right, of course, that this is a critical and existential moment (even on a geologic time scale) in the evolution of the human species, and a time for us to pull together. And as you say, such a moment is the perfect time for freedom of ideas, freedom of speech, for free and fair discussions with some heart and kindness shown, with time and care taken to separate fact from fiction.
It’s a good time to drop the axes we no longer need to grind. A good time to not get stuck defending any one view, political or otherwise, but for open ears, open hearts and open minds to new information, feelings, and thoughts, but with dynamic critical thought and intuition at the center, integrating it all. And, to drift a little into the mystical, it’s a good time to listen for the quiet sound of those new creative, benevolent energies from the future already waiting to be born into the world, and to give them a hand! :wink:

Chris, I’m a world class computer security expert. You helped me immensely for all of coronavirus and you’re clearly someone who knows to take a prudent course of action. I’d like to pay it back in some small way. I would wager we both would agree that as situation globally intensifies, so will censorship of the free exchange of ideas. I saw another comment here mentioning putting your movies on IPFS which would certainly be a great last ditch backup for distributing videos, however there is a better one that meets the needs of independent communities TODAY. That network is zeronet network. Zeronet is the only easy to use network that your average user can use today to access decentralized content. Zeronet is not the end goal for the internet, but I assure you that from my very privileged position it appears to be the best choice for a community facing censorship. 99% of peak prosperity users would likely only use ZN for your site and that is fine, its no different from having a custom app for PP. The more people that use it the faster and harder to take down it would be. Your website is not hard to shut down by the powers that be. I sincere hope you consider making a zeronet site as just an experiment, or perhaps a barely flushed out framework for if the day comes that it is blatantly clear you need it.
Glad you’re back, kept checking in

Exciting! I´m looking forward to follow this. I´m a fan of and Dr Shiva. What is your take on them? Salutes from Sweden.

Chris, if somehow things get dicey again here, I would suggest you consult with us, the members, for ideas and possibly $ support. There are lots of sharp people here and we would think hard about how to help.

This link might help
And if not, CM made the #3 post.
Good Luck,

I’m still interested in the top two causes of death in the US.
Me too. Recently I've come across information pointing very strongly towards the role of highly refined seed oils that make up a large part of the so called Western Diet. The consumption of which starting in the late 1800's tracks perfectly with the astonishing increase in modern degenerative diseases: heart disease, strokes, diabetes etc. Here's a good starting presentation: Deep dive:

Great news! Let’s see how it goes. I have to be frank and say I was planning to unsubscribe at the next go-round because I just don’t have the financial means that made much of your content useful. But this is definitely more promising.

So glad you are back Chris - really missed your videos and news updates

Thrilled to see you back after having things sorted out! Your new studio set up is awesome, I love it!

We sorely missed your insight in this divisive time. Glad you are back.
A Task: Please enlighten us as to what has gone astray in India I thought they were onto ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.?
Also gameofthrones security idea is well worth considering.

What else do you want from Africa?

Welcome back!!
Adding to recommended guests to interview:
Dr. Tom Cowan
Catherine Austin Fitts
Max Igan
James Corbett
Also - for those of us who download the videos as an mp3 when possible, please do allow for a way to download an mp3 of the videos you post. The Corbett Report does this, and while one may miss some of the graphics, it means you can listen to the podcast offline.
Looking forward to this next chapter!

Chris, where’s this elaborately-planned false reality going to take us? Instead of D vs R, will V+ and V- humans live in separate communities? by choice or by law? coexisting, or in conflict? if covid-19 signals the end-game for the globalists/fascists, how much time till our current system collapses?

Very glad you’ll focus on resilience issues, Covid + vaccines if possible (maybe safer behind the paywall?), more focus on crypto maybe via VTGothic would be great.
Fancy looking studio and great sound!
I appreciate the homestead/gardening info, it’s fun but in my opinion it’s not the distinct value proposition that this site and your talents bring, that info is available elsewhere in many places.
You have a distinct voice that is really valuable not just to us PP subscribers but as a part of bringing reasonable perspectives into at least one corner of our national conversation. (similar perhaps to Bret Weintstein; plug for his darkhorse podcast #80 in which he discusses lableak hypothesis going mainstream and a certain iver-something)

An interesting graph. Make of it what you will.

Thank you, Chris for no longer embodying Godot and actually returning! I have been patiently awaiting your return. So happy with the new changes that I’m going to support with a premium subscription. Looking forward to the words of wisdom that lay ahead! Welcome back!!