Chris Martenson is Back!

Love the literary allusion! Almost too close to recent experience for a chuckle. Thanks.

Admin: This post was removed for complaining about the quality of a service that the commenter had never bought or sampled. In other words, for being a Karen/Chad.

Chris, I have been following you for 11-years now. I discovered you through a conversation with NASA Scientist while both of us were waiting to board a flight from L.A. From time to time I have purchased a one-time access to a specific premium topics, which by the way was well worth the investment. In addition, I have found this site & its members always willing to help provide input to questions I’ve asked. People on this share their knowledge, experience & insights. The information you have always provided has helped me add to the the information, knowledge, decisions , etc. to navigate the now & the future. Certainly your work on the Covid outbreak was leading & spot on from my lens. It is incredible that you & others get censored. Thank you for coming back, staying the course & do what you do. Looking forward to the next 11-years or more God willing. Elizabeth

Sorry to deflate your god, but Chris was completely wrong about masks ending this pandemic and about usefulness of HCQ. Most important question now is in regards to safety of vaccines, which he has been mute on.

Hi Ironpuppy,
My 5 cents. I resubscribbed because I consider this community a breath of fresh air, and, I want to support this. I will cancel my subscription in one or two months… and resubscribe when I deem it useful for me, or necessary for PP.
Do I think subscription is worth it? Most definitely, if one has the monetary resources. But rest assured, the quality of the videos of Chris, post of PP’rs , and information shared in the public forum is in general of a high quality that could help to navigate the past, on potentially coming turmoil.
So, my answer: yes a subscription is worth it imo, but yes, because integrity reigns on PP, one could also do without a subscription in case SHTF.
I’m not sure if my opinion adds anything, but here you go.
Take care, Dave

I don’t understand how @ironpuppy12345 can post that comment. How can you even question if the membership is worth it if you haven’t seen the product? I, like you, am not a paying member but I am not going to publicly question the value of something that I haven’t seen. At least pay the $30 and try it for a month before commenting. I found this site through the Adam Taggart finance series (which has split to form Wealthion) and check in to see if anything interesting is going on. After things settle down I may join, I may not, but I am not going to criticize in an off spirited way a group that appears to want to genuinely navigate this topsy turvy world.

Admin: User Blocked for violating site terms and for generally being a fact-free assertion machine that adds no value and subtracts from the tenor and quality of the site content.

Count me as disappointed. IronPuppy told us - not long ago - that he was “over and out”, which implied that he would pester us no longer.
Sadly, this was just a broken promise.
Ironpuppy: speaking just for myself - I don’t want you here. Inauthentic people like you add no value. Go away.
Peddle your bitcoins somewhere else.
A massive Iran HCQ retrospective trial - which clearly shows a benefit:

In our large outpatient national cohort of adults with mild COVID-19 disease who were given HCQ early in the course of the disease, the odds of hospitalization or death was reduced significantly regardless of age or comorbidities.

I thank the Mullahs for their insights into the pandemic. Chris was right about HCQ. So was the Bad Orange Man. So was Dr Zelenko. Funny how things play out.

Hi Chris, why do you allow non-members to post and send messages? Surely that would normally be a privilege of membership? Just wondering.

Or stated another way, why are non-member trolls allowed to keep posting?

The Oligarchy is learning something from Chris?

So PP is losing 1/2 of its input. Will the membership $ be cut in half Chris? My status is pending cancellation, but I would like to see what you come up with, look at the new cost structure and make up my mind at that point. Best of luck but if you are going to be talking about gardening and hydrogen power all the time, $300 per year seems pretty steep.
Do you folks start Monday? When should independents take a look at the new content? Thanks,

Chris, to say I have missed your insight and commentary would be an understatement. There are so few sane people who value the sanctity of life and the fine art of living over the destruction of humanity we are currently experiencing. You, my friend, are the voice from the wilderness who will attract like-minded people to coalesce towards a more inclusive society, which offers an abundance of life as opposed to the slow agonizing death being hoisted on global societies by the powers that be. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul.

Follow the money. It is in Big Pharma’s interest that this virus fracas continue for as long as possible, therefore it is in their interest that everyone stops using masks. To argue that masks aren’t effective, is to make Big Pharma’s case.
Companies are mandated to only act in the interest of the shareholders. We force them to lie to us.

"Follow the money. It is in Big Pharma's interest that this virus fracas continue for as long as possible, therefore it is in their interest that everyone stops using masks. To argue that masks aren't effective, is to make Big Pharma's case."
You are making several false assumptions in my opinion.. #1 You are talking about a "pandemic" with a close to 100% survival rate. So, essentially, the covid pandemic has been a hoax. #2 Masks dont work. There have been several studies none of which have concluded that masks provide any protection. Moreover, we have data from states and countries that did not mask up or social distance and they faired just as well. So the purpose of the mask is to help sell the hoax in order to push an experimental vaccine onto a gullible and naive segment of the public. The mask is a walking advertisement for the gene therapy drug.

It’s funny, the most important things in life can’t be measured in money terms.
You know that, and you see value, or you don’t (that’s your personal perception),
And what did you mean by: “When should independents take a look at the new content”?
Besides, I find gardening and hydrogen power fascinating!

My own grasp of the situation is much more tenuous than yours. (the tea leaves have not settled yet.)
How’s this? In the begining masks helped the hysteria, but as the viral bloom passes, Big Pharma would prefer us to cough over each other.
(I’ll show you mine if you’ll show me yours.)
The Pentagon read the unassailable Limits to Growth report in 1972, said “oh oh”, and started planning. They need to drop the population by, at a guess, 60%.
So they scared the bejebus out of the population, and drove the herd into the gentle hands of Big Pharma, who administered the coup de grace, by sterilizing us. (We are already a very infertile hybrid, but thats another story).
Is my model complete? Absolutely not! I’m still trying to figure out what the Aliens are doing. My intuition tells me that we are not their first, nor last iteration.
And then there’s the micro-nova event that we are about to experience. ( I’m going to guess that is why the moon was created hollow; it makes a wonderful bomb shelter).

I agree with the comments on the around the social pressure. Each person has their own criteria and that should be respected.
A few vaccine related questions:

  1. Do we know if any of the vaccine trials performed before and after blood testing (beyond serological testing) to see if there any major differences in any levels? I have not seen this mentioned in any of the FDA filings.
  2. The CDC has the Sentinel system that should be monitoring health and disease trends (using data from a few healthcare system including claims and clinical data). Specifically would like to see if vaccinated/unvaccinated/unknown vaccination status are seeing more incidence of any diagnosis. I have seen no reporting on this.
  3. Do we know what overall Covid-19 surveillance testing is being done to measure on going antibody strength from vaccines/normal infection and potential breakthrough cases. It appears that the CDC is relying on state and local health departments to report on all breakthrough cases.
  4. Any thoughts on the Adaptive Technoligies T Cell testing product?

I’ll be sensitive here because a friend was recently censored on this site for expressing an alternative viewpoint. But, provides a very good article about how masks (which C.M. always pushed as being the solution to this pandemic) are very ineffective. Interesting read.

Not that he needs defending, but Chris has always said he will change what he says in the face of new evidence.
In the beginning, when little was known about this virus and resulting disease, masks were thought to work best. He explained why, viral loads and all that, which made a lot of sense. I do not know his position on this now but I expect we will find out soon. He nailed many other things - the hyd. drug which cannot be named, ivm and other things like furrin cleavage site (sp?) and other scientific things. He was a trusted source in a sea of sources that cannot be trusted. Still is…
He was, quite simply, way ahead of the curve, which enabled many of us to be ahead of the curve as well. Most of us were not caught short in the ensuing panic for masks, toilet paper and other panic shopping. We were already stocked up and watching to see how it all played out. We continued to pay attention to what he was saying, weigh the evidence as it was presented and arrive at our own decisions.
What is your point of your comment? What do you hope to accomplish with that? Are you enriching this community by being here, or are you detracting from it?