Chris Martenson is Back!

It seems crystal clear to me at this point that cloth masks, the type worn by the vast majority of the population are absolutely worthless, and quite possibly harmful, for a healthy person. Surgical and even N-95 masks are likely also ineffective. This page does a sold job reviewing the available literary on the topic. If you’re not into studies, just search out those videos showing particles flowing through such masks, or compare case numbers between long maskless Florida, Texas and S. Dakota and still masked New York and California.
I don’t blame Chris for being wrong here. He’s very smart but not infallible. And LOTS of people have been wrong about LOTS of things regarding SARS-CoV-2. Heck, I don’t even blame our politicians and public health officials for their masks stances, with the notable exception of Fraudci, who has lied to the public every step of the way and is still lying.
However, now that we have much more relevant data than we possessed a year ago, it seems ridiculous to still be enforcing masking, like some localities, retail stores and school districts are doing. I can only conclude that they are either ignorant or reluctant to give up their newfound power over others.

I’m enriching the community in my opinion. The point to my comment is, take the masks off, breath the fresh air, because the masks are not protecting anyone. One can argue (based on listening to Bossche) that masks and lockdowns extended the pandemic period leading to positive mutations of the virus. My stance has always been, protect the seniors and high risk individuals, rest of us take the masks off, lick doorknobs, and get it over with.

Chris is absolutely right about masks. Please consider the basic biology concepts.
Viruses and bacteria dangers are similar to radiation and poisons in that you dont get a deadly disease and die because one virus or one bacterium got into your nose. You are imbibing (and actually synthesizing in your body) all kinds of poisons at low levels all the time, eating and breathing radioactivity. We are constantly eating and breathing low levels of viruses and bacteria. It`s the numbers and whether we get an extreme dose that overwhelms our defenses that is the point here.
I live in a country that uses masks to limit spread of virus infections for years before covid was invented. Our covid infection rate is still about 20 fold lower because of this. And, this year we have virtually no flue season because of the extra efforts. We have virtually no vaccine usage so far.
The simple act of sneezing into your arm (shirt), covering your mouth when you cough etc. and washing your hands when you have a cold are very important and work very well for the same reasons that an infected person who wears a mask is less toxic to the community. Your kindergarten teacher was correct. I am amazed to read these comments. In an unruly/uncivil community where infected people refuse to be polite and follow kindergarten practices, the teacher may insist that everyone wear a mask. If people were polite and considerate to their neighbor, these discussions would not exist (Asians for example dont have these stupid fights). This is not my dog (I only have limited time for other things instead) and I will not respond to keyboarder blowback.

Mots, I teach undergraduate biology and other life science classes. Your point is well taken. Any barrier may be better than no barrier when someone sneezes. But would you want to be in an enclosed space with someone COVID positive who is coughing or sneezing while they wear a cloth mask? Regarding the relative success of your country I firmly believe that most countries have done so much better than the USA because the USA has the worst “terrain” - highest rates of obesity, diabetes, etc. I the world. Last, even assuming a cloth mask substantially reduces transmission from coughs and sneezes, those who are symptomatic are a tiny minority. Why have we been mandating that healthy people wear masks?

TWalker, I did not and do not argue your political question. I also do not agree with your woe is America because it has “the worst terrain” argument. The infection rate is not really affected by risk factors, we are not talking about death rate due to obesity (terrain arguments concern death rates primarily and not infection rates). Anyway, if you are right, then maybe you could consider addressing the real problem and might explore the causes and effects of American hedonism instead of misinterpreting and attacking good ideas we heard from Chris. You stated that “[a]ny barrier may be better than no barrier when someone sneezes.” Are you willing to state that “any barrier IS better than no barrier when someone sneezes”? This is a dispositive point that should be settled.
Further, I may have answered your political question by my observation that when an entire community acts like bunch of uneducated children and refuse to follow basic hygiene then the kindergarten teacher acts with mandates. I dont want to argue politics, religion, or nutrition with you. Weekend Report

As I was going to St. Ives, I met a man with G-7 wives.  Each wife had G-7 sacks; each sack had G-7 cats; each cat had G-7 kits.  Kits, cats, sacks and wives, how many were going to St. Ives?

Well, Rats! I thought I had discovered a beautiful, undiscovered local for my bucket list.  Now to be trampled by the elites.  Hang on to your tin, my friends.

An Emmett


Uh oh. Will this go the same route as the “coarse language” thread? Aloha, Steve.

Thank you for reading and taking special note of the all caps portion of my posting.
best regards

"......And then there's the micro-nova event that we are about to experience. ( I'm going to guess that is why the moon was created hollow; it makes a wonderful bomb shelter)."
You're right about most of that stuff Arthur with one exception; The moon was not created hollow to house a bomb shelter. It's where they keep Kavanaugh's rape victims, Jesse Smollet's white supremacist attackers, the evidence of Trump's collusion with Russia, the two weeks that would flatten the curve and Biden's cancer cure. Thats the only explanation because the government never lies, and to suggest otherwise would make us crazy conspiracy theorists.

Here nurse-professor Dr. John Campbell offers the (firm) view that we should be vaccinated.
Please be aware of the inverse relationship between education and model flexibility.
I have challenged him in the comments section (No! Surely not!), but he wisely declines to wrestle with swine.

Thanks Arthur for the video, I liked it. So glad I got the vaccine and supporting my patriotic duty to take America back again. Keep the videos coming. Thanks

I raised the issue of the hollow moon because every 13500 years our sun runs smack-dab into another ripple in the magnetic field associated with the electric current that turns the galaxy like a pancake motor.
Ref: “The Next End of the World” by Ben at Suspicious Observers.
And then we take into account our gain-of-function unexplained jump in intelligence, giant skeletons, massively brained skulls of Paracas, Peru etc. that are empirical evidence that have to be woven into a comprehensive model.
The book, “Who Built the Moon?” is available on Kindle, and is not unique in making a good fist of the idea that the moon is not what it seems.
Then there are Retired Historian, Dr. David Jacob’s discoveries about Aliens and their plan.
Corralling all this evidence lends credence to the idea that we are about to be irradiated and exterminated and replaced by our successors who will inherit this planet for the next 13500 years.
If this is too much to stomach, that is OK, it just means we are at opposite ends of a personality spectrum. Dr. Jordan Peterson’s lectures lend me to assume that you would be a no-nonsense, hard-working guy. (Me. I wouldn’t hire me in a fit. Fortunately, I am retired).
Here, let Ben entertain you.

I'll be sensitive here because a friend was recently censored on this site for expressing an alternative viewpoint. But, provides a very good article about how masks (which C.M. always pushed as being the solution to this pandemic) are very ineffective. Interesting read.
A few hours ago I banned/blocked Ironpuppy for being a net drain on things around here. Interestingly, one thing IronPuppy got dead wrong was in stating that I had claimed "masks would be the solution to the pandemic." I never said any such thing. I said, quite explicitly and repeatedly, that a properly worn mark could lower the inoculum, which would be a very good thing especially for those with comorbidities. You know, a lower 'dose' leading to a less-bad case of the disease leading to a better outcome. Further, if everyone was wearing such masks properly and regularly, much lower rates of transmission would be expected. Now, against all odds, just hours after IP was banned, a brand new account is created by a certain "Teddy65" which takes up the same wrong strawman argument as IP! Think of the odds! :) So much fun - put wrong words in someone else's mouth and then accuse them of being wrong. For some I guess. Hey IronPuppy/Teddy65 - here's a free pro tip; if you are going to try and sneak back in undetected, probably not a good idea to use exactly the same incorrect assertion that got you banned just a short while ago. Adios amoeboes!

So nice to see that you’re back after what must have been a stressful time. I was thinking of you last week and here you are. Congratulations on managing to get your business back under your control, and thank you for your decision that Truth, Honesty and Integrity are more important than other people’s ideologies.

I have been checking the site a few times a week, hoping you are back and have been disappointed. So relieved you can do your thing now. We have all been missing you and we need your insights!

While we await Dr. Martenson’s next analyis, let us entertain ourselves with a Romanian Gypsey’s (Is that Racist?), commentary on the state of the world.
He is a Doctor of medicine and always on my must listen schedule.
(Moral conundrum: If it is not racist to claim to be Romani, why the discomfort when I claim to be a Saxon?)

There is a wide chasm between the positions on the vaccine war. There are some issues that should not be brushed under the carpet in the hopes that the hominid is as thick as a brick.

  • Will our gonads be safe?
  • What about Paradoxical reactions by a virus challenge in the vaccinated? (Death by cytokine storm.)
  • What about spike protein shedding?
(" One fist of iron and the other of steel, And if the Left don't get you; the right one will" Some song or other.)
This is a bridge, that once crossed, cannot be uncrossed.. Read it and weep

Thailand has just announced on their social media/ TV channels that “today we have over 9000 new cases.” This is ahead of their new vaccine push to start next month. They do admit that over 6500 of these are in the prison system- vastly overcrowded cesspools at best. Scare mongering as the previous month’s new lockdowns were initiated due to high numbers of college students testing positive (though mostly asymptomatic.) Those unfortunate kids were confined to the hospitals, generating much needed revenues, although either not ill or mildly sick. Eventually this scam was scrapped as they ran out of beds for real patients.
Prior to May, the only vaccine was the Chinese Sinovac and in limited quantities for citizens. It was started in BKK. Surveys show the outlying rural areas don’t want it by a large majority. Less than stellar start which left 7 partially paralyzed that they’ve acknowledged.
Originally TL had a deal with Moderna, but rumors were enough palms weren’t greased sufficiently so that fell through. The AZ vaccine was originally to be produced in TL first of the year, then suddenly the Chinese appeared. Now AZ is back on track for production.
They have just opened it up for Foreigners at private hospitals for $300 USD/dose. In the future, they promise it free to “high risk Foreigners” presumably to avoid prolonged hospitalizations and non-payment.
Supposedly a northern province governor has mandated the vaccine with a hefty fine and jail time for non-compliance. Fears are rising in the non-citizens that any educational, work, or retirement visas will become contingent on vaccination proof. Although TL offers excellent healthcare, many Foreigners are considering their options.
The economy is tanking almost to the point of no return. The boost from tourism has been underplayed though the govt. officials promise reopening in stages in July. Previous deadlines for allowing in tourists have been pushed back at least twice. Rumor is requiring a vaccine passport. Due to their insane requirements for reentry to those Foreigners trying to return in 2020 despite valid visas and family in TL, we’ll see. Know someone who lived there, went to Vietnam on holiday, and got stranded now for over a year. Recently traveled within V and someone in their hotel tested positive. Confined to their room for two weeks. Not cheap either. Chinese tourists from Wuhan however were allowed n Mar/Apr of 2020. Go figure.
The Chinese have always had ties in TL. It is one of the few locations C tourists could previously visit with relative ease. Thai administrations have done deals with the Chinese before like the ill-fated rice deal by Yingluck. In the end, Thai farmers were screwed out of set prices, rice spoiled in warehouses, and the money disappeared as did the Chinese bank receiving it.
Remember that China now controls the world-wide opium production: #1 is Afghanistan (since Biden removed all US troops) #2 is Myanmar. The border is porous between TL/Myanmar. TL has lots of airports/sea ports. Open the area with “tourism” and voila! the Golden Triangle is off and running.

Smells like victory