Chris Martenson is Back!

Welcome back … waiting for the new membership details to comer online…

Really missed your insight and comments.

A couple more ideas of folks to interview:
Dr. Mark Skidmore
Alison McDowell

We all know your original position and the logic behind it. Has it changed at all based on the data over the last few months?

Gov wizards, Opps, sorry about deathcount. Want to die? Stay locked up and breath.

This is a report about scientific malfeasance in the Ivermectin efficacy analysis against Covid.
But why did YouTube allow it to be published?
Putative guess: “they” have rolled out enough self spreading vaccine that the population collapse is now unstoppable.
Therefore, they can take their hands off the wheel.

Hi Chris,
I was a paid subscriber for years because I was, and still am, so grateful for the Crash Course. It helped me think through my priorities at a time when the only easily available source of criticism of our political economy was Zero Hedge and all of its associated libertarian sites. I unsubscribed last year because 1) I am old and getting poorer and 2) because it seemed you had gone over to some really cringy place. I think the sorts of commenters usually found on Greg Hunter have gotten really creepy. I think the all of the gold bugs are total creeps. I have been surprised during the pandemic to see the local food movement taken over by libertarians and right wingers as well as vitamin pushers and other scammers. I don’t know whether this is an accident or whether someone is actually funding this. I am guessing that there are some bad folks out there doing this.
As you have pointed out, the problems are not only financial but environmental. Most of the folks who comment on this site seem only interested in their portfolios. I have no portfolio but I do have a roof over my head and a garden. I don’t know whether the vaccine will carry me and my family away but I kind of doubt it. I think it probably works. However, when the general public wakes up to the fact that the corporatists allowed people to die without lifesaving drugs so they could sell the vaccines they have been working on for years, there will be hell to pay. And yes I think it will come out. It is coming out now thanks to you and many others.
Faced with the multiple crises that you truly understand and have explained so well, I conclude the the answers will be communitarian not libertarian. The solutions to our predicaments, if indeed there are solutions, must involve a critique of the very foundations of the way we organize production and consumption. You can go hang out with a lunatic capitalist farmer if you want to but I think viewing food as a commodity is at the very foundation of what is wrong. And I wonder whether you will be able to generate enough income if you actually start to talk about what we might all do together.
By the way, I am in Massachusetts, not too far from you, and I have incredible numbers of birds and insects this year. My barn and sugar house are full of swallows. The economy didn’t grow this year but insect and bird populations did. What does that tell you? If you would offer an elderly discount I would join up.
Much love and good luck to you and yours

Libertarians are more of what could be described as classical liberals. They have nothing to do with the liberals (progressives) today. Libertarians are more live and let live as long as you don’t interfere with me and my life. You say right wing like it is a bad thing. Note a bird needs both a right wing and a left wing to fly. Both sides need each other as a moderating force. One party rule is a BAD thing no matter what party you prefer.
Instead of insulting people’s political beliefs why don’t you take a more tolerant approach and maybe one of us with a portfolio would sponsor you for a year.
Gold bugs are not creepy. I’m not sure who Greg Hunter is so I have no opinion if he is creepy or not. Sometimes people are Always trying to sell you something online. It is what it is. I’d rather hang with a capitalist farmer than a socialist any day. Every farmer I know is a hell of a worker (Living in the mid west I know Many farmers) and I have yet to meet one around here who is not a capitalist. People in this country don’t understand what poor really is. I learned about poor courtesy of Uncle Sugar and his all expense paid desert vacation. You have food to eat and a roof over your head. You were allowed to get an education. You weren’t killed for your beliefs. That is life for people in some crappy countries I have been to. I pray every day that we find a way out of the societal death spiral that we find ourselves in. That and I plant a garden.

“(” One fist of iron and the other of steel, And if the Left don’t get you; the right one will" Some song or other.)"
The song is 16 Tons by Tennessee Ernie Ford.

As someone far more interested in our energy prospects and environmental issues than how to increase unearned income, I’m glad to see Chris take full control of the site.
Stopped checking in months ago b/c wealth preservation and investments seemed to become the priority, lucky timing to log in today for the 1st time in 2021.
BTW, Jimmy Dore might make a good interview. He’s got terrific political insight and is all about class war (up vs down, not D vs R). Would like to hear your take on Guy McPherson and think you two could have a fascinating conversation.