Chris Reacts to the Putin Interview

I think if I were neutral, the insano reaction would make me think something was amiss and I would be more curious about what this Tucker guy is doing and what Putin is trying to say. They are shooting themselves in the foots. Full panic mode it seems. The result will probably be a more aggressive move toward a fully controlled internet.


Since you rarely if ever post, no one knows who you are, therefore why should anyone trust you at this juncture?


How many American even listened to the phone call made by Victoria NULLE, UNDER SECRETARY OF STATE, to the American ambassador in Kiev 2014. “ We spent five billion for this coup and now we have to get the right guy in”. Probably taped by the Russians. I must of heard the actual tape dozen time from different sources. What about the brain dead and brainwashed public? Much more detail than Putin revealed was there to see and read. I do not understand why we are “reinventing the wheel”. For gods sake, I was watching the riots daily in Kiev on tv. I recall just about every event from 2000 onwards as Putin stated and more. What is this all about? Hello - lights out?


Who needs YouTube?!?


@peasantfarmer I’m with you on that. When I heard Tucker was going to interview Putin, I went into watching it framed as a guy who applied for CIA (who’s father ran CIA’s Voice of America) interviewing a former KGB agent (who did everything right to have excelled into the leader position in Russia).

Like @sandymac puts it, Putin is a highly trained disinformation professional. He’s a master of side-skirting “real” / specific questions, and evaded about every question that had meat to them with opaque answers. It felt dishonest, but I wasn’t really expecting anything out of the interview except entertainment.

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Typical measured Putin.

The tragic thing about this interview, apart from the revelations about what Bill Clinton said to Putin about NATO, was that all of this has been aired before in public for anyone paying even the least bit of attention. Yet the sociopaths who run the West and their mouth pieces have done their best to dissemble and obfuscate obvious truths - and they have succeeded, at least well enough for hundreds of thousands of young Ukrainians and Russians to end up dead and maimed.

I wonder what they will twist this into.

Which reminds me of a conversation I had with a friend of mine in 1994/5. He had ended up on the US FIFO economic advisory team to Russia in the early 1990s, and he was just saddened and bewildered by what the “advisors” were doing to Russia. In his opinion they were looting it, rather than helping it develop. His boss went off script (actually trying to help Russia) and had confided in my friend that he was afraid for his life (from the Americans). My friend looked haggard and worried. In my youthful naivete I thought this a bit tin foil hat.

And then, a week or so later, I was reading the International Herald Tribune, and my friend’s boss had died in a light plane crash…

I suppose, people die in light plane crashes all the time, but it started my awakening.

Edited to add: actually, the comment about Clinton was made previously by Putin when he was interviewed by Oliver Stone in 2016/7.


staggering the lies from State media…communist Oz


Hi Chris, Did you forget about Jimmy Carter keeping us out of wars? Or do you have info that you can share on his administration and our long history of aggression? God bless President Carter and his recently passed wife.


I agree but i came away with a slightly different motive for being dodgy.

Strategic. I’m pretty certain they have clear and irrefutable evidence on Nordstream and number of other things.

But why throw it out now when there are greater rewards by threatening to use it or agreeing to withhold it in the future?

It gives him juice to deploy when really needed and if that is accurate then its smart.

I couldn’t watch the whole thing. Did US elections come up or how a half dozen russian interference/collusion investigations, wiretaps and bs warrants, impeachments get proven to be a lie.

If someone could give me an approximate time that would be great. Or comment away here.


It’s hard to know which to believe - Vlad the Impaler or Vlad the CIA victim. Did you watch the end of Monkton’s talk? Most of this fits together perfectly, but the odd part left me scratching my head. It explains the need to shut down coal but not natural gas. BTW I presume everyone knows about the gas fields in Ukraine

I agree that we have to keep in mind we are watching a chess game. Don’t let it distract you from what you need to do. Don’t let it slow you down. Where I live, it’s almost time to start indoor seedlings for the Spring. That’s what really matters.


Why is nobody talking about his reference to making super humans? Super soldiers. Super scientists… etc. I would have to say that was the scariest part of the interview for me


It’s obvious why the media were so against the interview. Putin is impressive - way more intelligent than our leaders who look like fools next to him. Perhaps the politicians are just figureheads for the “deep state”, but Putin is so far above the stupidity of the deep state also.

I agree with Robert Duggan above that Tucker did everyone a service. He clearly challenged Putin to approach Biden again about a peace deal. Who knows? Perhaps the interview will expedite peace. Other than the Military IC making the most of its last few sales is there anything else to gain from this? (OK, maybe the odd billion of money laundering). I don’t know much of Putin’s ugly side - I’m sure it’s there - but he came away looking calm and considered and holding the high moral ground. An extremely successful move for him, especially while the people are backing the farmers and against the ruling elite. This interview magnifies the disdain for our leaders and Putin milked this well.


I find it useful to ask questions rather than dismiss out of hand, but hey you do you

I was guilty of posting the “transcript” here yesterday, sorry, it looked real and indeed was different from the actual interview.

I must say Putin is a charmer!


Some of us were lamenting the fact that Chris’s livestream was blocked on YT.

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Did you notice when Vlad (I feel I know him better now) ‘teased’ Tucker about Tucker having applied and failed to get hired by the CIA?

What was that all about?


Lamenting, as well, that it is only available on Rumble, excluding all of Europe.

I know I have to look into VPN, but I am on a very limited budget and hesitate to add another cost.


If we want to pass out awards for being calm and giving good answers, has anyone ever watched Assad give an intervìew?

And why would the Syrian military use crappily made chemical bombs to kill a few people here and there when they have real weapons that can kill hundreds and thousands that dont violate the Geneva conventions. With Russia on there side they had access to all the conventional boom booms they need.

Simply looking over proposed, in progress and in place gas lines on maps for the region speaks volumes about what was going on there.

I believe the same is true of the Ukraine situation.

Putin might be calm, but he somehow avoided mentioning how the Soviet Union starved out the Ukrainians to the tune of millions. They would have sided with anyone against Russia. At the point they were eating grandmother for breakfast it was likely hard to imagine that the Germans were worse.


Re 832 AD, people from the old country do/did talk like that, of old events.

One of the oldest stories in my family was escaping serfdom from the Polish dukes in 1703…