Chris Reacts to the Putin Interview

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Seems to work OK but I’m not a security guru by any means.

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I’m most looking forward to how and what the media tells the public for how to receive, think about this information.


when dealing with liars, don’t interrupt their lie let them weave that story as elaborate as they wish. There is a great deal of very helpful information contained in how and why they choose to lie in that specific way. Life’s taught me lies carry weight, it burdens its bearer. The bigger or more harmful the lie the heavier the weight. Telling the truth unloads those burdens, and man does it feel great to do so. And man is it painful to hold on. Most people when given a good chance are looking for those opportunities.


I didn’t watch the interview. Putin’s said it all before and I know some key facts regardless of what he says. What I am interested in is if the interview moves any needles anywhere, which ones and what direction. At this early point, one needle I see has moved is that the MSM’s coverage is even worse than usual. No big surprise there. Anything else happening? Wake me if you see any needles moving.

Some key facts I know: 1) the West promised Russia NATO wouldn’t move one inch East, closer to Russia. Then NATO moved East all the way to the borders of Russia and wanted to complete that enveloping move by including Ukraine in NATO. 2) The US engineered a violent coup in Ukraine to swap a President who leaned positive toward Russia with an abject US puppet. 3) Putin repeatedly warned Russia wouldn’t tolerate Ukraine in NATO. 4) Ukraine and NATO engaged in a romantic relationship and continued to telegraph that Ukraine would eventually be in NATO. 5) Ukraine bombed the heck out of its eastern Russian speaking provinces. 6) Russia invaded. 7) the West blocked a blooming peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine.


Sure. Which one, Tucker or Vladimir?

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Australians will be the last to know the truth about anything. The media here is a complete Australian “deep state” propaganda department. Which means they are really ultimately run out of CIA HQ in the US and their local poodles (ASIO, et al). Since coming back here I find so many Australians are living mentally in a 1970s time warp geopolitically. It’s so weird. However, when you look at the media most of them consume it’s understandable. It’s the last outpost of the US empire in Asia without a constitution protecting free speech and a political class with a collective IQ of 90. They can’t deal with China. How are they going to deal with Indonesia? A country of 300 million people, mostly Muslim, and destined to become a powerful rival to China as well as the West in Asia and globally. No clue. Just Uncle Sam will save us from the yellow/brown peril. Sad. Very sad.


Vlad long before he became president


Tuckers site is where I watched it :blush:


Continuing the discussion from Chris Reacts to the Putin Interview:

Why would you expect YT to promote something that Main Stream Media told you not to watch because it was miss information and lies. You should spend some time looking into more freeware like Linux and Tor(give what you can to support them value for value), and use privacy oriented search engines, and i am sure there is more because i am not a security expert either. Remember you are being controlled and watched, take your sovereignty back - freedom is taken not given!


Tucker has mentioned this before. I think it was humor on Putin’s part.

I thought it was a good interview. I chuckled this morning when I realized that Putin’s answers are like reading Tolstoy. Loooooong-winded! Especially the 30 minute history opener!


ME TOO… I wish he would have went into more details…Very scary indeed.


I agree with that assessment. In the end I think that all of the media attention and screaming as well as the phony partial
Transcript is just part of the wider and continued plan to distract and divide. The main stream ( globalists, media et. al.) are worried that they have 8n deed lost support from some of the newly awakened, whether they were ambivalent fence sitters or former blue pill proletariat types, and they are trying desperately to win them back. I expect the deparate attempts to divide and conquer will amplify as this is typical of every empire that is suffering collapse.

Sukey, the peasantfarmer


I agree with the importance of lies. To this end, I visit some crazy “news” websites just to see what that intended audience is supposed to think.


One thing that was clear to me is that Putin feels that the CIA/Intelligence runs the country.

They run his also and that is where he came up from as leader.

Repeatedly he refered to special services needing to answer or decide things. He called them partners in the issues discussed. He made reference to the lack of power presidents have and gave multiple examples of things they said to Russia over the years being over turned by those who are actually in charge.


A really smart boss/author I knew in the 60’s, Herman Holtz, advised reading the spectacular news magazines at the supermarket checkout counter as places the cia would use to test things.


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I can’t help but wonder about Rumble a bit. Just as Chris starts showing literature about the Minsk agreement, around 20:15, the video quality goes so grainy that only the largest font is legible.


And do you guys and gals remember when Chancellor Merkel admitted that the Minsk agreements were only intended to give Ukraine more time to arm for war? They were not negotiated in good faith intending for a lasting peace.


I noticed. Not sure I’ve seen such poor video quality on Rumble, and I observed the poor quality for much of Chris and Evie’s session.


Yeah, especially when he said it was a done deal, like you couldn’t stop gun powder, it just has to be regulated.