Chris Reacts to the Putin Interview

“Putin’s lies that Carlson did not correct”

Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin Source: YouTube

The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs published a statement. As he points out, he corrects the lies told by Vladimir Putin about Polish and Ukraine.

The Russian president gave an interview to American journalist Tucker Carlson. Vladimir Putin presented his own vision of history and contemporary international relations. Poland came up in the conversation several times.

On Friday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland published “a statement on President Vladimir Putin’s 10 lies about Polish and Ukraine that Tucker Carlson did not correct.”

Poland cooperated/collaborated with Nazi Germany.

Before World War II, Polish diplomacy tried to maintain good neighbourly relations with Germany. There was no question of Polish entering into any military alliance with Hitler. In the interwar period, Poland was between two aggressive neighbours: Germany and Russia, which in practice did not recognise the right of the Polish nation to an independent state. In Berlin in 1934, a Polish-German declaration of non-violence was signed, which was to guarantee the settlement of disputes by peaceful means. But earlier, in 1932, a similar non-aggression pact was signed with the USSR

The Poles forced Hitler to start World War II with them. Why did Poland start the war on September 1, 1939? She was uncooperative. Hitler had no choice but to start with Polish in the implementation of his plans.

The Second Polish Republic rejected Hitler’s demands, as well as the proposal of a Polish-German alliance against the USSR. On 23 August 1939, Nazi Germany and the Soviet authorities signed an agreement against Poland (the so-called Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact), which enabled Germany to carry out its aggression against Poland on 1 September 1939. Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany cooperated harmoniously until June 1941.

Poland became a victim of the policy pursued towards Czechoslovakia, because under the famous Molotov-Ribbentrop Protocols, part of these territories fell to Russia, including Western Ukraine.

Poland did not participate in or be a party to the Munich Agreement (30 September 1938), which de facto severely limited the sovereignty of Czechoslovakia. Polish demands regarding Zaolzie were made after the signing of the Munich Agreement.

Thus, Russia, under the name of the Soviet Union, returned to its historical territories.

The USSR incorporated the eastern territories of the Second Polish Republic as a result of armed aggression (17 September 1939) at a time when Poland was fighting the German invasion. It was a stab in the back against the Polish state. The so-called people’s referendums conducted by the Soviets in the Polish borderlands were carried out in an atmosphere of terror and falsification. Lviv and the territories of the then Lviv and Stanisławów provinces (today’s Western Ukraine) never belonged to the Russian Empire. The Vilnius region was also not historically part of Russia

Ukraine is, in fact, an artificial creation created by Lenin and Stalin.

Modern Ukraine as a state was created thanks to the Ukrainian national movement. The Bolsheviks did not create it, but only conquered part of its territory, making it one of the Soviet republics. Ukraine was created thanks to the will of the Ukrainians themselves.

The left bank of the Dnieper, including Kiev, is historically Russian land.

Kiev was the historical capital of Rus’, and Moscow did not exist at that time. In 1991, Ukraine became an independent state with internationally recognized borders.

The idea of Ukrainians as a separate nation appeared in Poland.

The process of self-determination of Ukrainians as a separate ethnic group took place in parallel with similar processes taking place in nineteenth-century Europe. No one artificially “invented” the Ukrainian nation.

NATO bases were established on the territory of Ukraine.

There are no NATO bases on the territory of Ukraine.

There have been two coups d’état in Ukraine aimed at artificially severing ties with Russia.

In the Orange Revolution, the Ukrainian people did not agree to electoral fraud. The organisation of the next round of voting allowed for the election of President Viktor Yushchenko, who actually won the majority of votes. After the Revolution of Dignity, President Petro Poroshenko won the presidential election.

In 2014, Moscow was forced to defend Crimea because it was under threat.

In 2014, there was no threat to Crimea. The Revolution of Dignity led to a peaceful change of power, through democratic elections. Russian “little green men” appeared in Crimea to destabilize the situation in Ukraine.

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Igah, welcome to the tribe


According to Barnes, Nalvany was NOT a good guy


just started listening to this

Great talking points. Thanks to you I am now in favor of sending another $60 billion to Ukraine. /s


Point taken, but there are so many ways to look at it. If they wanted us to watch why not let YT play it? I’m not sure how to go with the best way to advertise is to say not to watch, I like you know better, that means we need to decide for ourselves. But they want the brainwashed and dumbed down to not watch. And then there is the part that “we told you what we were doing, you just didn’t listen or believe us”. That’s the real scary part.

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Youtube did play it. You can watch it on youtube right now, at

The evidence I have for that comes directly from the OSCE.

For example, here’s Feb 21, 2022: