Chris Reacts to the Putin Interview

Putin covered all those points.

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Tucker needs a new haircut.


NYPrepper on YT thinks Tucker is now CIA:

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I liked the jibing tone of

VP - “Are we having serious discussion here or are we making TV show”

TC - “Of course, serious discussion”

VP - “so then, I will continue…” 40 minute discourse on the history of the region!

which also makes his comment at 2:20 into the interview also a wry joke:

VP - “So if you don’t mind, I will take only 30 seconds or one minute to give you a short history…”


I’d call that wild, irresponsible and sensationalistic speculation.

NYPrepper: Carlson is looking intently at Putin because he is studying him for weaknesses.
PP Group Mind: Carlson is looking intently at Putin because conducting an in depth interview through a translator is very difficult.

NYPrepper: Putin is discussing history because he is crazy and has a grudge.
PP Group Mind: Putin is discussing history because historical context is important.

Are those command planes up in the air with any regularlity? I would guess they are often in the air.


Other than the reference by Putin to Tucker applying to the CIA which stood out like a sore thumb (and to which Tucker did not reply), is there any evidence?
It always throws me when I hear recordings of Schwab referring to Putin as a “global young leader”. I guess it makes sense to keep an open mind but then it’s hard to frame a model of geopolitics that makes sense.

Is the MSM and the deep state really THAT stupid as to threaten Tucker with sanctions and suggest “kill lists” if they didn’t want people to watch the interview? Seems like really good advertising to me. They tell you not to watch it, so what do the curious do? Perhaps they are that incompetent but it’s hard to imagine. Wouldn’t it be better just to say nothing and censor wherever possible?

Chidori, I think Australians will know before Oregonians and Oregonians will fight to the death to not know.

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It was indeed a bandwidth issue. We’ve taken steps to be better next time, but apparently I’ve got unfixably bad Comcast service out here.

At any rate, the recording we use is top-notch and the entire episode has now been hot-swapped out.

As of 8:00 Friday; 24 hours later. More views than CNNBCBS gets in a few months?


mikies123, I don’t know enough about Oregonians to comment. However, if they are like Victorians here, I get the idea.


Note this is only on X! Would be interesting to know the total from all sources.


Yep… the part where he basically blamed poland for forcing Hitler to invade poland (while conveniently omitting the part of the pact where Germany and Russia agreed to split poland between them.

Tucker didn’t manage to get the talking points he wanted from it, and Putin didn’t take advantage of speaking things that would resonate to American listeners but instead rambled on for too long about things the average american wouldnt have anything to relate to. However, it shows that Putin is obsessed with “history”, which mostly is revisionist myth and very different than the actual history, but it is effective , at least to his own people, to dehumanize Ukrainians and justify not only this invasion, but historical actions of russification, depopulation of ukrainian areas, including the Holodomor genocide in the 30s. No matter how bad and corrupt our own western leaders and elite are, the “world order” of Putin is no different than the worst totaliarian regimes of history, whether Mao’s China, or Hilter’s shortlived 3rd Riech or Russia’s empire whether the original one, or reborn Soviet empire. The thing about Nato Expanding, is that those eastern European countries BEGGED to get it, because they had been under 50-80+ years of Russian occupation, where “peace” meant 10s of millions of people killed, tortured, or dissapeared or sent to gulags, and they were scared that once Russia regrouped after the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia would subject them to such occupation again.


You know… now I’m curious what Kim Jung Un has to say.
And how about Assad?
Unfortunately, too late for Gaddafi.

If other demonized world leaders see how thirsty the public is for the their side of the story, maybe they will be more willing to invite alt-media/ independent journalists in for interviews.

I wonder if Tucker, James O’Keefe, Elijah Schaffer, any of the infowars team members or anyone else is up for it.

Being accepted by world leaders as a legitimate form of journalism is a big deal.
It will establish independent media as the newly recognized method of reporting, along with its new type of journalists. Hopefully, it can remain decentralized.

The era of Legacy media is over, as they have been exposed as centralized, narrative-focused, fraudulent, infiltrated, and IRRELEVANT!


The E6 TACAMO planes are always airborne and spread apart from one another 24x7/365.25 days a year. The E4 not as often, but not totally infrequently since we’ve been at DEFCON 3 (for over a year and a half now).

Bombers launched from the lower 48 can be a posturing thing. Bombers in Europe increase tension significantly.

Ask John Brennan’s crew who hacked OPM. They could tell you if he’s on the payroll or not lol

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The triggernometry guys cover this as well here (latest episode):

Konstantin Kisin is both an ethnic Russian and Russian speaker and a Western Citizen and he brings a lot of interesting background to the party. He has long been taking heat for translating Putin’s speeches for Western audiences (and not because he is a fan).


Regarding those shellings,is there any solid evidence for that? Asking because I have been told by my friends that its another false information spread by Russia.

I’ve come to believe that Assad is a brilliant man and hero for his people. I suspect it was similar for Gaddafi.

Many years back I played an online game, and a teenager a few years younger than me joined my “tribe”. His username was Saddam. I thought he was being edgy, but no, he was an Iraqi teenager who genuinely idolized Saddam Hussein. I knew he was crazy and/or brainwashed but left it there. I’m now more than a little skeptical of my confidence that Saddam was an awful dictator.

Tucker is CIA/Family…I for one, at this point in time, would rather listen to Putin.
I know not to trust, but I do think he is a nationalist at heart, which is what we all should be…I do think he is playing a tough game, but he is makng the right moves both agaist the globalists and by hugging China.
We can’t seem to get our asses out of the bag and be grown ups. our politicians are either bought by China, or the globalists.
I’d rather have Putin.


As to “little old Sweden” and the NordStream pipeline, check out this video series from The Free People’s Movement of Sweden.

The videos claim Sweden is at the “center” of the Deep State/NWO and has been since 1635. Some new information I had not seen before, such as; The Rothschilds were front men for a Swedish family (the Wallenbergs) who started central banking in 1635 and are the richest family in the world.