Chris Speaking at Rescue the Republic on Sunday September 29

Chris will be speaking in Washington DC this Sunday at the Rescue the Republic Rally along with RFK, Jr., Russel Brand, Bret Weinstein, Pierre Kory, Del Bigtree, and a whole host of other freedom-fighting all-stars.

To see the full lineup and other details, please visit the following link:

If you’re attending the event and want to connect with other Peak Prosperity followers while there, please use this thread to coordinate!


My husband and I are planning to be there and would love to connect with others! This should be a great event!


please let me know how to meet-up, thanks

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John Root and I (Rose Stanley) will be there. Love to meet up with folks.

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Cell - [NUMBER REMOVED BY MODERATOR] Deb and Jeff Livingston

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I’ll be there. Can we leave our phone numbers on this platform? I hope so. [NUMBER REMOVED BY MODERATOR] The link to “https://jointhe” is not working for me on google or brave.

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John and Rose - hi, from Jeff and Deb - we’ll find each other! [NUMBER REMOVED BY MODERATOR]

44th Anniversary so can’t make it, but please, will it be recorded for later viewing?


Hi all. I am reluctant to leave my cell on this thread, because it can be viewed without being logged in. I’m going to text a couple of you did leave your numbers.


i thought this was behind paywall. Thx.


I had the same concern and will take the same route I think.

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I was able to view it while I wasn’t logged in. I’ve started a text thread. Is there anyone whose numbers are already visible who would be willing to add folks to the thread when they text their phone number to them?

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I’ll be there too

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Hi KMac –
I see a space in the address – that could cause a problem.

https://jointhe :no_entry_sign:
vs. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ll be there, too. Hoping to arrive in time for part of the Saturday events and glad to know that some other Peak Prosperity folks are coming, too!

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@rosestanleycomcast-net @dadzcats @kvnmc-2

This thread is public and you may want to share contact details by sending a direct message (which remains private). Direct messaging is available to Peak Insiders. @rosestanleycomcast-net I’ve just given you complimentary access through the weekend so you can connect with others to exchange numbers.

If anybody else needs temporary access please reply to this message and let me know.

I’ve removed the numbers from your posts just in case you didn’t realize they were public.

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Shall we set a time and location to meet up?
And who is going to the Saturday anti war gathering?

Just landed in DC! Long day… almost 12 hours of traveling on planes trains and autos!


Maybe the Marriott Metro Center listed in the site?

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Aaron, thanks so much for doing that! It’s great to see a good handful of people attending and I’m looking forward to finding our tribe!

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I have arrived. Which thread(s) relate to tomorrow’s events?