Precisely what Doug Rushkoff is writing about in his new book “Survival of the Richest: Escape Fantasies of the Tech Billionaires” Check it out!
This is an article worth reading:
bunkers are for magnetic reversal disaster-Bezos has a bunker in safezone with a rocket launch. CIA, DoD etc. have all known about this since the 69 moon landing when they confirmed the sun “nova’d”. There are only a certain amount of “safezones” globally that will be survivable and therefore only a limited carrying capacity for the human race. So they need to get rid of a lot of people quickly i.e. before 2030- likely to happen anytime from 2030 up to 2046 (according to Doug Vogt). And that’s it, that’s what all this nonsense is about. They invented climate change as a way of explaining the dramatic weather events that are occurring as a result of the weakening magnetic field and solar cycle. The whole ESG thing is a nonsense.
The Areal Anthony Fauci - The Movie-free
Free link to the Real Anthony Fauci - the movie.
Trudeau In 2016
In 2016, we may not have realized; now we know what that smirk was about…
Building a city, or a civilization, takes decades or even centuries of hard work by dedicated, creative people.
Destroying the results of all that hard work can be accomplished in minutes by ignorant hooligans using nothing but violence.
‘Crashing the system’ is easy. ‘Building back better’ will not be so simple and is certainly not achievable by any kind of ‘leaders’ without the wholehearted support of the people.
What they forget, up in their ivory towers and behind their body guards and smiling sycophants, is that they are made of meat, just like us plebes. And so are their children. They intend violence, barbarism and slavery for us, but elite privilege for themselves. But the world doesn’t work that way. At the end of their day, the bunker is never large enough, and the dervishes always return to their point of origin. If history teaches us anything, it teaches us that.
Incompetence Of The Wef
There are so many articles and videos available now that really slam the WEF for making horrendous decisions that are literally crippling national economies everywhere. However, there seems to be this notion that they are incompetent, and have no clue how to run things…because everything is literally being run into the ground.
I beg to differ though. I don’t think the WEF is incompetent or oblivious at all. I think everything they’re doing is absolutely calculated and deliberate. They know “exactly” what they’re doing. They just don’t care who they hurt.
The same applies to vaccines. So many people think that these Covid vaccines were just “rushed” and because of a lack of testing, we are seeing terrible outcomes. But I don’t think Pfizer, Moderna, J & J, or AstraZeneca are clueless here either. I think they knew exactly what the outcomes of these vaccines would be. It’s a great “experiment”, and they could not care less about any of the victims. And there’s no legal recourse we can take because of the nature of the EU agreements.
Might Fail.
It was very kind of you to say “might” fail. I suspect we know they are going to but thank you nonetheless. You have given me more information than I ever could have imagined. Thank you.
I’ve had this same (disturbing) thought. But I wonder how that ties in with those who are vaccinated, as that in itself is maiming and killing. Is this a scenario where the refuseniks are culled, and only the strongest of the poked survive because the others are flaking out with injuries. Either way, I do not trust that anyone who is coercing me and willing to take my job from me to make me take their product has my best interests at heart.
Having a better and cleaner house is one of the most important factors for comfortable living conditions. You know, that’s the reason why I always use cleaning from this perform well in any climate because I don’t always have the opportunity to keep my home clean on my own. You can also try to use it.
Where do you get this claim? Surely not Michaux!? Surely you checked his claims against the peer-reviewed engineers claims? He’s just not credible! MICHAUX’S OWN PAPER shows that if we just replace his NMC batteries with sodium and pumped hydro - there’s more than enough minerals! I did the math here.
Michaux’s chart REALLY IS NOT mind-blowing - except that so many people seem to be conned by it! Simon Michaux is a geologist, not a renewables grid designer. He cherry-picks 2 main things - Germany and NMC batteries - which BREAKS 4 BASIC rules of renewables. As a silly mnemonic renewable grids must be “Sunny, Super, Salty, and Soaked”.
This is an enormous area of the earth that stretches from the 35th parallel South up to the equator to the 35th parallel North. 3/4 of the human race lives in this belt. It does not have winters to trouble a renewable grid. This includes all of Australia, Africa up to the Mediterranean sea, India, the southern quarter of China, and most of South America up to the USA to about Las Vegas across to Alabama. The other 1/4 of us live mostly north of these lines across the top 60% of the USA and Canada and Russia and Northern Europe.
MICHAUX IGNORES THIS RULE by cherry-picking Germany which is well outside the Sunshine Belt - and makes frozen German winters normative for us all. He applies the conditions of the 2 billion to the other 6 billion.
So what do we do about the two billion people in colder regions? That’s why super grids are needed. Two important things have changed in the last 10 years to make these more affordable. Renewables cost 1/4 nuclear (unfirmed LCOE) which allows us to Overbuild their CAPACITY. Then HVDC powerlines improved and only lose 1.6% of their power per 1000 km distance - which allows us to Overbuild across very large areas. EG: The equator to the poles would only lose 16% of the power!
Overbuilding both capacity and across large areas MOSTLY FIRMS the grid for us. Scientific American explained this way back in 2015 with their article on the “Law of Large numbers”. The idea has also been called Geographic Smoothing. Super-grids are now in popular culture. Michaux should have known about this. Renewable Energy Intermittency Explained: Challenges, Solutions, and Opportunities | Scientific American
How does this work in practice? Meet Professor Andrew Blakers. He won the Queen Elizabeth Prize for inventing the PERC solar cell which is now in 90% of all solar panels. Professor Blakers has developed plans for Australia that show if each state tried to go it alone they would REQUIRE 5 TIMES MORE STORAGE than if we linked the whole continent in the one super-grid. But join them with HVDC super grids ul and they only need 2 days for each city. Solar's stunning journey from lab curiosity to global juggernaut wiping out fossil fuels | RenewEconomy Professor Blakers summary talk: 25 minutes (timed to avoid slow intro)
Australia is in the Sunshine Belt. If Australia needs a super-grid - how much more does Germany which is well outside the Sunshine Belt? It is also 21 TIMES smaller than Australia! Fortunately Germany and the whole EU itself is in the ENTSO-E super-grid spread across 35 countries and 532 million people. The area is a THIRD LARGER than Australia. They are going to trade northern wind with southern solar. It reduces storage to a few days - maybe a week at most. There are many other plans for Super-grids, some for Europe stretching down into Africa. (Maybe one day when the geopolitics is right.) Super grid - Wikipedia
MICHAUX IGNORES THIS RULE by cherry-picking a few odd studies into a HYPOTHETICALLY isolated Germany. This lie ignores the easily verifiable FACT that Germany is in the ENTSO-E Super grid. He was just busting to chant “28 days storage!” all over youtube - but an isolated German grid is just not the plan!
Sodium is in sea-salt. They can use agri-waste to make the Hard Carbon cathode (and aluminium for the casing - it does not need copper.) We’re NOT running out of sea-salt or agri-waste! Sodium batteries are 30% cheaper, operate in a greater temperature range, and don’t burst into flames like NMC batteries! Michaux also ignored that ISP designers like Professor Blakers only use batteries for the first 2 HOURS - and then pumped hydro takes over for the next few days to a week (at maximum!)
MICHAUX IGNORES THIS RULE by claiming sodium batteries were not at industrial scale yet - ignoring the fact that his whole paper pushed different technologies up to various industrial scales he wanted to hypothesise about. But sodium batteries WERE in commercial sales at the time and already on the Chinese grid! So instead Michaux chose NMC batteries for us. These are expensive, as they require lithium, nickel, manganese, cobalt, and copper. 30% of the car market is already LFP (Lithium Iron Phosphate) which do NOT use any Critical Minerals. Yet instead of even LFP - Michaux insists the grid needs NMC batteries which are trending to be for exclusive luxury cars. He ignored both sodium and LFP, and went for NMC. THEN he ignored the 2 hour rule and went for 28 days! Talk about cherry-picking!
Back to Professor Blakers - who says pumped hydro should take over after the batteries have covered the first hour or so. He says a good pumped hydro site has 2 dams separated by about 500 metres height. The higher the better till about 800 m. So you tend to look for sites in mountainous regions. As Blakers said “Triple the height, halve the cost.” His team have a satellite database of all the best OFF-river pumped hydro sites on earth - and there is 100 TIMES more than we need! OFF-RIVER is better because it does not damage fragile river systems, can be built faster, and is half the cost because it avoids expensive spillways. Pumped Hydro Energy Storage Atlases | ANU RE100 Group
MICHAUX IGNORES THIS RULE without any effort - as his 1000 page PDF just ASSERTS there are not enough sites. (No source!) Then he let it slip on youtube. Oh no - watch this 60 seconds. Yep! Singapore - tiny flat Singapore where their highest hill is 15 m. Gee - I wonder why THEY had trouble finding enough sites! I call this “Painting the world Singapore” and honestly can’t stop laughing about it.
FINALLY - MICHAUX’S OWN PAPER shows that if we just replace his NMC batteries with sodium and pumped hydro - there’s more than enough minerals! I did the math here.
The whole QUESTION “Are we going to run out of minerals?” is ridiculous when you realise we can recycle them all - AND just like EV’s moving away from NMC to LFP - most brands of wind and solar and even electric motor and generator are moving away from Critical Minerals due to cost.
Michael Barnard: an actual renewables engineer with experience in the industry.
Nafeez M Ahmed: investigative journalist and tech writer
International Energy Agency:
Data Scientist Hannah Ritchie: