there is no way the same people who brought us “the limits to growth” in 1971 are ignorant, incompetent or stupid. that leaves one option. the system must be broken . the population must be reduced. it would be nice to acknowledge those facts.
one of the major problems is the inability to identify the problem. for many even here it is incomprehensible that this is a plan well long in the making and being executed before our eyes.
it is simple for anyone in construction to understand. you demolish the building that is there to “build back better”
none of this is a secret. the wef posts it all the time. “what to do with useless eaters?” david rockefeller, george hw bush, kissinger, etc. they are not hiding their plans yet people refuse to believe them.
the truth is in the words of eldridge cleaver “you are either part of the solution or you are part of the problem”
got ammo?
the reason they will and are not failing is because they are organized, have all the resources, and the raison d 'etre.
on the other hand those who oppose the plan (the plebes, victims) have none of those qualities.
as karl rove famously said " by the time they react to what we have done, we are on to the next thing"
everything the unorganized plebes do is reactionary. it is not proactive. guns , gold, and garden are reactionary actions which speak of an inability to organize.
Hey Mike, the link you sent proves my point! They have an mRNA vaccine and they’re not usng it - that article is about how it will be used in Indonesia before it’s even used in China! I was mostly getting at your Theory One - covid itself as well as the mRNA vaxes could both be delayed trigger bioweapons and they’re just waiting it out… I got caught up with this link the other day and found myself wishing that it wasn’t all starting to make more sense… predicts up to 80% of population culled by 2025 in countries where Europeans live (
Yeah, the politicians can’t come out and say:
“Well, we should have acted to control population levels and resource depletion decades ago but we didn’t. Jeez, sorry about that, but now you’re all screwed.”
They just can’t say that.
Renewables are, in essence, “kick the can down the road.”
I think that the idiots - the Bill DeBlasio types - really believe in renewables. But the smart ones are just trying to save their skins.
“The people in power want to stay there”, and it’s their arrogance, that make them believe they can.
I see them as bowling pins; take one out and that arrogance will start looking for a place to hide.
We already heard this in 1993 with Jurassic Park the movie, not to mention earlier with the book. Ian Malcolm’s “your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they never stopped to think if they should.” One of the most powerful lines in all of Science fiction writing. Reminds of Peter Daszak and pursuing a grant from DARPA for studying and enhancing coronaviruses to release into bat populations. Idiotic proposal. Evil even. Only bad could come from it.
The REAL leaders of our world are VERY intelligent (and arrogant) and know EXACTLY what they are doing.
I know Chris needs to present in a way that gives them the benefit of the doubt, but it’s really clear that the actions of our world’s leaders are VERY deliberate. They’re trying to crash the system on purpose.
They may think they know exactly what they are doing and they may be trying to crash the system on purpose, but that doesn't mean they are "VERY intelligent".
On the contrary, they are like children playing with fire. They are meddling with a VERY complex system and, as Chris already pointed out, they don't have the education, experience and skill to pull it off.
I don’t think the WEF cares at all about complex systems. In fact, the harder they make it for people to live the better they will like it. Their goal is power and control…period. More power (and money) and control for them, and less for us. If we starve, well, it would be too late for any of us to do anything about that by then and we will die.
One thing to watch in Canada though is the newly elected Conservative government in Alberta. The premier there has now officially gone on the record that she will actively remove all connections to the WEF in the coming weeks…even firing elected officials who have ties to that organization. I’m very interested to see how she will pull this off:
Interesting thoughts, Allan. I like your dystopian fantasy better than mine. I can’t believe the amount of pressure building. Truly a weight on us all.