Absolutely - thanks for posting. I highly recommend the whole video. I’ve poured through his papers. Very good.
No, I don’t see it that way. The US uses some 400 barrels of oil per capita and many African countries subsist on 4 barrels per capita. The data doesn’t really line up all that well for population and oil or have a very high correlation.
But GDP sure does. Here’s a bunch of countries with all sorts of wildly different population sizes. Graphed by pop size this chart is a random scatter plot. But organized by GDP it’s a solid relationship with an R^2 of 0.96.
Nah, I’d have to spend all my time in a bunker hiding from all the angry power brokers as I slay their favorite narratives and hold them accountable.
I like being outside too much.
The Vax Will Work As Intended?
Im worried the central part of this plan involves rapid population reduction. A nagging thought occured to me a while back: could the poison vax actually work on the next “real” virus? The intentional release of the “big one.” They would have all of us who didn’t bow down right in the crosshairs; seems like an evil and effective way to deal with the remnant rabble rousers. I hope this is just more late night anxiety on my part. Yikes.
I think many of us are feeling the same way. You give me some thoughts though. What is those ‘researchers’ at Boston University designed this chimeric virus that was 80% fatal and had higher transmissivity compared to the normal Omicron which was not fatal in any of the control mice.
What if they wrote this paper (not yet completely published) but omitted a critical detail which must of course remain classified.
Perhaps in this cohort of 80% fatal infected mice that 80% of the mice were vaccinated with one of these experimental vaccines and 20% were not vaccines. This would mean that each and every previously mRNA vaccinated mouse (100%) infected with this new chimeric virus died, while those ‘unvaxxed’ mice infected with this new virus did not die.
This is pure speculation and fantasy but I would not say the chances are zero that this could have happened or could be in planning somewhere.
I have zero (not close to zero) but absolute zero trust in the Government, the Medical agencies, regulators and health promoters, medical biowarfare researchers, and of course the pharmaceutical industry. These people know they lied and they continue this lie and deception doubling down every few months. This must stop before they destroy all of our trust, our culture, humanity and this planet.
Yeah, I get that. I wouldn’t foist that job on anyone I care for. But how about advisor to a President? You could do that by zoom on your device while shoveling manure…Aloha, Steve.
I also waded through it the other day. The best I could get it:
- Natural gas is stored in underground reservoirs that are of natural construction, such as caves. They are in various types of soil and rock - some porous, some with fissures, etc. As a result, there is always some loss of gas through the permeable walls. This problem become greater as the gas warms and so expands, increasing pressure.
- Those natural gas stores are meant and designed to reduce the price of peak-demand (winter) piped gas by adding about 10% to the total flow from the stored, cheaper (summer) gas. It is not a substitute for winter’s normal gas flow, but a supplement.
- The stored gas is released into the ambient winter flow in a slow, controlled manner. The mechanism is by using the ambient gas flowing past the storage access channel (I imagine a pipe of some kind) to create a ‘draw,’ or vacuum pull that draws the stored gas into the main pipeline flow. The valves control how quickly the stored gas is drawn into the pipeline flow.
- The draw has to be controlled and slow so that the cold stored gas doesn’t overwhelm the warmer flowing gas. If the cold gas warms too quickly it expands too rapidly and can cause explosions. This is one reason why an empty or near-empty pipeline cannot simply be filled with stored gas. It is also possible that the cold stored gas, entering quickly into pipelines by way of valves, metering devices, etc., can cause the metals to freeze up - to freeze solidly and irretrievably.
- There is also a limited amount of gas that can be extracted from those storage caverns because as the pressure of the cold gas is relieved by extraction into the ambient pipeline flow, the pressure to expand - hence to flow out of the valves - is reduced. The increasingly empty cavern itself absorbs more of the expanded gas, creating an internal pressure against additional flow out. This means something between a third and a half of the stored gas cannot be easily drawn into the ambient flow. The more empty the storage cavern, the slower the rate of draw becomes, eventually becoming negligible. If you have no or very weak ambient flow, the drawing capacity is very weak and once the head pressure (my term) inherent in a cavern full of compressed gas has been released into the ambient flow, the balance of the stored gas will just sit in the cavern.
- It’s often not effective to try to push the gas out by introducing another medium. Something heavier than the natural gas - air or water, for example. In the first place because either can add moisture to the gas, which makes it more volatile and more in need of being dried out before being burned at its end point. In the second place because that kind of effort can encourage the gas to seep out through the porous surrounding materials, or through fissures, etc. It can also exaggerate the porosity and fissure characteristics, exacerbating the loss into surrounding media.
- There is no coordination between countries - or even between storage facilities within each country - on standards and methods of preparing storage facilities, what kind of materials are used for storage, or how gas is secured and later extracted. In fact because of the differences in ground, it’s not possible to have a uniform approach. Each facility has unique conditions and demands for management. This means there can be no shared, consistent approach to recovering the gas. When there’s no ambient flow through the gas pipeline - the only constant between storage facilities and across national boundaries - there is no way to coordinate the flow, hence no way to know how much of the stored gas can actually be recovered, and recovered safely. This creates an unknown amount of actually extractable gas that can be used to heat. It’s a critical matter when the ambient pipeline flow has been eliminated.
- Unique conditions for each facility also means that each has to train up its own employees; lose some and there’s a long learning/training curve. It’s not possible to simply shift staff from one facility to another. Inexperienced staff can cause unsafe conditions - especially when the ambient flow is greatly reduced or gone, and so the efforts to release stored gas into the pipeline has to be handled much more carefully.
Upshot: it’s an effed up predicament - an untried experiment - that is being depended upon for some level of mitigation of the winter’s needs. That contribution cannot actually be quantified in these new conditions because no one knows how it’s going to work in reality, and in his opinion it is sure to disappoint. Handled poorly, it could even lead to some explosive disasters.
Note: I can’t guarantee I got that all correctly; in fact, I’m sure I got some of it wrong. I know nothing about gas properties and behaviors, or about the tech of storing and moving gases. But I think I read through the complicated presentation fairly well, and got at least the basic drift, the gist of the argument. I have no idea whether he knows what he’s talking about .
That’s funny, @suziegruber.
Great job. Thank you. Seems reasonable. Things are more complicated than you might think at first blush.
“Put gas in ground, take it back out” is how it’s represented in the media.
It’s trickier than that. Who knew?
Thanks for that compilation. Some of those thoughts occurred to me as I was trying to cogitate my way through the maze of Vilches’ mangled prose but I abandoned trying to make coherent sense of it all since it was so poorly put together. You compiled it very logically.
I have two things to add.
One, he noted that leakage of water from the cavern walls can, and will, get into the compressed gas. When the gas is quickly expanded it may result in freezing and generation of methane hydrates (a lattice work of frozen methane and water) which could permanently damage all the piping in the storage facility.
Two, I read another article by him about replacing oil from Russian pipeline with tanker supplied oil. That article had equally mangled prose but nonetheless I was able to deduce a number of logical arguments that made sense. So maybe he knows something but just is unable to communicate effectively.
To complete the thought…it’s GDP as a gross measure of social sophistication that also permits the population to expand.
A little bit due to increased survival/decreased mortality but mostly due to expanded food production.
I don’t have the data on that, but that’s the hypothesis I’d start with if I were looking into it more deeply.
This was an excellent watch, thanks!
Mike-from-Jersey, thanks for that, esp. the first addendum. That clarifies a bit of confusion I had about the water issue.
Michaux’s Amazing Chart
Prof. Simon Michaux’s chart is mind blowing. Where can I find it to copy and share with my Greenie friends?
You can find the data within the video linked in a comment below by Epistemology Proponent. Seek and ye shall find ?
I just talked to someone about this and about Chris’ YouTube video.
He said that he believes it.
He also said, “now imagine if the politicians came clean and admitted, after all this, that renewables will not work. There would be anarchy.”
Interview With Simon Michaux
Here is another interesting interview with Simon Michaux https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0pt3ioQuNc
I’ve been thinking about this lately: Why is China pursuing such a crazy zero-covid policy AND not using mrna vaccines? As if insulating their population from both are their highest possible priorities…
More Narrative Stupidity
Biden administration energy advisor Amos Hochstein admitted Wednesday that while the regime wants to increase oil production in the short term, its overall aim is to limit it in order to “accelerate the transition”.
Appearing on CNN, Hochstein proclaimed “I think we have been clear that we want to see the U.S. industry increase oil production.”
Then in the same breath, Hochstein stated that the main goal is to limit production of fossil fuel derived energy now in order to “make sure that we’re in a better footing to accelerate the transition.”
Biden Energy Advisor Admits That Admin Wants To Limit Oil Production "To Accelerate The Transition"Transition? He must be talking about a "transition" to the Middle Ages.
China has an mRNA vaccine. But it has not approved an American mRNA vaccine.
I also wonder about the zero covid policy. I am told by people I know in China that the zero covid policy is a matter of some controversy there. Some say that if it were lifted - since so few in China have been infected - that the disease would race through the population and have a significant effect on the economy (even though Omicron is mild) just because of the sheer number infected.
Others in government say that the zero covid policy itself is having too much of an adverse effect and wish to abandon the policy.
I have two “conspiracy theories” about it. Here they are:
Conspiracy Theory One: The Chinese know or fear that Covid 19 is a bioweapon with a delayed trigger. They are waiting for that trigger to “go off” and then take down the rest of the planet.
Conspiracy Theory Two: The Chinese are deliberately slowing manufacturing since they know (due to the Ukraine debacle) that the EU and the USA are about to go into terminal decline. The EU won’t be able to pay for manufactured goods and the US can only tender increasingly worthless dollars. So the Chinese are slowing down their economy until they can re-orient trade to Asia, Africa and to the domestic market. At the same time the manufacturing drought will hasten the decline of the US and the EU.
I have no facts to back up these theories. They are just ideas that occurred to me when I was trying to puzzle out why on earth they won’t let Omicron run through the population and get it over with.