Coronavirus: A Dangerous Geo-Political Blame Game Erupts

wondering which one I should buy and what comparison is to growing on ground in florida

Good advice! is a good site for freeze dried food, as it is much less expensive than the others. Their shipping is several months out now, but I’m telling all my family to order anyway. They’ll need it for this winter.

Why did we not act?
With all of our satellites and spies on the ground in China, there is no way that we did not know exactly what was going on there…from day one.

For what its worth, I can‘t believe this ia real graph based on data because in several places it fails the vertical line test. In those places there are two y-values for a given x-value. Admittedly, the overall point being made by the graph is cogent, but even so, you have to wonder.

mntnhousepermi, thank you for the tips. I didn’t realize that kale and chard can take the cool nights, I’ll look into when is the best time to plant. I may need to rig up some kind of cold frame as we still have snow right now and sometimes get more in April/May. Cheers!

The Medical Morons told us it didn’t go airborne. That was bald-face lie. Lawsuits?

Linda, thank you for the deck garden ideas. Yes, we do have a bit of wall on one side where maybe we could scale up some cherry tomatoes. As for borrowing land from people, that’s an interesting thought. We live in an alpine forest resort community with very sandy soil, but I do have some friends who might have some extra space. Not sure how the idea of a community garden would fly here, it’s very upscale, but in these times you never know, it may work. Thanks again for the ideas!

Oh, that’s right, I forgot about microgreens! I used to grow them in Puerto Rico when we lived there. Thank you. And I love the idea of quart jars, much prettier than trays. I just hope I can get some jars and fresh seeds at this late date.

Thanks for the Aerogarden idea, that seems like an immediate solution I can put in place while assembling the deck garden. Cheers!

Good thoughts, and yes, we have a lot of canned food in the garage… :slight_smile: Thanks for the link to the year-round operation, I’ll check it out, our climate is similar.

Kale is even winter hardy, to an extent, light snow, when it is not much below freezinf is fine and it grows thru it. Chard would be killed by a freeze but likes cooler nights just fine.

I have a very good friend who is a vendor for Walmart. He was up at WHQ a few years ago and the Walmart rep said " Hey come with me I want to show you something" He took him to a building on the HQ campus. He told me it was at least 50k sf… It had large screens on the walls with all kind of world and US maps. It was loaded with cubicles and each cubicle had a computer terminal and phone. He told me there were only 5 or 6 people in there but the rep said when something hits it will be full. I can only imagine it is full now. If people will think back to Katrina the only supplies getting into New Orleans were on Walmart trucks. My friend assured me that the Walmart supply chain will be running. Of course I reminded him they would be running if there was stuff to put on them. BTW Walmart has a pretty incredible computer setup with a complete redundancy in Missouri. They monitor every detail of every Walmart and Sam’s store. That includes utility/energy usage, inventory, labor etc. If a cooler or freezer door is left open in any store for more than 15 minutes the manager gets a phone call.
Walmart is hiring 100-150k new employees. It is in their best interests to keep the ship afloat and society peaceful. Clearly Walmart is in bed with the government as many other corporations are, but I found this new level of cooperation a little surprising

another example of the australian media and leadership struggling with the commonsense of wearing a mask:
Australian ABC news program “the drum” episode from 2/4/2020 (dates are backward, compared to US) , at the 45 minute mark:
all of them except the interviewer, searched for reasons NOT to wear a mask. why is it so hard in Australia?. it must be a cultural thing. we dont have enough logical / science explaining in the aussie media. i think logic and science helps cement ideas in peoples minds. some of the information the peakprosperity site and in the links in the comments have been fantastic. peak prosperity has been saving lives.

Now you’re taking on blame itself?!?! The confusion that may be even greater than the human shortcoming of not understanding the exponential function? WHAT?! Will you stop at nothing!??! Way to go Chris!
The thing to remember about blame is that it always diverts us away from our authentic power. That’s true on a personal level. It’s also true on a socio-political level. Whether blame is aimed at others or ourselves, I have found that blame makes it much harder to shift out of the passive (victim) mindset and actually take responsibility for our own well-being and those around us. Trump blaming China, or anyone else, for how things are going with the pandemic in the US is troublesome, to say the least.
You are right to be concerned that blame is showing up amidst severe economic difficulties. It’s happened many times throughout history and it is the thing that stands in the way of actually creating systemic change. It is the thing that disperses our collective energy away from building something new. You are right to be thinking about this. And I wonder what Charles Eisenstien would say about it, in terms of not treating blame as an enemy to be conquered. I have found it useful to simply attempt to drop all blame, not engage in it. Try it and see if you can adopt a policy of no blame, even just for a day. See what shifts. (It was a huge challenge for me at first, but it’s been well worth the effort to keep untangling that knot.)
I’ve found blame to be problematic because it tends to be a pre-cursor to punishment (either active or passive). No one wants to be punished! So no one wants to be blamed! If we associate blame with punishment, and think it’s our fault, for example, that we are overweight, then any action we take to change that may feel like punishment and be hard to sustain. Same with climate change. If we feel like it is our fault that the planet is dying, the actions we take to curb fossil fuel emissions may also feel like punishment and be hard to sustain. The trick is to remove blame but not responsibility/accountability. We all perform better in situations where we are not being told we are bad or it’s our fault. It’s easier to see the possible steps we could be taking when we aren’t feeling bad about ourselves. When blame is removed, so is the threat of punishment. That opens possibilities that do not exist within the paradigm of domination and control.

Chris, How accurate to you think these projections are from
Looks like some states are using this as guidance.

Chris Martenson has been calling out the CPC and the WHO for 2 months, but now that is politically incorrect? I guess I am not following the logic. The incompetency and dissimulation of the US intelligence apparatus notwithstanding, China has “disappeared” doctors who have attempted to alert the world about the scourge of SARS-COV-2 since at least December of 2019. Dr. Tedros, number 1 at the WHO, has stated that, “the racist stigma against China secondary to COVID-19 is worse than the health threat.” The headline case count in China magically plateaued in the low 80K range. The Wuhan Center for Disease Control & Prevention (WHCDC) is 280 meters from the Wuhan “Wet Market” where the virus supposedly originated, yet there has been no official acknowledgment from the CPC that surgery was performed on live bats (Rhinolophus affinis) carrying Bat CoV ZC45 at this facility and a researcher was attacked by a bat, showering him with bat blood. (Botao Xiao and Lei Xiao, The possible origins of 2019-nCoV coronavirus, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou Province China, Research Gate Preprint Feb 2020)
Critical thinking should not be checked at the door of political correctness.

I live in SE US climate. Too rainy for good sun here. So, light is a challenge for me though temps are not. Also , if i grew anything id have to fight wildlife for it. So i do all indoor hydroponics with grow lights… Its not much, and its expensive, but it will be needed.

In case anyone hasn’t seen this one - trust the Japanese origami mind-set to give us this. A handkerchief might be a bit thin, and few people have them these days, but any 18" square of suitable fabric would do: