Coronavirus: A Dangerous Geo-Political Blame Game Erupts

Thank you for the interesting post and link.
I would like to add an additional component to the geographic distribution of COVID-19.
The below link succinctly describes what’s happening with angiotensin II and COVID-19

The virus destroys the cells that carry the membrane bound ACE2 receptors, leading to an imbalance in the RAS with more angiotensin II. Increased angiotensin II in diabetics and hypertensives is precisely why these are the top two comorbidities for COVID 19 and stand to gain the most from an ARB approach, esp in those homozygous for the ACE deletion (D) allele (v the insertion allele I), which would be Iranians, Italians and the Spanish. That's why IMHO Asians have a lower COVID death rate.
That’s why children with lower ACE/ACE2 ratios do better than the elderly, who have much higher ratios.
Review Table 2

That book 4th turning , Chris was talking about, I have not gotten a chance to read it, BUT he mentioned part of it is “loss of trust with authority.”
I feel like that now with Yellowstone. I see officially they say, there is nothing to worry about. But they also said that about covid.
There is probably nothing to worry about. But I don’t trust authorities and will be watching activity there closely. Hopefully there won’t be any.

Hey Chris and Adam,
Curtis Stone, an Urban Farmer who has done great online videos about how to make a living as a farmer, just came out with a rather surprising video. He has long advised about how to grow micro greens, but in the last few days he has said he is going to switch to calorie crops (beans, etc.) as he sees the need for this going forward. He is a polite, very practical (a business-man farmer) and soft spoken Canadian, so to hear him talk about potential food shortages really caught my attention. I think an interview with him would really help inform people as we think about what we can realistically raise in our gardens.

Determine the needed group immunity. Say 85%. The 15% oldest and most vulnerable should quarantine.
By sending the young you minimize hospital overload. This virus will NOT leave the country before 85% are infected.
Broad quarantine and face masks simply do not work.
Furthermore by taking vitamine C and, in overdrive when infected, will be enough to protect the vast majority from damage.
So sad, the West have just a few factories.

The important thing to remember about finger-pointing is that while you are pointing one finger at someone, there are three on that same hand pointing back to you. But thinking about things like that seems to make finger-pointers uncomfortable and then they act out.
The historical reaction to a financial or political mess is to hold a war and invite all your young men to come and be heroes. It keeps them off the streets and out of trouble, you know, riots, marches, etc. and makes privation at home supposedly more patriotic because–we must support our boys. Now that women are such a big part of the military, we will probably be told to support our men and women or our troops, since support our boys and girls just sounds totally wrong.
And…we would be able to afford it since we have the magical monetary goose that can keep laying golden eggs ad infinitum. That should take our minds off the pitchforks, don’t you think?

Hi Mohammed,
how about a temporary morgue, that started being built around the 13th of January?
about 11 weeks ago today, a hole was run through a fence on a country lane near to me. Then about two miles of electrical cabling was laid using about 20 workmen.
After this, a series of trucks came by, and some very high quality tarmac was laid in the compound, along with expensive high fencing, and an array of security lighting.
The results of this were advertised in my local online newspaper just yesterday : -
Temporary morgue set up in South Devon as more coronavirus deaths are confirmed
A temporary mortuary using refrigerated lorry containers has been set up close to Torbay Hospital as the number of deaths from coronavirus rose by three to 10 in the South Devon area.
The site has been selected ‘after careful consideration’ because of its proximity to Torbay Hospital at a former plant hire and supply yard in Kingskerswell, Torbay Council has confirmed in a statement.
The death toll for Devon has risen by six to 23 in Devon today, with three further deaths in Torbay and South Devon Healthcare Trust, bringing the total at the hospital to 10.
Refrigerated lorry containers have been seen arriving at the former John Craxford Ltd yard on the rural fringes between Torbay and Teignbridge, close to the A380 Devon Expressway.
“We hope that we will not need to use this facility. However, it is only right that we prepare for any eventuality and focus on those members of our community that will need our support during this difficult time.
"We are making these arrangements in a calm and measured way and are not proposing to give further details at this time given the sensitivity. However, such preparations remind us of the importance of observing social distancing and following the Government’s instructions to stay at home unless absolutely necessary.”

from my facebook EM Docs group about his Manhattan hospital:
“My entire hospital is covid. Including pregnant women. People young and old. People with young kids. These patients are so scared and anxious, gasping for air and dying so fast and we can’t help them. We are doing random trials on different floors but don’t seem to be helping. It’s devastating to them and their families and to us.
Our surgeons are covering ICU, traching people left and right. It’s a catastrophe and it’s only going to get worse…

I don’t know how we are going to keep this going for the next 2 months. Or more. They die alone. Isolated. [This is the saddest part for me. :-( ] We have only weaned 5 people off ventilators out of >100. Basically once these people are intubated it’s likely the end for them. We had an 18yr old on ECMO. The city is silent. All you hear are sirens. On one of the 12 covid icu floors where one of our NPs was floated to - he said 9 people died in the past 24hrs just on that floor. We are training primary care NPs to take care of inpatients. It’s all hands on deck. Ophthalmologists, ortho fellows are covering covid patients on the floor. Everyone is now a covid provider.”

Here is Zelenko AGAIN taking time to explain to us how to save people… it’s all about getting hydroxychloroquine and the accompanying meds early in the progression of the disease. Of special note in this video, starting at minute 21:20, is lawyer and biochem exec Gregory Rigano who gets very passionate about the very messed up politicizing of this medication that is going on… I like that you can hear his holy fury… I feel exactly as he does. Also, listen to Zelenko explain how Cuomo has made it hard to get this drug in NY to use correctly… what a freaking mess.
Rigano speaks directly to doctors who might be willing to prescribe: Don’t be on the wrong side of history. Indeed. Death to the deepstate. Amen

I reposted this to my FB timeline, without making any comment. The words speak for themselves.
Thank you for everything. Be safe.

Pre-publication article.
"In summary, we found that ferrets and cats are highly susceptible to SARS-CoV-2, dogs have low susceptibility, and livestock including pigs, chickens, and ducks are not susceptible to the virus."

[A lot of people have/will get sick and die waiting for this declaration. Very late in coming, but still prudent.]
Trump Administration Expected to Recommend Wearing Cloth Masks (Source)

Chris has often pointed out in his videos that the Chinese data on coronavirus cannot be trusted. It is obvious that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has not been honest with the Chinese people nor the rest of the world about this pandemic–from the very beginning. Many thousands of people have died, and many more will die, in large part, because of the actions of the CCP.
Of course there must be consequences for such behavior.
That does not mean war…there are many other ways to punish the CCP that do not involve the loss of more life. When Chris talks about the “blame game” I assume and hope that he is not implying there should not be any consequences for the CCP. Of course there must be consequences. Serious ones.

Your discovery of Curtis Stone’s realization that “gee I can grow my own spices!” must be converted into a desire to get real plant energy for real people comports with the energy story. Energy is the master resource. This is true for food as well as cars and machines. If you look at the earliest TV and radio commercials made for a population that was living close to the land, the first thing you notice is the emphasis on the selling of energy to get up and go and get real work done at the job.
After the reset, we will focus more on food energy and less on protein and vitamins. Cant use the protein for structural building or vitamins for coenzyme activity if there is insufficient energy. And, one lesson from studying the biochemistry of nutrition is that as a mineral or trace nutrient becomes more scarce in the diet, the body adapts to more efficiently absorb, and more efficiently recycle that nutrient. The actual, real requirement for that nutrient or mineral drops with scarcity. You dont hear this basic fact from the mass media or from the boutique media(s) which are funded by convincing you that you must buy and consume more of their life-giving nutrient.
This is analogous to our society generally. Dont need a 200 hp car to go 2 miles to the store for a loaf of bread. Everyone can think of numerous examples here.
Energy is the master resource. We don’t need the politicians and their sycophants to get what we need. Take Back The Power!

We’ve just had an update on the situation in New Zealand and our Director-General of Health claimed that, to date, there were no documented cases of asymptomatic transmission. Given Chris’s advice on asymptomatic transmission, it seems to me that there has been such documented cases. Our Director-General of Health says it might still be possible but surely that statement should be stronger. Are there links to information about asymptomatic transmission?

Very interesting. Is it anywhere near Devonshire?

From the Herald today (NZ) ""people are most infectious during the first few days.

He said people could be infections for one to three day before they showed symptoms,""

And anecdotally out of the papers here there seem to be a number of people infecting partners or friends before they feel unwell..... That is asymptomatic transmission.   However there is a lack of documented evidence that someone who never exhibited symptoms and infecting someone else, but finding a case like that would be hard to do logistically even if it was happening. Germany might be able to do it with their testing levels, but proving that it does not happen is even harder.  

So many things in the thread to address. Well beyond the blame game. But i have been saying , I saw this coming since chris did. I was doing my homework coming to the same conclusions a day to two before I came across chris’ first video on this.
And meanwhile , the US CDC, and others never saw in coming. These people are willfully negligent. This includes the president. It includes early publication of the the CDC - stating the risk in the US was low. And that it doesnt spread on surfaces , and it only spreads in close contact of known victims. etc etc… and masks dont work… And we wont test anyone that didnt come from china. Negligent , negligent and negligent. These officials had no right to say this if they were unsure… also stating the flu kills more … dont worry about this , worry about the flu… All in the media as well… negligent , negligent… a prudent person would never act in such disregard in of human life… These people it were their jobs… they got paid for it … center for disease control… but its the center for disease propagation… and propaganda. should call themselves CDPandP. All these people and others (trump ) … should go to jail… mind lose their jobs.

I would say neither. In comparison to farming on the ground in florida… Florida and California, are aggie states. You have a boatload of sun , things should thrive there except things that are not heat tolerant. So, space available - you should get a good garden. You can do larger hydroponics outdoors. Just get yourself a water pump and some PVC and go to town.

Contrarian view on Covid-19:
Not sure what the reliability of the piece is.
The balance is a difficult one to get right in the complexity of many factors with many unknowns:

  • (Potential) severity of the epidemic itself, reaction undershoot (Sweden?) vs reaction overshoot (comprehensive lock-down). Intelligent precautionary principle seems the best approach. 'Hammer' and you manage the short-term problem, but leave the underlying vulnerability (non-immune population) until an effective vaccine is available. Managed propagation brings herd-immunity, but risks blowing up in your face if assumptions are wrong.
  • 'Pull it' in the economy; try to keep economy afloat vs 'all-in' on flattening the curve. Managed demolition to address the underlying vulnerabilities in the economy and rebalance physical economy and its resource base (environment and real society) vs financial economy would be most adequate -> not gonna happen... The medium- and long-term economic fall-out is probably going to be severe.
  • Political and social trust: justified and unjustified destruction of trust (emergency response is always a gamble and mistakes are part of it, how these are managed and will be interpreted will be important though) mixed with emotions will also generate severe fall-out. Interesting the approaches of China and Russia vs USA and EU, this will have a tail for several dogmas and existing institutions...
Does anyone have an opinion on Pepe Escobar article ? Interesting times...  

Perhaps good news?