Coronavirus: A Dangerous Geo-Political Blame Game Erupts

Well, this case appears to document asymptomatic transmission though it isn’t conclusive.

HI Mohammed,
it’s roughly two miles from Torquay.
Anyway, I think I owe you a Romeo No. 3 Coronita cigar from a few years back. Drop by some time. The spring lambs and blossom in a quiet corner of countryside - with a horizon peppered with 300 year old oak trees - await you, feigning a locked-down police state …

Interesting article Afridev! Isn’t “Strategic Culture Foundation” banned from PeakProsperity in the minds of some who frequent this site? Regardless, the author’s dire conclusions are well worth examining:

The fact is that, all over Planet Lockdown, a groundswell of public opinion is leaning towards defining the current state of affairs as a global psyop: a deliberate global meltdown – the New Great Depression – imposed on unsuspecting citizens by design.

The powers that be, taking their cue from the tried and tested, decades-old CIA playbook, of course are breathlessly calling it a “conspiracy theory”. Yet what vast swathes of global public opinion observe is a – dangerous – virus being used as cover for the advent of a new, digital financial system, complete with a forced vaccine cum nanochip creating a full, individual, digital identity.

The most plausible scenario for our immediate future reads like clusters of smart cities linked by AI, with people monitored full time and duly micro-chipped doing what they need with a unified digital currency, in an atmosphere of Bentham’s and Foucault’s Panopticum on overdrive.

So if this is really our future, the existing world-system has to go. This is a test, this is only a test.

Personally, I don’t want to debate whether this whole virus crisis was intentionally created from the get-go to engineer some rather severe political, financial, and economic changes or whether TPTB are simply taking advantage of a crisis that has been handed to them at an opportune time. Whatever “they” are up to we’re going to have to deal with it right now. We can conduct a forensic investigation later when it comes time for the “Truth Commission.”

For those who may have missed Afridev’s link, here it is:

Anybody else want to engage with us on this subject?

I’m an environmentalist and a university professor that teaches environmental science. We have know about global overshoot and collapse since 1972 when Limits to Growth was published. It was updated by the original authors in 1980, 1990, 2000, and by Australian researcher Graham Turner around 2010. His graphs may point to what is now occurring.
This comes from the Guardian article with my 2020 line added.

I cannot believe any trained and educated person, whose claimed area of expertise includes epidemiology, could possibly be underwhelmed by the coronavirus outbreak in China, from its very first reporting.
I cannot blame the President, as he is not a professed medical expert, nor responsible for the information he is given regarding areas outside of his personal experience. This would be the fault of experts, who deliberately failed to inform the President of the facts, which can only be by deliberate intent.
As I have explained before, those with the data are in control of who they inform, what they inform, and how they do so.
If one wishes someone to look like a fool, all you need do is to give them foolish advise, giving them only enough data any rational person would interpret in such a manner as to arrive at an ineffectual, incorrect, or foolish conclusions, which generate foolish actions. We did this with Jimmy Carter, for example.
The nonsense streaming from every “responsible” mouth at the onset of this pandemic is evidence of deliberate misinformation by those, who cannot be considered to be ignorant of the actual facts. The continuous spewing of the nonsense, for such a long time, by public officials, can only mean a coordinated effort to prevent effective action from being taken against the coronavirus.
I know SARS-CoV-19 is a modified virus. I had thought its release to be accidental.
But, I am beginning to doubt this, as I cannot explain the ignorance displayed by those, whose ignorance should not exist.
I remember my training and the tactics of biological war…of why a nation might release a pathogen in order to achieve a goal…while being able to plausibly deny their deliberate part, to escape negative repercussions. Wars can be fought in the shadows, and winners and losers, are determined without fanfare, and secretly.

From its very first publication, this book has been mandatory reading in American schools from Junior High…to College.
I remember writing a paper on its fallacies in 1973, then forgot the book existed, as I knew with certainty it was, at best, a poor effort to legitimize government control over all means of production.
I would assume it would need to be updated continually to keep it in focus with its intended readers, targeted for its effect. I love all the graphs, too.
I wonder how the original book’s graphs of future trends from 1972, appear to the educated eye today?
Oh, and Professor…Man-made CO2 has absolutely no impact on Earth’s Climate, whatsoever. All efforts to reduce our CO2 contribution, to “Save The Planet,” are meaningless.
Not only is reducing CO2 production not going to have ANY effect on Climate, removing 100% of all Human CO2, would also have NO EFFECT on the Climate.
Here is one of my illustrations to aid people to actually understand this topic better:

Oh, and by the way…
The greatest green house gas in our atmosphere is WATER VAPOR…and guess, what? Water vapor absorbs the SAME energy wavelength as CO2 does…totally swamping any ability of CO2 to do so, and to contribute to Global Warming…in ANY WAY. Plus, should a CO2 molecule actually absorb some energy…it can radiate this energy in ANY DIRECTION…not just back a Earth.
If you feel a warm breeze on a Summer night…it will not be because of CO2, but Water Vapor.
Besides, the Earth’s climate has been cooling off for the last 8,000 years. It has only warmed up since the end of the Little Ice Age, which ended about 1850-80. Yet, we are still colder than we were just 6,000 years ago…despite the CO2 levels.
If anything, this current inter-glacial period is nearly at its end…and Global Cooling is very much more dangerous to Humanity…than what allows us to even exist on Earth at all…CO2.

I’m trying to find the repost he did from the EM doctor in Manhattan here. I put it up on FB and now I’m getting push back from a few people claiming that its fake because they want to know the hospital. Not that I expect Sandpuppy to identify it, but I’d like to invite the detractors here to read the original so they can make their own mind up.

Pangiagreg, that was a very misleading headline. Pompeo did not order all American citizens to return to the US, period. I had to read that miserable article to discover this. I resent being sent there, given that I am outside the US. You could have easily warned us that the headline is not true so as to prevent us going to a more than likely virus laden website. After this, I will not click on any of your links.

The Limits to Growth observed trends and their collisions, predicted breaking points in the way things are going.

These kinds of “big picture takes” is the reason that I have been a PP member for many years. Chris Martenson, Gail Tverberg, Charles Hugh Smith, Richard Heinberg, James Howard Kunstler, to name just a few, have been seeing this bigger trend for a long time.
We didn’t know if the catalyst would be the price of oil, a war, a pandemic, climate change crushing food production, floods, droughts, hurricanes, the decimation of the insect populations or what. But something.
And then, damn, here it really is happening.
It reminds me to think in terms of this as a Long Emergency and an inflection point in human history, not just as a “12 week quarantine.”

And I must suspect that Afridev and thc0655 (quoting Pepe Excobar’s article) are correct, that some will try a totalitarian takeover in the chaos.
Here you go dtrammel

...I share this vignette as a means of showing that there are always signs. We, for whatever reason, miss them, or we ignore them for political purposes, or we refuse to believe them because they contradict the core tenets of our belief system.

I believe that China's actions today may be telegraphing an intent we are choosing to ignore. They show all the signs of a nation preparing to attack America. China seeks a bespoke world run by China with "Chinese characteristics" — a dream that under Trump was drifting away.

China appears to be laying the groundwork for a "justified" attack on the United States, perhaps in the South China Sea or perhaps elsewhere. It will be a military attack, not an act of terrorism, and the excuse will be America's deliberate transmission of COVID-19 in Wuhan.

When the Chinese became accusatory, it's telling that they didn't blame the CIA, always the usual suspect. No, they blamed it on American soldiers.

American military deliberately infecting China is an act of war worthy of a military response.

In October, the 2019 World Military Games were held in Wuhan. Chinese media triumphantly trumpeted the Americans winning just eight medals, while China won 239. It was then that we supposedly infected Wuhan citizens with the "American virus."

China is now defenestrating foreign media, sending home reporters from the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and Washington Post at just the opportune moment. No nation wants journalists around when it is planning a sneak attack.

And with its economy ravaged by Trump's trade war and the virus shutdown, and now back at full production, while America's economy is in total shutdown and in the grip of an active pandemic, there will never be a better time to attack.

Here in America, the Democrats along with corporate media eagerly buy China's lies surrounding the nascence of the worldwide pandemic, the propaganda blaming America, the stories of Chinese benevolence, and the efficiency of Chinese methods in getting control of the virus at home. They are actively supporting China's version of the truth. China has every reason to believe they will continue to do so.

When or if China attacks, the left (the Dems, Antifa, and BLM) will flood the streets with anti-war protesters designed to stop America from responding to China's attacks. After all, don't we deserve it? We elected Trump, didn't we?

China claims there are no new infections when there is ample evidence that that claim is a lie. But the Chinese know that by the time people understand, it will be too late. They will have struck, and any new cases will be used to bolster their casus belli. Those Chinese who perish in the interim of silence will have died for the fatherland.

Conservative media have been neither as naïve nor as malicious as their mainstream brethren, often writing that China's behavior, with the denials and accusations, is merely a clumsy and foolish attempt to convince the world.

I don't see it this way. I think China is doing this to convince its own citizens more than anyone else. The Chinese communists can survive the world's condemnations, especially if they defeat America, but they live and die by controlling their own population. When they attack an American naval ship in the South China Sea, they won't need to worry about the support of their own nation because they will have convinced the people that America started the war and a peaceful and beneficent China was reluctantly, and only as a last resort, defending itself.

China is facing a demographic time bomb and has ten years to rewrite the facts on the ground. It is facing a quandary of epic proportions. It won't be long before it has the oldest population on the planet. Those people will be old before they are rich.

China's business model is existentially flawed. It has extraordinary debt that is multiples of its GDP, having grown exponentially through government funding of empty cities, military buildup, high-speed rail to nowhere, a Belt and Road initiative that's becoming obvious to partner countries as a means of colonialist extortion, and various other nonproductive government lending to CCP members. Its vaunted reserves will soon disappear.

China is also a nation, thanks to the "one child" initiative, that has hundreds of millions of young men with no prospect of marriage. Hundreds of millions of "incel" men make for either an angry and expendable fighting force or a bane upon society.

China is on the clock. Today, it is formidable, with a sophisticated and capable military. The Chinese may be able to win a confrontation, even a war, with the United States. Under Obama's policy of surrender, China had a chance of overtaking us economically while growing its military until its primacy was a fait accompli. But Trump killed that dream with his trade war, exposing the inherent weaknesses of the Chinese economy. And should the aftermath of the pandemic play out without interference, China's position in the world will be irreparably damaged.

What does China have to lose?

Time is not on China's side. Unless the Chinese destroy us on the field of battle soon, the clock will run out, and the dream of the coming "Chinese century" will be just that: a dream.

Everything they are doing points to them preparing to do so.

For China, there will never be a better time to start a war with America.

I just checked my bank records. My Social Security income minus my Medicare payments on 12/2019 and before was $10/m (not the real numbers). Then on 1/2020, just as the CV19 news was hitting the press, my SS suddenly dropped and my MC exploded. My net SS-MC income is now around $6/m. That’s a 40% cut in one month. So much for the much heralded trump income tax break for the 99.9%
Something is really fishy here. I smell another more subtle 911. The patriot act was pushed through right after 911. It was a massive document that was sitting on the sidelines and ready to go. There is now a bill in congress that has a hidden encryption killing thing buried deep in the bowels. Who knows what else is going on behind the scenes.

On 21st Century Wire
Citizens with cameras go to hospitals to video non existent lines.
All to destroy the economy and get more control. Why?
And numbers are NOT logarithmic anymore.

Hi THC, wasn’t aware that Strategic-Culture wasn’t considered ‘kosher’ at PP :). It does have its biases, but I do find many of the articles interesting and I like the writing and analysis from people like Alastair Crooke, Tom Luongo, Pepe Escobar and others. I may be a bit gullible so now and then ;).
As often, independent of whether a certain event has been ‘doctored’ (I think the timing for the epidemic interesting, but that’s no proof of anything, and don’t want to go there) there are people who will try to benefit from it, and the closer to power you are, the easier it is to tweak conditions and outcomes in a given context.
I’m not sure if Pepe Escobar is onto soemthing or not, I’m interested in hearing what others think. I often find his writing insightful, but don’t have the means to check whether what he advances is correct. It seems to be going far, and it seems like a poker-game with very high stakes, but that’s where we seem to be at the world stage for the moment, there doesn’t seem to be much more left to squeeze… Might as well go for make-or-break.
So it’s not a theory I want to advance or support, just a call for second opinions (and possible links to alternative sources that point toward or against this theory).

Yep, no differences of opinion tolerated here! Lets hate those who don’t agree with us smart, superior folks!

SO, your medicare premiums went up. Social security payouts did not go down. This has nothing to do with income tax, either.
So, since base medicare also did not rise by 40%, you must be part of a medicare add-on. Are you part of a medicare advantage plan ? Or a medicare supplemental plan ? These are not government programs, they are private insurance, from private insurance companies that you choose to buy. Different people choose different options for this and which drug insurance they buy, but part C drug coverage did not take that big of a bite.
The only other way, if you do not have a supplemental or advantage plan that your premiums would rise that way would be if your previously qualified for a low income program that paid your part B premium for you and now you make too much money.
I think you are being disengenuous by claiming that the government is doing something to you or your check. Insurance companies are being bad this way to everyone.
Even medicare part B is something you choose to buy, if you only had medicare part A, the original medicare, the part that is hospital insurance only, you would have zero medicare premium a month.