Coronavirus: A Dangerous Geo-Political Blame Game Erupts

There is no reason to have a national grain reserve.
There are going to be somewhere around one billion bushels of wheat carryover stocks when harvest starts this spring. Corn is around 2 billion bushels and soybeans around 500 million last time I looked.

Great! Here come the EMP satellites!
I wonder if they will use the N.Korean EMP weapons, which are already in orbit?
Can you imagine all the power going bye-bye, while we are having fun with COVID-19?
Okay, gotta stock up on more Scotch!

re: #48
Thank you for reminding readers of what Peak Prosperity started as - a focus on the limits to growth (ecology, energy, economics). Not climate denial, nor speculation on bioengineered viruses or extreme political idiotology.
We are suffering from moron-a-virus-45, but that affliction is not limited to a particular political perspective. It’s not the end of the world but it might be the end of complacency.

Yes, most people will only think that a near-term collapse was caused by the virus and ignore all the primary causes: dependence of finite oil supply that’s peaking, degradation of renewable resources, refusal to develop renewable energy for 50 years, huge wage disparity, globalization for the o.1%, the list goes on and on. All those you’ve mentioned and countless more have been talking about these for 50 years and more to no avail. So what would we expect. Oh well, I’m glad I tried to do the same… Take care!

Imagine that? Not only are you a Climate Alarmist for a living, you managed to express every tired absurdity of the Socialist Green Movement. How unexpected!
All of your hot points are nonsense. And, I am certain, as you say…the nonsense goes on and on.
The Primary Cause of all Human induced suffering is, as it always has been, Irrationality…and the insanity it manifests.
Who is right? Who is wrong? The final arbiter of all truth is Existence itself. Reason is Man’s basic means of survival and is the only means, by which, Existence may be comprehended and identified. Thus, rational people tend to survive much better and longer than the irrational.
Unfortunately, most people’s intellects are not very rational, and their minds are full of contradictions, and are subject to the effects of unrealized emotional conditioning.
Not to worry! All is as it should be and the current state of the world could not have been otherwise. To think it could be different, is to think you could have been a other than what you are. Your identity is defined by Existence, as are all things.
What happens next, is also determined by Existence.

I don’t believe there is a single thing that you’ve written that I disagree with.
However, you write with an intellect that tells me you’re educated.
The educated tend to have far less off-spring, on average.
The opposite being true - on average - of the ignorant, we are being absolved of our credibility, while being over-powered in our rational by malignant shit-funnel’s, en-mass.
I don’t even think we could win this battle now.
Even if we started fire bombing.
Here’s one interpretation, anyhow : -

Ision said he was for profit. Can’t find the post to reference. So what do you think?
History has shown me that the pursuit of profit is rapacious and will destroy to the point of collapse, that which it interacts with and pursues. Look at the destruction reaped on West Virginia for coal. The destruction will be evidenced for thousands of years. Look at the collapse of the fishing industries. Etc
The indigenous cultures here in America had the belief of “if I eat, you eat, we all eat”. Conquers came and said that is a flawed belief system and it threatens our profit driven, power driven, hierarchal society and so the people and their way of life was destroyed. Now that profit driven system is on it’s way to destroying us all.

It’s funny how profit has become a dirty word for some. Money can be a dirty word for them too. These words take on emotional meanings based on an individual’s life experience. But both are actually rather neutral if you can view them objectively for what they actually are, nothing more, nothing less.
A capitalistic system is based on profit that rewards the capitalist for risking their capital. If there’s no profit, there’s no incentive for someone to risk their capital. Now there is such as thing as excessive or unethical profits like charging someone a 1,000% mark-up on a drug that is necessary for preservation of life but that’s a different matter. I think most people with a conscience can agree that that is wrong. But everything you buy earns a profit for the one making it or selling it, otherwise they wouldn’t do so and you’d have nothing to buy. A normal retail mark-up, for example, is 50%. Do you think it should be less? How about 10% … or 1% … or 0%? Would you work for 0% profit?
Did you ever have a job? Did you ever earn money? After you paid your bills, did you ever have some money left over and put it in the bank? That is your profit. Do you think you don’t deserve that? Would you work for nothing?
The examples you cite are not problems with profit. They are problems with greed. And greed has been a component of human nature since we were formed. And wanting something for nothing is one of the worst kinds of greed. It afflicts both rich and poor.
Perhaps this video will give you a bit of perspective on the issue.

I often send this to people to explain part of what is going on in the world today. Unfortunately, this tsunami of stupidity will sweep all of us along, regardless of level of intelligence or rationality. It’s an analogous situation to drunk drivers. If these dumb****s just took themselves out, there wouldn’t be much of a problem. But they all too often take the innocent and blameless with them. There’s the rub.

I just watched this documentary by John Pilger. For me it describes why the virus outbreak started in China. It’s almost 2 hours long.

Agreed. The West needs to wake up. Chinese children are taught that since the current nation of China has a 5000yr history of continuity, they are entitled to rule the world. As Confucianism is the prevailing belief, the eldest position is the one of power.
Face (self importance) is tantamount to Chinese society. It is important in all of Asia as well. Loss of money translates into lost face. The CCP will do anything to remain in control. As the economy crashes, it will be more difficult to supply the major mega-cities with necessities like food. Look for more aggressive international moves.
Here is a very simple explanation of how the Wuhan virus escaped the lab. It is done by a young man from upstate NY who lived in China for 10yrs, became language fluid, and married a Chinese lady.

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