Coronavirus: Are Our Scientists Lying To Us?

Prep101 just posted this link an I really enjoyed it. The Corbett Report does a wonderful job connecting dots to this pandemic as a planned event (aka a “Plandemic.”). I would like to recommend it to those who are not too averse to conspiracy stories.
Corbett starts by pointing out what significant financial distress was appearing in the financial and repo market especially in September 2019. The FED had started to increase its balance sheet and prominent bankers, like the Dutch, were talking about acquiring gold to serve as a foundation for a “new” economic system that would have to be launched after the present one toppled. John Titus explains that The FED is not responding because of the SC2, but the pandemic is cover for the toppling of the financial system Ponzi-scheme.
Then the White House shut down the pandemic early warning system, PREDICT, for global pandemics. As of September 30, the global surveillance system was taken off line and closed down. (This is reminiscent of the way that FDR removed cryptography and radar from the Hawaiian Islands in the months just before the “surprise attack” at Pearl Harbor.)
The first cases probably began circulating in October 2019. A time when 300 US troops and support staff were visiting Wuhan for the World Military Games.
Somehow, the NCMI completely failed to detect the pandemic developing. At least that is the public story.

Privately, several sources say that the NSC, Pentagon, White House, Israeli Intelligence and NATO were being secretly briefed in November.
Again, the “intelligence failures” and “confusion” is reminiscent of the deliberate failures of the FAA and NORAD air defense systems on 9/11.

China owns Nature magazine’s ass – Debunking “The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2” claiming COVID-19 definitely wasn’t from a lab Posted on March 19, 2020 by harvard2thebighouse

The arguments that SC2 "could not" be from a lab are flimsy. It may very well be from a lab. But which lab?

There are no accidents. its all by design… I hope enough people wake up after this … and get rid of our government and its politicians… bad actor scientists are just by product of this. It is time, before humanity is wiped from existence… and I do not think it will take much more… food shortages are enough. and then its all downhill from there.

Chris’s last video has blown my mind. This look like a consistent theory but I am not a professional virologist but an engineer in the industry. What scientists do next ? They try to disprove it as hard as they can. If they can disprove it, end of the game. If they can’t, then the theory is getting pretty solid.
I am currently looking for some ways nature could do RNA insertion/deletion. Interestingly, there is a wikipedia page on this topic. RNA insertion seems possible in some mitochondrias but I don’t know yet if this is relevant to humans RNA-viruses.
I also found this paper. It is about SARS-COV-2 and dates from February the 2nd. It belongs to to the field of virology. it is titled :
The spike glycoprotein of the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV contains a furin-like cleavage site absent in CoV of the same clade” and, at the beginning of page 4 (on 5), one can read : “Strikingly, the 2019-nCoV S-protein
sequence contains 12 additional nucleotides upstream of the single Arg↓ cleavage site 1 leading to a predictively solvent exposed PRRAR↓SV sequence, which corresponds to a canonical furinlike cleavage site”.
This article does not speak at all about how a sequence can be naturally inserted.
I keep digging. If you find something about it, I would be happy to know.

A mobile app developed by the Agricultural Bank of China (ABC) is already circulating on WeChat. This is in effect an interface linked to DCEP. Moreover, 19 restaurants and retail establishments including Starbucks, McDonald’s and Subway are part of the pilot testing. The meat of the matter is that a digital, sovereign yuan may be backed by gold. That’s not confirmed – yet. Gold could serve as a direct back up; to back bonds; or just lay there as collateral. What’s certain is that once Beijing announces a digital currency backed by gold, it will be like the U.S. dollar being struck by lightning.
That is a pretty big threat to US hegemony... Jan  

We may never know the truth. But I sure hope someone is investigating and asking the important questions. The virus is a crime against humanity and we need to respect those who have died enough to demand answers.
Peter, Paul & Mary
“How many deaths will it take till we know too many people have died”?

Aloha Dr. Martenson,
A post beyond excellent - very clear and concise.
To the “gain of function” virologists
“Ye doth protest too much.”
The membrane bound protease to which you refer is probably TMPRSS2 (trans membrane protease serine 2)
SARS-CoV-2 Cell Entry Depends on ACE2 and TMPRSS2 and Is Blocked by a Clinically Proven Protease Inhibitor
“Priming of coronavirus S proteins by host cell proteases is essential for viral entry into cells and encompasses S protein cleavage at the S1/S2 and the S2′ sites. The S1/S2 cleavage site of SARS-2-S harbors several arginineresidues (multibasic), which indicates high cleavability. …… Notably, the cleavage site sequence can determine the zoonotic potential of coronaviruses (Menachery et al., 2020, Yang et al., 2014, Yang et al., 2015), and a multibasic cleavage site was not present in RaTG13, the coronavirus most closely related to SARS-CoV-2. It will thus be interesting to determine whether the presence of a multibasic cleavage site is required for SARS-CoV-2 entry into human cells and how this cleavage site was acquired.”

When I get this kind of high grade information, I use it to complain to my representatives. This is a recent letter I wrote to our president - from actionable information compliments of Adam and Chris.
“Dear President Trump: Just listened to my go-to site for info on the virus here:
I KNEW I did not like Fauci and what I learned this morning confirms my gut instincts.
Had been reading/listening to snippets of Fauci’s connections to the Wuhan Lab and his fucking gain-of-function research. I’ve learned the NIH helped fund the Wuhan lab.
I’ve learned that Fauci, Daszak and others were involved in SarsCov research which began in 2014 and ended April 28, 2020.
What was the research? To make a bat virus MORE TRANSMISSIBLE BETWEEN SPECIES and MORE LETHAL. Woohoo! Yeah!
The Obama administration paused the viral gain of function research in 2014 and in 2017, during YOUR administration, the NIH conducted a secret review and determined the pause should be lifted because the benefits of such research outweighed the risks. Anybody got a yeehaw?
Fauci’s fingerprints are all over this pandemic and the lethality of the virus. BTW, Fauci promoted gain of function research into the Bird Flu too.
It is absolutely Twilight Zonally hilarious this motherfucker is on the White House Corona Virus Task Force Leadership Roster!
Just so you know, gain of function research is for the purpose of making virus’ more transmissible between species and among species and more lethal. That’s pretty much it.
Because of that stark reality, many many scientists strongly condemn and oppose this type of research, and it’s why such research has been stopped/banned in the past.
I know you don’t want to hear this, but you look like a real chump standing up there with Fauci, or you’re in on the gain of function research yourself.”
Yes, I’m irreverent but it’s the only antidote for me.

I see that you joined 8 days ago. It seems that you did not get the “actionable solution” memo about how we need to pursue sustainable community development outside of the matrix. We warmly welcome you to PP. A big purpose of the videos in my opinion is to help people understand just how bad things really are below the surface, so that they can desire and work on (begin to get serious about) their own actionable solutions. We welcome you as a new member here.
Many of us (most of us at PP until February) have been around this blogsite for years and have been working on “actionable solutions” for years. Some of us have already left our jobs in the big city, to pursue the “actionable solution” of resilience life by working on locavore.
I am one of those who have been working on actionable solutions since 2009 when I bought 50 copies of the crash course and distributed them to unbelieving and ungrateful other people, people who even now have to watch these kinds of videos to get up to speed and finally truly appreciate how far gone the system is.
Even us long term actionable solution folks want and need to learn just how breathtakingly corrupt the entire system is. This is because we need to find out (as shown in CM’s video) which swaths of the economy are totally corrupt and to avoid. (this is part of the “actionable solution.”) If the “unbelieving and ungrateful other people” who I tried to teach the actionable solution of unplugging from the matrix 11 years ago had this kind of informative analysis from CM as seen in the last video, they might have woken up earlier. CM still needs to make these videos, until everyone turns their backs on the elite and their dreamweavers.
During the last depression, my father survived by living on a farm with a cow and a garden plot. I strongly suggest that you find an actionable solution like that outside the reach of politicians and their elite managers ASAP. Consider joining a small rural agricultural island. It’s not too late.

OMG. It just gets worse and worse. I really appreciate the folks on this site. Some good news, I went shopping today and about 80-90% of the shoppers/employees were wearing masks, and about 30-40% were wearing gloves. Masks were both medical and home made. Most everyone tried to keep the 6 ft. distance.
Finally! We were wearing masks back in February! I was the first person I saw wearing a mask for several weeks. One guy at Lowes felt sorry for me and took special care to get me my stuff; I think he thought I was a nut job. One bailiff at the court house was really giving me the evil eye for wearing a mask and gloves at a mediation - about 2 days before they closed the courthouses. I had words with a lady at the check out because she told me the CDC said we shouldn’t wear masks, and that same day the CDC reversed positions!
We are so lucky Chris has nailed this from day one.

Dear j0equ1nn
We need to act of course. But some of the actions may necessarily be focused on avoiding things like this in the future for example what research to not fund, and what organizations should not be trusted to conduct that research. If Chris has his facts correct on the furin PRRA splice, then this episode is most important in this series. Even more, it should be watched by our representatives in DC so that we can protect ourselves from future occurrences. respectfully.

Abernier, Monsanto has a long sordid history. It was Monsanto that sold DDT as safe and effective. It was Monsanto that sold Agent Orange as safe and effective.
It was Monsanto that made a secret deal with the good state of Alabama, that it could dump it’s dioxins into a poor black neighborhood in Anniston - for years - and then settle up by paying some (reduced) damages for killing people in the neighborhood. Imagine the damages if the dumping had occurred in a gated golf course community? If ANYBODY else had dumped dioxins into a neighborhood, they would have been prosecuted as terrorists.
Monsanto has hired PR firms to destroy scientists’ lives, livelihoods, and reputations when it’s product(s) is at risk. Monsanto sells GMO seeds to big farmers, whose GMO crops then contaminate neighboring conventional/organic farmers, then Monsanto sues them for copyright/patent infringement. They send out goons to actually find contaminated crops so they can sue farmers. They have put OUT OF BUSINESS untold independent seed sorters, claiming patented seeds were being saved, because farmers are not allowed to save their seeds and replant from their GMO crops. It’s against the law.
A case study can be researched from this citation: Monsanto Canada Inc v Schmeiser 1 S.C.R. 902, 2004 SCC 34
Monsanto sued this second, third or fourth generation canola farmer in Canada because its seed had contaminated this guys crops(!), this poor guy had to destroy 50 years of seed development during or as a result of the litigation, he lost at the lower court level and had to appeal to the Canadian Supreme Court and won back on the issue of paying Monsanto’s attorney’s fees, he didn’t have do that after all, but he was financially destroyed.
Yeah, Monsanto, another rabbit hole.

Yes, this video has actionable information. I use the information from Chris to encourage people to wear a mask…hey it could be a bioweapon… I also use the information to let my representatives know I’m informed, I’m paying attention, and I don’t like what I see. I keep my adult children informed of what I learn on PP, so that they can keep themselves and my grandchildren safer.
Most of us here on PP have long ago learned how to grow food, planted fruit trees, diversified our incomes, saved in other than fiat currency, paid off some debts, developed deeper relationships, started talking to/enlightening people.
When I first joined PP, I started growing food and worked a Saturday Farmer’s Market for five years. Even though I had more gardening experience than the average person, there is still a huge learning curve! Every time a client came for an appointment (I’m a self employed attorney who works from home), I would ask them, Are you growing food? I was able to set somewhat of an example.
Fortunately for me, the people I shared with were mostly grateful and I found even uninformed/uneducated people had stocked up pantries, gardens, and friends.
We got out of the city 27 years ago, just had not developed the property for self sufficiency until I received all of this transformative information.
Motts is right.
Joe Quinn, if you don’t like the intel, go somewhere else.

Interesting perspective

The Chinese were speculating on this possibility 3 months ago. Here is an article from early February claiming:

--- The 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) was designed by the United States and planted in Wuhan, China by the American CIA to serve as a biological weapon meant to decouple the US-China economies; and to separate, segregate, and to isolate China from the rest of the world including closing of borders, severing supply chains and rerouting trade to bypass China with the purpose of weakening China from within and causing internal strife and sowing chaos and discord and also as a prelude to a US initiated fighting war against China in the South China Sea. The ultimate purpose is to protect and restore American hegemony (including protecting the US petrodollar hegemony against the rising Huawei-enabled Chinese blockchain-based digital Yuan and China's Belt and Road infrastructure and trade initiatives in Eurasia) and to collapse the Chinese government, to cut off China from global trade and international commerce and to force a regime change of China's government after defeating China in a devastating physical war. ---
  More at:   The article contains the original Chinese and an English translation. My wife, a Chinese native, says that the translation is accurate. There is no author listed, and when I first read it in February, I thought it was just CCP agitprop, put out by someone in the Chinese government to deflect blame from China. Now, after reading similar speculations, as in the article you posted, I’m not sure what to think. If true, there are some truly evil people in the US government. (and in all governments, but I guess we knew that already.)

Hey Granny, they mentioned this little factoid in the Big Short where Brad Pitt chews out those youngin’s for celebrating the 2008 crash (because they made an incredible fortune). True story.
The Big Short is a great film: funny and informative.

MCH, I spend most of time reading various sources of news that I have vetted for myself, and I often watch Chris’ videos on youtube and always read the comments section to try and get a feel/pulse of the public.
I am seeing quite a bit of public discourse blaming china, wanting china to pay, punishing china. Certainly many of those voices are probably trolls, but many of them sounded like ordinary people.
When there is a major financial disruption, war is usually in the wind. Maybe things get so bad we can’t even muster a war?
I hope Harry Dent is right and we are coming OUT of a war cycle and into a more peaceful cycle. Harry Dent is THE go to guy to learn about cycles, btw.

What Dr. Martenson has put together 3 days running is truly inspirational. He has encapsulated a large amount of raw data, synthesizing a tour de force review of how the research community in the U.S. and elsewhere has sold out every last Inhabitant of Planet Earth by unleashing a bioengineered global threat (unwittingly or not), covering it up at the highest levels (NIH), then marginalizing the most cost effective therapy HCQ.
Thank you, Chris.
Now how do we push back?

Annalisa Chiusolo shows how controversial drug hydroxychloroquine could make people immune to virus  

I’ve been reading some comments, why would “they” do this, whether or not it got out by “accident” or was released on purpose. In the last few days since watching Chris’s bombshell video, I read an online article that the pandemic is a 9/11 health event.
I started a list of possible why’s, and then I read your comment which included this:
“— The 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) was designed by the United States and planted in Wuhan, China by the American CIA to serve as a biological weapon meant to decouple the US-China economies; and to separate, segregate, and to isolate China from the rest of the world including closing of borders, severing supply chains and rerouting trade to bypass China with the purpose of weakening China from within and causing internal strife and sowing chaos and discord and also as a prelude to a US initiated fighting war against China in the South China Sea. The ultimate purpose is to protect and restore American hegemony (including protecting the US petrodollar hegemony against the rising Huawei-enabled Chinese blockchain-based digital Yuan and China’s Belt and Road infrastructure and trade initiatives in Eurasia) and to collapse the Chinese government, to cut off China from global trade and international commerce and to force a regime change of China’s government after defeating China in a devastating physical war. —”
After reading it, I looked at my list, and I thought it was along those lines:
Money. Power. Having a global pandemic preceding a push for war against China, the neocons can justify us going to war against those “demons”, look what they did to everybody and what it cost us… Completely burying the fact that they out-sourced the lab work to China. Control. Population control. Firing the first shot in a global war over diminishing resources, completely disregarding the fact that wars are very expensive financially and eats up lot of physical resources which we’re currently running out of. But a pandemic??? Geez… Different kind of war. Reminds me of Agent Orange and Vietnam. Bombs and Japan.
The neocons love war, they want America to be top dog again. They wanted to start a war over in the Middle East. BAD idea, all it would take is for a few ships or tankers to get bombed and the Straits would get blocked off, or Iran or Iraq could just blockade it themselves and a HUGE amout of oil would get removed from the global oil supply/market which is already in freefall.

This is an extensive article which has a considerable amount of info about the argument that SARS-CoV-2 came from a lab. What do you think?